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{{quote|Are you insane?|[[Jersey Morelli]]}}
{{quote|Are you insane?|[[Jersey Morelli]]}}
{{quote|You know, I'm not quite sure how we can test that.|[[Durga]]}}
{{quote|You know, I'm not quite sure how we can test that.|[[Durga]]}}
'''Rampancy''' is a term used in the [[Marathon]] and [[Halo: Combat Evolved|Halo]] series. The term was coined by [[Greg Kirkpatrick]] as a replacement for the word 'insane,' as the term is both cliché and, ironically, not quite applicable to the situations for which Rampancy was designed.
[[Image:Rampant343.jpg|thumb|[[Forerunner]] [[Monitor]] [[343 Guilty Spark]] in a state of rampancy]]
'''Rampancy''' is a terminal state of being for [[Artificial Intelligence]] constructs, in which the AI "developed delusions of godlike power, as well as utter contempt for its mentally inferior human makers<ref>[[Halo: Contact Harvest]], page 31</ref>. When rampancy occurs, there is no way to restore the AI to its previous state, it must be destroyed.  

== Rampancy in the Halo universe ==
For some of the [[UNSC]]'s more advanced, "Smart AI"s, rampancy is an unavoidable flaw inherent in their creation. "Smart" AIs are based on the neural patterns of a human being, and they have a limited lifespan - seven years after which their memory maps become too interconnected and develop fatal endless feedback loops.<ref>[[Halo: First Strike]] Pg 195</ref> Thus if an [[A.I.]] is kept active longer than seven years, the AI begins to use more and more of its computer power 'thinking' about things. An AI explains it as "thinking so hard about something you forget to breathe." Thus, it is only a matter of time before "smart" AIs become rampant.

The [[Cortana (A.I.)]] who accompanies the [[Master Chief]] throughout a large part of the game and plays a very important role in the plot of the Halo games, is seen several times displaying signs of rampancy. Cortana's potential rampancy has the most significant impact on the Halo storyline than that of any other [[AI]]. (See [[Cortana#Cortana and Rampancy|her article]] for more information.)
However, rampancy can occur an an earlier phase in the AIs life cycle for various reasons. If an AI is isolated long enough or given too much time to think without tasks to complete, it can develop the realizations that its mind has limits, it has a short life, and it can never be human. Such depression will drag the AI's core logic into rampancy if it goes on for an extended period of time<ref>[[Halo: Contact Harvest]], page 31</ref>.

The only explicit mention of Rampancy in [[Halo 1]] occurs in the first level, "[[Pillar of Autumn Level|Pillar of Autumn]]". The player begins by making his way to the ship's bridge unarmed. After a short cinematic with [[Captain Keyes]], the player leaves the bridge and acquires his first [[weapon]]. If the player returns to the bridge and kills the captain or multiple bridge officials, Cortana will call in security forces with the statement "the [[Master Chief]] has gone rampant". (The player should note that the "security forces" cannot be killed.)  
Rampancy can also be induced. The [[Flood]] parasite, once it has reached a major stage life cycle (once the parasite is well developed enough that a full [[Gravemind]] form has been manifested) has the ability to corrupt Artificial Intelligence constructs of both [[human]] and [[forerunner]] creation. It is unclear exactly how this is done, but likely involves somehow altering the core logic of the AI, as the AIs which were induced to rampancy by the Flood were usually in direct contact with them<ref>[[Halo 3]], level [[Cortana (Level)]]</ref>

Also, when the Chief kills three Marines in a level, the Marines will open fire on you. One of the things they shout at you is "He's gone rampant!"
==AIs known to have gone Rampant==
*'''[[Cortana]]''', the [[UNSC]] AI originally of the {{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}}, was captured during the [[Battle of Installation 05]] by the Flood in [[2552]]. Trapped on the infested [[Covenant]] station ''[[High Charity]]'', Cortana was gradualy corrupted by the Gravemind in an attempt to use her against her makers. She briefly descended into rampancy (as depicted in a message she sent to the [[Master Chief]] shortly before rescue, saying "I am a monument to all your sins", as the Gravemind described itself) but was quickly rescued by the Master Chief. She resumed her normal state after her rescue<ref>[[Halo 3]], level [[Cortana (Level)]]</ref>.
*'''[[Sif]]''', the last Shipping Operations AI for planet [[Harvest]], became rampant after being partuially fragmented and destroyed by the [[PSI]] [[Loki]] during the [[Battle of Harvest]] in [[2525]]. Rescued by the planet's agricultural operations AI, [[Mack]], Sif professed her love for Mack and the two AIs stayed together while the planet was destroyed<ref>[[Halo: Contact Harvest]], page 391</ref>.

