The Truth and Reconciliation/Walkthrough: Difference between revisions

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== Weapons ==
== Weapons ==
*[[MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System|======
*[[MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System|Assault Rifle]]
Pokémon Trainer - - 000
Pokemon: 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 001
Pokemon: 1
Treecko (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Pound/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 002
Pokemon: 1
Torchic (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 003
Pokemon: 1
Mudkip (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 004
Pokemon: 2
Raichu (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 0
Swellow (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 005
Pokemon: 1
Torchic (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 006
Pokemon: 1
Mudkip (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 007
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 4)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Rick - 008
Pokemon: 1
Wurmple (Lv. 4)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Lyle - 009
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Lass Tiana - 010
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Daisy - 011
Pokemon: 1
Tropius (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 012
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Andrew - 013
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ivan - 014
Pokemon: 3
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Claude - 015
Pokemon: 2
Corphish (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Billy - 016
Pokemon: 2
Seedot (Lv. 4)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 6)  IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 017
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 6)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Jerry - 018
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 019
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Team Aqua Grunt - 020
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 021
Pokemon: 2
Muk (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Tommy - 022
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 10)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Youngster Joey - 023
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Jose - 024
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Silcoon (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Lass Janice - 025
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 10)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Luis - 026
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Austin - 027
Pokemon: 2
Wingull (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Beverly - 028
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Dawn - 029
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Douglas - 030
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Nicole - 031
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 032
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Tentacool (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ned - 033
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Guitarist Kirk - 034
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Thunder Wave/Volt Switch/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5
Electrike (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Volt Switch/Quick Attack/Odor Sleuth/―――――) IVs: All 5
Guitarist Shawn - 035
Pokemon: 2
Voltorb (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 5
Voltorb (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 5
Swimmer ♂ Darrin - 036
Pokemon: 1
Barboach (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 037
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Denise - 038
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Beth - 039
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Jerome - 040
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Matthew - 041
Pokemon: 1
Lombre (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tara - 042
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Missy - 043
Pokemon: 3
Wingull (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Barboach (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ David - 044
Pokemon: 2
Corphish (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Alice - 045
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Huey - 046
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0
Sailor Edmond - 047
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 048
Pokemon: 1
Azurill (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Triathlete Jacob - 049
Pokemon: 2
Voltorb (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 10
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Anthony - 050
Pokemon: 1
Magnemite (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
[~ 144] [~ 51] - 051
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 52] - 052
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 053
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nuzleaf (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Dale - 054
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 055
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Black Belt Hideki - 056
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Hitoshi - 057
Pokemon: 2
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Kiyo - 058
Pokemon: 1
Machamp (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Tessa - 059
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Laura - 060
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15
Youngster [~ 61] - 061
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Youngster [~ 62] - 062
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Randall - 063
Pokemon: 1
Delcatty (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Parker - 064
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer George - 065
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Berke - 066
Pokemon: 1
Zangoose (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Mary - 067
Pokemon: 1
Absol (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Lori - 068
Pokemon: 1
Absol (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Jody - 069
Pokemon: 1
Loudred (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Screech/Stomp/Bite/Uproar) IVs: All 15
Lady [~ 70] - 070
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy [~ 71] - 071
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 72] - 072
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 73] - 073
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Beauty Melissa - 074
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 0
Beauty [~ 75] - 075
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Vivi - 076
Pokemon: 3
Goldeen (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Shroomish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Numel (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Hiker Brice - 077
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 078
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Camper Larry - 079
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Carol - 080
Pokemon: 1
Gulpin (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Cole - 081
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 10
Slugma (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 10
Kindler [~ 82] - 082
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Axle - 083
Pokemon: 1
Slugma (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Kindler [~ 84] - 084
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Andy - 085
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 25)  (Moves: Overheat/Earth Power/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 10
Youngster Neal - 086
Pokemon: 2
Trapinch (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Dillion - 087
Pokemon: 1
Aron (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 88] - 088
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 089
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Hiker Lenny - 090
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Lucas - 091
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 20)  IVs: All 0
Camper Shane - 092
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0
Picnicker [~ 93] - 093
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 094
Pokemon: 1
Aron (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Expert Timothy - 095
Pokemon: 3
Hariyama (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Whirlwind/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20
Swellow (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Agility) IVs: All 20
Absol (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Night Slash/Taunt) IVs: All 20
Black Belt Koichi - 096
Pokemon: 2
Machop (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 15
Machop (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 097
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 098
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Collector Hector - 099
Pokemon: 1
Zangoose (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 100
Pokemon: 1
Tropius (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady [~ 101] - 101
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Perry - 102
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Brent - 103
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Ninjask (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Donald - 104
Pokemon: 1
Beautifly (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 12
Bug Maniac Taylor - 105
Pokemon: 1
Dustox (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 12
Bug Catcher Doug - 106
Pokemon: 2
Volbeat (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Greg - 107
Pokemon: 1
Beautifly (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Kent - 108
Pokemon: 1
Dustox (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 109
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Vigoroth (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 110
Pokemon: 1
Breloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Hugh - 111
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Phil - 112
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Yasu - 113
Pokemon: 1
Ninjask (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Takashi - 114
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Jared - 115
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 10
Skarmory (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper [~ 116] - 116
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper [~ 117] - 117
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Will - 118
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Colin - 119
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Xatu (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 120
Pokemon: 1
Swablu (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Ninja Boy [~ 121] - 121
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy [~ 122] - 122
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Carlos - 123
Pokemon: 2
Nuzleaf (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Manectric (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Pokémon Ranger Jenna - 124
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Grumpig (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Brandon - 125
Pokemon: 1
Masquerain (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 126
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 127] - 127
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac [~ 128] - 128
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 129
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20
Swimmer ♂ Spencer - 130
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Roland - 131
Pokemon: 1
Sealeo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Cody - 132
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Stan - 133
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Barry - 134
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Dean - 135
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Staryu (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Golduck (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Rodney - 136
Pokemon: 1
Crawdaunt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Richard - 137
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Herman - 138
Pokemon: 2
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Gilbert - 139
Pokemon: 2
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Franklin - 140
Pokemon: 2
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Jack - 141
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Thorn - 142
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 143
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Grace - 144
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tanya - 145
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Sharon - 146
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Nikki - 147
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Brenda - 148
Pokemon: 1
Ludicolo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Katie - 149
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Susie - 150
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Kara - 151
Pokemon: 1
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Sheryl - 152
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Debra - 153
Pokemon: 1
Corsola (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Linda - 154
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Lynn - 155
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Laurel - 156
Pokemon: 3
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Psychic Preston - 157
Pokemon: 1
Kadabra (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Calm Mind/Psychic/Role Play/―――――) IVs: All 15
Psychic Virgil - 158
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Girafarig (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Psychic Fritz - 159
Pokemon: 2
Claydol (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Psychic [~ 160] - 160
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 161] - 161
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 162] - 162
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Caleb - 163
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 164] - 164
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Isaiah - 165
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 166] - 166
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Chase - 167
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 168] - 168
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 169] - 169
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 170] - 170
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 171] - 171
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 172] - 172
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 173
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 174
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 175
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 176
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 177
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Aqua Leader Archie - 178
Pokemon: 4
Mightyena (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Muk (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Sharpedo (Lv. 43) @[~ 759] IVs: All 20
Team Aqua Grunt - 179
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 180
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 181
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 182
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Aqua Admin [~ 183] - 183
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 184
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 185
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 186
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 187
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua [~ 188] - 188
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic William - 189
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Grumpig (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Psychic Kayla - 190
Pokemon: 1
Kadabra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Mark - 191
Pokemon: 1
Lairon (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac [~ 192] - 192
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Chad - 193
Pokemon: 1
Golduck (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 194
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 195
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 196
Pokemon: 2
Taillow (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 197
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Linoone (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 198
Pokemon: 3
Swellow (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Linoone (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lickilicky (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Own Tempo) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 199
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 9)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 11)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 200
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 201
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Breloom (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 202
Pokemon: 3
Whimsicott (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 0
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Ludicolo (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Black Belt Nob - 203
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 204
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 205
Pokemon: 1
Machamp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 16
Team Aqua Grunt - 206
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 207
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Dwayne - 208
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Simon - 209
Pokemon: 1
Azurill (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Eddie - 210
Pokemon: 2
Nincada (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Lass Sally - 211
Pokemon: 1
Gulpin (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Lass Robin - 212
Pokemon: 2
Oddish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Cora - 213
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 29)  (Moves: High Jump Kick/Mind Reader/Calm Mind/Hidden Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl [~ 214] - 214
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Ted - 215
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 1
Schoolkid [~ 216] - 216
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Georgie - 217
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 1
Beautifly (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 1
Camper [~ 218] - 218
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker Martha - 219
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Wigglytuff (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 220] - 220
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Yuji - 221
Pokemon: 2
Makuhita (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 12
Machop (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 12
Pokémon Ranger Sebastian - 222
Pokemon: 2
Cacnea (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 6
Aron (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 6
Pokémon Ranger Sophia - 223
Pokemon: 2
Swablu (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 6
Roselia (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 6
Bird Keeper [~ 224] - 224
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Patricia - 225
Pokemon: 1
Chimecho (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Psychic Joshua - 226
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Psychic Alexis - 227
Pokemon: 3
Kirlia (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Xatu (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Elaine - 228
Pokemon: 2
Lairon (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Tropius (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 229] - 229
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 230] - 230
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aqua Leader Archie - 231
Pokemon: 3
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Golbat (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Sharpedo (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 20
Team Aqua Grunt - 232
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 233
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Grimer (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 234
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Magma Leader Maxie - 235
Pokemon: 4
Mightyena (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Weezing (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Camerupt (Lv. 43) @[~ 767] IVs: All 20
Magma Leader Maxie - 236
Pokemon: 3
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Golbat (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Camerupt (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 20
Team Magma Grunt - 237
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Mean Look/Swift/Leech Life/Astonish) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 238
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 239
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 240
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Amnesia/Ember/Magnitude/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 241
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 242
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 243
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 244
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma [~ 245] - 245
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 246] - 246
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 247
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 248
Pokemon: 2
Weezing (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 249
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 250
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 251
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 252
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 253
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 254
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 255
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 256
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 257
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 258
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 259
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Screech/Scary Face/Focus Energy) IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 260] - 260
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 261
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 262
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 263
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 264
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Amnesia/Focus Energy/Tackle/Curse) IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 265] - 265
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aqua Leader Archie - 266
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 267
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 268
Pokemon: 2
Zubat (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 269
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 270
Pokemon: 2
Zubat (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Magma Leader Maxie - 271
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Nolan - 272
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Clark - 273
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 8)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 10)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Benjamin - 274
Pokemon: 1
Voltorb (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Twins Gina & Mia - 275
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Seedot (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Twins Miu & Yuki - 276
Pokemon: 2
Beautifly (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua [~ 277] - 277
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma [~ 278] - 278
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Eric - 279
Pokemon: 1
Graveler (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Camper Ethan - 280
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 281
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 282] - 282
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 283
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 284
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 285
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 286
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 287
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 288
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 289
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Grovyle (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 290
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 291
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 292
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 293
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 294
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 295
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Grovyle (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 296
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 297
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 298
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 299
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 300
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Youngster Allen - 301
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 4)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 2)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 302
Pokemon: 1
Nincada (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Camper [~ 303] - 303
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker [~ 304] - 304
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Timmy - 305
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 12)  IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Derek - 306
Pokemon: 3
Nincada (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Beautifly (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Mike - 307
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker Irene - 308
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Camper Travis - 309
Pokemon: 1
Sandshrew (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wilton - 310
Pokemon: 3
Electrike (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Makuhita (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Bagon (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 311
Pokemon: 3
Wingull (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Daisuke - 312
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Beauty [~ 313] - 313
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lung - 314
Pokemon: 2
Nincada (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 20)  IVs: All 0
Collector Hector - 315
Pokemon: 1
Seviper (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Barny - 316
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Wade - 317
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Chester - 318
Pokemon: 2
Swablu (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 10
Swellow (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Aroma Lady Violet - 319
Pokemon: 1
Shroomish (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Giga Drain/Worry Seed/Headbutt/Growth) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Kindra - 320
Pokemon: 2
Kirlia (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Grumpig (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Psychic Cameron - 321
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Solrock (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Psychic Jacki - 322
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 15
Lunatone (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Jennifer - 323
Pokemon: 1
Milotic (Lv. 36)  (Moves: Refresh/Twister/Recover/Water Pulse) IVs: All 15
Parasol Lady Clarissa - 324
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Angelica - 325
Pokemon: 1
Castform (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Tammy - 326
Pokemon: 2
Duskull (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Sableye (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 327
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 328
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 329
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 330
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Tasha - 331
Pokemon: 2
Shuppet (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Xatu (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Dez & Luke - 332
Pokemon: 2
Delcatty (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Manectric (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Atsushi - 333
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Team Aqua Grunt - 334
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Focus Energy/Screech/Aqua Jet) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 335
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Scary Face/Screech/Swagger/Ice Fang) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Scary Face/Assurance/Swagger) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 336
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Amnesia/Flame Burst/Take Down/Magnitude) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 337
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Amnesia/Lava Plume/Earth Power/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0
Beauty Connie - 338
Pokemon: 1
Huntail (Lv. 43)  (Moves: Iron Defense/Crunch/Waterfall/Ice Fang) IVs: All 5
Beauty Bridget - 339
Pokemon: 1
Gorebyss (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 5
Beauty Tiffany - 340
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Wailord (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Lass Andrea - 341
Pokemon: 1
Ludicolo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Waterfall/Mega Drain/Rain Dance/Fake Out) IVs: All 5
Lass Crissy - 342
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Seadra (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Ace Trainer Edgar - 343
Pokemon: 1
Mawile (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Albert - 344
Pokemon: 2
Sigilyph (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 345] - 345
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Vito - 346
Pokemon: 3
Electrode (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Swalot (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Darmanitan (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 347] - 347
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Hope - 348
Pokemon: 1
Froslass (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 349] - 349
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 350] - 350
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 351] - 351
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Julie - 352
Pokemon: 2
Ninetales (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 15
Bellossom (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Team Aqua Grunt - 353
Pokemon: 1
Muk (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Tucker - 354
Pokemon: 2
Rapidash (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Zebstrika (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Thomas - 355
Pokemon: 1
Braviary (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lea & Jed - 356
Pokemon: 2
Miltank (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Tauros (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Phillip - 357
Pokemon: 2
Qwilfish (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Machamp (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Leonard - 358
Pokemon: 2
Floatzel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Gwen - 359
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Carter - 360
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Carmen - 361
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Charlie - 362
Pokemon: 1
Corphish (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Duncan - 363
