The Maw: Difference between revisions

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

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'''CORTANA:''' "Alert! The Monitor has disabled all command access. We can't restart the countdown. The only remaining option is to detonate the ship's fusion reactors. That should do enough damage to destroy Halo. Don't worry, I have access to all of the reactor schematics and procedures. I'll walk you through it. First, we need to pull back the exhaust couplings. That will expose a shaft that leads to the primary fusion drive core."
'''CORTANA:''' "Alert! The Monitor has disabled all command access. We can't restart the countdown. The only remaining option is to detonate the ship's fusion reactors. That should do enough damage to destroy Halo. Don't worry, I have access to all of the reactor schematics and procedures. I'll walk you through it. First, we need to pull back the exhaust couplings. That will expose a shaft that leads to the primary fusion drive core."

''{Throughout this entire sequence, 343 GS mumbles a whole bundle of stuff at you. Here's what he's got on his mind}''
''{Throughout this entire sequence, 343 GS mumbles a whole bundle of stuff at you. Here's what he's got on his mind:}''

1. You would destroy this installation, as well as this fascinating record?
#You would destroy this installation, as well as this fascinating record?
#Do you require medical attention?  
2. Do you require medical attention?  
#Your behavior is not in accordance with established protocols.
#Oh, how touching.  
3. Your behavior is not in accordance with established protocols.
#Detaching the failsafe just now?  
#Please. Surrender the construct and I will endeavor to make the necessary repairs as  quickly as possible.
4. Oh, how touching.  
#The Flood continue to multiply, Reclaimer!
#Why do you continue to ignore your task?  
5. Detaching the failsafe just now?  
#Are you perhaps ill?  
#Why do you continue to resist us, Reclaimer?  
6. Please. Surrender the construct and I will endeavor to make the necessary repairs as  quickly as possible.
#This AI construct possesses far too much data.  
7. The Flood continue to multiply, Reclaimer!
8. Why do you continue to ignore your task?  
9. Are you perhaps ill?  
10.Why do you continue to resist us, Reclaimer?  
12.This AI construct possesses far too much data.  

''{When you open one of the manifolds}''
''{When you open one of the manifolds}''