Osiris (level): Difference between revisions

Decided to cut these out because they're unnecessary, especially since on co-op you hear them up close so there's no need to have only Locke's as normal.
No edit summary
(Decided to cut these out because they're unnecessary, especially since on co-op you hear them up close so there's no need to have only Locke's as normal.)
Line 134: Line 134:
''The Spartans pass the crashed ship, "flying" close along the mountain slope. Thrusters on their suits control their fall.''
''The Spartans pass the crashed ship, "flying" close along the mountain slope. Thrusters on their suits control their fall.''

*'''Locke (COM)''': "Weapons free!"
*'''Locke''': "Weapons free!"

''The Spartans orient themselves feet first to land.''
''The Spartans orient themselves feet first to land.''

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Contact!"
*'''Buck''': "Contact!"

''The Spartans tuck and roll upon hitting the ground, propelling their freefall momentum forward. They rush down a mountain slope into a snowy valley filled with Covenant infantry and vehicles.''
''The Spartans tuck and roll upon hitting the ground, propelling their freefall momentum forward. They rush down a mountain slope into a snowy valley filled with Covenant infantry and vehicles.''
Line 156: Line 156:
''A Phantom, the one carrying Vale, flies low and crashes into a Phaeton, wrecking both vehicles and killing the remaining Zealot onboard. Vale jumps out and uses her SMG to finish off a Soldier. It disintegrates into orange and grey ash.''
''A Phantom, the one carrying Vale, flies low and crashes into a Phaeton, wrecking both vehicles and killing the remaining Zealot onboard. Vale jumps out and uses her SMG to finish off a Soldier. It disintegrates into orange and grey ash.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Heads up!"
*'''Vale''': "Heads up!"

''The four turn to face behind them, seeing one of the Covenant corvettes crashing at the peak of the valley they're in. It hits the ground and begins sliding toward them, bringing an avalanche with it.''
''The four turn to face behind them, seeing one of the Covenant corvettes crashing at the peak of the valley they're in. It hits the ground and begins sliding toward them, bringing an avalanche with it.''
Line 168: Line 168:
''Cut to Locke's point-of-view, as he and Osiris slide down the cliff, which leads to a small canyon with Covenant below. Buck lunges at a Sangheili Storm, knocking it over and flinging its energy sword to Locke's hand. Another Storm roars and attacks Locke, but the Spartans stabs the sword in its throat. Vale kills a third Elite to his left, but there are still plenty of Covenant ahead of them.''
''Cut to Locke's point-of-view, as he and Osiris slide down the cliff, which leads to a small canyon with Covenant below. Buck lunges at a Sangheili Storm, knocking it over and flinging its energy sword to Locke's hand. Another Storm roars and attacks Locke, but the Spartans stabs the sword in its throat. Vale kills a third Elite to his left, but there are still plenty of Covenant ahead of them.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Incoming!"
*'''Tanaka''': "Incoming!"

''Locke looks up to see a fragment of the blockade runner falling and crashing into the ground, its impact killing almost all the Covenant there. Only a weakened [[Sangheili Commander|Commander]], [[Sangheili Storm]], and [[Unggoy Imperial]] are left, who die shortly thereafter.''
''Locke looks up to see a fragment of the blockade runner falling and crashing into the ground, its impact killing almost all the Covenant there. Only a weakened [[Sangheili Commander|Commander]], [[Sangheili Storm]], and [[Unggoy Imperial]] are left, who die shortly thereafter.''
Line 174: Line 174:

*'''Buck (COM)''': "We could've taken 'em."
*'''Buck''': "We could've taken 'em."

*'''Locke''': "Let's move. Vale, keep an ear on comms."
*'''Locke''': "Let's move. Vale, keep an ear on comms."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Affirmative."
*'''Vale''': "Affirmative."

*'''Locke''': "Buck, Tanaka, pull security."
*'''Locke''': "Buck, Tanaka, pull security."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "On it."
*'''Tanaka''': "On it."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Aye."
*'''Buck''': "Aye."

''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Halsey and Jul aren't just going to wait around for us. Maybe we should get a move on.''
*'''Buck''': "Halsey and Jul aren't just going to wait around for us. Maybe we should get a move on.''

''The team leaves the crashsite and travel along an icy path. It overlooks a valley where Phantoms and Covenant ships fight Promethean forces.''
''The team leaves the crashsite and travel along an icy path. It overlooks a valley where Phantoms and Covenant ships fight Promethean forces.''
Line 194: Line 194:
*'''Locke''': "Halsey and 'Mdama are holed up inside a Forerunner structure ahead. That's our target."
*'''Locke''': "Halsey and 'Mdama are holed up inside a Forerunner structure ahead. That's our target."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "So Halsey called us."
*'''Vale''': "So Halsey called us."

