M1011 Moray space mine: Difference between revisions

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They are dropped from the bays of [[Longsword]] Interceptors to mine locations within space from incursion. They use both proximity and remote detonators and have very high explosive payloads.  This may not be a regulsr armmamet as the Master Chief noticed that the Cryo-Tube had been removed to make way for this.  During the Assult on Ascendant Justice these were used to destroy the ship's Searph Fighters making way for the Longsword to land on the Covenant ship.
They are dropped from the bays of [[Longsword]] Interceptors to mine locations within space from incursion. They use both proximity and remote detonators and have very high explosive payloads.  This may not be a regular armament as the Master Chief noticed that the Cryo-Tube had been removed to make way for this.  During the Assault on Ascendant Justice these were used to destroy the ship's Seraph Fighters making way for the Longsword to land on the Covenant ship.
