SRS99D-S2 AM sniper rifle: Difference between revisions

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File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon.jpg|A design flaw with the SRS99D is that there is an ejected brass casing, but no ejection port, as seen in this shot. This would make cycling a gas-operated weapon impossible.
File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon.jpg|A design flaw with the SRS99D is that there is an ejected brass casing, but no ejection port, as seen in this shot. This would make cycling a gas-operated weapon impossible.
File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon 2.jpg|With its large size and caliber, the SRS99D's muzzle flash is tremendous.
File:Romeo Firefight Lost Platoon 2.jpg|With its large size and caliber, the SRS99D's muzzle flash is tremendous.
File:Nathan Fillion Scoped.jpg|[[Nathan Fillion]], a Halo 3 voice actor, wields a real-world replica of the SRS99D.
File:Sniper Rifle Reticle.svg|The aiming reticule of the SRS99D
File:Sniper Rifle Reticle.svg|The aiming reticule of the SRS99D
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