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Machoke (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 364
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Expert Shelby - 365
Pokemon: 2
Meditite (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Kindler Bernie - 366
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Wingull (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 367
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Whismur (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 368
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 369
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Tentacool (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 370
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 371
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 372
Pokemon: 4
Tentacruel (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Octillery (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 373
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 374
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 375
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 376
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Triathlete Benjamin - 377
Pokemon: 1
Voltorb (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 378
Pokemon: 1
Electrode (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 379
Pokemon: 2
Electrode (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Klang (Lv. 42)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 380
Pokemon: 2
Electrode (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Klinklang (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 10
[~ 144] [~ 381] - 381
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 382] - 382
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 383] - 383
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 384] - 384
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 385
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nuzleaf (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 386
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 387
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 388
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wilton - 389
Pokemon: 3
Manectric (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 390
Pokemon: 3
Manectric (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 391
Pokemon: 4
Manectric (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Fraxure (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Wailord (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 392
Pokemon: 5
Talonflame (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Flame Body) IVs: All 15
Manectric (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailord (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Haxorus (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 393
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 394
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 395
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roserade (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 396
Pokemon: 5
Purugly (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Pelipper (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roserade (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Lapras (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 15
Hiker Trent - 397
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 398
Pokemon: 3
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 399
Pokemon: 3
Graveler (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 400
Pokemon: 3
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 401
Pokemon: 2
Lairon (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Rhyhorn (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 402
Pokemon: 2
Rhyhorn (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Lairon (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 403
Pokemon: 2
Rhydon (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Aggron (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 404
Pokemon: 4
Ampharos (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Slowbro (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Aggron (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Rhyperior (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 405
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 406
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 407
Pokemon: 2
Magcargo (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 408
Pokemon: 2
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Cyndy - 409
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 410
Pokemon: 1
Medicham (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 411
Pokemon: 1
Medicham (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 412
Pokemon: 2
Hitmonchan (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Iron Fist) IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Schoolkid Jerry - 413
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 414
Pokemon: 1
Kirlia (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 415
Pokemon: 2
Kirlia (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Meditite (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 416
Pokemon: 3
Gardevoir (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Medicham (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5
Bisharp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Defiant) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 417
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 418
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 419
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 420
Pokemon: 3
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Dewgong (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Aroma Lady Rose - 421
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 422
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 423
Pokemon: 3
Sunkern (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Bellossom (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 424
Pokemon: 3
Bellossom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Sunflora (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roserade (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 425
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Loudred (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 426
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Loudred (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 427
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Exploud (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 428
Pokemon: 3
Chatot (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Exploud (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Magnezone (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 429
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Vigoroth (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 430
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 431
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 432
Pokemon: 3
Seviper (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Unfezant (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Big Pecks) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 433
Pokemon: 1
Breloom (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 434
Pokemon: 2
Pikachu (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 435
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 436
Pokemon: 3
Breloom (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Excadrill (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Sand Rush) IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Robert - 437
Pokemon: 1
Altaria (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 438
Pokemon: 2
Fearow (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 439
Pokemon: 3
Fearow (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Staraptor (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper [~ 440] - 440
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 441
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 442
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 443
Pokemon: 4
Masquerain (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Kricketune (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Vespiquen (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 444
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Psychic Cameron - 445
Pokemon: 2
Solrock (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic Cameron - 446
Pokemon: 3
Exeggcute (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15
Solrock (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic Cameron - 447
Pokemon: 3
Solrock (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Exeggutor (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic [~ 448] - 448
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 449] - 449
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 450] - 450
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 451] - 451
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 452] - 452
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 453
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Machoke (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 454
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0
Machamp (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Sailor [~ 455] - 455
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sailor [~ 456] - 456
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Expert Shelby - 457
Pokemon: 2
Meditite (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 458
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 459
Pokemon: 3
Riolu (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20
Medicham (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 460
Pokemon: 3
Medicham (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Lucario (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20
Hex Maniac Valerie - 461
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 462
Pokemon: 3
Sableye (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Banette (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Misdreavus (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 463
Pokemon: 3
Sableye (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Banette (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Mismagius (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac [~ 464] - 464
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 465
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 466
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 467
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 468
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Camper Ethan - 469
Pokemon: 1
Swalot (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 470
Pokemon: 2
Swalot (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Golbat (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 471
Pokemon: 2
Swalot (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Golbat (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 472
Pokemon: 3
Swalot (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Skuntank (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Aftermath) IVs: All 5
Crobat (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Picnicker Diana - 473
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 474
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 475
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Altaria (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 476
Pokemon: 2
Vileplume (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Altaria (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 477
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 478
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 479
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 480
Pokemon: 4
Masquerain (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Ariados (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0
Ledian (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 481
Pokemon: 3
Noivern (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Infiltrator) IVs: All 20
Druddigon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 20
Flygon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20
Dragon Tamer [~ 482] - 482
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer [~ 483] - 483
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Isaiah - 484
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Isaiah - 485
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Isaiah - 486
Pokemon: 2
Floatzel (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 10
Starmie (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 487] - 487
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 488] - 488
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 489] - 489
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 490] - 490
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 491] - 491
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Dylan - 492
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
[~ 191] [~ 493] - 493
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Dylan - 494
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 495
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 496
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 497
Pokemon: 2
Dodrio (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Arcanine (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10
[~ 191] [~ 498] - 498
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 499] - 499
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 500] - 500
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 501] - 501
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ronald - 502
Pokemon: 3
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Warren - 503
Pokemon: 3
Lairon (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Manectric (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Alex - 504
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Dragon Tamer Aaron - 505
Pokemon: 2
Shelgon (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Kingdra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Bird Keeper Beck - 506
Pokemon: 1
Skarmory (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 507
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 508
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Alomomola (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 509] - 509
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 510] - 510
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 511
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 512
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 513
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 514
Pokemon: 2
Tentacruel (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 5
Jellicent (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 5
Beauty Johanna - 515
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Camper Terrell - 516
Pokemon: 2
Doduo (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 5
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 5
Picnicker Kylee - 517
Pokemon: 1
Swablu (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Disarming Voice/Roost/Take Down/Sing) IVs: All 5
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 518
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 519
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 520
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 521
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 522
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 523
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 524
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 525
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 526
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 527
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 528
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 529
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 530
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 531
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 532
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Fisherman Jonah - 533
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Relicanth (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Henry - 534
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Roger - 535
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 536] - 536
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 537] - 537
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Koji - 538
Pokemon: 2
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Fisherman Wayne - 539
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Byron - 540
Pokemon: 2
Dodrio (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 10
Xatu (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 10
Swimmer ♂ Reed - 541
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tisha - 542
Pokemon: 3
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Corsola (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 543] - 543
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rell & Ian - 544
Pokemon: 2
Azumarill (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Sealeo (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 545
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 546
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 547
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 548
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro [~ 549] - 549
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Lisa & Ray - 550
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Corphish (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Eugene - 551
Pokemon: 3
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Feebas (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Leaders Liza & Tate - 552
Pokemon: 2
Lunatone (Lv. 45)  (Moves: Light Screen/Psychic/Hypnosis/Calm Mind) IVs: All 30
Solrock (Lv. 45)  (Moves: Sunny Day/Rock Slide/Psychic/Solar Beam) IVs: All 30
Elite Four Sidney - 553
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Swagger/Take Down/Sucker Punch/Crunch) IVs: All 25
Shiftry (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25
Cacturne (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Leech Seed/Payback/Needle Arm/Spiky Shield) IVs: All 25
Sharpedo (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25
Absol (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Phoebe - 554
Pokemon: 5
Dusclops (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Shadow Punch/Confuse Ray/Curse/Future Sight) IVs: All 25
Banette (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Spite/Will-O-Wisp/Feint Attack) IVs: All 25
Sableye (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25
Banette (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25
Dusknoir (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Glacia - 555
Pokemon: 5
Glalie (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Light Screen/Ice Shard/Hail/Crunch) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Confuse Ray/Blizzard/Hail/Ominous Wind) IVs: All 25
Glalie (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25
Walrein (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Drake - 556
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Rock Slide/Supersonic) IVs: All 25
Kingdra (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Champion Steven - 557
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Cradily (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30
Armaldo (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Poké Fan Colton - 558
Pokemon: 3
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Fake Out/Assist/Charm/Wake-Up Slap) IVs: All 0
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Charm) IVs: All 0
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Return/Play Rough/Attract) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 559
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Pyroar (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 560
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Pyroar (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0
Leader Roxanne - 561
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 12)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20
Nosepass (Lv. 14)  (Moves: Tackle/Harden/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20
Youngster Josh - 562
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 7)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Geodude (Lv. 9)  (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Leader Brawly - 563
Pokemon: 2
Machop (Lv. 14)  (Moves: Leer/Karate Chop/Seismic Toss/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Makuhita (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Arm Thrust/Knock Off/Sand Attack/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Tuber Ricky - 564
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Baby-Doll Eyes/Surf) IVs: All 0
Psychic Edward - 565
Pokemon: 1
Abra (Lv. 17)  (Moves: Hidden Power/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 566] - 566
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Leader Wattson - 567
Pokemon: 3
Magnemite (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Thunder Wave/Tackle/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Voltorb (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Rollout/Charge/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Magneton (Lv. 21)  (Moves: Supersonic/Magnet Bomb/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Youngster Ben - 568
Pokemon: 1
Electrike (Lv. 17)  (Moves: Odor Sleuth/Spark/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5
Leader Flannery - 569
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Overheat/Rock Throw/Light Screen/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Numel (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Amnesia/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Torkoal (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Overheat/Body Slam/Curse/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Leader Norman - 570
Pokemon: 3
Slaking (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Encore/Retaliate/Yawn/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Vigoroth (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Fury Swipes/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Encore) IVs: All 20
Slaking (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Chip Away/Swagger/Retaliate/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Leader Winona - 571
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Quick Attack/Aerial Ace/Double Team/Endeavor) IVs: All 20
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Water Pulse/Roost/Protect/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20
Skarmory (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Sand Attack/Air Cutter/Steel Wing/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20
Altaria (Lv. 35)  (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Breath/Cotton Guard/Roost) IVs: All 20
Leader Wallace - 572
Pokemon: 5
Luvdisc (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Attract/Sweet Kiss/Draining Kiss) IVs: All 20
Whiscash (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Mud Sport/Waterfall/Zen Headbutt/Earthquake) IVs: All 20
Sealeo (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Encore/Body Slam/Aurora Beam/Waterfall) IVs: All 20
Seaking (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Aqua Ring/Rain Dance/Waterfall/Horn Drill) IVs: All 20
Milotic (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Hydro Pump/Disarming Voice/Recover/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Camper Drew - 573
Pokemon: 1
Graveler (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 5
Picnicker Heidi - 574
Pokemon: 1
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5
Camper Cliff - 575
Pokemon: 1
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5
Picnicker Becky - 576
Pokemon: 1
Cacnea (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 5
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 577
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
The Winstrates’ Vicky - 578
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 22)  (Moves: Force Palm/Meditate/Confusion/Feint) IVs: All 15
Parasol Lady Madeline - 579
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wendy - 580
Pokemon: 2
Rhyhorn (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Tropius (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Clyde - 581
Pokemon: 2
Vibrava (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 15
Skarmory (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 582
Pokemon: 2
Magnezone (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 583
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20
Delcatty (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Roselia (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20
Magneton (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 48) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Teammates Kate & Joy - 584
Pokemon: 2
Spinda (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Hypnosis/Psybeam/Dizzy Punch/Teeter Dance) IVs: All 0
Slaking (Lv. 35)  (Moves: Chip Away/Yawn/Slack Off/Feint Attack) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 585
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 586] - 586
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lady [~ 587] - 587
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lady [~ 588] - 588
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 589] - 589
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 590] - 590
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 591
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Chip - 592
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Nosepass (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Beauty Jessica - 593
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Olivia - 594
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 5
Ruin Maniac Foster - 595
Pokemon: 1
Nosepass (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 10
Twins Amy & Liv - 596
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 597
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 598
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 599
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 600
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 601
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Play Rough/Surf) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 602
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 603
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 604
Pokemon: 2
Sandslash (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10
Claydol (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 605
Pokemon: 5
Sandslash (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10
Tyrantrum (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) IVs: All 10
Aurorus (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Refrigerate) IVs: All 10
Claydol (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10
Aerodactyl (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 10
Expert Timothy - 606
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 607
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 608
Pokemon: 2
Gurdurr (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 609
Pokemon: 3
Hawlucha (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Conkeldurr (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Gentleman Walter - 610
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 611
Pokemon: 2
Manectric (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Stoutland (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Gentleman [~ 612] - 612
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Zane - 613
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Overheat/Ancient Power/Clear Smog/―――――) IVs: All 15
Kecleon (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Fire Punch/Slash/Shadow Sneak/Psybeam) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Vivian - 614
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Bide/Confusion/Thunder Punch/―――――) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Sadie - 615
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Fire Punch/Bide/Meditate/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ninja Boy Hideo - 616
Pokemon: 2
Koffing (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Keigo - 617
Pokemon: 2
Ninjask (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Tsunao - 618
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 619
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 620
Pokemon: 3
Staryu (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Minimize/Bubble Beam/Psywave/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Spheal (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Body Slam/Brine/Ice Ball/Hail) IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 621
Pokemon: 3
Starmie (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Sealeo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Take Down/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 622
Pokemon: 3
Starmie (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Walrein (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Solar Beam/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 623
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 624
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 625
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 626
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 627
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 628
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 629
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Krookodile (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Beauty [~ 630] - 630
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Teammates Kim & Iris - 631
Pokemon: 2
Altaria (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Teammates Tyra & Ivy - 632
Pokemon: 2
Roselia (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Mel & Paul - 633
Pokemon: 2
Beautifly (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple John & Jay - 634
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Old Couple John & Jay - 635
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 58)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 58)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Old Couple [~ 636] - 636
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple [~ 637] - 637
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple [~ 638] - 638
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 639
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 640
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Tackle/Growl/Tail Whip/―――――) IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Victor - 641
Pokemon: 2
Taillow (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 19) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Victoria - 642
Pokemon: 1
Roselia (Lv. 20) @Oran Berry IVs: All 5
Black Belt Nob - 643
Pokemon: 3
Primeape (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Hitmonlee (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Poké Fan Miguel - 644
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Vanessa - 645
Pokemon: 1
Pikachu (Lv. 35) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
Lady Brianna - 646
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Corsola (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Poké Fan Marissa - 647
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 43) @Oran Berry (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Waterfall/Play Rough/Superpower/Rollout) IVs: All 5
Lady Anette - 648
Pokemon: 1
Persian (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Garret - 649
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 650
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 651
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 652
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 29) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 653
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 34) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 654
