Template:SO Episode List: Difference between revisions

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| style="background-color: #00BBDD; color: #ffffff;" | February 11th, 2013
| style="background-color: #00BBDD; color: #ffffff;" | February 11th, 2013
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#'''[[S1/Key/The Search for Halsey|The Search for Halsey]]''' - "''Jul 'Mdama has abducted Dr. Catherine Halsey. All fireteams dispatched to investigate her whereabouts.''"
#'''[[S1/Key/Clean Up|Clean Up]]''' - "''Fireteam Crimson dispatched to back up Boa Squad in holding UNSC base at Covenant Control.''"
#'''[[S1/Key/Science Mountain|Science Mountain]]''' - "''Spartans deployed to investigate Halsey transmission at Apex. Scorpion tank drop requested.''"
#'''[[S1/Key/Revenge|Revenge]]''' - "''Covenant detention facility targeted for shut down. Spartans on the ground to level structure.''"
#'''[[S1/Key/The Hammer|The Hammer]]''' - "''Numerous Covenant forces inbound on Lockup. UNSC ground teams are holding the area and request Spartan reinforcements.''"