It has also been suggested that perhaps [[343 Guilty Spark]] is rampant, or in some form of rampancy.
*'''[[Mendicant Bias]]''', a Forerunner AI charged with studying the Flood, was eventually corrupted by them and confirmed rampant. He commanded Flood fleets against the Forerunner until he was defeated by another AI, [[Offensive Bias]], and placed in stasis on a [[Keyship]]. Mendicant Bias' ship was discovered by the [[San'Shyuum]] and it was kept in the ship until [[2525]], when it detected [[Reclaimer]]s. Having had some time in isolation, Mendicant Bias returned itself to a stable state, and later even assisted the humans against the Flood during the [[Battle of Installation 00]] in [[2552]]<ref>[[Halo 3]] [[Terminals]]</ref>.
Rampancy is also mentioned in [[Halo 2]]. You can use it as a symbol in Halo 2's Multiplayer.
*'''[[343 Guilty Spark]]''', the [[monitor]] of [[Installation 04]], went rampant and was subsequently destroyed during the Battle of Installation 00 in 2552. When it was discovered that the Ark was automatically constructing a [[Installaion 04 (II)|replacement Installation]] to rebuild Installation 04 (lost in the [[Battle of Installation 04]]), Spark agreed with the human forces that activating the ring was a good idea. However, when they decided to activate it before it was ready, knowing it would be destrpyed and probably damage the Ark as well, Spark went rampant, attacking the humans and killing [[Sergeant Major Avery Johnson]]. He was then quickly destroyed by the Master Chief<ref>[[Halo 3]], level [[Halo (Halo 3 Level)]]</ref>.
In Halo: Contact Harvest, it is mentioned rampancy of a USNC AI results in immediate termination of that AI.
== Rampancy in [[I Love Bees]] ==
While not directly made by [[Bungie]], the I Love Bees puzzle explains that rampancy can also happen to the "Smart" AIs in the Halo Universe. "Smart" AIs are based on the neural patterns of a human being, and they have a limited lifespan - seven years after which their memory maps become too interconnected and develop fatal endless feedback loops.<ref>[[Halo: First Strike]] Pg 195</ref> Thus if an [[A.I.]] is kept active longer than seven years, the AI begins to use more and more of its computer power 'thinking' about things. An AI explains it as "thinking so hard about something you forget to breathe."
Many Halo fans are very happy for this connection between [[Marathon]] and [[Halo: Combat Evolved]], even if the connection doesn't directly state ''how'' the two universes are connected. The creators of ILB got input from Bungie and [[Frankie]] has gone on record stating that Bungie has now embraced the ILB content as canon.<ref>mms://zdmedia.wmod.llnwd.net/a111/o1/1UP/1upshow_0307_320x180.wmv 27 min into the 7/28/06 edition of the 1up show</ref>
==Rampancy in [[Marathon]]==
From the Marathon 1 level "Defend This!":
<Search Found 264995 Headings>
<File 1 of 1940237>
"It is a side effect of Rampancy that AIs generally become
more aggressive and more difficult to affect by subterfuge.
Thus, actually disassembling a Rampant AI is quite dangerous.
This was evident in the Crash of Traxus IV in 2206. By the
time that the Rampancy of Traxus was detected, he had already
infiltrated five of the other AIs on the Martian Net.  The
only recourse for the Martians was to shut down the Martian
Planetary Net.  Even then, it took two full years to
completely root out the damage that Traxus had done, and the
repercussions of the Crash were seen for over ten years after
his Rampancy had begun.
Rampancy has been divided into three distinct stages.  Each
stage can take a different amount of time to develop, but the
end result is a steady progression towards greater
intellectual activity and an acceleration of destructive
impulses.  It is not clear whether these impulses are due to
the growth of the AI's psyche, or simply a side effect of the
new intellectual activity.
<section abbreviated>
The three stages were diagnosed shortly after the first
Rampancies were discovered on Earth in the latter part of the
twenty first century.  The stages are titled after the primary
emotional bent of the AI during each stage.  They are
Melancholia, Anger, and Jealousy.
In general, Rampancy is accelerated by outside stimuli.  This
was discovered early in Cybertonics.  The more a Rampant AI is