Pokemon: 1
Delcatty (Lv. 51) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 655
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 656
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 657
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 658
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 659
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 660
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 661
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 662
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 663
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 664
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac [~ 665] - 665
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer [~ 666] - 666
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Georgia - 667
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 10)  (Moves: Tackle/Rock Throw/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Team Magma Grunts - 668
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunts - 669
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunts - 670
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 671
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 672
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 673
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 674
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 675
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 676
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 677
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 678
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 679
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Steven - 680
Pokemon: 1
Metagross (Lv. 45) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Zen Headbutt/Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Proprietor Inver - 681
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rotation Girl Circie - 682
Pokemon: 3
Simisage (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Energy Ball/Payback/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Simisear (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Flamethrower/Endeavor/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Simipour (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Surf/Facade/Ice Punch) IVs: All 20
Aqua Admin Matt - 683
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 32)  (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 684
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15
Sharpedo (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 685
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 686
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 53)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 687
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 55) @[~ 759] IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 688
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 15
Carvanha (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 689
Pokemon: 2
Grimer (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 15
Carvanha (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 690
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 691
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 32)  (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 692
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 693
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 694
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 695
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 696
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 697
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 53)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 698
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 55) @[~ 767] IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 699
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 700
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 701
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Rich Boy Antoin - 702
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Feint Attack/Amnesia/Covet/Chip Away) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Antoin - 703
Pokemon: 4
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 704
Pokemon: 4
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 705
Pokemon: 4
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 706
Pokemon: 4
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 707
Pokemon: 4
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 708
Pokemon: 4
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 709
Pokemon: 4
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 710
Pokemon: 4
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Carnation - 711
Pokemon: 4
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 712
Pokemon: 4
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Lorekeeper Zinnia - 713
Pokemon: 5
Goodra (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Muddy Water/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Noivern (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Infiltrator) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Air Slash/Shadow Ball/Super Fang) IVs: All 25
Altaria (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25
Tyrantrum (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 62) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Triathlete Sloan - 714
Pokemon: 1
Plusle (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dolph - 715
Pokemon: 1
Minun (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Vin - 716
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Spheal (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Jaylon - 717
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Denzel - 718
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Karsen - 719
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Backpacker Graeme - 720
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Emory - 721
Pokemon: 1
Taillow (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Deon - 722
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Darnell - 723
Pokemon: 1
Kecleon (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Grayson - 724
Pokemon: 1
Girafarig (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 725
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 726
Pokemon: 1
Vigoroth (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 727
Pokemon: 1
Vigoroth (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 728
Pokemon: 1
Slaking (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Tess - 729
Pokemon: 1
Mienshao (Lv. 46)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Bran - 730
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 731
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Aden & Finn - 732
Pokemon: 2
Musharna (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Primeape (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 733
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 734
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 735
Pokemon: 2
Alakazam (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 736
Pokemon: 2
Alakazam (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Scuba Diver Kylan - 737
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Dmitry - 738
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Keaton - 739
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Yutaka - 740
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Tristan - 741
Pokemon: 1
Wailord (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Silas - 742
Pokemon: 2
Sealeo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Jason - 743
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Colten - 744
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Javier - 745
Pokemon: 1
Relicanth (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Kylan - 746
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Kylan - 747
Pokemon: 2
Kingler (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Kingdra (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver [~ 748] - 748
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver [~ 749] - 749
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 750
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Free Diver Rischel - 751
Pokemon: 1
Seaking (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Hollie - 752
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Jillian - 753
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Mayu - 754
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Cordura - 755
Pokemon: 1
Corsola (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Coral - 756
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Kailyn - 757
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Aileen - 758
Pokemon: 1
Sealeo (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 759
Pokemon: 2
Huntail (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Gorebyss (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 760
Pokemon: 3
Huntail (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Gorebyss (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Cloyster (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Free Diver [~ 761] - 761
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver [~ 762] - 762
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Dray - 763
Pokemon: 1
Altaria (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 20
Dragon Tamer Egon - 764
Pokemon: 1
Kingdra (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 20
Expert Theodore - 765
Pokemon: 4
Blaziken (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Flamethrower/Double Kick/Slash/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/Aerial Ace/Slam/Agility) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Waterfall/Mud Bomb/Rock Slide/Protect) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Cece - 766
Pokemon: 2
Spoink (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Mawile (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Franny - 767
Pokemon: 1
Kirlia (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 768
Pokemon: 1
Jigglypuff (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Nellie - 769
Pokemon: 2
Skitty (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Jigglypuff (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 770
Pokemon: 1
Wigglytuff (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 771
Pokemon: 2
Wigglytuff (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Clefairy (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 772
Pokemon: 2
Wigglytuff (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Clefable (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl [~ 773] - 773
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Timin - 774
Pokemon: 1
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Finley - 775
Pokemon: 2
Crawdaunt (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Fisher - 776
Pokemon: 1
Whiscash (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Sheaffer - 777
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Fisk - 778
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman River - 779
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 780
Pokemon: 2
Chingling (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Kirlia (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Elle & Aya - 781
Pokemon: 2
Girafarig (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Mawile (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 782
Pokemon: 2
Chingling (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 783
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 784
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 785
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Hayes - 786
Pokemon: 2
Sandslash (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Sandslash (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Omari - 787
Pokemon: 1
Sandshrew (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Davian - 788
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Blair - 789
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 12)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Jaylin - 790
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 791
Pokemon: 1
Cacturne (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Hannibal - 792
Pokemon: 1
Crawdaunt (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Regan - 793
Pokemon: 2
Houndoom (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 794
Pokemon: 1
Cacturne (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 795
Pokemon: 2
Murkrow (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Cacturne (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 796
Pokemon: 3
Houndoom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 0
Cacturne (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Honchkrow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Street Thug [~ 797] - 797
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Destinee - 798
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Miley - 799
Pokemon: 2
Cacnea (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 800
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Kylie - 801
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 802
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 803
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Sneasel (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 804
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Weavile (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0
Delinquent [~ 805] - 805
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Neville - 806
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Hisato - 807
Pokemon: 1
Pinsir (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Cornelius - 808
Pokemon: 2
Golem (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Leopold - 809
Pokemon: 2
Vibrava (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Rhydon (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 810
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 811
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 812
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 813
Pokemon: 3
Zangoose (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Chandelure (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Flash Fire) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Constance - 814
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 15
Swellow (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 815
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Claudia - 816
Pokemon: 3
Snorunt (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Masquerain (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Dusclops (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Harriet - 817
Pokemon: 1
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Honor - 818
Pokemon: 2
Torkoal (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 819
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 820
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 821
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Vanillish (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 822
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Vanilluxe (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15
Ninja Boy Shoji - 823
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5
Ninja Boy Hiromichi - 824
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5
Swimmer ♂ [~ 825] - 825
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 826] - 826
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Delmar - 827
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Marlene - 828
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo Pike & Shiel - 829
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 15
Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 830
Pokemon: 2
Armaldo (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Cradily (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 15
Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 831
Pokemon: 2
Armaldo (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 0
Cradily (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 832] - 832
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 833] - 833
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 834] - 834
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Expert Bryn - 835
Pokemon: 2
Hitmontop (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 20
Throh (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 20
Youngster Cutler - 836
Pokemon: 1
Slugma (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Incinerate/Harden/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Youngster Ham - 837
Pokemon: 1
Taillow (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Wing Attack/Growl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Nitzel - 838
Pokemon: 1
Oddish (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Mega Drain/Sweet Scent/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Meena - 839
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Tail Whip/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Meggi - 840
Pokemon: 1
Jigglypuff (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Disarming Voice/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Lass Suzette - 841
Pokemon: 2
Maractus (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Storm Drain) (Moves: Needle Arm/Poison Jab/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Vaporeon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Water Absorb) (Moves: Aurora Beam/Scald/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Thyme - 842
Pokemon: 2
Gogoat (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Horn Leech/Wild Charge/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Goodra (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Aqua Tail/Dragon Pulse/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Benedict - 843
Pokemon: 2
Flareon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Fire Fang/Quick Attack/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Heatmor (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Flamethrower/Power-Up Punch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Melba - 844
Pokemon: 2
Shedinja (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Shedinja (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Street Thug Alfredo - 845
Pokemon: 3
Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Lilligant (Lv. 65) @Choice Scarf (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Teeter Dance/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Rice - 846
Pokemon: 3
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Street Thug Barley - 847
Pokemon: 3
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Soyer - 848
Pokemon: 3
Altaria (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Tropius (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Aerodactyl (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Pitaha - 849
Pokemon: 3
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Bass - 850
Pokemon: 3
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Wellington - 851
Pokemon: 3
Krookodile (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Arcanine (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Scrafty (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Black Belt Banting - 852
Pokemon: 3
Nidoking (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rivalry) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Aggron (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Rampardos (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Rich Boy Filbert - 853
Pokemon: 2
Lanturn (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Illuminate) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Waterfall/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Jolteon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Volt Absorb) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Pin Missile/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Lady Dulcie - 854
Pokemon: 2
Carnivine (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Whip/Crunch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Mismagius (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Gem/Shadow Ball/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Fare Prince Trencherman - 855
Pokemon: 3
Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Togekiss (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Serene Grace) (Moves: Air Slash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Secret Base Expert Aarune - 856
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 23) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earth Power/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 20
Secret Base Expert Aarune - 857
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 53) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earthquake/Dragon Rush) IVs: All 20
Team Magma Grunt - 858
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 859
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 860
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 861
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 862
Pokemon: 1
Weezing (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 863
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Nosepass (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 864
Pokemon: 3
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 865
Pokemon: 3
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 866
Pokemon: 3
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 867
Pokemon: 3
Aron (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lileep (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Anorith (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 868
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 869
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 870
Pokemon: 3
Seedot (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 871
Pokemon: 3
Lotad (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 872
Pokemon: 3
Corphish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Barboach (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 873
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Slugma (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 874
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Slugma (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 875
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Cacnea (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 876
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Cacnea (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 877
Pokemon: 3
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 878
Pokemon: 3
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 879
Pokemon: 3
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 880
Pokemon: 3
Gulpin (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Grimer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 881
Pokemon: 3
Voltorb (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 882
Pokemon: 3
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 883
Pokemon: 3
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 884
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Plusle (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 885
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Oddish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 886
Pokemon: 3
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 887
Pokemon: 3
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 888
Pokemon: 3
Shuppet (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Duskull (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sableye (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 889
Pokemon: 3
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 890
Pokemon: 3
Whismur (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Spinda (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 891
Pokemon: 3
Oddish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 892
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 893
Pokemon: 1
Weezing (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 894
Pokemon: 2
Golbat (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 895
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 896
Pokemon: 1
Muk (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 897
Pokemon: 2
Golbat (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Zinnia - 898
Pokemon: 3
Tyrantrum (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25
Altaria (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 899
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 900
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 901
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 902
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 903
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 904
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 905
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 906
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 907
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 908
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Elite Four Sidney - 909
Pokemon: 6
Scrafty (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Crunch/Brick Break/Poison Jab/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 25
Shiftry (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25
Sharpedo (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25
Zoroark (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Illusion) (Moves: Night Slash/Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse/Flamethrower) IVs: All 25
Mandibuzz (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Overcoat) (Moves: Brave Bird/Bone Rush/Feint Attack/Tailwind) IVs: All 25
Absol (Lv. 72) @Absolite (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Phoebe - 910
Pokemon: 6
Banette (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25
Mismagius (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Power Gem/Thunderbolt/Pain Split) IVs: All 25
Drifblim (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Aftermath) (Moves: Phantom Force/Psychic/Icy Wind/Acrobatics) IVs: All 25
Chandelure (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Flame Body) (Moves: Hex/Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Dark Pulse) IVs: All 25
Dusknoir (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25
Sableye (Lv. 73) @[~ 754] (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Glacia - 911
Pokemon: 6
Abomasnow (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Warning) (Moves: Blizzard/Wood Hammer/Ice Shard/Earthquake) IVs: All 25
Beartic (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Icicle Crash/Slash/Shadow Claw/Brick Break) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25
Vanilluxe (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Ice Beam/Mirror Coat/Freeze-Dry/Signal Beam) IVs: All 25
Walrein (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25
Glalie (Lv. 74) @Glalitite (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Drake - 912
Pokemon: 6
Altaria (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25
Dragalge (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump/Sludge Wave/Thunderbolt) IVs: All 25
Kingdra (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25
Haxorus (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Earthquake/X-Scissor/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 75) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Champion Steven - 913
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Carbink (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Moonblast/Power Gem/Psychic/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aerodactyl (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Rock Slide/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 79) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Ninja Boy Lao - 914
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 915
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 916
Pokemon: 3
Weezing (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 917
Pokemon: 3
Weezing (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 918
Pokemon: 4
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 919
Pokemon: 4
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 920
Pokemon: 4
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 921
Pokemon: 4
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 922
Pokemon: 4
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 923
Pokemon: 4
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Carnation - 924
Pokemon: 4
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 925
Pokemon: 4
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 926
Pokemon: 4
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 927
Pokemon: 4
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 928
Pokemon: 4
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 929
Pokemon: 4
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 930
Pokemon: 4
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 931
Pokemon: 4
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 932
Pokemon: 4
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 933
Pokemon: 4
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 934
Pokemon: 4
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 935
Pokemon: 4
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Bug Maniac Felix - 936
Pokemon: 4
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 937
Pokemon: 4
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 938
Pokemon: 4
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 939
Pokemon: 4
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 940
Pokemon: 4
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 941
Pokemon: 4
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Steven - 942
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Cradily (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30
Armaldo (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Sootopolitan Wallace - 943
Pokemon: 6
Wailord (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Water Spout/Heavy Slam/Earthquake/Blizzard) IVs: All 20
Tentacruel (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Sludge Wave/Brine/Rain Dance/Dazzling Gleam) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Fake Out/Scald/Energy Ball/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Whiscash (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Tomb/Rain Dance) IVs: All 20
Gyarados (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Waterfall/Crunch/Ice Fang/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20
Milotic (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Blizzard/Recover/Hydro Pump) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 944
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20
Delcatty (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20
Magnezone (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 66) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 945
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 946
Pokemon: 6
Roserade (Lv. 79) @Bright Powder (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Poison Jab) IVs: All 20
Talonflame (Lv. 79) @Life Orb (Ability: Gale Wings) (Moves: Brave Bird/Flare Blitz/Steel Wing/Tailwind) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 79) @Assault Vest (Ability: Huge Power) (Moves: Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Aqua Tail/Iron Tail) IVs: All 20
Magnezone (Lv. 79) @Air Balloon (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Discharge/Reflect/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Garchomp (Lv. 79) @Rocky Helmet (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 81) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Leaf Blade/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 947
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 948
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 949
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0]]
*[[Sniper Rifle System 99C-S2 Anti-Matériel|Sniper Rifle]]
*[[Sniper Rifle System 99C-S2 Anti-Matériel|Sniper Rifle]]
*[[Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol|Plasma Pistol]]
*[[Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol|Plasma Pistol]]
Line 5,901: Line 243:

