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The M6C Magnum can kill any unshieled oponent in a single headshot. Although the Magnum is not all that effective alone, Dual Magnums are capible of killing Very fast, in multiplayer, Dual magnums can kill a spartan or an elite in 1.8 seconds. In campaign, the Magnum is very effective against most, if not all types of [[covenant]]. The M6C Magnum can kill [[Jackal]]s, [[Jackal Sniper]]s, [[Grunts]], [[Drones]], and a helmetless [[Brute]] in a single headshot! As mentioned above, dual magnums will tear down an [[Elite]] in a flash, this includes [[Zealots]], [[Spec Op Elite]]s, [[Major Elite]]s, [[Minor Elite]]s, and [[Honor Guard Elite]]s. Dual Magnums may also be the best weapon in the game against [[Zealot]]s. The Magnum also has a much faster melee attack than any other weapon in the game (equal to the sword and sniper rifle), therefor the player can beat down basiclly any enemy they incounter in both Multiplayer and Campaign. It is very easy to beat down all [[Covenant]] and all [[Flood forms]]. The Magnum can also kill a [[Flood]] combat form in a single shot to the tenticles coming out of the floods chest, and it can take down a [[flood]] Carrier form in just 2 shots. It will kill an infection form in a single shot also.
The M6C Magnum is still capable of killing fast alone, however wielding the Magnum alone is not as effective as wielding 2 Magnums. This weapon also has low damage per hit, although the very high rate of fire makes up for this. The Magnum also partially depends on the players abilitys to pull the triggers fast (although an average player can still kill very fast with this weapon). The Magnum is also not that effective against [[Hunter]]s, requireing multiple shots to the exposed orange flesh.

== Physical Description And Appearance ==
== Physical Description And Appearance ==