Artifact (Spartan Ops)/Hacksaw: Difference between revisions

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''A [[Sangheili Storm]] orders a [[Kig-Yar Sniper]] around. Scene switches to two marines in cover.''
*'''Marine''': "Infinity, this is Hacksaw. We're getting hit hard on all sides! We need reinforcements, ordnance-hell, I'd set up for a straight up evac right now!"
''A [[Sangheili Storm]] orders a [[Kig-Yar Sniper]] around. The Fortress is crawling with Covenant. Scene switches to two marines in cover.''
*'''Marine''': "Infinity! This is Hacksaw. We're getting hit hard on all sides! We need reinforcements, ordnance... hell, I'd settle for a straight-up evac right now!"

*'''Palmer''': "Man up, Hacksaw. Reinforcements inbound."
*'''Palmer''': "Man up, Hacksaw. Reinforcements inbound."
*'''Palmer''': "Crimson, it's a straightforward rescue op. If it's UNSC, save its ass. If it's a Covie, blast it to hell."
*'''Miller''': "Commander Palmer, I'm painting the locs of Marines calling for assistance."
''When the player approaches the near-left squad.''
*'''Marine''': "Hey! It's Spartans!"
*'''Marine''': "Oh, hell yeah!"
''When the player approaches the near-right squad.''
*'''Marine''': "There's our ride home, Marines!"
*'''Marine''': "Hell yes!"
''When the player approaches the far squad.''
*'''Marine''': "Look! Spartans! We're saved!"
''After the player kills the reinforcements.''
''After the player dispatches the Covenant attacking the first squad.''
*'''Miller''': "Heads up, drop pod incoming!"
''After the player kills the reinforcements.''
*'''Palmer''': "Nice work, Crimson. Hacksaw Team, you're under Spartan command for the duration. Fall in with Crimson and offer fire support."
*'''Marine''': "You got it, Commander!"
''After the player kills the second group of attackers.''
*'''Miller''': "Drop pod incoming!"
''After the player kills those reinforcements.''
*'''Miller''': "Hacksaw Group Two is clear, Commander."
*'''Palmer''': "Looking pretty good down there, Crimson. Keep it up."
*'''Palmer''': "Dalton, you there?"
*'''Dalton''': "Online, Commander."
*'''Palmer''': "Line up a ride for Crimson and friends."
*'''Dalton''': "Pelican will be inbound inside of ten, Commander."
''After the player kills the Covenant attacking the third squad.''
*'''Miller''': "Drop pods inbound, Commander."
''After the player rescues the third squad.''
*'''Miller''': "Covenant drop pods inbound!"
''After the player eliminates the last reinforcements.''
*'''Palmer''': "Excellent work."
*'''Miller''': "Watch out! Hostiles inbound! Phantom's transporting a Wraith, Commander."
*'''Palmer''': "Dalton, sitrep on that extraction team?"
*'''Dalton''': "Just need a place to land, Commander. But there is a lot of activity down there."
*'''Palmer''': "Crimson, clear the tower of any Covenant and give Dalton's people somewhere to park."
*'''Dalton''': "Look out, there's a Phantom headed your way!"
*'''Miller''': "Hostiles inbound, Crimson!"
*'''Miller''': "Phantom incoming!"
*'''Miller''': "Don't relax yet. You've got more hostiles heading your way."
*'''Palmer''': "Keep sharp, Crimson."
''After the player nearly clears the area.''
*'''Miller''': "Just a few Covenant remaining. Marking them for you."
''After the player kills them all.''
*'''Miller''': "All right Crimson. Your ride's inbound. Fall back to the LZ."
''When the player reaches the top of the tower.''
*'''Miller''': "Oh this is bad."
*'''Palmer''': "Spit it out, Miller."
*'''Miller''': "Phantoms. Multiple inbound on Crimson's position."
*'''Dalton''': "Multiple?"
*'''Palmer''': "Well that's hardly fair. They'll need way more than that if they're going to beat Crimson."
*'''Palmer''': "Ammo crates?"
*'''Dalton''': "Left over from earlier, Commander. Should be pretty well-stocked."
*'''Palmer''': "Ammo up, Crimson."
''After the player destroys the last Phantom.''

*'''Miller''': "That's all of the Phantoms, Commander!"
*'''Miller''': "That's all of the Phantoms, Commander!"
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*'''Miller''': "That's everyone. Crimson, you can head to the evac point."
*'''Miller''': "That's everyone. Crimson, you can head to the evac point."
''A pelican lands atop the tower.''

*'''Dalton''': "Pelican is on point and waiting, Commander."
*'''Dalton''': "Pelican is on point and waiting, Commander."
*'''Palmer''': "Understood, Dalton. Job's done, Crimson. Come on home."