{{succession box | before = ''[[Halo (Halo: Combat Evolved Level)/Walkthrough|Halo]]'' <br />| title = [[Halo: Combat Evolved#Campaign|Campaign Walkthroughs]] | years = '''''Truth and Reconciliation''''' |after = ''[[The Silent Cartographer/Walkthrough|The Silent Cartographer]]''}}
{{succession box | before = ''[[Halo (Halo: Combat Evolved Level)/Walkthrough|Halo]]'' <br />| title = [[Halo: Combat Evolved#Campaign|Campaign Walkthroughs]] | years = '''''Truth and Reconciliation''''' |after = ''[[The Silent Cartographer/Walkthrough|The Silent Cartographer]]''}}
Pokémon Trainer - - 000
Pokemon: 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 001
Pokemon: 1
Treecko (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Pound/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 002
Pokemon: 1
Torchic (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 003
Pokemon: 1
Mudkip (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 004
Pokemon: 2
Raichu (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 0
Swellow (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 005
Pokemon: 1
Torchic (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Scratch/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 006
Pokemon: 1
Mudkip (Lv. 5)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 007
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 4)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Rick - 008
Pokemon: 1
Wurmple (Lv. 4)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Lyle - 009
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  (Moves: Tackle/String Shot/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Lass Tiana - 010
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Daisy - 011
Pokemon: 1
Tropius (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 012
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Andrew - 013
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ivan - 014
Pokemon: 3
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Magikarp (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Claude - 015
Pokemon: 2
Corphish (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Billy - 016
Pokemon: 2
Seedot (Lv. 4)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 6)  IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 017
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 6)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Jerry - 018
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 019
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Team Aqua Grunt - 020
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 021
Pokemon: 2
Muk (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Tommy - 022
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 10)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Youngster Joey - 023
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Jose - 024
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Silcoon (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 7)  IVs: All 0
Lass Janice - 025
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 10)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Luis - 026
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Austin - 027
Pokemon: 2
Wingull (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Beverly - 028
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Dawn - 029
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Douglas - 030
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Nicole - 031
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 032
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Tentacool (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ned - 033
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Guitarist Kirk - 034
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Thunder Wave/Volt Switch/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5
Electrike (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Volt Switch/Quick Attack/Odor Sleuth/―――――) IVs: All 5
Guitarist Shawn - 035
Pokemon: 2
Voltorb (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 5
Voltorb (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 5
Swimmer ♂ Darrin - 036
Pokemon: 1
Barboach (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 037
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Denise - 038
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Beth - 039
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Jerome - 040
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Matthew - 041
Pokemon: 1
Lombre (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tara - 042
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Missy - 043
Pokemon: 3
Wingull (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Barboach (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ David - 044
Pokemon: 2
Corphish (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Alice - 045
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Huey - 046
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0
Sailor Edmond - 047
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Payback/Roost/Brine/Wing Attack) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 048
Pokemon: 1
Azurill (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Triathlete Jacob - 049
Pokemon: 2
Voltorb (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 10
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Anthony - 050
Pokemon: 1
Magnemite (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
[~ 144] [~ 51] - 051
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 52] - 052
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 053
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nuzleaf (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Dale - 054
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 055
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Black Belt Hideki - 056
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Hitoshi - 057
Pokemon: 2
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Kiyo - 058
Pokemon: 1
Machamp (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Tessa - 059
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Laura - 060
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 15
Youngster [~ 61] - 061
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Youngster [~ 62] - 062
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Randall - 063
Pokemon: 1
Delcatty (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Parker - 064
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer George - 065
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Berke - 066
Pokemon: 1
Zangoose (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Mary - 067
Pokemon: 1
Absol (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Lori - 068
Pokemon: 1
Absol (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Bite/Taunt) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Jody - 069
Pokemon: 1
Loudred (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Screech/Stomp/Bite/Uproar) IVs: All 15
Lady [~ 70] - 070
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy [~ 71] - 071
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 72] - 072
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 73] - 073
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Beauty Melissa - 074
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 0
Beauty [~ 75] - 075
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Vivi - 076
Pokemon: 3
Goldeen (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Shroomish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Numel (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 10
Hiker Brice - 077
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 078
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Camper Larry - 079
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Carol - 080
Pokemon: 1
Gulpin (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Cole - 081
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 10
Slugma (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 10
Kindler [~ 82] - 082
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Axle - 083
Pokemon: 1
Slugma (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Kindler [~ 84] - 084
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Kindler Andy - 085
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 25)  (Moves: Overheat/Earth Power/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 10
Youngster Neal - 086
Pokemon: 2
Trapinch (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Dillion - 087
Pokemon: 1
Aron (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 88] - 088
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 089
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Hiker Lenny - 090
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Lucas - 091
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 20)  IVs: All 0
Camper Shane - 092
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Quick Guard) IVs: All 0
Picnicker [~ 93] - 093
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 094
Pokemon: 1
Aron (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Expert Timothy - 095
Pokemon: 3
Hariyama (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Whirlwind/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20
Swellow (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/Focus Energy/Agility) IVs: All 20
Absol (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Swords Dance/Slash/Night Slash/Taunt) IVs: All 20
Black Belt Koichi - 096
Pokemon: 2
Machop (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 15
Machop (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 097
Pokemon: 1
Machop (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 098
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Collector Hector - 099
Pokemon: 1
Zangoose (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 100
Pokemon: 1
Tropius (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Gust/Magical Leaf/Stomp/Sweet Scent) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady [~ 101] - 101
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Perry - 102
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Brent - 103
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Ninjask (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Donald - 104
Pokemon: 1
Beautifly (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 12
Bug Maniac Taylor - 105
Pokemon: 1
Dustox (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 12
Bug Catcher Doug - 106
Pokemon: 2
Volbeat (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Greg - 107
Pokemon: 1
Beautifly (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher Kent - 108
Pokemon: 1
Dustox (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 109
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Vigoroth (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 110
Pokemon: 1
Breloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Hugh - 111
Pokemon: 1
Swellow (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Phil - 112
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Yasu - 113
Pokemon: 1
Ninjask (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Takashi - 114
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Jared - 115
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 10
Skarmory (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper [~ 116] - 116
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper [~ 117] - 117
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Will - 118
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Colin - 119
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Xatu (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 120
Pokemon: 1
Swablu (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Ninja Boy [~ 121] - 121
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy [~ 122] - 122
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Carlos - 123
Pokemon: 2
Nuzleaf (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Manectric (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Pokémon Ranger Jenna - 124
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Grumpig (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 10
Bug Maniac Brandon - 125
Pokemon: 1
Masquerain (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 126
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder [~ 127] - 127
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac [~ 128] - 128
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 129
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20
Swimmer ♂ Spencer - 130
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Roland - 131
Pokemon: 1
Sealeo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Cody - 132
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Staryu (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Stan - 133
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Barry - 134
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Dean - 135
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Staryu (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Golduck (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Rodney - 136
Pokemon: 1
Crawdaunt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Richard - 137
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Herman - 138
Pokemon: 2
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Gilbert - 139
Pokemon: 2
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Franklin - 140
Pokemon: 2
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Jack - 141
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Thorn - 142
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 143
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Grace - 144
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tanya - 145
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Sharon - 146
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Nikki - 147
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Brenda - 148
Pokemon: 1
Ludicolo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Katie - 149
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Susie - 150
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Kara - 151
Pokemon: 1
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Sheryl - 152
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Debra - 153
Pokemon: 1
Corsola (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Linda - 154
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Lynn - 155
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Laurel - 156
Pokemon: 3
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Psychic Preston - 157
Pokemon: 1
Kadabra (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Calm Mind/Psychic/Role Play/―――――) IVs: All 15
Psychic Virgil - 158
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Girafarig (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Psychic Fritz - 159
Pokemon: 2
Claydol (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Psychic [~ 160] - 160
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 161] - 161
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 162] - 162
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Caleb - 163
Pokemon: 1
Wailmer (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 164] - 164
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Isaiah - 165
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 166] - 166
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Chase - 167
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 168] - 168
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 169] - 169
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 170] - 170
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 171] - 171
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 172] - 172
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 173
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 174
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 175
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 176
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 177
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Aqua Leader Archie - 178
Pokemon: 4
Mightyena (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Muk (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Sharpedo (Lv. 43) @[~ 759] IVs: All 20
Team Aqua Grunt - 179
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 180
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 181
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 182
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Aqua Admin [~ 183] - 183
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 184
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 185
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 186
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 187
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua [~ 188] - 188
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic William - 189
Pokemon: 2
Staryu (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Grumpig (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Psychic Kayla - 190
Pokemon: 1
Kadabra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Mark - 191
Pokemon: 1
Lairon (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac [~ 192] - 192
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Chad - 193
Pokemon: 1
Golduck (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 194
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 195
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 196
Pokemon: 2
Taillow (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 197
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Linoone (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Youngster Calvin - 198
Pokemon: 3
Swellow (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Linoone (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lickilicky (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Own Tempo) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 199
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 9)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 11)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 200
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 15)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 201
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Breloom (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Lass Haley - 202
Pokemon: 3
Whimsicott (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 0
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Ludicolo (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Black Belt Nob - 203
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 204
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Nob - 205
Pokemon: 1
Machamp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 16
Team Aqua Grunt - 206
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 207
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Dwayne - 208
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Simon - 209
Pokemon: 1
Azurill (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Eddie - 210
Pokemon: 2
Nincada (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Lass Sally - 211
Pokemon: 1
Gulpin (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Lass Robin - 212
Pokemon: 2
Oddish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Cora - 213
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 29)  (Moves: High Jump Kick/Mind Reader/Calm Mind/Hidden Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl [~ 214] - 214
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Ted - 215
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 1
Schoolkid [~ 216] - 216
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Georgie - 217
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 1
Beautifly (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 1
Camper [~ 218] - 218
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker Martha - 219
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Wigglytuff (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 220] - 220
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Yuji - 221
Pokemon: 2
Makuhita (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 12
Machop (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 12
Pokémon Ranger Sebastian - 222
Pokemon: 2
Cacnea (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 6
Aron (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 6
Pokémon Ranger Sophia - 223
Pokemon: 2
Swablu (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 6
Roselia (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 6
Bird Keeper [~ 224] - 224
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Patricia - 225
Pokemon: 1
Chimecho (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Psychic Joshua - 226
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Psychic Alexis - 227
Pokemon: 3
Kirlia (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Xatu (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Kadabra (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Elaine - 228
Pokemon: 2
Lairon (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Tropius (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 229] - 229
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 230] - 230
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aqua Leader Archie - 231
Pokemon: 3
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Golbat (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Sharpedo (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 20
Team Aqua Grunt - 232
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 233
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Grimer (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 234
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Magma Leader Maxie - 235
Pokemon: 4
Mightyena (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Weezing (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 20
Camerupt (Lv. 43) @[~ 767] IVs: All 20
Magma Leader Maxie - 236
Pokemon: 3
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Golbat (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 20
Camerupt (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 20
Team Magma Grunt - 237
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Mean Look/Swift/Leech Life/Astonish) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 238
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Taunt/Bite/Assurance/Scary Face) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 239
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 240
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Amnesia/Ember/Magnitude/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 241
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Howl/Bite/Assurance/Odor Sleuth) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 242
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 243
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 244
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma [~ 245] - 245
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 246] - 246
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 247
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 248
Pokemon: 2
Weezing (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 249
Pokemon: 1
Golbat (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 250
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 251
Pokemon: 1
Zubat (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 252
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 253
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 254
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 255
Pokemon: 1
Poochyena (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 256
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 257
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 258
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 259
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Screech/Scary Face/Focus Energy) IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 260] - 260
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 261
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 262
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 263
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 264
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Amnesia/Focus Energy/Tackle/Curse) IVs: All 0
Magma Admin [~ 265] - 265
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aqua Leader Archie - 266
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 267
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 268
Pokemon: 2
Zubat (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 269
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 270
Pokemon: 2
Zubat (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Magma Leader Maxie - 271
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Nolan - 272
Pokemon: 1
Gyarados (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Clark - 273
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 8)  IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 10)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Benjamin - 274
Pokemon: 1
Voltorb (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Twins Gina & Mia - 275
Pokemon: 2
Lotad (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Seedot (Lv. 9)  IVs: All 0
Twins Miu & Yuki - 276
Pokemon: 2
Beautifly (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua [~ 277] - 277
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma [~ 278] - 278
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Eric - 279
Pokemon: 1
Graveler (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Camper Ethan - 280
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 281
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 282] - 282
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 283
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 284
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 285
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 286
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 287
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 288
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 289
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Grovyle (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 290
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 291
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 292
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 293
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 294
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 295
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Grovyle (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 296
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Combusken (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 297
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Slugma (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Marshtomp (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer May - 298
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 299
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 300
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Youngster Allen - 301
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 4)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 2)  IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 302
Pokemon: 1
Nincada (Lv. 8)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Camper [~ 303] - 303
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker [~ 304] - 304
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Youngster Timmy - 305
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 12)  IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 13)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Derek - 306
Pokemon: 3
Nincada (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Beautifly (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Mike - 307
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Picnicker Irene - 308
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 16)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Camper Travis - 309
Pokemon: 1
Sandshrew (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wilton - 310
Pokemon: 3
Electrike (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Makuhita (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Bagon (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 311
Pokemon: 3
Wingull (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Black Belt Daisuke - 312
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Beauty [~ 313] - 313
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lung - 314
Pokemon: 2
Nincada (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 20)  IVs: All 0
Collector Hector - 315
Pokemon: 1
Seviper (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Barny - 316
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Wade - 317
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Chester - 318
Pokemon: 2
Swablu (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 10
Swellow (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 10
Aroma Lady Violet - 319
Pokemon: 1
