The Great Journey: Difference between revisions

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File:H2A-bogdan-marica-05-control-room.jpg|Concept art of Arbiter outside the Control Room.
File:H2A-bogdan-marica-05-control-room.jpg|Concept art of Arbiter outside the Control Room.
File:H2A Concept JourneyBridge.jpg|Concept art of the bridge.
File:H2A Concept JourneyBridge.jpg|Concept art of the bridge.
File:H2A CouncilorJailRoom Concept 1.jpg|Concept art of the Councilor prison.
File:H2A CouncilorJailRoom Concept 2.jpg|Concept art of the Councilor prison.
File:H2A TheGreatJourney BridgeBunker Concept.jpg|Concept art for the bunker in the interior bridge section of the level.
File:H2A - ScarabConcept.png|Concept art of the Scarab backing up the Arbiter.
File:H2A - ScarabConcept.png|Concept art of the Scarab backing up the Arbiter.
File:H2A_ControlRoom_Platform_Concept.jpg|Concept art for the spinning platform in the control room.
File:H2A_ControlRoom_Platform_Concept.jpg|Concept art for the spinning platform in the control room.