Phantom Flood whip: Difference between revisions

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The Phantom Flood Whip is a glitch on [[Halo: CE]].  To see this glitch, go on any level with [[Flood]] [[Combat Forms]].  When you see one, approach until it starts a melee attack.  As the being swings back, shoot off the arm/whip it would use.  Although the armwhip is gone, you can still be damaged as though it was still there. This is a difficult trick to pull off, as the attack is usually quick, but with quick timing and good aim, you will be able to do it.
The Phantom Flood Whip is a glitch on [[Halo: CE]].  To see this glitch, go on any level with [[Flood]] [[Combat Forms]].  When you see one, approach until it starts a melee attack.  As the being swings back, shoot off the arm/whip it would use.  Although the armwhip is gone, you can still be damaged as though it was still there. This is a difficult trick to pull off, as the attack is usually quick, but with quick timing and good aim, you will be able to do it.
[[Category: Glitches]]
[[Category: Glitches]]