Shroomish (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Giga Drain/Worry Seed/Headbutt/Growth) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Kindra - 320
Pokemon: 2
Kirlia (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Grumpig (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Psychic Cameron - 321
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Solrock (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Psychic Jacki - 322
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 15
Lunatone (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Jennifer - 323
Pokemon: 1
Milotic (Lv. 36)  (Moves: Refresh/Twister/Recover/Water Pulse) IVs: All 15
Parasol Lady Clarissa - 324
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 0
Seaking (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Angelica - 325
Pokemon: 1
Castform (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Tammy - 326
Pokemon: 2
Duskull (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Sableye (Lv. 33)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 327
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 328
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Screech/Scary Face/Assurance) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 329
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Take Down/Curse/Magnitude/Ember) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 330
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Tasha - 331
Pokemon: 2
Shuppet (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Xatu (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Dez & Luke - 332
Pokemon: 2
Delcatty (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Manectric (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Atsushi - 333
Pokemon: 1
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Team Aqua Grunt - 334
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Ice Fang/Focus Energy/Screech/Aqua Jet) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 335
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Scary Face/Screech/Swagger/Ice Fang) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Scary Face/Assurance/Swagger) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 336
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Amnesia/Flame Burst/Take Down/Magnitude) IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 337
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Amnesia/Lava Plume/Earth Power/Flame Burst) IVs: All 0
Zubat (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Bite/Leech Life/Supersonic/Air Cutter) IVs: All 0
Beauty Connie - 338
Pokemon: 1
Huntail (Lv. 43)  (Moves: Iron Defense/Crunch/Waterfall/Ice Fang) IVs: All 5
Beauty Bridget - 339
Pokemon: 1
Gorebyss (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 5
Beauty Tiffany - 340
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Wailord (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Lass Andrea - 341
Pokemon: 1
Ludicolo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Waterfall/Mega Drain/Rain Dance/Fake Out) IVs: All 5
Lass Crissy - 342
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 5
Seadra (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Ace Trainer Edgar - 343
Pokemon: 1
Mawile (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Albert - 344
Pokemon: 2
Sigilyph (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 345] - 345
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Vito - 346
Pokemon: 3
Electrode (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Swalot (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Darmanitan (Lv. 44)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 347] - 347
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Hope - 348
Pokemon: 1
Froslass (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer [~ 349] - 349
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 350] - 350
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 351] - 351
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Julie - 352
Pokemon: 2
Ninetales (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 15
Bellossom (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Team Aqua Grunt - 353
Pokemon: 1
Muk (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Tucker - 354
Pokemon: 2
Rapidash (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Zebstrika (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Gentleman Thomas - 355
Pokemon: 1
Braviary (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lea & Jed - 356
Pokemon: 2
Miltank (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Tauros (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Phillip - 357
Pokemon: 2
Qwilfish (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Machamp (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Leonard - 358
Pokemon: 2
Floatzel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Gwen - 359
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Carter - 360
Pokemon: 1
Tentacool (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Carmen - 361
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Charlie - 362
Pokemon: 1
Corphish (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Duncan - 363
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Machoke (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 364
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Expert Shelby - 365
Pokemon: 2
Meditite (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Kindler Bernie - 366
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 20)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Wingull (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 367
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Whismur (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 368
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 369
Pokemon: 2
Magikarp (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Tentacool (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 370
Pokemon: 2
Tentacool (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 371
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Fisherman Elliot - 372
Pokemon: 4
Tentacruel (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Octillery (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 373
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 374
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 375
Pokemon: 1
Marill (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Tuber Lola - 376
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Triathlete Benjamin - 377
Pokemon: 1
Voltorb (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 378
Pokemon: 1
Electrode (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 379
Pokemon: 2
Electrode (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Klang (Lv. 42)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Benjamin - 380
Pokemon: 2
Electrode (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 10
Klinklang (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 10
[~ 144] [~ 381] - 381
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 382] - 382
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 383] - 383
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 144] [~ 384] - 384
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 385
Pokemon: 2
Lombre (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nuzleaf (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 386
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 387
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Collector Edwin - 388
Pokemon: 2
Ludicolo (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wilton - 389
Pokemon: 3
Manectric (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 390
Pokemon: 3
Manectric (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailmer (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 391
Pokemon: 4
Manectric (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Fraxure (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Wailord (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Wilton - 392
Pokemon: 5
Talonflame (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Flame Body) IVs: All 15
Manectric (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Wailord (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Haxorus (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 393
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Simple) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 394
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roselia (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 395
Pokemon: 3
Pelipper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roserade (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Brooke - 396
Pokemon: 5
Purugly (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 15
Pelipper (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Solid Rock) IVs: All 15
Roserade (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 15
Lapras (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 15
Hiker Trent - 397
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Geodude (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 398
Pokemon: 3
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 399
Pokemon: 3
Graveler (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Graveler (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Hiker Trent - 400
Pokemon: 3
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Golem (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 401
Pokemon: 2
Lairon (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Rhyhorn (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 402
Pokemon: 2
Rhyhorn (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Lairon (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 403
Pokemon: 2
Rhydon (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Aggron (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Steve - 404
Pokemon: 4
Ampharos (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Slowbro (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Aggron (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Rhyperior (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 405
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 406
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 407
Pokemon: 2
Magcargo (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Kindler Bernie - 408
Pokemon: 2
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 0
Pelipper (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Cyndy - 409
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 410
Pokemon: 1
Medicham (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 411
Pokemon: 1
Medicham (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Cyndy - 412
Pokemon: 2
Hitmonchan (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Iron Fist) IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 15
Schoolkid Jerry - 413
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 414
Pokemon: 1
Kirlia (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 415
Pokemon: 2
Kirlia (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Meditite (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Jerry - 416
Pokemon: 3
Gardevoir (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 5
Medicham (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 5
Bisharp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Defiant) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 417
Pokemon: 2
Shroomish (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Whismur (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 418
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 419
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Loudred (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Schoolkid Karen - 420
Pokemon: 3
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 5
Dewgong (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Aroma Lady Rose - 421
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 422
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 423
Pokemon: 3
Sunkern (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roselia (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Bellossom (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Aroma Lady Rose - 424
Pokemon: 3
Bellossom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Sunflora (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Roserade (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 425
Pokemon: 2
Magnemite (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Loudred (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 426
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Loudred (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 427
Pokemon: 2
Magneton (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Exploud (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Guitarist Dalton - 428
Pokemon: 3
Chatot (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Exploud (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Magnezone (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 429
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Vigoroth (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 430
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 431
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Jackson - 432
Pokemon: 3
Seviper (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 15
Unfezant (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Big Pecks) IVs: All 15
Slaking (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 433
Pokemon: 1
Breloom (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 434
Pokemon: 2
Pikachu (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 435
Pokemon: 2
Breloom (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Ranger Catherine - 436
Pokemon: 3
Breloom (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 15
Excadrill (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Sand Rush) IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Robert - 437
Pokemon: 1
Altaria (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 438
Pokemon: 2
Fearow (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper Robert - 439
Pokemon: 3
Fearow (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Staraptor (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10
Bird Keeper [~ 440] - 440
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 441
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 442
Pokemon: 2
Masquerain (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac Brandon - 443
Pokemon: 4
Masquerain (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Kricketune (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Pinsir (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Vespiquen (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 444
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Psychic Cameron - 445
Pokemon: 2
Solrock (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic Cameron - 446
Pokemon: 3
Exeggcute (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15
Solrock (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic Cameron - 447
Pokemon: 3
Solrock (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Exeggutor (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Psychic [~ 448] - 448
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 449] - 449
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 450] - 450
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 451] - 451
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 452] - 452
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 453
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Machoke (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0
Sailor Ernest - 454
Pokemon: 3
Tentacruel (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 0
Machamp (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Sailor [~ 455] - 455
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sailor [~ 456] - 456
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Expert Shelby - 457
Pokemon: 2
Meditite (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 458
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 459
Pokemon: 3
Riolu (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20
Medicham (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Shelby - 460
Pokemon: 3
Medicham (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Lucario (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 20
Hex Maniac Valerie - 461
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 462
Pokemon: 3
Sableye (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Banette (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Misdreavus (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac Valerie - 463
Pokemon: 3
Sableye (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Banette (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Mismagius (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Hex Maniac [~ 464] - 464
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 465
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 466
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 467
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Young Couple Lois & Hal - 468
Pokemon: 2
Illumise (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Illuminate) IVs: All 0
Camper Ethan - 469
Pokemon: 1
Swalot (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 470
Pokemon: 2
Swalot (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Golbat (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 471
Pokemon: 2
Swalot (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Golbat (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Camper Ethan - 472
Pokemon: 3
Swalot (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Liquid Ooze) IVs: All 5
Skuntank (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Aftermath) IVs: All 5
Crobat (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 5
Picnicker Diana - 473
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 474
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 475
Pokemon: 2
Gloom (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Altaria (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Picnicker Diana - 476
Pokemon: 2
Vileplume (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 0
Altaria (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 477
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 478
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Nincada (Lv. 12)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 479
Pokemon: 2
Surskit (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0
Bug Catcher James - 480
Pokemon: 4
Masquerain (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Ariados (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Ninjask (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 0
Ledian (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Nicolas - 481
Pokemon: 3
Noivern (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Infiltrator) IVs: All 20
Druddigon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 20
Flygon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 20
Dragon Tamer [~ 482] - 482
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer [~ 483] - 483
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Isaiah - 484
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Isaiah - 485
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Isaiah - 486
Pokemon: 2
Floatzel (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 10
Starmie (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 10
Triathlete [~ 487] - 487
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 488] - 488
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 489] - 489
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 490] - 490
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 172] [~ 491] - 491
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Dylan - 492
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
[~ 191] [~ 493] - 493
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Triathlete Dylan - 494
Pokemon: 1
Doduo (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 495
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 496
Pokemon: 1
Dodrio (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dylan - 497
Pokemon: 2
Dodrio (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 10
Arcanine (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 10
[~ 191] [~ 498] - 498
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 499] - 499
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 500] - 500
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
[~ 191] [~ 501] - 501
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Ronald - 502
Pokemon: 3
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Warren - 503
Pokemon: 3
Lairon (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Manectric (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Alakazam (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Bird Keeper Alex - 504
Pokemon: 2
Swellow (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Altaria (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Dragon Tamer Aaron - 505
Pokemon: 2
Shelgon (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Kingdra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Bird Keeper Beck - 506
Pokemon: 1
Skarmory (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 507
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Jenny - 508
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Alomomola (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 509] - 509
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 510] - 510
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 511
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 512
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 513
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♂ Tony - 514
Pokemon: 2
Tentacruel (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Clear Body) IVs: All 5
Jellicent (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Water Absorb) IVs: All 5
Beauty Johanna - 515
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Camper Terrell - 516
Pokemon: 2
Doduo (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 5
Pelipper (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 5
Picnicker Kylee - 517
Pokemon: 1
Swablu (Lv. 31)  (Moves: Disarming Voice/Roost/Take Down/Sing) IVs: All 5
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 518
Pokemon: 1
Ralts (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 519
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 520
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 521
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Lydia - 522
Pokemon: 6
Wingull (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 523
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 524
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 525
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Breeder Isaac - 526
Pokemon: 6
Whismur (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Run Away) IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 527
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 528
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 529
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 530
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 531
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 532
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 37)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 20
Fisherman Jonah - 533
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Relicanth (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Henry - 534
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Roger - 535
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 536] - 536
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer [~ 537] - 537
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Black Belt Koji - 538
Pokemon: 2
Machoke (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Hariyama (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Fisherman Wayne - 539
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Byron - 540
Pokemon: 2
Dodrio (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 10
Xatu (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 10
Swimmer ♂ Reed - 541
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Seadra (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ Tisha - 542
Pokemon: 3
Luvdisc (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Corsola (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 543] - 543
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rell & Ian - 544
Pokemon: 2
Azumarill (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Sealeo (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 545
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 546
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 547
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Rita & Sam - 548
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Keen Eye) IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro [~ 549] - 549
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sis & Bro Lisa & Ray - 550
Pokemon: 2
Goldeen (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Corphish (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Eugene - 551
Pokemon: 3
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Feebas (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Leaders Liza & Tate - 552
Pokemon: 2
Lunatone (Lv. 45)  (Moves: Light Screen/Psychic/Hypnosis/Calm Mind) IVs: All 30
Solrock (Lv. 45)  (Moves: Sunny Day/Rock Slide/Psychic/Solar Beam) IVs: All 30
Elite Four Sidney - 553
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Swagger/Take Down/Sucker Punch/Crunch) IVs: All 25
Shiftry (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25
Cacturne (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Leech Seed/Payback/Needle Arm/Spiky Shield) IVs: All 25
Sharpedo (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25
Absol (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Phoebe - 554
Pokemon: 5
Dusclops (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Shadow Punch/Confuse Ray/Curse/Future Sight) IVs: All 25
Banette (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Spite/Will-O-Wisp/Feint Attack) IVs: All 25
Sableye (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25
Banette (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25
Dusknoir (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Glacia - 555
Pokemon: 5
Glalie (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Light Screen/Ice Shard/Hail/Crunch) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Confuse Ray/Blizzard/Hail/Ominous Wind) IVs: All 25
Glalie (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25
Walrein (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Drake - 556
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Rock Slide/Supersonic) IVs: All 25
Kingdra (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Champion Steven - 557
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Cradily (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30
Armaldo (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Poké Fan Colton - 558
Pokemon: 3
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Fake Out/Assist/Charm/Wake-Up Slap) IVs: All 0
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Charm) IVs: All 0
Delcatty (Lv. 48) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Return/Play Rough/Attract) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 559
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Pyroar (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 560
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Pyroar (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rivalry) IVs: All 0
Leader Roxanne - 561
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 12)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20
Nosepass (Lv. 14)  (Moves: Tackle/Harden/Rock Tomb/―――――) IVs: All 20
Youngster Josh - 562
Pokemon: 2
Geodude (Lv. 7)  (Moves: Tackle/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Geodude (Lv. 9)  (Moves: Tackle/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Leader Brawly - 563
Pokemon: 2
Machop (Lv. 14)  (Moves: Leer/Karate Chop/Seismic Toss/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Makuhita (Lv. 16)  (Moves: Arm Thrust/Knock Off/Sand Attack/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Tuber Ricky - 564
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 14)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Baby-Doll Eyes/Surf) IVs: All 0
Psychic Edward - 565
Pokemon: 1
Abra (Lv. 17)  (Moves: Hidden Power/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Psychic [~ 566] - 566
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Leader Wattson - 567
Pokemon: 3
Magnemite (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Thunder Wave/Tackle/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Voltorb (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Rollout/Charge/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Magneton (Lv. 21)  (Moves: Supersonic/Magnet Bomb/Volt Switch/―――――) IVs: All 20
Youngster Ben - 568
Pokemon: 1
Electrike (Lv. 17)  (Moves: Odor Sleuth/Spark/Tackle/―――――) IVs: All 5
