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John dealt with the painful freezer burn on his skin in silence as Thom led him through various tests to ensure his armor's health monitors, targeting and optical systems, and recharging [[energy shield]]s were all functioning correctly.<ref name="HTF1"/> The captain's voice soon came over a loudspeaker and ordered those in Cryo Two to send the Chief to the bridge immediately. Covenant boarders suddenly then burst in on [[Samuel Marcus]] in the observation deck above. John could only watch as the tech officer was killed. He followed Thom out of the bay into a corridor, but an explosion tore through a nearby door and instantly killed him as well. John doubled back to vault over a pair of power conduits, placing him in a maintenance hallway, and continued on that way. He was able to force open a partially melted door and duck under another that was only partially lowered as he followed signs pointing to the bridge at the fore of the ship. He ran right into a [[Sangheili]] [[Sangheili Minor|minor]] after emerging from a darkened access corridor, but a fireteam of [[marine]]s took it down for him before anything else could happen. John thanked the fireteam's squad leader for the assistance and sprinted the rest of the way from there. John found Keyes at the captain's station, where he was greeted by he and Cortana. Keyes admitted that despite Cortana's best efforts, they never really had a chance against the pursuing fleet. As such, he cited the Cole Protocol yet again and ordered John to take possession of Cortana in order to get her safely off of the ''Autumn''. John agreed to take her down to the alien ringworld, and thereby hopefully keeping her out of the hands of the Covenant. Once he had slotted Cortana's [[data crystal chip]] into his [[neural interface]] Keyes gave the Spartan his own [[M6D magnum]], seeing as the Spartan hadn't yet taken the time to acquire a weapon of his own. John saluted and left the bridge to find that the fighting between the naval and marine personnel and the Covenant boarders had spread dangerously close to the command deck. He paused to appropriate [[12.7×99mm Armor-Piercing|ammunition]] from a fallen ensign after closing her eyes where she lay. John's target was a [[Class-3 Bumblebee]] lifeboat in the cruiser's lifepod bays. The first Covenant opposition John encountered after arming himself took the form of three [[Unggoy]] which he eliminated easily.<ref name="HTF1"/>
John dealt with the painful freezer burn on his skin in silence as Thom led him through various tests to ensure his armor's health monitors, targeting and optical systems, and recharging [[energy shield]]s were all functioning correctly.<ref name="HTF1"/> The captain's voice soon came over a loudspeaker and ordered those in Cryo Two to send the Chief to the bridge immediately. Covenant boarders suddenly then burst in on [[Samuel Marcus]] in the observation deck above. John could only watch as the tech officer was killed. He followed Thom out of the bay into a corridor, but an explosion tore through a nearby door and instantly killed him as well. John doubled back to vault over a pair of power conduits, placing him in a maintenance hallway, and continued on that way. He was able to force open a partially melted door and duck under another that was only partially lowered as he followed signs pointing to the bridge at the fore of the ship. He ran right into a [[Sangheili]] [[Sangheili Minor|minor]] after emerging from a darkened access corridor, but a fireteam of [[marine]]s took it down for him before anything else could happen. John thanked the fireteam's squad leader for the assistance and sprinted the rest of the way from there. John found Keyes at the captain's station, where he was greeted by he and Cortana. Keyes admitted that despite Cortana's best efforts, they never really had a chance against the pursuing fleet. As such, he cited the Cole Protocol yet again and ordered John to take possession of Cortana in order to get her safely off of the ''Autumn''. John agreed to take her down to the alien ringworld, and thereby hopefully keeping her out of the hands of the Covenant. Once he had slotted Cortana's [[data crystal chip]] into his [[neural interface]] Keyes gave the Spartan his own [[M6D magnum]], seeing as the Spartan hadn't yet taken the time to acquire a weapon of his own. John saluted and left the bridge to find that the fighting between the naval and marine personnel and the Covenant boarders had spread dangerously close to the command deck. He paused to appropriate [[12.7×99mm Armor-Piercing|ammunition]] from a fallen ensign after closing her eyes where she lay. John's target was a [[Class-3 Bumblebee]] lifeboat in the cruiser's lifepod bays. The first Covenant opposition John encountered after arming himself took the form of three [[Unggoy]] which he eliminated easily.<ref name="HTF1"/>

