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Assault on the Control Room is a campaign level in Halo: Combat Evolved. Initially equipped with a M6D Pistol, an M5AB Assault Rifle and four Fragmentation Grenades, the Master Chief must battle his ways through rooms and open spaces filled with Covenant to reach Halo's Control Room. When he reaches the Control Room, Cortana sends him off to the starting swamp in 343 Guilty Spark to find Captain Keyes.

Usable Weapons

Drivable Vehicles



Part 01: I Would Have Been Your Daddy...

{fade in to the inside of a large Forerunner dome, pan down to a long shaft, a Grunt paces on an open platform}

{close up of the walking Grunt, other Grunts around him are asleep, he stops as he hears jets, he mutters something in Gruntese, yelps as a Pelican rises up, screams and runs towards the door}


Foehammer (radio): "This is as far as I can go."

Cortana (radio): "Roger that, we can find our way to the control center from here."

Foehammer (radio): "Good luck, Foehammer out."

{the Pelican lands, the Chief gets out}

(Once you clear the first of the circular rooms)

Cortana:The Covenant presence here is stronger than I anticipated. They seem to have the entire region secured.

(Once you reach the first bridge)

Cortana:"Interesting... the weather patterns here seem natural, not artificial. I wonder if the ring's environment systems are malfunctioning... or if the designers wanted the installation to have inclement weather. "

{a Pelican Dropship flies over the bridge. The covenant forces on the bridge open fire}

Marine 1 (Radio):"This is Fire Team Zulu requesting immediate assistance from any UNSC forces. Does anyone copy?"

Cortana:"I didn't think there were any human forces left on this part of the ring.... (Radio) Cortana to Fire Team Zulu, I read you. Fire Team Zulu, this is Cortana. Hold position. We're on our way."

Marine 1 (Radio):"Roger that. Make it quick."

{The Pelican descends to an area below the bridge}

(When you reach the bottom of the chasm and meet up with Fire Team Zulu)

{A large number of Covenant have three marines with an overturned warthog cornered. A wriath tank fires plasma mortars as Shade turrets and Ghost vehicles strafe the marines.}

Marine 2:"Glad you could join the party, Sir!"

(When you reach the second group of Marines fighting near the Scorpion and clear the area)

Marine 2:"Enemy forces eliminated. The area's secure."

Marine 3:"Aw, crap. Let's get the hell outta here, man! Somebody call the dropship!"

Sergeant Johnson:"You stow that garbage right NOW, mister. You're a Marine, so act like it, dammit. We've got a job to do."

CORTANA (Radio):"Negative, team. No evac available at this time. But the Chief and I could use some assistance."

Sergeant Johnson:"Okay, Marines. Time to pay back the Chief for pulling your sorry tails out of the fire."

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