Leader Flannery - 569
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Overheat/Rock Throw/Light Screen/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Numel (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Amnesia/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Torkoal (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Overheat/Body Slam/Curse/Sunny Day) IVs: All 20
Leader Norman - 570
Pokemon: 3
Slaking (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Encore/Retaliate/Yawn/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Vigoroth (Lv. 28)  (Moves: Fury Swipes/Feint Attack/Retaliate/Encore) IVs: All 20
Slaking (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Chip Away/Swagger/Retaliate/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Leader Winona - 571
Pokemon: 4
Swellow (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Quick Attack/Aerial Ace/Double Team/Endeavor) IVs: All 20
Pelipper (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Water Pulse/Roost/Protect/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20
Skarmory (Lv. 33)  (Moves: Sand Attack/Air Cutter/Steel Wing/Aerial Ace) IVs: All 20
Altaria (Lv. 35)  (Moves: Earthquake/Dragon Breath/Cotton Guard/Roost) IVs: All 20
Leader Wallace - 572
Pokemon: 5
Luvdisc (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Attract/Sweet Kiss/Draining Kiss) IVs: All 20
Whiscash (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Mud Sport/Waterfall/Zen Headbutt/Earthquake) IVs: All 20
Sealeo (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Encore/Body Slam/Aurora Beam/Waterfall) IVs: All 20
Seaking (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Aqua Ring/Rain Dance/Waterfall/Horn Drill) IVs: All 20
Milotic (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Hydro Pump/Disarming Voice/Recover/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Camper Drew - 573
Pokemon: 1
Graveler (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 5
Picnicker Heidi - 574
Pokemon: 1
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5
Camper Cliff - 575
Pokemon: 1
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Dig/Fury Cutter/Fury Swipes/Sand Tomb) IVs: All 5
Picnicker Becky - 576
Pokemon: 1
Cacnea (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 5
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 577
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
The Winstrates’ Vicky - 578
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 22)  (Moves: Force Palm/Meditate/Confusion/Feint) IVs: All 15
Parasol Lady Madeline - 579
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Wendy - 580
Pokemon: 2
Rhyhorn (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Tropius (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Clyde - 581
Pokemon: 2
Vibrava (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 15
Skarmory (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 15
Interviewers Gabby & Ty - 582
Pokemon: 2
Magnezone (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Magnet Pull) IVs: All 5
Exploud (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Soundproof) IVs: All 5
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 583
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20
Delcatty (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Roselia (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20
Magneton (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 48) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Teammates Kate & Joy - 584
Pokemon: 2
Spinda (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Hypnosis/Psybeam/Dizzy Punch/Teeter Dance) IVs: All 0
Slaking (Lv. 35)  (Moves: Chip Away/Yawn/Slack Off/Feint Attack) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 585
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Twins [~ 586] - 586
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lady [~ 587] - 587
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lady [~ 588] - 588
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 589] - 589
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Hiker [~ 590] - 590
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 591
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 16)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 18)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Chip - 592
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Nosepass (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Beauty Jessica - 593
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Olivia - 594
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 5
Ruin Maniac Foster - 595
Pokemon: 1
Nosepass (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 10
Twins Amy & Liv - 596
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Twins Amy & Liv - 597
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 598
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Headbutt/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 599
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 600
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Tail Whip/Surf) IVs: All 0
Tuber Ricky - 601
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Sand Attack/Slash/Play Rough/Surf) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 602
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 603
Pokemon: 2
Baltoy (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Ancient Power/Power Trick/Psybeam/Mud-Slap) IVs: All 10
Sandslash (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Sand Veil) (Moves: Dig/Crush Claw/Sand Tomb/Poison Sting) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 604
Pokemon: 2
Sandslash (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10
Claydol (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10
Ruin Maniac Dusty - 605
Pokemon: 5
Sandslash (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 10
Tyrantrum (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) IVs: All 10
Aurorus (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Refrigerate) IVs: All 10
Claydol (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 10
Aerodactyl (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Rock Head) IVs: All 10
Expert Timothy - 606
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 607
Pokemon: 1
Hariyama (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 608
Pokemon: 2
Gurdurr (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Expert Timothy - 609
Pokemon: 3
Hawlucha (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Conkeldurr (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 20
Gentleman Walter - 610
Pokemon: 1
Manectric (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Gentleman Walter - 611
Pokemon: 2
Manectric (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) IVs: All 0
Stoutland (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Gentleman [~ 612] - 612
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Zane - 613
Pokemon: 2
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Overheat/Ancient Power/Clear Smog/―――――) IVs: All 15
Kecleon (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Fire Punch/Slash/Shadow Sneak/Psybeam) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Vivian - 614
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 19)  (Moves: Bide/Confusion/Thunder Punch/―――――) IVs: All 15
Battle Girl Sadie - 615
Pokemon: 1
Meditite (Lv. 26)  (Moves: Fire Punch/Bide/Meditate/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ninja Boy Hideo - 616
Pokemon: 2
Koffing (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Keigo - 617
Pokemon: 2
Ninjask (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Tsunao - 618
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 619
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 620
Pokemon: 3
Staryu (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Minimize/Bubble Beam/Psywave/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Spheal (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Body Slam/Brine/Ice Ball/Hail) IVs: All 0
Numel (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Lava Plume/Amnesia/Magnitude/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 621
Pokemon: 3
Starmie (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Sealeo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Take Down/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Parasol Lady Madeline - 622
Pokemon: 3
Starmie (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Psychic/Surf/Confuse Ray/Rain Dance) IVs: All 0
Walrein (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Blizzard/Body Slam/Brine/Hail) IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Solid Rock) (Moves: Lava Plume/Solar Beam/Earthquake/Sunny Day) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 623
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 624
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 625
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Teammates Anna & Meg - 626
Pokemon: 2
Linoone (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Hariyama (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 627
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 38)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 628
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Beauty Jessica - 629
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 0
Seviper (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Shed Skin) IVs: All 0
Krookodile (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 0
Beauty [~ 630] - 630
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Teammates Kim & Iris - 631
Pokemon: 2
Altaria (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Teammates Tyra & Ivy - 632
Pokemon: 2
Roselia (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Azumarill (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Young Couple Mel & Paul - 633
Pokemon: 2
Beautifly (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Dustox (Lv. 27)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple John & Jay - 634
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Old Couple John & Jay - 635
Pokemon: 2
Medicham (Lv. 58)  (Ability: Pure Power) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 58)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Old Couple [~ 636] - 636
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple [~ 637] - 637
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Old Couple [~ 638] - 638
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 639
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 640
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 10)  (Ability: Pickup) (Moves: Tackle/Growl/Tail Whip/―――――) IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Victor - 641
Pokemon: 2
Taillow (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 19) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
The Winstrates’ Victoria - 642
Pokemon: 1
Roselia (Lv. 20) @Oran Berry IVs: All 5
Black Belt Nob - 643
Pokemon: 3
Primeape (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 15
Hitmonlee (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Limber) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Poké Fan Miguel - 644
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 17) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Vanessa - 645
Pokemon: 1
Pikachu (Lv. 35) @Oran Berry IVs: All 0
Lady Brianna - 646
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Corsola (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 5
Poké Fan Marissa - 647
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 43) @Oran Berry (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Waterfall/Play Rough/Superpower/Rollout) IVs: All 5
Lady Anette - 648
Pokemon: 1
Persian (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Garret - 649
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 30)  (Moves: Headbutt/Odor Sleuth/Fury Swipes/Tail Whip) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 650
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 15) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 651
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 652
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 29) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 653
Pokemon: 1
Skitty (Lv. 34) @Oran Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Miguel - 654
Pokemon: 1
Delcatty (Lv. 51) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 655
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 656
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Lady Cindy - 657
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 658
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 659
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Winston - 660
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Pickup) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 661
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 25) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 662
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 27) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 663
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 32) @Oran Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Poké Fan Isabel - 664
Pokemon: 2
Plusle (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Plus) IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 49) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Minus) IVs: All 0
Bug Maniac [~ 665] - 665
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer [~ 666] - 666
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Georgia - 667
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 10)  (Moves: Tackle/Rock Throw/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 5
Team Magma Grunts - 668
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunts - 669
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunts - 670
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 671
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 672
Pokemon: 5
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Poochyena (Lv. 18)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunts - 673
Pokemon: 5
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 25)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/Roar/Assurance/―――――) IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 674
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 675
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 676
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 677
Pokemon: 3
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Grovyle (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Overgrow) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 678
Pokemon: 3
Wailmer (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Water Veil) IVs: All 20
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Combusken (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Blaze) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 679
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 20
Slugma (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 20
Marshtomp (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Torrent) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Steven - 680
Pokemon: 1
Metagross (Lv. 45) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Zen Headbutt/Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Proprietor Inver - 681
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Rotation Girl Circie - 682
Pokemon: 3
Simisage (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Energy Ball/Payback/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Simisear (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Flamethrower/Endeavor/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Simipour (Lv. 42)  (Moves: Crunch/Surf/Facade/Ice Punch) IVs: All 20
Aqua Admin Matt - 683
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 32)  (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 684
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15
Sharpedo (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Slash/Scary Face) IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 685
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 686
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 53)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Matt - 687
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 55) @[~ 759] IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 688
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 15
Carvanha (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 689
Pokemon: 2
Grimer (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 15
Carvanha (Lv. 24)  IVs: All 15
Aqua Admin Shelly - 690
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 691
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 32)  (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 692
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 32)  (Ability: Quick Feet) (Moves: Assurance/Snarl/Scary Face/Roar) IVs: All 15
Camerupt (Lv. 34)  (Moves: Curse/Take Down/Rock Slide/Yawn) IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Tabitha - 693
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 694
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 31)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 695
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 696
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 697
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 53)  IVs: All 15
Magma Admin Courtney - 698
Pokemon: 1
Camerupt (Lv. 55) @[~ 767] IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 699
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 700
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Brendan - 701
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Rich Boy Antoin - 702
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 29)  (Moves: Feint Attack/Amnesia/Covet/Chip Away) IVs: All 0
Rich Boy Antoin - 703
Pokemon: 4
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 704
Pokemon: 4
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 705
Pokemon: 4
Drapion (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 706
Pokemon: 4
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Scolipede (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 707
Pokemon: 4
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Toxicroak (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Anticipation) IVs: All 15
Rich Boy Antoin - 708
Pokemon: 4
Dragalge (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Crobat (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 15
Muk (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Stench) IVs: All 15
Weezing (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 709
Pokemon: 4
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 710
Pokemon: 4
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Carnation - 711
Pokemon: 4
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 712
Pokemon: 4
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Lorekeeper Zinnia - 713
Pokemon: 5
Goodra (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Muddy Water/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Noivern (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Infiltrator) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Air Slash/Shadow Ball/Super Fang) IVs: All 25
Altaria (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25
Tyrantrum (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 62) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Triathlete Sloan - 714
Pokemon: 1
Plusle (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Dolph - 715
Pokemon: 1
Minun (Lv. 17)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Vin - 716
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Spheal (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Jaylon - 717
Pokemon: 1
Tentacruel (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Denzel - 718
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 10
Triathlete Karsen - 719
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Tentacruel (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 10
Backpacker Graeme - 720
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 13)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Emory - 721
Pokemon: 1
Taillow (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Deon - 722
Pokemon: 1
Linoone (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Darnell - 723
Pokemon: 1
Kecleon (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Grayson - 724
Pokemon: 1
Girafarig (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 725
Pokemon: 1
Slakoth (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 726
Pokemon: 1
Vigoroth (Lv. 27)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 727
Pokemon: 1
Vigoroth (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Vital Spirit) IVs: All 0
Backpacker Graeme - 728
Pokemon: 1
Slaking (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Truant) IVs: All 0
Battle Girl Tess - 729
Pokemon: 1
Mienshao (Lv. 46)  IVs: All 0
Bird Keeper Bran - 730
Pokemon: 1
Pelipper (Lv. 32)  IVs: All 10
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 731
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Aden & Finn - 732
Pokemon: 2
Musharna (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Primeape (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 733
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 734
Pokemon: 2
Kadabra (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machoke (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 735
Pokemon: 2
Alakazam (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Brains & Brawn Jael & Kael - 736
Pokemon: 2
Alakazam (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 15
Machamp (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Guts) IVs: All 15
Scuba Diver Kylan - 737
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Dmitry - 738
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Keaton - 739
Pokemon: 2
Wailmer (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Wailord (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Yutaka - 740
Pokemon: 2
Pelipper (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Tristan - 741
Pokemon: 1
Wailord (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Silas - 742
Pokemon: 2
Sealeo (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Jason - 743
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Colten - 744
Pokemon: 2
Golduck (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Javier - 745
Pokemon: 1
Relicanth (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Kylan - 746
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver Kylan - 747
Pokemon: 2
Kingler (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 0
Kingdra (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver [~ 748] - 748
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Scuba Diver [~ 749] - 749
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 750
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Clamperl (Lv. 39)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Free Diver Rischel - 751
Pokemon: 1
Seaking (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Hollie - 752
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Jillian - 753
Pokemon: 1
Azumarill (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Mayu - 754
Pokemon: 2
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Luvdisc (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Cordura - 755
Pokemon: 1
Corsola (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Coral - 756
Pokemon: 2
Clamperl (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Tentacruel (Lv. 40)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Kailyn - 757
Pokemon: 1
Starmie (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Aileen - 758
Pokemon: 1
Sealeo (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 759
Pokemon: 2
Huntail (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Gorebyss (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Free Diver Arzu - 760
Pokemon: 3
Huntail (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Gorebyss (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 0
Cloyster (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Shell Armor) IVs: All 0
Free Diver [~ 761] - 761
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Free Diver [~ 762] - 762
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Dragon Tamer Dray - 763
Pokemon: 1
Altaria (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 20
Dragon Tamer Egon - 764
Pokemon: 1
Kingdra (Lv. 47)  IVs: All 20
Expert Theodore - 765
Pokemon: 4
Blaziken (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Flamethrower/Double Kick/Slash/Bulk Up) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/Aerial Ace/Slam/Agility) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Waterfall/Mud Bomb/Rock Slide/Protect) IVs: All 20
Hariyama (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Smelling Salts/Force Palm/Arm Thrust/Vital Throw) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Cece - 766
Pokemon: 2
Spoink (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Mawile (Lv. 19)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Franny - 767
Pokemon: 1
Kirlia (Lv. 22)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 768
Pokemon: 1
Jigglypuff (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Nellie - 769
Pokemon: 2
Skitty (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Jigglypuff (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 770
Pokemon: 1
Wigglytuff (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 771
Pokemon: 2
Wigglytuff (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Clefairy (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Momo - 772
Pokemon: 2
Wigglytuff (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Clefable (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl [~ 773] - 773
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Timin - 774
Pokemon: 1
Seaking (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Finley - 775
Pokemon: 2
Crawdaunt (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Gyarados (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Fisher - 776
Pokemon: 1
Whiscash (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Sheaffer - 777
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Whiscash (Lv. 37)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman Fisk - 778
Pokemon: 1
Lanturn (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Fisherman River - 779
Pokemon: 1
Seadra (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 780
Pokemon: 2
Chingling (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Kirlia (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Elle & Aya - 781
Pokemon: 2
Girafarig (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Mawile (Lv. 35)  IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 782
Pokemon: 2
Chingling (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 783
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 784
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Mysterious Sisters Scall & Ion - 785
Pokemon: 2
Chimecho (Lv. 51)  (Ability: Levitate) IVs: All 0
Gardevoir (Lv. 50)  (Ability: Synchronize) IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Hayes - 786
Pokemon: 2
Sandslash (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Sandslash (Lv. 25)  IVs: All 0
Ruin Maniac Omari - 787
Pokemon: 1
Sandshrew (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Hiker Davian - 788
Pokemon: 1
Geodude (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Blair - 789
Pokemon: 2
Poochyena (Lv. 12)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 14)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Jaylin - 790
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 791
Pokemon: 1
Cacturne (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Hannibal - 792
Pokemon: 1
Crawdaunt (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Regan - 793
Pokemon: 2
Houndoom (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 0
Shiftry (Lv. 43)  IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 794
Pokemon: 1
Cacturne (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 795
Pokemon: 2
Murkrow (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Cacturne (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Street Thug Gomez - 796
Pokemon: 3
Houndoom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Early Bird) IVs: All 0
Cacturne (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 0
Honchkrow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Insomnia) IVs: All 0
Street Thug [~ 797] - 797
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Destinee - 798
Pokemon: 1
Sableye (Lv. 15)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Miley - 799
Pokemon: 2
Cacnea (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 0
Mightyena (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 800
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 34)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Kylie - 801
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 36)  IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 802
Pokemon: 1
Sharpedo (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 803