John soon acquired an [[MA5B assault rifle]] with close to four hundred rounds of [[7.62x51mm|7.62mm]] armor-piercing ammo.<ref name="HTF1"/> After rescuing a group of marines in a galley, Cortana led him through a hatch and up one level, where he encountered [[Zuka 'Zamamee|a Sangheili]] [[Special Operations Officer]] leading a group of Unggoy.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> John tore through the Elite's shields with his MA5 and turned his attention to the Unggoy, thinking sure that he had killed [[Zuka 'Zamamee|the officer]].<ref name="HTF1"/> At Cortana's direction he continued through another hatch and up a flight of metal stairs. There John encountered Private [[O'Brien (Marine)|O'Brien]], whom he had helped rescue aboard [[Gamma Station]] and who was now wounded. John fought off three Sangheili and a [[Kig-Yar]] nearby and in doing so, gave the other [[marine]]s in the area the chance to launch a hastily organized counterattack. The Chief moved on once he was satisfied the area was reasonably secure, passing through another hatch and helping a pair of marines deal with a group of Unggoy. Cortana urged him to hurry, as the lifeboats were beginning to launch. John assured her he was trying to get to the launch bays as fast as he could. He was about to launch into a sprint when he was suddenly hit in the back by a bolt of [[plasma]]. John rolled with the blow and sprang to his feet to see an Unggoy that had dropped from an overhead maintenance way. John killed the stocky alien but was then set upon by a trio of others which followed it by dropping onto his shoulders. John shook them off before one could attach a primed [[Type-1 plasma grenade]] to him. Cortana yelled for him to get aboard the last lifeboat remaining, so he took off running after dealing with each of those that had ambushed him.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> Another marine charging to get aboard Bumblebee [[Lima Foxtrot Alpha 43]] fell on the deck but John scooped the man up and tossed him toward the pod before firing off some final shots with Keyes' magnum.<ref name="HFRE">''[[Halo: Fireteam Raven]]'', ''[[Escape]]''</ref> He then hefted the marine once more, this time sending him over the threshold of the Bumblebee before entering himself.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> John told the pilot to launch and so it immediately then blasted away from the ''Autumn'' to dive toward [[Installation 04|the ring]].<ref name="HTF1"/> A scared marine looked to the Master Chief for assurance that they would be okay and in response John offered a comforting hand on the man's shoulder.<ref name="HCETPOA"/>
John soon acquired an [[MA5B assault rifle]] with close to four hundred rounds of [[7.62x51mm|7.62mm]] armor-piercing ammo.<ref name="HTF1"/> After rescuing a group of marines in a galley, Cortana led him through a hatch and up one level, where he encountered [[Zuka 'Zamamee|a Sangheili]] [[Special Operations Officer]] leading a group of Unggoy.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> John tore through the Elite's shields with his MA5 and turned his attention to the Unggoy, thinking sure that he had killed [[Zuka 'Zamamee|the officer]].<ref name="HTF1"/> At Cortana's direction he continued through another hatch and up a flight of metal stairs. There John encountered Private [[O'Brien (Marine)|O'Brien]], whom he had helped rescue aboard [[Gamma Station]] and who was now wounded. John fought off three Sangheili and a [[Kig-Yar]] nearby and in doing so, gave the other [[marine]]s in the area the chance to launch a hastily organized counterattack. The Chief moved on once he was satisfied the area was reasonably secure, passing through another hatch and helping a pair of marines deal with a group of Unggoy. Cortana urged him to hurry, as the lifeboats were beginning to launch. John assured her he was trying to get to the launch bays as fast as he could. He was about to launch into a sprint when he was suddenly hit in the back by a bolt of [[plasma]]. John rolled with the blow and sprang to his feet to see an Unggoy that had dropped from an overhead maintenance way. John killed the stocky alien but was then set upon by a trio of others which followed it by dropping onto his shoulders. John shook them off before one could attach a primed [[Type-1 plasma grenade]] to him. Cortana yelled for him to get aboard the last lifeboat remaining, so he took off running after dealing with each of those that had ambushed him.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> Another marine charging to get aboard Bumblebee [[Lima Foxtrot Alpha 43]] fell on the deck but John scooped the man up and tossed him toward the pod before firing off some final shots with Keyes' magnum.<ref name="HFRE">''[[Halo: Fireteam Raven]]'', ''[[Escape (Halo: Fireteam Raven level)|Escape]]''</ref> He then hefted the marine once more, this time sending him over the threshold of the Bumblebee before entering himself.<ref name="HCETPOA"/><ref name="HTF1"/> John told the pilot to launch and so it immediately then blasted away from the ''Autumn'' to dive toward [[Installation 04|the ring]].<ref name="HTF1"/> A scared marine looked to the Master Chief for assurance that they would be okay and in response John offered a comforting hand on the man's shoulder.<ref name="HCETPOA"/>