*'''Locke''': "She said there was something big out there, and gave Captain Lasky coordinates to find her."
*'''Locke''': "She said there was something big out there, and gave Captain Lasky coordinates to find her."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "There must be something big."
*'''Vale''': "There must be something big."

*''' Buck (COM)''': "Or one hell of a trap."
*''' Buck''': "Or one hell of a trap."

''The Spartans come to a site where Covenant infantry try to hold off attacking [[Promethean Crawler]]s. A Crawler lunges at a Jackal, who knocks it aside with its shield.''
''The Spartans come to a site where Covenant infantry try to hold off attacking [[Promethean Crawler]]s. A Crawler lunges at a Jackal, who knocks it aside with its shield.''
Line 208: Line 208:
''The Spartans kill all the Covenant and Prometheans.''
''The Spartans kill all the Covenant and Prometheans.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "All clear."
*'''Vale''': "All clear."

*'''Locke''': "Move on toward Halsey's position."
*'''Locke''': "Move on toward Halsey's position."
Line 214: Line 214:
''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Gotta respect the [[Forerunner]] [[Builder]]s. They made things to last."
*'''Tanaka''': "Gotta respect the [[Forerunner]] [[Builder]]s. They made things to last."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "And shoved it in every corner of everything. Can't land on a planet without tripping over something they left behind."
*'''Buck''': "And shoved it in every corner of everything. Can't land on a planet without tripping over something they left behind."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "The rate of discoveries has been stepping up lately. Have you noticed that? Ever since [[Requiem]]."
*'''Vale''': "The rate of discoveries has been stepping up lately. Have you noticed that? Ever since [[Requiem]]."

''If the player stalls further.''
''If the player stalls further.''
Line 234: Line 234:

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Soldier just teleported through that ice wall. It's cracked. We can charge through."
*'''Tanaka''': "Soldier just teleported through that ice wall. It's cracked. We can charge through."

''Locke gets [[Sprint|a running start]] and [[Spartan_abilities#Spartan_Charge|smashes through the ice]]. His fireteam follows and they engage the Soldiers.''
''Locke gets [[Sprint|a running start]] and [[Spartan_abilities#Spartan_Charge|smashes through the ice]]. His fireteam follows and they engage the Soldiers.''
Line 242: Line 242:
*'''Locke''': "Promethean! All sides."
*'''Locke''': "Promethean! All sides."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "We could push right up the middle, but that'd be rough. Might want to consider flanking them."
*'''Buck''': "We could push right up the middle, but that'd be rough. Might want to consider flanking them."

*'''Locke''': "Move smart. Fire with a purpose."
*'''Locke''': "Move smart. Fire with a purpose."
Line 250: Line 250:
*'''Locke''': "Area's clear. Move on. Good work everyone."
*'''Locke''': "Area's clear. Move on. Good work everyone."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "I noticed in the briefing Dr. Halsey lost her left arm. When did that happen?"
*'''Vale''': "I noticed in the briefing Dr. Halsey lost her left arm. When did that happen?"

*'''Locke''': "Jul did it. No idea when or why."
*'''Locke''': "Jul did it. No idea when or why."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Reckon it wasn't an argument, or he'd have cut off her head instead of her arm."
*'''Tanaka''': "Reckon it wasn't an argument, or he'd have cut off her head instead of her arm."

''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Locke, listen to this."
*'''Vale''': "Locke, listen to this."

''A transmission appears on their HUDs, marked "intercepted".''
''A transmission appears on their HUDs, marked "intercepted".''
Line 264: Line 264:
*'''Elite (COM)''':  (''speaking [[Sangheili (language)|Sangheili]]'')
*'''Elite (COM)''':  (''speaking [[Sangheili (language)|Sangheili]]'')

*'''Vale (COM)''': (''translating'') "I never believed 'Mdama had as much control over these Prometheans as he claimed. He claws at whatever advantage presents itself. We will see if this mission bears any fruit or whether it becomes yet another in his long list of failures."
*'''Vale''': (''translating'') "I never believed 'Mdama had as much control over these Prometheans as he claimed. He claws at whatever advantage presents itself. We will see if this mission bears any fruit or whether it becomes yet another in his long list of failures."