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Sneasel (Lv. 43)  (Ability: Inner Focus) IVs: All 0
Delinquent Sharlene - 804
Pokemon: 2
Sharpedo (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Rough Skin) IVs: All 0
Weavile (Lv. 49)  (Ability: Pressure) IVs: All 0
Delinquent [~ 805] - 805
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Trainer Neville - 806
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Hisato - 807
Pokemon: 1
Pinsir (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Cornelius - 808
Pokemon: 2
Golem (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Raichu (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Leopold - 809
Pokemon: 2
Vibrava (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Rhydon (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 810
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 34)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 36)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 811
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 812
Pokemon: 2
Zangoose (Lv. 45)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Neville - 813
Pokemon: 3
Zangoose (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Immunity) IVs: All 15
Breloom (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Effect Spore) IVs: All 15
Chandelure (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Flash Fire) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Constance - 814
Pokemon: 2
Seviper (Lv. 26)  IVs: All 15
Swellow (Lv. 28)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 815
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 26)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 28)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Claudia - 816
Pokemon: 3
Snorunt (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Masquerain (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Dusclops (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Harriet - 817
Pokemon: 1
Crobat (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Honor - 818
Pokemon: 2
Torkoal (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Medicham (Lv. 39)  IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 819
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 33)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 35)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 820
Pokemon: 2
Kecleon (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 821
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Vanillish (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 44)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Portia - 822
Pokemon: 3
Kecleon (Lv. 52)  (Ability: Color Change) IVs: All 15
Magcargo (Lv. 53)  (Ability: Magma Armor) IVs: All 15
Vanilluxe (Lv. 54)  (Ability: Ice Body) IVs: All 15
Ninja Boy Shoji - 823
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5
Ninja Boy Hiromichi - 824
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Moves: Flamethrower/Assurance/Clear Smog/Sludge) IVs: All 5
Swimmer ♂ [~ 825] - 825
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swimmer ♀ [~ 826] - 826
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Delmar - 827
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Tuber Marlene - 828
Pokemon: 1
Luvdisc (Lv. 38)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo Pike & Shiel - 829
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 15
Numel (Lv. 21)  IVs: All 15
Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 830
Pokemon: 2
Armaldo (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 15
Cradily (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 15
Ace Duo Jude & Rory - 831
Pokemon: 2
Armaldo (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Battle Armor) IVs: All 0
Cradily (Lv. 56)  (Ability: Suction Cups) IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 832] - 832
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 833] - 833
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ace Duo [~ 834] - 834
Pokemon: 2
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Expert Bryn - 835
Pokemon: 2
Hitmontop (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 20
Throh (Lv. 45)  IVs: All 20
Youngster Cutler - 836
Pokemon: 1
Slugma (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Incinerate/Harden/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Youngster Ham - 837
Pokemon: 1
Taillow (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Wing Attack/Growl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Nitzel - 838
Pokemon: 1
Oddish (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Mega Drain/Sweet Scent/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Schoolkid Meena - 839
Pokemon: 1
Goldeen (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Water Pulse/Tail Whip/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Fairy Tale Girl Meggi - 840
Pokemon: 1
Jigglypuff (Lv. 17)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Disarming Voice/Defense Curl/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 0
Lass Suzette - 841
Pokemon: 2
Maractus (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Storm Drain) (Moves: Needle Arm/Poison Jab/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Vaporeon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Water Absorb) (Moves: Aurora Beam/Scald/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Thyme - 842
Pokemon: 2
Gogoat (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Horn Leech/Wild Charge/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Goodra (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Sap Sipper) (Moves: Aqua Tail/Dragon Pulse/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Benedict - 843
Pokemon: 2
Flareon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Fire Fang/Quick Attack/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Heatmor (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Flash Fire) (Moves: Flamethrower/Power-Up Punch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Ace Trainer Melba - 844
Pokemon: 2
Shedinja (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Shedinja (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Wonder Guard) (Moves: Shadow Claw/X-Scissor/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Street Thug Alfredo - 845
Pokemon: 3
Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Lilligant (Lv. 65) @Choice Scarf (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Teeter Dance/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Lickilicky (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Own Tempo) (Moves: Rollout/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Rice - 846
Pokemon: 3
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Ditto (Lv. 65) @Iron Ball (Ability: Imposter) (Moves: Transform/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Street Thug Barley - 847
Pokemon: 3
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Swoobat (Lv. 65) @Bright Powder (Ability: Simple) (Moves: Double Team/Steel Wing/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Soyer - 848
Pokemon: 3
Altaria (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Tropius (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Aerodactyl (Lv. 65) @Salac Berry (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Bulldoze/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Pitaha - 849
Pokemon: 3
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 65) @Wide Lens (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Stun Spore/Dazzling Gleam/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Bass - 850
Pokemon: 3
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Clefable (Lv. 65) @Metronome (Ability: Magic Guard) (Moves: Metronome/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Street Thug Wellington - 851
Pokemon: 3
Krookodile (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Arcanine (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Scrafty (Lv. 65) @Sitrus Berry (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Snarl/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Black Belt Banting - 852
Pokemon: 3
Nidoking (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rivalry) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Aggron (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Rock Head) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Rampardos (Lv. 65) @Life Orb (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Head Smash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 20
Rich Boy Filbert - 853
Pokemon: 2
Lanturn (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Illuminate) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Waterfall/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Jolteon (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Volt Absorb) (Moves: Thunderbolt/Pin Missile/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Lady Dulcie - 854
Pokemon: 2
Carnivine (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Whip/Crunch/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Mismagius (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Power Gem/Shadow Ball/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 15
Fare Prince Trencherman - 855
Pokemon: 3
Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Togekiss (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Serene Grace) (Moves: Air Slash/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Lucario (Lv. 75) @King’s Rock (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Extreme Speed/―――――/―――――/―――――) IVs: All 30
Secret Base Expert Aarune - 856
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 23) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earth Power/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 20
Secret Base Expert Aarune - 857
Pokemon: 1
Flygon (Lv. 53) @Normal Gem (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Secret Power/Fly/Earthquake/Dragon Rush) IVs: All 20
Team Magma Grunt - 858
Pokemon: 1
Numel (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 859
Pokemon: 2
Numel (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 860
Pokemon: 1
Carvanha (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 861
Pokemon: 2
Carvanha (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 862
Pokemon: 1
Weezing (Lv. 41)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 863
Pokemon: 3
Geodude (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Aron (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Nosepass (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 864
Pokemon: 3
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Volbeat (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 865
Pokemon: 3
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Illumise (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 866
Pokemon: 3
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 867
Pokemon: 3
Aron (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Lileep (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Anorith (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 868
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 869
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 870
Pokemon: 3
Seedot (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 871
Pokemon: 3
Lotad (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Taillow (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 872
Pokemon: 3
Corphish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Barboach (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 873
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Slugma (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 874
Pokemon: 3
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Slugma (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 875
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Cacnea (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 876
Pokemon: 3
Poochyena (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Cacnea (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Carvanha (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 877
Pokemon: 3
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 878
Pokemon: 3
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 879
Pokemon: 3
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 880
Pokemon: 3
Gulpin (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Grimer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 881
Pokemon: 3
Voltorb (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pichu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Magnemite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 882
Pokemon: 3
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 883
Pokemon: 3
Igglybuff (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 884
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Plusle (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 885
Pokemon: 3
Budew (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Shroomish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Oddish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 886
Pokemon: 3
Meditite (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Makuhita (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Machop (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 887
Pokemon: 3
Azurill (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Ralts (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 888
Pokemon: 3
Shuppet (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Duskull (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Sableye (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 889
Pokemon: 3
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Electrike (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 890
Pokemon: 3
Whismur (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Skitty (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Spinda (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 891
Pokemon: 3
Oddish (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Goldeen (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Swablu (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 892
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 893
Pokemon: 1
Weezing (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 894
Pokemon: 2
Golbat (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Camerupt (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 895
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 48)  IVs: All 0
Golbat (Lv. 50)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 896
Pokemon: 1
Muk (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 897
Pokemon: 2
Golbat (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Sharpedo (Lv. 49)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Zinnia - 898
Pokemon: 3
Tyrantrum (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Strong Jaw) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 25
Altaria (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Moonblast/Flamethrower/Hyper Voice) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Fire Fang/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Secret Base Trainer Grunt - 899
Pokemon: 3
Wurmple (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Minun (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Wailmer (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 900
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 901
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 902
Pokemon: 1
Koffing (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 903
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 23)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 904
Pokemon: 1
Grimer (Lv. 29)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 905
Pokemon: 2
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Muk (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer May - 906
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Sceptile (Lv. 50) @Sceptilite (Ability: Overgrow) (Moves: Leaf Blade/X-Scissor/Dual Chop/Night Slash) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 907
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Wailord (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Water Veil) (Moves: Surf/Heavy Slam/Bulldoze/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Blaziken (Lv. 50) @Blazikenite (Ability: Blaze) (Moves: Blaze Kick/Brick Break/Quick Attack/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer May - 908
Pokemon: 5
Swellow (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Guts) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Quick Attack/U-turn/Steel Wing) IVs: All 20
Raichu (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Static) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt/Quick Attack/Light Screen) IVs: All 20
Breloom (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Effect Spore) (Moves: Seed Bomb/Force Palm/Venoshock/Rock Tomb) IVs: All 20
Magcargo (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Magma Armor) (Moves: Earth Power/Lava Plume/Body Slam/Rock Slide) IVs: All 20
Swampert (Lv. 50) @Swampertite (Ability: Torrent) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Slide/Brick Break) IVs: All 20
Elite Four Sidney - 909
Pokemon: 6
Scrafty (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Crunch/Brick Break/Poison Jab/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 25
Shiftry (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) (Moves: Fake Out/Feint Attack/Extrasensory/Leaf Blade) IVs: All 25
Sharpedo (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Crunch/Poison Fang/Aqua Jet/Slash) IVs: All 25
Zoroark (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Illusion) (Moves: Night Slash/Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse/Flamethrower) IVs: All 25
Mandibuzz (Lv. 70)  (Ability: Overcoat) (Moves: Brave Bird/Bone Rush/Feint Attack/Tailwind) IVs: All 25
Absol (Lv. 72) @Absolite (Ability: Super Luck) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Night Slash/Psycho Cut/Slash) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Phoebe - 910
Pokemon: 6
Banette (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Insomnia) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Grudge/Toxic/Psychic) IVs: All 25
Mismagius (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Power Gem/Thunderbolt/Pain Split) IVs: All 25
Drifblim (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Aftermath) (Moves: Phantom Force/Psychic/Icy Wind/Acrobatics) IVs: All 25
Chandelure (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Flame Body) (Moves: Hex/Flamethrower/Energy Ball/Dark Pulse) IVs: All 25
Dusknoir (Lv. 71)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Hex/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/Thunder Punch) IVs: All 25
Sableye (Lv. 73) @[~ 754] (Ability: Prankster) (Moves: Shadow Claw/Foul Play/Power Gem/Fake Out) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Glacia - 911
Pokemon: 6
Abomasnow (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Warning) (Moves: Blizzard/Wood Hammer/Ice Shard/Earthquake) IVs: All 25
Beartic (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Icicle Crash/Slash/Shadow Claw/Brick Break) IVs: All 25
Froslass (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Snow Cloak) (Moves: Draining Kiss/Blizzard/Hail/Shadow Ball) IVs: All 25
Vanilluxe (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Ice Body) (Moves: Ice Beam/Mirror Coat/Freeze-Dry/Signal Beam) IVs: All 25
Walrein (Lv. 72)  (Ability: Thick Fat) (Moves: Surf/Body Slam/Blizzard/Sheer Cold) IVs: All 25
Glalie (Lv. 74) @Glalitite (Ability: Inner Focus) (Moves: Protect/Ice Shard/Hail/Freeze-Dry) IVs: All 25
Elite Four Drake - 912
Pokemon: 6
Altaria (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Cotton Guard/Dragon Pulse/Moonblast) IVs: All 25
Dragalge (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump/Sludge Wave/Thunderbolt) IVs: All 25
Kingdra (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Sniper) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Surf/Yawn/Ice Beam) IVs: All 25
Flygon (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Flamethrower/Boomburst/Dragon Pulse/Screech) IVs: All 25
Haxorus (Lv. 73)  (Ability: Mold Breaker) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Earthquake/X-Scissor/Shadow Claw) IVs: All 25
Salamence (Lv. 75) @[~ 769] (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Dragon Rush/Zen Headbutt/Crunch/Thunder Fang) IVs: All 25
Champion Steven - 913
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Carbink (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Moonblast/Power Gem/Psychic/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aerodactyl (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Pressure) (Moves: Rock Slide/Ice Fang/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 77)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 79) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Ninja Boy Lao - 914
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 22)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 23)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 24)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 915
Pokemon: 3
Koffing (Lv. 29)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/Self-Destruct) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 30)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Koffing (Lv. 31)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Poison Gas/Tackle/Smog/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 916
Pokemon: 3
Weezing (Lv. 40)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 41)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 42)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Ninja Boy Lao - 917
Pokemon: 3
Weezing (Lv. 46)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 47)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/Explosion) IVs: All 0
Weezing (Lv. 48)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Assurance/Double Hit/Sludge Bomb/―――――) IVs: All 0
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 918
Pokemon: 4
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 919
Pokemon: 4
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 920
Pokemon: 4
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Rhyperior (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Lightning Rod) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 921
Pokemon: 4
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Nidoqueen (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 922
Pokemon: 4
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Gastrodon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sticky Hold) IVs: All 15
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Poké Maniac Kelvin - 923
Pokemon: 4
Garchomp (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Veil) IVs: All 15
Hippowdon (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sand Stream) IVs: All 15
Nidoking (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Poison Point) IVs: All 15
Mamoswine (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Oblivious) IVs: All 15
Aroma Lady Carnation - 924
Pokemon: 4
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 925
Pokemon: 4
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 926
Pokemon: 4
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Tangrowth (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 927
Pokemon: 4
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ferrothorn (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Iron Barbs) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 928
Pokemon: 4
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Exeggutor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Aroma Lady Carnation - 929
Pokemon: 4
Victreebel (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Natural Cure) IVs: All 20
Jumpluff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Chlorophyll) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swift Swim) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 930
Pokemon: 4
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 931
Pokemon: 4
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 932
Pokemon: 4
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 933
Pokemon: 4
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Slurpuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sweet Veil) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 934
Pokemon: 4
Wigglytuff (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Cute Charm) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Thick Fat) IVs: All 20
Fairy Tale Girl Josephine - 935
Pokemon: 4
Aromatisse (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Healer) IVs: All 20
Granbull (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Intimidate) IVs: All 20
Whimsicott (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Prankster) IVs: All 20
Florges (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Flower Veil) IVs: All 20
Bug Maniac Felix - 936
Pokemon: 4
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 937
Pokemon: 4
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 938
Pokemon: 4
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Scizor (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 939
Pokemon: 4
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Ninjask (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Speed Boost) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 940
Pokemon: 4
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Leavanny (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Bug Maniac Felix - 941
Pokemon: 4
Pinsir (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Hyper Cutter) IVs: All 15
Crustle (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Sturdy) IVs: All 15
Galvantula (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Compound Eyes) IVs: All 15
Heracross (Lv. 60)  (Ability: Swarm) IVs: All 15
Pokémon Trainer Steven - 942
Pokemon: 6
Skarmory (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Toxic/Aerial Ace/Spikes/Steel Wing) IVs: All 30
Claydol (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Levitate) (Moves: Reflect/Light Screen/Extrasensory/Earth Power) IVs: All 30
Aggron (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Stone Edge/Earthquake/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw) IVs: All 30
Cradily (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Suction Cups) (Moves: Giga Drain/Ancient Power/Sludge Bomb/Confuse Ray) IVs: All 30
Armaldo (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Battle Armor) (Moves: X-Scissor/Rock Blast/Metal Claw/Crush Claw) IVs: All 30
Metagross (Lv. 59) @Metagrossite (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Bullet Punch/Zen Headbutt/Meteor Mash/Giga Impact) IVs: All 30
Sootopolitan Wallace - 943
Pokemon: 6
Wailord (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Water Spout/Heavy Slam/Earthquake/Blizzard) IVs: All 20
Tentacruel (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Clear Body) (Moves: Sludge Wave/Brine/Rain Dance/Dazzling Gleam) IVs: All 20
Ludicolo (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Swift Swim) (Moves: Fake Out/Scald/Energy Ball/Ice Beam) IVs: All 20
Whiscash (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Oblivious) (Moves: Earthquake/Muddy Water/Rock Tomb/Rain Dance) IVs: All 20
Gyarados (Lv. 55)  (Ability: Intimidate) (Moves: Waterfall/Crunch/Ice Fang/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20
Milotic (Lv. 57)  (Ability: Marvel Scale) (Moves: Dragon Pulse/Blizzard/Recover/Hydro Pump) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 944
Pokemon: 5
Altaria (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Natural Cure) (Moves: Aerial Ace/Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Cotton Guard) IVs: All 20
Delcatty (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Cute Charm) (Moves: Sing/Disarming Voice/Charm/Feint Attack) IVs: All 20
Roserade (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Toxic) IVs: All 20
Magnezone (Lv. 64)  (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Screech/Discharge/Tri Attack/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 66) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Slash/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 945
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 946
Pokemon: 6
Roserade (Lv. 79) @Bright Powder (Ability: Poison Point) (Moves: Shadow Ball/Leech Seed/Petal Blizzard/Poison Jab) IVs: All 20
Talonflame (Lv. 79) @Life Orb (Ability: Gale Wings) (Moves: Brave Bird/Flare Blitz/Steel Wing/Tailwind) IVs: All 20
Azumarill (Lv. 79) @Assault Vest (Ability: Huge Power) (Moves: Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Aqua Tail/Iron Tail) IVs: All 20
Magnezone (Lv. 79) @Air Balloon (Ability: Sturdy) (Moves: Thunder Wave/Discharge/Reflect/Flash Cannon) IVs: All 20
Garchomp (Lv. 79) @Rocky Helmet (Ability: Rough Skin) (Moves: Dragon Claw/Crunch/Earthquake/Stone Edge) IVs: All 20
Gallade (Lv. 81) @[~ 756] (Ability: Steadfast) (Moves: Psycho Cut/Close Combat/Leaf Blade/Swords Dance) IVs: All 20
Pokémon Trainer Wally - 947
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)  IVs: All 0
Team Aqua Grunt - 948
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0
Team Magma Grunt - 949
Pokemon: 1
Mightyena (Lv. 51)  IVs: All 0]]

