Long Night of Solace (level): Difference between revisions

Line 93: Line 93:
*'''Catherine-B320''': "You don't even want to hear it?"
*'''Catherine-B320''': "You don't even want to hear it?"

8'''Carter-A259''': "...Fine. I'll hear it."
*'''Carter-A259''': "...Fine. I'll hear it."

*'''Catherine-B320''': "Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus . Seven hundred dead?"
*'''Catherine-B320''': "Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus . Seven hundred dead?"
Line 578: Line 578:
''The view changes back to the camera of nav beacon RA-15, which shows a massive slipspace rift opening near the supercarrier's midsection. The Corvette disappears instantaneously, and the Supercarrier is severed in two as its entire midsection disappears into the slipspace rift. A shockwave of ionizing radiation passes over the beacon, causing electronic interference with the camera.''
''The view changes back to the camera of nav beacon RA-15, which shows a massive slipspace rift opening near the supercarrier's midsection. The Corvette disappears instantaneously, and the Supercarrier is severed in two as its entire midsection disappears into the slipspace rift. A shockwave of ionizing radiation passes over the beacon, causing electronic interference with the camera.''

*'''NAV Beacon RA-15''' ''(on-screen)'': "SIGNAL LOST"
*'''NAV Beacon RA-15''' ''(on-screen)'': "'''SIGNAL LOST'''"

''A sudden rupturing noise is heard.''
''A sudden rupturing noise is heard.''
Line 588: Line 588:
''Dot switches to a new camera, which shows two Covenant ships in orbit.''
''Dot switches to a new camera, which shows two Covenant ships in orbit.''

*'''Auntie Dot (COM)''': "Slipspace rupture detected." (Repeated several more times)
*'''Auntie Dot (COM)''': "Slipspace rupture detected."
*'''Sergeant (COM)''': "Yeah, we're picking up anomalies too-

*'''Sergeant (COM)''': "Yeah we're picking up anomalies too-
*'''Auntie Dot (COM)''': "Slipspace rupture detected."

*'''Anchor 9 (COM)''': Are you reading this?"
*'''Anchor 9 (COM)''': Are you reading this?"

''More and more Covenant ships begin to show up.''
*'''Auntie Dot (COM)''': "Slipspace rupture detected."
''More and more Covenant ships drops out of slipspace.''

*'''Anchor 9 (COM)''': "Multiple Covenant signatures! Does anyone have a visual?"
*'''Anchor 9 (COM)''': "Multiple Covenant signatures! Does anyone have a visual?"
*'''Auntie Dot (COM)''': "Slipspace rupture detected."

*'''ATC 1 (COM)''': "They're everywhere!"
*'''ATC 1 (COM)''': "They're everywhere!"

*'''Satellite Camera''' ''(on-screen)'' : "SIGNAL LOST"
*'''Satellite Camera''' ''(on-screen)'' : "'''SIGNAL LOST'''"

*'''ATC 2 (COM)''': "Oh, this can't be happening!"
*'''ATC 2 (COM)''': "Oh, this can't be happening!"

'''Holland (COM)''': "Must be [[Fleet of Particular Justice|the whole damn Covenant fleet]]!"
*'''Holland (COM)''': "Must be [[Fleet of Particular Justice|the whole damn Covenant fleet]]!"

''Dot detects more and more slipspace ruptures. Screaming can be heard.''  
''Dot detects more and more slipspace ruptures. Screaming can be heard.''  