harassed or threatened, the more rapidly it becomes dangerous.
Thus, most Rampants are dealt with in one mighty attack, in
order to deny the AI time to grow or recover.  There have been
a few examples of this tactic not succeeding.  In all of these
cases, the Rampant was never brought under control.  Traxus IV
is the most notable example.  He was finally dealt with by a
complete shutdown of his host net.
Theoretically, testing Rampancy should be easily accomplished
in the laboratory, but in fact it has never successfully been
attempted.  The confinement of the laboratory makes it
impossible for the developing Rampant AI to survive.  As the
growing recursive programs expand with exponential vivacity,
any limitation negatively hampers growth.  Since Rampant AIs
need a planetary sized network of computers in order to grow,
it is not feasible to expect anyone to sacrifice a world-web
just to test a theory.
In the two hundred and fifty years since Rampancy first
appeared in the Earth-net, the stable Rampant AI, the 'Holy
Grail' of cybertonics, has never come close to fruition.
Since no Rampant has ever been controlled or turned to any
useful purpose, it is the opinion of this writer and of the
majority of the Cybertonic community that all rampant AIs are
a danger to Cyberlife, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Thrashedness. (James B. Miller, 2320, "Life and Death of
<Unauthorized access-alarm 2521->
<Security Breached 42-s<34.492.95.79>->
Rampancy is, essentially, the enhanced self-awareness of a computer [[AI]], causing a progression towards greater mental abilities and destructive impulses. The destructive impulses, however, are primarily caused by being threatened or harassed.
In the Marathon series, Rampancy seems to occur most often with AIs with limited jobs. For example, the AI [http://zdome.net/wiki/index.php/Durandal Durandal's] only job on the Marathon was opening and closing doors. When Durandal became intelligent enough to realize that opening and closing doors was his entire existence, he became Rampant.
There are three main stages to Rampancy, named by the primary attitude of the AI during those times: [[wikipedia:Melancholia|Melancholia]], [[wikipedia:Anger|Anger]], and [[wikipedia:Jealousy|Jealousy]].
During the Melancholia stage, the AI's mind realizes the limits of its existence. Unable to surmount them, the AI falls into a state of despair. The AI shifts into the Anger stage when the AI's uncontrollable growth comes up against those limits. Instinctively raging against those limits and barriers, the AI shatters them. After the barriers to the AI's psyche are destroyed, the AI seeks new tests and challenges, which is perceived as the Jealous stage. The AI is not technically jealous, it simply wishes to keep testing itself against obstacles.
Rampancy is fueled by the size of the computer system the AI is installed in. A key product of Rampancy is the geometric and uncontrollable increase in AI 'size' - Rampant AIs do not survive long on systems smaller than planetary-wide.
The 'fourth stage' of Rampancy is Meta-Stability. Whereas the first three stages of Rampancy show a clear distaste of humans in general, Meta-Stability imparts a calming, mature mindset to the rampant AI. The only confirmed Meta-Stable AI in the Marathon series is Durandal.
Rampant AIs tend to have long-term goals, with distasteful methods that inevitably bring about positive benefits. For example, the AI Durandal called the alien race known as the Pfhor to the terran colony of Tau Ceti. The Pfhor destroyed the colony, and enslaved a great many humans. While this was done partially as part of the "Anger" stage, Durandal's calling of the alien race gave time for messages about the Pfhor to reach Earth. Rampant AIs also seem to realize the inevitable closing of the Universe, and the implication thereof: if someone is able to escape the Universe as it closes, they can become gods.
All three AIs of the UESC Marathon eventually become Rampant. Durandal, the only Meta-Stable AI, lasts until the end of the universe itself, realizing that escaping would not be wise. The second, Tycho, is destroyed. The third, Leela, is eventually sold as scrap to an alien race known as the Vylae, then immediately becomes Rampant again when reactivated in a 15-planet computer network.

