IWHBYD skull (Halo 3): Difference between revisions

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

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#"Advance backwards!"
#"Advance backwards!"
#"Focus all fire on the demon!!!"
#"Focus all fire on the demon!!!"
#"WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS!" - A reference to the famous Queen song.
#"I can't run when I'm scared!" - When tryingg to flee or take cover.
#"We killed the demon? We'll be heroes!" - When player is killed.
#"You guys suck!" - When player kills a grunt.
#"I just wet myself"
#"Demon is going to eat me!" - When player runs toward grunt.
#"I'll flush them out" "It's your funeral" - When player takes cover.
#"My grubby claws will sting" - When fightin the player.
#"Devil in a big green suit!" - When fighting the Master chief.
#"He'll kill us! Snap off our arms and use them as Maracas!"
#"Sould we come out of cover" "Let's get out there!" "Don't run after them, it's got germs!" - When grunt takes cover.
#"We were... we were following orders!" - A panicking grunt.
#"YaHoo, I stuck him!"
#"Walk the path brother" - When a nearby grunt is killed.
#"Windbagging, sucking air monkey!" - When fighting player
#"He must have been real scared of me" - When player takes cover.
#"Told you. Chickens!" - When player hides.
#"Well... there goes stupid"
#"On birthday. Sit on Rukt. Remember to do"
#"The brutes are jerks! See? I said it!" - When grunt is panicking.
#"I'm not chasing it. It looks ferocious!" - When grunts takes cover.
#"Don't cower back there! Come and fight!" "Don't make the demon angry" - When player hides.
#"Meaty pussbags!" - When fighting player.
#"Oh brother" - When granade is thrown besides a grunt.
#"You giant bullying monster!" - When player kills a pack of grunts.
#"Always in the last place you look" - When a grunt missed a granade thrown.
#"No gas for you!" - When fighting player.
#"What a world!" - When grunts are killed.
#"Filthy heretic, unclean with the stupid!" - When fighting player.
#"Breath... Breath my gas. Take my gas."
#"Bet you all is gonna BLOW!" - When a granade is thrown.
#"Quick question. Have we ever wondered off, looking for the enemy and NOT ended up dead?" - When fighting player.
#"I get his helmet!" - When player is killed.
#"Merciful! *gibberish*" - When granade is thrown near grunt.
#"Feet don't fal me now!" - When grunt is fleeing.
#"Oh, have pitty demon"
#"Look at his globes!" "What am I supposed to say?" "Does he have different numbers of dots on his gloves?" "Then check his boots" - When Master Chief is spotted.
#"Yeah! ok, someone bring out the Fist of Rukt!" - When player is killed.
#"He's looking right at me!" - When player attacks.
#"Here's some candy!" - When a grunt throws a granade.
#"Death from the sky!" - When a granade is thrown.
#"The Demon is no match for me!" - When fighting the Master Chief.
#"The traitor must suffer!" - When fighting the Arbiter.
#"Ok genius. That's great! You go... and I'll wait to see where you die. And then I'll go somewhere else." - When player is spotted.
#"My beacon guides the journey." - Said by suicidal grunts.
#"Follow my light brothers!" - When going suicidal.
#"Our death is at hand."
#"Panic! Management is dissintegrated!" - When brute is killed.
#"Every man for himself!" - When brute leader is dead.
#"I'll chew your legs off traitor!" - When fighting the arbiter.
#"QUICK QUICK! Raise his visor and see if it's a man or laadyy." - When player is killed.
#"He was hiding under our grunty noses!" - When player is killed.
#"I didn't sign up for this." - When fighting player.
#"The Arbiter is not stopping!"
#"I'll climb right up you and snack on your face!" - When fighting the player.
#"Stay together teet team."
#"Has that ever happened when you're looking for something and then, ok you think "Ah, there's no way. That's not you" but that's you. Haha. I didn't even think, yeah. Oh that's right I have to kill you."

Revision as of 23:35, November 6, 2009


Were you looking for the Halo 2 version of the IWHBYD Skull?

"I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence."
Sergeant Johnson

File:Halo Rings.jpg
The Seven Rings you must jump through for the Skull.
John-117 with IWHBYD Skull.

In Halo 3, the IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy) Skull is located on the level The Covenant. To get this skull, you must start at the beginning of the mission, and be playing on the difficulty level of either Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.

The name of the skull is based on a statement, uttered by Sergeant Johnson in Halo: Combat Evolved (in the last level on Legendary difficulty): "I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence!" It is also the name of the first chapter of the campaign level Assault on the Control Room in Halo: Combat Evolved. Not only is the skull's name a reference to this line, but the skull's description reads "But a dog beat me over the Fence".


The IWHBYD Skull is located in The Covenant. To obtain the skull, start the level from the very beginning, and not from a Rally Point. When you reach the final scene, where the Prophet of Truth is planning on lighting the seven rings, proceed as you would normally: kill the Covenant, kill Truth, kill the Flood, but do not jump down the elevator shaft once you have finished that.

Once the bridge is devoid of enemies, you will have to jump through the seven holograms of the Halos in a specific order. When you have completed this, the IWHBYD Skull will appear at the beginning of the light bridge leading to Truth's podium. Note that you should not jump through the rings before Truth dies. Note you can work as a team in co-op (2-4 players) and work as a team to speed up the process. Just make sure you jump through the right rings, as it really speeds up things. Note: you can restart jumping through the rings without restarting the level over as long as you start from the beginning (eg: If you do 4.6.3 in accident, you can restart again)

The 7-ring sequence is as follows. Each number corresponds to the ring you must jump through; the ring at the elevator is 1, and the ring next to Truth is 7. The ring with red on it is 4. (Be aware that the order in which the rings are numbered for this sequence does not represent their actual installation number. In fact, the ring closest to the elevator is Installation 07.)

Sequence order: 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4.

Once you have completed the sequence, the skull will appear at the beginning of the light bridge leading to Truth's podium. If you are not sure you got it, then look at the rings when you complete the sequence; they will be blinking in sequence. The Halo theme will play as you get the skull. You must then finish the level, or the skull will not be saved to your profile and you will have to get it again. You do not have to hold the skull until the end of the mission.

Each of the holographic rings sound a different tone of the E Dorian scale when you stand near it. The sequence, if you pay attention, plays part of the Halo theme song. Also, the rings in the citadel are holographic projections of the 7 Halo installations, the fourth being the newly reconstructed (and unfinished) Installation 04, the incomplete areas indicated by the red-glowing sections.

NOTE: If the Above Sequence of 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4 does not work try, 1 3 4 6 7 5 4 6 5 4 5 3 4


The IWHBYD Skull causes rare dialog in the game to become commonplace. These lines are can be heard spoken by all talking AI, enemy or friendly. For example if in a group of two Brutes one is killed, the remaining Brute has a chance to say "You killed my lover!" This line can be heard without the skull on, but becomes much more likely to be spoken with it on. Here is a list of quotes from the respective races. However, there are many more quotes than what are being listed.


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Sergeant Johnson

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The Arbiter

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343 Guilty Spark

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  • The skull was intended to be the hardest skull to find. However, it was discovered very quickly after hackers looked in the games scripts.Template:Fact
  • If the sequence is performed correctly the rings will begin to blink in order from 7 to 1.
  • The further the skull is carried from the control panel, the brighter the rings will glow until the lights become blinding. It is assumed that the holograms would have also behaved in this manner if they were all activated.
