Halo 5: Guardians Opening Cinematic: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Halo5_Logo_onLight_CMYK_Final.jpg|center|400px|link=Halo 5: Guardians]]
[[File:Halo5_Logo_onLight_CMYK_Final.jpg|center|400px|link=Halo 5: Guardians]]

''Open to the four Spartans in free fall.''
''Open to the four Spartans in free fall. Covenant starships are massed beneath, engaged in battle. The Spartans zoom through the fleet, passing enormous cruisers and aiming for the mountain range below.''

*'''Locke (COM)''': "Comms check."

*'''Locke (COM)''': "Comms check."
''A fighter explodes near Locke, who narrowly dodges it.''

*'''Tanaka (COM):''' "Comms working fine, Locke."
*'''Tanaka (COM):''' "Comms working fine, Locke."

*'''Locke (COM)''': "Copy that, Tanaka."
*'''Locke (COM)''': "Copy that, Tanaka."
''A damaged vessel crashes into a mountain peak and shatters.''

*'''Buck (COM)''' "Spartan Buck online and ready."
*'''Buck (COM)''' "Spartan Buck online and ready."

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Spartan Vale online!"
*'''Vale (COM)''': "Spartan Vale online!"
''The Spartans pass the crashed ship, "flying" close along the mountain slope. Thrusters on their suits control their fall.''

*'''Locke (COM)''': "Weapons free!"
*'''Locke (COM)''': "Weapons free!"
''The Spartans orient themselves feet first to land.''

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Contact!"
*'''Buck (COM)''': "Contact!"
''The Spartans tuck and roll upon hitting the ground, propelling their freefall momentum forward. They rush down a mountain slope into a snowy valley filled with Covenant infantry and vehicles.''
''Buck and Vale fire into a [[Sangheili Zealot]] and [[Unggoy Storm]] with their [[M45 Tactical Shotgun#M45D Tactical Shotgun|shotgun]] and [[MA5D assault rifle|assault rifle]], while Locke leaps ahead and [[Spartan abilities#Ground Pound|ground pounds]] a [[Type-26 Wraith|Wraith]] and two more Zealots, overturning it and stunning the Elites. Buck and Vale finish them off while Locke lands and takes out a Grunt with a Needler.''
''Buck and Tanaka leap into the air and perform two ground pounds, blasting away more Covenant. Tanaka charges at an Elite and Jackal, smashing them both through a boulder, which shatters upon impact.''
''Locke shoots away a Jackal while Tanaka fires her [[M7 SMG|SMG]], jumping onto and over a Wraith. Her teammates join her in picking off Covenant, some chasing them in floating vehicles. A [[Type-52 Phantom|Phantom]] floats ahead of them and fires at the Spartans with its chin mounted turret. Flying low to the ground, it scrapes a hill, and Vale uses its momentary confusion to leap onto its open bay doors and rush inside.''
''Vale knocks two Jackals aside and charges at a Zealot and a [[Sangheili Warrior|Warrior]]. Both swing their [[Type-1 energy sword|energy swords]] at her, but she jumps onto the Zealot's arm and forces its blow into the Warrior, damaging its shields and briefly stunning it. The Zealot is then pushed into the Warrior as Vale turns to face the Jackals. Vale punches one Jackal in the face and shoots another with her pistol. She kneels to make the charging Zealot trip over her, then stands up to fire her pistol repeatedly into the Warrior's chest. She then kicks it and a Jackal out the Phantom, the latter screaming as it falls.''
''The two hit the ground, Buck running over them as he takes out a Grunt and a Sangheili with two shotguns blasts. Locke keeps pace to his right, and they leap off a cliff into the Covenant below. Buck ground pounds a [[lance]] of infantry, and Tanaka grabs a Grunt by the face while firing her assault rifle at a Jackal. A Grunt with a [[Type-33 Needler|needler]] lunges at her, but Tanaka catches it, throw it behind her, and shoots it away.''
''Promethean constructs can be seen fighting the Covenant now. [[Type-32 Ghost|Ghosts]] rush past firing at [[Promethean Soldier|Soldiers]] and [[Promethean Knights|Knights]], while [[Phaeton]]s battle the Phantoms overhead. Locke leaps over a pair of Ghosts and pulls the driver out of one of them.''
''A Phantom, the one carrying Vale, flies low and crashes, killing the remaining Zealot onboard. Vale jumps out and uses her SMG to finish off a Soldier. It disintegrates into orange and grey ash.''

*'''Vale (COM)''': "Heads up!"
*'''Vale (COM)''': "Heads up!"
''The four turn to face behind them, seeing one of the Covenant starships crashing into the valley they're in. It hits the ground and begins sliding toward them, bringing an avalanche with it.''

*'''Buck (COM)''': "Ho… problem."
*'''Buck (COM)''': "Ho… problem."
''The Spartans turn and run from the incoming wreck, Vale picking off a Jackal and Buck finishing off a Soldier and Zealot. They run down the increasingly steep slope as fast as they can, but the crashing ship is coming closer.''
''As they approach a sheer cliff, Locke lands and rejoins them. Fireteam Osiris assembles and leaps off the cliff with the burning wreck behind them.''

*'''Voiceover''': "Get the Xbox One Limited Edition Bundle."
*'''Voiceover''': "Get the Xbox One Limited Edition Bundle."