''If the player stalls further.''
''If the player stalls further.''
Line 274: Line 274:
*'''Locke''': "Systems analyzed. Looks like there's an override switch near the top of the room."
*'''Locke''': "Systems analyzed. Looks like there's an override switch near the top of the room."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "The door's sealed tight."
*'''Buck''': "The door's sealed tight."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Forerunner security station. Must be in lockdown."
*'''Tanaka''': "Forerunner security station. Must be in lockdown."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Any way to lift it?"
*'''Buck''': "Any way to lift it?"

*'''Locke''': "The Artemis can analyze Forerunner systems. Might be a way to override this door."
*'''Locke''': "The Artemis can analyze Forerunner systems. Might be a way to override this door."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "This Artemis thing one of your old ONI toys?"
*'''Tanaka''': "This Artemis thing one of your old ONI toys?"

*'''Locke''': "Similar. I convinced Commander Palmer to outfit us with prototypes."
*'''Locke''': "Similar. I convinced Commander Palmer to outfit us with prototypes."
Line 288: Line 288:
''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "See anything on the Artemis?"
*'''Vale''': "See anything on the Artemis?"

''If the player stalls further.''
''If the player stalls further.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Artemis showing anything?"
*'''Tanaka''': "Artemis showing anything?"

''Locke climbs up to a floating structure and activates his Artemis scanning system.''
''Locke climbs up to a floating structure and activates his Artemis scanning system.''
Line 302: Line 302:
*'''Locke''': "The door's open."
*'''Locke''': "The door's open."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "The Artemis did the trick."
*'''Tanaka''': "The Artemis did the trick."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Locke, listen to this."
*'''Vale''': "Locke, listen to this."

''If the player heard the previous Elite's transmission.''
''If the player heard the previous Elite's transmission.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Another transmission."
*'''Vale''': "Another transmission."

*'''Jul 'Mdama''': (''speaking Sangheili'')
*'''Jul 'Mdama (COM)''': (''speaking Sangheili'')

*'''Vale (COM)''': (''translating'') "They're assaulting the back of the temple. Bring in the Kraken."
*'''Vale''': (''translating'') "They're assaulting the back of the temple. Bring in the Kraken."

''An enormous mechanical leg passes over a hole in the cave's wall.''
''An enormous mechanical leg passes over a hole in the cave's wall.''
Line 318: Line 318:
*'''Locke''': "Kraken sighted!"
*'''Locke''': "Kraken sighted!"

*'''Jul 'Mdama''': (''speaking Sangheili'')
*'''Jul 'Mdama (COM)''': (''speaking Sangheili'')

*'''Vale (COM)''': ""Hold position. Buy more time." Jul's getting desperate."
*'''Vale''': ""Hold position. Buy more time." Jul's getting desperate."

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "How'd you learn to speak Sangheili, Vale?"
*'''Tanaka''': "How'd you learn to speak Sangheili, Vale?"

*'''Vale (COM)''': "When I was a kid, I was stuck on a diplomatic shuttle adrift in deep space for six months. My options were be real bored or spend the time getting smart."
*'''Vale''': "When I was a kid, I was stuck on a diplomatic shuttle adrift in deep space for six months. My options were be real bored or spend the time getting smart."

''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''
Line 336: Line 336:

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Entrance to the temple is on the other side of this battlefield."
*'''Buck''': "Entrance to the temple is on the other side of this battlefield."

''The Kraken is nearby, firing down with its turrets while Prometheans in the distance attack it.''
''The Kraken is nearby, firing down with its turrets while Prometheans in the distance attack it.''
Line 342: Line 342:
*'''Locke''': "Watch out for the Kraken! The Covenant are trying to use it to break the Promethean lines!"
*'''Locke''': "Watch out for the Kraken! The Covenant are trying to use it to break the Promethean lines!"

*'''Buck (COM)''': "I'd rather not get stuck between them!"
*'''Buck''': "I'd rather not get stuck between them!"

''A [[Sangheili Warrior]] leads the Covenant infantry.''
''A [[Sangheili Warrior]] leads the Covenant infantry.''
Line 350: Line 350:
''Osiris kill numerous Covenant and Prometheans and advance up the hill. More Soldiers hold position near a temple entrance. The Kraken rumbles and begins to march away.''
''Osiris kill numerous Covenant and Prometheans and advance up the hill. More Soldiers hold position near a temple entrance. The Kraken rumbles and begins to march away.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Kraken is falling back! Forerunner defenses were too much for it!"
*'''Vale''': "Kraken is falling back! Forerunner defenses were too much for it!"

