Halo Wars 2 skulls: Difference between revisions

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'''How to unlock''': Destroy the Banished base.
'''How to unlock''': Destroy the Banished base.

'''Notes''': After building your base, begin building a large army of Hornets and Cyclops. Once you're set, head north, beyond Capture Node B, and you will find the Banished base. Do not capture any of the Capture Nodes until after destroying the base (just so that you are not running against the clock).
'''Notes''': After building your base, begin building a large army of Hornets and Cyclops. Once you're set, head north, beyond Capture Node B, and you will find the Banished base. Do not capture any of the Capture Nodes until after destroying the base (just so that you are not running against the clock). It is better to set up quickly since Banished could make it's first move to capture Node.

===Pain Train===
===Pain Train===
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'''How to unlock''': Don’t let any of the four prison squads die.  
'''How to unlock''': Don’t let any of the four prison squads die.  

'''Notes''': During this mission, Alice will be required to rescue four squads of prisoners, the first half of which are Hellbringers and the second half of which are Warthog Units and Cyclopses. Try to keep the Hellbringers in the rear while you focus on controlling/moving Alice throughout the mission. Once your entire squadron reaches the comms building, move your Hellbringers and Warthogs behind the building. Now move Alice and one Cyclops into one of the two garrisons in front of the building and move the other two Cyclops into the other garrison. Hold out like this until extraction arrives, making sure none of the Cyclops or Units behind the building die.
'''Notes''': During this mission, Alice will be required to rescue four squads of prisoners, the first half of which are Hellbringers and the second half of which are Warthog Units and Cyclopses. Try to keep the Hellbringers in the rear while you focus on controlling/moving Alice throughout the mission. Once your entire squadron reaches the comms building, move your Hellbringers and Warthogs behind the building. Now move Alice and one Cyclops into one of the two garrisons in front of the building and move the other two Cyclops into the other garrison. Hold out like this until extraction arrives, making sure none of the Cyclops or Units behind the building die. It is okay to lost few units but do not lose one whole squad.

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'''How to unlock''': Release all 10 UNSC Prisoners.
'''How to unlock''': Release all 10 UNSC Prisoners.

'''Notes''': You will find your first set of prisoners just north of the mission start. Then, after passing through the portal, you will need to head to the right-hand side of the valley to find three additional cells of prisoners. Make sure to rescue them before moving on with the Primary Objective.
'''Notes''': You will find your first set of prisoners just north of the mission start or after reunion with Douglas. Then, after passing through the portal, you will need to head to the right-hand side of the valley to find three additional cells of prisoners. Make sure to rescue them before moving on with the Primary Objective. Most prisoners holds Hellbringers and Cyclops.

===Total Annihilation===
===Total Annihilation===
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'''How to unlock''': Complete the mission without Spartan Alice being downed.
'''How to unlock''': Complete the mission without Spartan Alice being downed.

'''Notes''': The best method to employ for this task is to have Alice either hijack a Wraith on the beach or take control of the Scorpion tank on the beach (either works). Make sure Alice is your primary focus throughout the mission; heal her when needed and make sure she doesn't take the brunt of the enemy's attacks. When the Scarab shows up at the end of the mission, you should already have a sizable army of Scorpion tanks to accompany Alice in taking it down quickly.
'''Notes''': The best method to employ for this task is to have Alice either hijack a Wraith on the beach or take control of the Scorpion tank on the beach (either works). Make sure Alice is your primary focus throughout the mission; heal her when needed and make sure she doesn't take the brunt of the enemy's attacks. When the Scarab shows up at the end of the mission, you should already have a sizable army of Scorpion tanks to accompany Alice in taking it down quickly. It's better to have Nightingale accompany Alice most of the times to save the resources from using Restoration Drones.

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'''How to unlock''': Keep the barricades intact.
'''How to unlock''': Keep the barricades intact.

'''Notes''': In this mission, you will need to protect the western and eastern barricades; the former of which is just to the left of your base and the latter of which is a little southeast of your base. The best way to ensure they aren't overwhelmed and destroyed is to build one Anti-Infantry and one Anti-Vehicle turret at each barricade and then place at least three or four Hornets just ahead of the barricade as the "first line of defense." It's recommended to try doing this on a low difficulty, as the enemy forces become increasingly difficult to keep at bay past the fifteen minute mark.
'''Notes''': In this mission, you will need to protect the western and eastern barricades; the former of which is just to the left of your base and the latter of which is a little southeast of your base. The best way to ensure they aren't overwhelmed and destroyed is to build one Anti-Infantry and one Anti-Vehicle turret at each barricade and then place at least three or four Hornets and one Nightingale just ahead of the barricade as the "first line of defense." It's recommended to try doing this on a low difficulty, as the enemy forces become increasingly difficult to keep at bay past the fifteen minute mark.

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'''How to unlock''': Eliminate all three Brute Warlords.
'''How to unlock''': Eliminate all three Brute Warlords.

