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Added Flood Units section from Awakening the Nightmare.
(Added Flood Units section from Awakening the Nightmare.)
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:I stand here as a guardian of that chaos. It is an uncomfortable truth. [2/2]
:I stand here as a guardian of that chaos. It is an uncomfortable truth. [2/2]

==Flood Units==
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:Underground lurkers.
:Bursters are carrier forms that erupt from the ground, simultaneously releasing
:their cache of parasites and spores.
:Bursters guard Flood blightlands, and will attack any interlopers within the
:parasite's twisted domain.
:The lost and the damned.
:Flood-infected sentients serve the parasite as tools and weapons while simpler
:creatures are twisted into foul abominations that seek only to devour and fuel
:the parasite's growth. There is no cure or treatment that can save these
:victims, and even death may not save their consciousness from being absorbed
:into the Flood collective for later use.
:Though their bodies are bent to the Flood's will, occasionally the victim can still
:whisper for mercy or cry out in pain from ruined lips and half-consumed throats.
:Or worse, the parasite will speak on their behalf, using stolen thoughts and
:memories as a psychological weapon.
:Most infantry and vehicles with a living crew who take lethal damage from
:Flood are converted into Infected units. Exceptions include non-organic units
:(Sentinels), Huragok living machines (Engineers), the enigmatic Lekgolo (Hunters),
:and Super units (who self-destruct when compromised). Heroes also ensure
:they are not taken by the Flood.
:Infected vehicles are hideously warped versions of their former selves, their
:crew having been converted into spore-packed pustules and mucus-like
:growths which hold the damaged vehicle together. Infected vehicles are weaker
:than their uninfected counterparts, but when they are destroyed infection
:forms have a chance of bursting from the wreckage.
:Infected infantry mutate into combat forms that retain the weaponry they had
:before conversion. Infected infantry gain a powerful tentacle-scythe melee
:attack and the ability to leap short distances.
===Pod Infectors===
:Once the parasite can establish a hive it can begin to produce massive numbers
:of infection forms that spread out in search of new sentients to infect, and
:non-sapient animals on which to feed. Both ground and airborne infection forms
:are used as living weapons, hurling themselves at the enemy to overwhelm
:defenses and assimilate the unprepared.
:Pods hurl themselves at infantry units, bursting and dealing damage. If Pods
:get the killing blow their victim becomes Infected and falls under Flood control.
:Though individually weak and easily killed, pod infectors strike in vast numbers
:and can move over cliffs.
:Incubation chambers.
:Non-sentient animals or corpses not harnessed for combat forms are seeded
:with Flood cells and transformed into infection form-filled sacs. These diseased
:growths are one of the most pernicious aspects of the Flood, and a single spore
:could potentially transform an entire planet's biosphere into quivering masses of:
:diseased mucus and bile if left unchecked.
:Blisters "hatch" infection forms when disturbed. Destroying them at a distance
:is almost always the best option.
===Seeder Infectors===
:Once the parasite can establish a hive it can begin to produce massive numbers
:of infection forms that spread out in search of new sentients to infect, and
:non-sapient animals on which to feed. Both ground and airborne infection forms
:are used as living weapons, hurling themselves at the enemy to overwhelm
:defenses and assimilate the unprepared.
:Seeders are lighter-than-air Flood units that swim through the sky and attack
:aerial units. If a Seeder gets the killing blow, the crew are overwhelmed and the
:aircraft becomes Infected. Seeders only infect aircraft, but will "spit" shards of
:bone at ground targets.
===Spore Mound===
:Infected wounds.
:Spore Mounds are an agglomeration of lesser Flood forms and secretions that
:conceal and protect the foul nests of the parasite. Though mere hills compared
:to what is to come, the Spore Mounds which have sprouted on the Ark and
:survived Sentinel cleansing efforts are incredibly dangerous.
:Spore Mounds act as an Abomination leader for nearby Flood, in addition to
:producing new units.
:Hive commanders.
:A massive key mind war-form, the Abomination brings order and direction to
:the lesser Flood, turning feral parasites into a cunning and efficient collective.
:An evolved form of the Juggernaut command form, these towering nightmares
:are used when standard hives cannot be established and the Flood must stay
:mobile to avoid detection and destruction.
:Abominations increase the speed and health of all nearby Flood units. As the
:parasite grows in strength, it will construct attack waves around these
:"generals". Blunting their onslaught requires making a difficult choice between
:attacking the Abomination or prioritizing the smaller, more immediate threats.
:Anti-vehicle war-forms.
:The Infester is a pure form that specializes in cracking open vehicles and
:converting their crew into Flood-controlled puppets. A purpose-built biological
:weapon, Infesters expend all of their energy on the attack, collapsing in a dying
:heap and spreading spores upon the completion of their singular task.
:The Infester is adapted to the task of countering and subverting armored
:vehicles used by the UNSC and Banished. Though they can attack infantry and
:structures with barbed tentacles, their goal is to hunt manned vehicles. When
:they detect mechanized prey, the Infester grabs onto it with their tentacles
:and bores into the hull to reach the crew. This process can be interrupted,
:similar to the Hijack ability. if the infestation is successful, however, the vehicle
:is infected and the Infester dies.
:Nightmare birthing chambers.
:Spawners are pure forms that gestate new infection forms in their diseased
:brood sacs, releasing swarms of new parasites. Spawners are an example of
:Flood adaptation, a war-form created specifically to counter the defensive
:measures of the Ark and Banished.
:Highly mobile and capable of independent action, these creatures venture out
:from High Charity to spread the Flood deep into nearby refugia. Most pockets of
:Flood infestation Spawners establish will be detected and quickly destroyed,
:but time and probability is on the parasite's side.
:The Spawner lurks at the rear of Flood assaults, spawning waves of infection
:forms. Spawners must be quickly dealt with, or they will continue to create
:Flood attack forces just outside the range of base defenses.
===Cocooned Bases===
:Fallen citadels.
:The parasite does not build what it can instead repurpose. UNSC and Banished
:bases within High Charity's blightlands have been converted into hives of the
:Flood. They are a hideous sight that barely resemble the structures they once
:were. There are no survivors or salvage worth recovering in these hideous
:warrens. These facilities' defenses are also not under Flood control.
:Cocooned Bases are a major threat and priority target, but are surrounded by
:blightland and located deep in Flood territory. They continually spawn Flood
:units until eliminated, and even when the base is destroyed there are hordes of
:twisted creatures who will pour out the wreckage. Regardless of the risks, the
:only way to deal with Flood-infested bases is to burn them to the ground,
:preferably from orbit. The base slot of the Cocooned Base is freed when the
:Flood buildings are razed.
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