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The Seraph is the Covenant's main space attack fighter. It is somewhat tear-drop shaped, and is about 3 times the size and mass of the Banshee attack craft. It is armed with plasma cannons, and guided plasma torpedoes.

The '''''Seraph''-class starfighter''' is the [[Covenant]] Starfleet's main starfighter, and are hypothesized to be the Covenant's counterpart to the [[U.N.S.C.]] [[C709 Longsword starfighter]]. They are teardrop and piscine in form. They are stored in Covenant capital ships when they are not in battle or escorting a ship.   
The '''''Seraph''-class starfighter''' is the [[Covenant]] Starfleet's main starfighter, and are hypothesized to be the Covenant's counterpart to the [[U.N.S.C.]] [[C709 Longsword starfighter]]. They are teardrop and piscine in form. They are stored in Covenant capital ships when they are not in battle or escorting a ship.