'''Notes''': You will come into contact with the first Warlord by moving your Units past the first base you build and down the ridge to the Banished's base. Provided you stick to the right-hand side of the valley/map once you are in Alice's segment of the mission, you will encounter the second Warlord on your way to the first Kodiak deployment position. The last Warlord can be confronted by continuing to travel north on this eastern edge of the valley; once you reach the second red energy barrier, he will attack you. While the Warlords have a large amount of health, they should be rather easy to kill with Sniper Units and your Spartans.
'''Notes''': You will come into contact with the first Warlord by moving your Units past the first base you build and down the ridge to the Banished's base during Jerome and Allieri's segment. Provided you stick to the right-hand side of the valley/map once you are in Alice's segment of the mission, you will encounter the second Warlord on your way to the first Kodiak deployment position. The last Warlord can be confronted by continuing to travel north on this eastern edge of the valley; once you reach the second red energy barrier, he will attack you. While the Warlords have a large amount of health, they should be rather easy to kill with Sniper Units and your Spartans.

===Wuv Woo===
===Wuv Woo===
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'''How to unlock''': Keep the scarabs health above 25%.
'''How to unlock''': Keep the scarabs health above 25%.

'''Notes''': If you are attempting to unlock the "Wav Woo" Skull in this mission, this will likely mean your Scarab should have no issue staying above 25% of its health. As mentioned, just take the mission and its objectives slowly and keep your Scarab at the rear.
'''Notes''': If you are attempting to unlock the "Wav Woo" Skull in this mission, this will likely mean your Scarab should have no issue staying above 25% of its health. As mentioned, just take the mission and its objectives slowly and keep your Scarab at the rear. It's possible to bring some Nightingales as an escort.

===After Party===
===After Party===
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'''How to unlock''': Rescue Bravo Base.
'''How to unlock''': Rescue Bravo Base.

'''Notes''': When the mission starts, you should notice a Power Node just ahead. Capture that Node and then Captain Cutter will inform you of Bravo Base; they are under attack and need your help. Move your Units to Bravo Base and repel the Banished's assault as quickly as possible.
'''Notes''': When the mission starts, you should notice a Power Node just ahead. Capture that Node and then Captain Cutter will inform you of Bravo Base; they are under attack and need your help. Move your Units to Bravo Base and repel the Banished's assault as quickly as possible. This can only be done once you repelled Retriever Sentinel on first attack.

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'''How to unlock''': Keep the Control Room Shield over 50%.
'''How to unlock''': Keep the Control Room Shield over 50%.

'''Notes''': Since you do not have access to base-building during this mission, you will need to rely on the Units that Captain Cutter periodically provides. To start, make sure to build and upgrades turrets around the edges of the central chamber. Focus on building Anti-Infantry and Anti-Vehicle turrets. Next, you'll want to make sure each of the four entryways of the chamber are appropriately defended. Split your focuses intelligently; you'll have access to Hellbringers, Snipers, Spartans, Nightingales, Warthogs, Wolverines, Scorpions...you name it. Spread them out evenly and make use of your Leader Powers as often as possible.
'''Notes''': Since you do not have access to base-building during this mission, you will need to rely on the Units that Captain Cutter periodically provides. To start, make sure to build and upgrades turrets around the edges of the central chamber. Focus on building Anti-Infantry and Anti-Vehicle turrets. Next, you'll want to make sure each of the four entryways of the chamber are appropriately defended. Split your focuses intelligently; you'll have access to Hellbringers, Snipers, Spartans, Nightingales, Warthogs, Wolverines, Scorpions...you name it. Spread them out evenly and make use of your Leader Powers as often as possible. Always drop ODST everytime leader power is ready since you get privilege on this mission with endless population to strengthen defenses further.

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'''How to unlock''': Kill the two Brute Warlords and stop their reinforcements.
'''How to unlock''': Kill the two Brute Warlords and stop their reinforcements.

'''Notes''': Halfway into the mission, you will be informed that Brute Warlords are converging on your position. They will both be displayed on your mini-map, but they don't necessarily storm your position; rather, they will remain far away, under the cover of the Fog of War, with their army of reinforcements. Once you have a sizable and formidable squadron of mixed units (Snipers, Spartans, Scorpions, Cyclopses, etc.), storm each Warlord's position to take them and their reinforcements out.  
'''Notes''': Beginning of the mission, you will be informed that Brute Warlords are converging on your position. They will both be displayed on your mini-map, but they don't necessarily storm your position; rather, they will remain far away, under the cover of the Fog of War, with their army of reinforcements. Once you have a sizable and formidable squadron of mixed units (Snipers, Spartans, Scorpions, Cyclopses, etc.), storm each Warlord's position to take them and their reinforcements out. If possible, you can also complete it within less than ten minutes after mission starts or first batch of reinforcements arrived (8 Marines and 8 Cyclops) since more time you take, the more time Banished's attack will be more heavier and less you have a chance to defeat Warlords.