''With the Kraken gone, Osiris eliminates the remaining Prometheans guarding the temple.''
''With the Kraken gone, Osiris eliminates the remaining Prometheans guarding the temple.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Area's clear."
*'''Tanaka''': "Area's clear."

*'''Locke''': "Halsey and 'Mdama are somewhere inside that structure. We do this right, we bring our target home and end the Covenant in one move."
*'''Locke''': "Halsey and 'Mdama are somewhere inside that structure. We do this right, we bring our target home and end the Covenant in one move."
Line 360: Line 360:
''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "We know so little about Forerunner civilization. Halsey's obsession with them almost makes sense to me."
*'''Vale''': "We know so little about Forerunner civilization. Halsey's obsession with them almost makes sense to me."

''If the player stalls further.''
''If the player stalls further.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Should move into the temple. Halsey could take flight at any time."
*'''Tanaka''': "Should move into the temple. Halsey could take flight at any time."

''The Spartans enter the temple and head up a hallway to its interior.''
''The Spartans enter the temple and head up a hallway to its interior.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Must've dealt a blow to 'Mdama's authority when the Prometheans turned on him. Gained a lot of followers styling himself as a Forerunner prophet."
*'''Tanaka''': "Must've dealt a blow to 'Mdama's authority when the Prometheans turned on him. Gained a lot of followers styling himself as a Forerunner prophet."

*'''Locke''': "Jul 'Mdama is an opportunist, not a leader. It was only a matter of time before his version of the Covenant started to break."
*'''Locke''': "Jul 'Mdama is an opportunist, not a leader. It was only a matter of time before his version of the Covenant started to break."

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Well it could stand to break a little faster if you ask me."
*'''Buck''': "Well it could stand to break a little faster if you ask me."

*'''Locke''': "We're close to Halsey's position."
*'''Locke''': "We're close to Halsey's position."
Line 382: Line 382:
*'''Locke''': "Knights!"
*'''Locke''': "Knights!"

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "New kind too. Like they reported on [[Oban]]."
*'''Tanaka''': "New kind too. Like they reported on [[Oban]]."

*'''Locke''': "Concentrate fire on the broken armor."
*'''Locke''': "Concentrate fire on the broken armor."
Line 392: Line 392:
''If the player stalls in killing the Knights.''
''If the player stalls in killing the Knights.''

*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "That glowing point on its back? That's a weakpoint."
*'''Tanaka''': "That glowing point on its back? It's vulnerable."

''The Spartans kill everything and empty the room.''
''The Spartans kill everything and empty the room.''

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Alright, danger is clear."
*'''Buck''': "Alright, danger is clear."

*'''Locke''': "We move on Halsey and Jul."
*'''Locke''': "We move on Halsey and Jul."
Line 402: Line 402:
''If the player stalls.''
''If the player stalls.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Halsey's just through that door. We should move."
*'''Vale''': "Halsey's just through that door. We should move."

''Osiris approaches the exit door. Fade to black.''
''Osiris approaches the exit door. Fade to black.''
Line 487: Line 487:
*Two [[Z-180 Scattershot#Loathsome Thing|Loathsome Thing]] scattershots can be found on ledges by where the [[Kraken]] is first sighted. One is on the left and another is on the right.
*Two [[Z-180 Scattershot#Loathsome Thing|Loathsome Thing]] scattershots can be found on ledges by where the [[Kraken]] is first sighted. One is on the left and another is on the right.
*The achievement [[Enemy of my Enemy]] can be earned during the hill the Kraken is assaulting. Doing so turns the [[Sangheili Warrior]] leading a [[lance]] of Covenant from an enemy to an ally.
*The achievement [[Enemy of my Enemy]] can be earned during the hill the Kraken is assaulting. Doing so turns the [[Sangheili Warrior]] leading a [[lance]] of Covenant from an enemy to an ally.
*[[Seven]] hidden [[combat knife|knives]] can be found on the level on Legendary. Shooting the first one will turn many of the weapon caches from Forerunner weapons to human ones. Shooting all seven of them will reveal a hidden boss fight in the final temple room, summoning the [[Warden Eternal]] and an oversized Promethean Knight but granting the player [[active camouflage]] and the [[Prophet's Bane]].
*[[Seven]] hidden [[combat knife|knives]] can be found [[Flaming Knives on Osiris|on the level on Legendary]]. Shooting the first one will turn many of the weapon caches from Forerunner weapons to human ones. Shooting all seven of them will reveal a hidden boss fight in the final temple room, summoning the [[Warden Eternal]] and an oversized Promethean Knight but granting the player [[active camouflage]] and the [[Prophet's Bane]].