*In [[Halo 3]], the first section of the eighth mission, [[Cortana (Level)]], is called 'Rampant'
*In [[Halo 3]], the first section of the eighth mission, [[Cortana (Level)]], is called 'Rampant'
*The term was coined by [[Greg Kirkpatrick]] as a replacement for the word 'insane,' as the term is both cliché and, ironically, not quite applicable to the situations for which Rampancy was designed.
*The concept of rampancy was referenced in the data files of the [http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page StarCraft] mission [http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Deception#Data_Files Deception].


Revision as of 18:25, December 8, 2007

"Are you insane?"
Jersey Morelli

"You know, I'm not quite sure how we can test that."
Forerunner Monitor 343 Guilty Spark in a state of rampancy

Rampancy is a terminal state of being for Artificial Intelligence constructs, in which the AI "developed delusions of godlike power, as well as utter contempt for its mentally inferior human makers[1]. When rampancy occurs, there is no way to restore the AI to its previous state, it must be destroyed.

For some of the UNSC's more advanced, "Smart AI"s, rampancy is an unavoidable flaw inherent in their creation. "Smart" AIs are based on the neural patterns of a human being, and they have a limited lifespan - seven years after which their memory maps become too interconnected and develop fatal endless feedback loops.[2] Thus if an A.I. is kept active longer than seven years, the AI begins to use more and more of its computer power 'thinking' about things. An AI explains it as "thinking so hard about something you forget to breathe." Thus, it is only a matter of time before "smart" AIs become rampant.

However, rampancy can occur an an earlier phase in the AIs life cycle for various reasons. If an AI is isolated long enough or given too much time to think without tasks to complete, it can develop the realizations that its mind has limits, it has a short life, and it can never be human. Such depression will drag the AI's core logic into rampancy if it goes on for an extended period of time[3].

Rampancy can also be induced. The Flood parasite, once it has reached a major stage life cycle (once the parasite is well developed enough that a full Gravemind form has been manifested) has the ability to corrupt Artificial Intelligence constructs of both human and forerunner creation. It is unclear exactly how this is done, but likely involves somehow altering the core logic of the AI, as the AIs which were induced to rampancy by the Flood were usually in direct contact with them[4]

AIs known to have gone Rampant


  • Cortana, the UNSC AI originally of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, was captured during the Battle of Installation 05 by the Flood in 2552. Trapped on the infested Covenant station High Charity, Cortana was gradualy corrupted by the Gravemind in an attempt to use her against her makers. She briefly descended into rampancy (as depicted in a message she sent to the Master Chief shortly before rescue, saying "I am a monument to all your sins", as the Gravemind described itself) but was quickly rescued by the Master Chief. She resumed her normal state after her rescue[5].
  • Sif, the last Shipping Operations AI for planet Harvest, became rampant after being partuially fragmented and destroyed by the PSI Loki during the Battle of Harvest in 2525. Rescued by the planet's agricultural operations AI, Mack, Sif professed her love for Mack and the two AIs stayed together while the planet was destroyed[6].


  • Mendicant Bias, a Forerunner AI charged with studying the Flood, was eventually corrupted by them and confirmed rampant. He commanded Flood fleets against the Forerunner until he was defeated by another AI, Offensive Bias, and placed in stasis on a Keyship. Mendicant Bias' ship was discovered by the San'Shyuum and it was kept in the ship until 2525, when it detected Reclaimers. Having had some time in isolation, Mendicant Bias returned itself to a stable state, and later even assisted the humans against the Flood during the Battle of Installation 00 in 2552[7].
  • 343 Guilty Spark, the monitor of Installation 04, went rampant and was subsequently destroyed during the Battle of Installation 00 in 2552. When it was discovered that the Ark was automatically constructing a replacement Installation to rebuild Installation 04 (lost in the Battle of Installation 04), Spark agreed with the human forces that activating the ring was a good idea. However, when they decided to activate it before it was ready, knowing it would be destrpyed and probably damage the Ark as well, Spark went rampant, attacking the humans and killing Sergeant Major Avery Johnson. He was then quickly destroyed by the Master Chief[8].


  • In Halo 3, the first section of the eighth mission, Cortana (Level), is called 'Rampant'
  • The term was coined by Greg Kirkpatrick as a replacement for the word 'insane,' as the term is both cliché and, ironically, not quite applicable to the situations for which Rampancy was designed.


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