Revision as of 08:59, October 28, 2014






Heroic Walkthrough

Players start with a Sniper Rifle and an Assault Rifle. You only need the Sniper Rifle for the first half which is the key weapon in this level. Remember to spend only the necessary ammo of the weapon; there is almost no ammo for the sniper rifle. So watch out for extra ammo. Health packs will also be aside the ammo. The assault rifle is not so important and can be swapped for other weapons. Plasma pistols and plasma Rifles are good.

When you get off the Pelican, quickly find two paths. It is recommended to take the right. There is many areas where you can snipe from; it's very easy. The left side puts you in direct line of fire.

When you and the other marines reach the path, use your Sniper rifle to kill the enemies. If you can't see any, move to the right and enable your night vision scope. Your first priority is to take down the gunners on the shade

turrets before they do any serious damage.

Make sure no enemies will approach the turrets.

After killing the grunts on them, make you no one else will approach them. After clearing the turrets, concentrate on the Elites and Jackals. Two shots will drop the Elites. Use the plasmas to drain the Jackal's shields then melee them or use your sniper.

As soon as you see your yellow dots moving on your motion tracker, look for an Elite coming out of the path straight ahead. Kill him quickly with a headshot. Then move down where the Covenant set was and go where the Elite was, then kill the following Grunts. Follow the path where they came from. Here, there are four Grunts and two Jackals. Kill them, then move to the next sniping area.

My best sniping area is at the rock, quickly snipe behind that rock. Take out the gunners because they will be more of a threat if you are not careful, especially on Heroic and Legendary. Once you killed the Grunts and the Elites surrounding it, go forward to where their position was and turn right. There is an Needler Elite there. Snipe him, then turn around and go straight and follow the path.

Now at the end of the path, there will be an Elite. Take him out, then switch to your secondary weapon and kill the surrounding Grunts. Then after that, go find the path they came in and enter it. Now you have two choices.

1): Taking the middle: You will really need help on this. The best idea is to stick the Elite that has the Needler. Then pull out your Sniper Rifle and snipe the gunners ahead, then move on to the Left and take out the rest of the enemies.

2): Taking the left: Now take out the two jackals on your way to the left, look for a Shade near you. Then pull out your Sniper Rifle and kill the enemies across. This option might kill your marines, as they will be taking most of the firepower.

Either way works fine.

Now a Covenant Dropship will drop off reinforcements once all the infantry are down. Kill off the reinforcements with some cover. Take out the two Elites that show up and the grunts and the jackals. Now when secure, search for the two Shades turrets. Under them is a path to the Truth and Reconciliation's Gravity Lift. If you have no more marines, Cortana will cal for reinforcements.

At the end of this path, several Grunts and two or three elites will jump at you. This is a relatively closed area, so throw a Plasma Grenade in the middle of the pack, then back away. Use your secondary gun to kill the survivors.

Once the place is clear, begin sniping. There is a rock near the end of the path that you can use to snipe from. Take out the shade turret to the right of you, then snipe the remaining enemies. Once you cannot see any more enemies, come from your cover and go up the path where the first shade turret you sniped from this rock was. Snipe the rest of then turrets and infantry.

Immediately after this, a Covenant Dropship will come with reinforcements. This dropship has only Jackals and Grunts. Kill them all. Then look to the gravity lift. Several Grunts, Elites, and Jackals will come to try and kill you. There will be three rounds. Using a shade turret can be useful, yet beware of the Grunts who will try and stick you with a grenade. You could also snipe here. The best way to deal with these forces is to use your Marines as a distraction while you kill the forces.

After dealing with the three or so groups, new music will play and Hunters will come out. Dodge their attacks and use your sniper rifle to hit them in the orange spot on the back or front. Some of your marines may die. Once the Hunters are dead, move up to the gravity lift. If you lost some marines, Echo 419 will come for reinforcements.

Once you're in, you're ready to begin the second half of the area. So be prepared. Now you want to be on a lookout on one of the four doors that will open for a Stealth Elite with a sword, use your Plasma rifle, save your Sniper Rifle for later.

Now, enemies will come out the other four doors. Most of the Elites are going to be cloaked with swords, so try to take them out before they kill your Marines. If you need to find cover, go inside the doors when they are open. Try to keep your allies alive, because if you are surrounded, you're dead. Also, if you are in need of a Plasma weapon, take one of the Plasma pistol, nothing wrong is going to happen.

Once you're 10 groups or dead, a bigger door will open for the Hunters. Dodge their attacks and use your sniper rifle on their orange back, then find an open door on one of the smaller doors.

When you find the small door, go up and turn right. Follow the path until you reach an Elite. Use your plasma pistol to take out his shields and grab his plasma rifle. Now when dead, go to where he came in, and enter the door. NOTE: There is Elites, Jackals and grunts here so I will follow these instructions carefully.

Stick one of them, and use your Plasma weapon the other, then take out the jackals. Now, you can stay on that level and take out the enemies on the higher pit with your Sniper rifle, It will be easier to hold them off. There is a Health Pack in the room if needed and some ammo for your Sniper Rifle.

When the pit is clear, clear your marines and get ready for some enemies. Use your plasma rifle on most of the enemies until you get the nav point, go into the nav point door when you get it, and go to the right and go to the end of the hall and turn right and kill the jackals and turn right again. There is Elites and grunts so I recommend your Sniper Rifle to take them out. Now go to the end to where they were and turn left and go down and right again and pull out your Sniper Rifle if has not already.

Use it on the ELITES ONLY, the one from the top and the one from your current level. Then use your Plasma weapon on the grunts and jackals. Cortana will call in reinforcements if have not already. Now grunts and jackals will drop in from where you came in so I suggest using your plasma weapon to take them out then move on to the next area.

Also, an overshield is available on the crates and ammo if needed. So refresh yourself. Also more enemies will come out from behind and on higher ledges so be aware of your surroundings. Also when the area is clear, two hunters will pop out to your current room, I recommend dodging their attacks and getting their orange spots with your sniper rifle. Then wait for the nav point (swap for your Plasma weapon also) Then enter the open door.

Once you enter, follow the path until you reach through a grunt pack and a pair of Elites Stick them if needed then continue following the hallway killing the grunts and eventually a pair of Stealth Elites. They don't have shielding so take them down on one or two hits from your Plasma Rifle and head up to the second level.

Now once you head to the second level, Cortana will call in reinforcements if you don't have any allies with you. You will face tons of Jackals and Elites and even grunts, so it advised to find some immediate cover. Once you cleared the area, turn right. Find the nav point and open the door for reinforcements, Grunts and jackals will also come through the doors from the right and left doors. Kill them quickly. Also, head toward the other side of the current level. (NOT THE DOOR YOU CAME IN, THE OTHER DOOR)

Now you got your reinforcements now time to move on. Enter the door and follow the path killing the Elite and the few grunts and jackals. Now follow the remaining paths killing enemies until you reach the third floor.

Turn right and pull out your Sniper Rifle, snipe the Elite with a headshot and kill the two grunts. Go straight to the end and turn left. Now if you turn around, Grunts and jackals will come out to where you came in. Snipe them then continue on.

At the end, a few jackals and grunts will come out from the door, your plasma rifle should work. And enter the door and an Elite will be there. Snipe him when he get to close. Then follow the path when you reach the checkpoint.

HEALTHPACK: Before you go into the door, turn right and there will be a Health Pack and ammo rounds for your Sniper Rifle. Then go back and turn left.

You are in the control center. Now pull out your Sniper and snipe the Zealot on the high edge. Then kill the 2 grunts and the Elites with your plasma weapon. Now hopefully, a jackal will come out from one of the doors. Kill him with your Plasma weapon. Then a Nav point will trigger through a door. Enter the door and grenade the 3 grunts. Then follow the path and you will encounter more grunts. Kill them and sometimes there will two jackals. Kill them also and continue to follow the paths. Now, when you reach the two jackals. Grenade them then go straight turn left and find an opening and turn right and turn left to the opening straight and you will be in a brig.

Open the jail cells and search that room for a Active Camouflage and ammo and a health pack. Once you find it, leave the brig and go straight and then left. two jackals will appear. Kill them quick.

Now you should have your Activate Camouflage on. See that Zealot at the end? Kill him in the back quick and then take out the two Stealth Elites and the three grunts that follow.

Now go to where the Zealot was, and there will be a switch, kill it and a Cutscene will activate.

Now after the cutscene, your main goal is to protect the captain. If he dies, you have to restart. So here is what you should do. When the cutscene is over, the door you left in will open for 2 Stealth Elites. Kill them quick with your plasma weapon then the jackals that follow.

Then go straight and make a left and you should see an Elite and 2-3 grunts. Snipe them quick. Then go to where they were and turn right and then turn left again.

There will be an Elite on the corner. Stick him while he's not looking. Then turn left and kill the 3 grunts and then turn right and kill the jackals ahead. Go to where they were and follow to the path back to the shuttle bay.

Now pull out your Sniper, because there are two Stealth Elites here. Snipe them quick, before they kill the captain.

Now, Cortana will call in Echo 419 to pick them up. However, Foehammer is unavailable as she is pinned down by Covenant air patrols. Now we must head back to the shuttle bay and commandeer the Covenant dropship.

Now when you hear the music starts, it's time to do some real protecting. Grunts will come out from the right door and the left. Take them out quick, because they will be focusing on the Captain. Now head into the doors they came in. And follow the path to the shuttle bay to where Spirit is. In there there is an Elite. Stick while hes not looking then kill the grunts. See the nav point activate the panel and you have completed the level on Heroic.

Legendary Walkthrough

This level can be one of the most frustrating levels, let me give you an overview. You start off with a Sniper Rifle, one of the weapons a Halo Player would love and loathe in equal measures. Foehammer will drop you down somewhere near the Truth and Reconciliation, and you must venture into the ship to retrieve Captain Keyes.

Walk on until you get onto the high grounds behind a rock. Aim the Sniper Rifle in search for walking Grunts and Elites. You can fire as much Sniper rounds as you want as long as they hit their target. Take out the Shades first, they can get really nasty, then the Elites, two headshots can finish them off. Aim for the centre mass if they are runing though.

When you're sure there's no Covenant left in the vicinity, whip out your Assault Rifle and get in a shade, then start shooting the reinforcements. They won't all come within the range of your shade after losing the first squad so you'll have to go occupy the shade at the far end of the area.

The squad led by an Elite are tough, and they'll always aim at you instead of the Marines. Perform a no-scope kill by the Sniper Rifle so as to bring down the Elite's shield and let the Marines finish it off, while you hammer the Grunts.

You'll get a checkpoint as you move up the hill. Take note of this: This will be the only checkpoint you get in the whole area, so try not to screw up along the line.

Continuing, snipe the Grunt in the Shade, and then go for the Jackal next to him. Move your sights down, and blow away these few Grunts that stick their behinds around the sheltering rocks. Eventually, an Elite will show up. Proceed to dispose him off the cliff, then when things stop popping up like gophers move in a little.

There are two Grunts on the far right side of the upper ledge. Aim for one of them, then quickly move your sight down. A Major Elite will be hiding in a little corner there. Time to practice No-Scoping, right through the heart to take care of the shields, a quick melee to finish him.

Switch to your Assault Rifle, and move to the other side of the upper ledge and wipe out the two Grunts there. One of them should have dropped a Needler; quickly ditch your AR for it. There are two more Grunts and an Elite in this area, so concentrate your Needles on the Elite first, then mop up the Grunts if your Marines haven't yet. Two or three more Grunts will come down the path, use the rest of your Needler ammo to take them out. Now go back for your Assault Rifle, and fill up on ammo.

You will finally get another checkpoint at the beginning of the next area. Once again, this will be your only checkpoint for the area, so stay frosty.

There may be a Shade with a Grunt Gunning it on the upper ledge. Take him out before your Marines wake the rest up. Once he's down move your zoom to the other ledge, where there is always an Elite keeping guard. Sometimes he's walking; most of the time he's running, so this is a slightly tricky shot, but you can do it.

Now, move back to the starting point and look along the edge of the rock formation. You should see a rock just below a few feet to the right of the first shade you took out. Jump on that rock, and prepare to have some fun.

You will have to jump to look over the edge and fire at the Covenant, but that's the fun part. So, down to business. Aim for the first Shade you see, then aim for the Jackal that's coming across the natural bridge. A pair of Grunts might come up right in front of you; if so, let them meet the business end of your Assault Rifle.

Move your scope down and scrub those two Jackals on the natural bridge, and any Shade Gunners you can see. After they've bit the dust, jump down from the perch and move forward a little. You should see another large rock at the edge where the ground elevates into the natural bridge. Jump on the rock, then on the ground above, and crouch close to the first shade you decommissioned. Once again, plug any Gunners, Jackals, and other enemies that are visible.

Right about now, a dropship should be coming in to drop off a fresh contingent of enemy Covenant to attack you. The only one you can see on your side of the gulch is a Jackal. Shoot him, then revert to the 2x zoom and get ready for the other ones. Use your Sniper Rifle to blast the Elite, then switch to your Assault Rifle to mop up the Grunts. Once they're crisp, get off your perch, go down the left side, and finish off the two Jackals that were on patrol.

Once you’re back at Sniping spot #2, take a moment to access the situation. You have just sniped a whole Gulch-load of Covenant. Think you're done? WRONG! Move across the natural bridge, and keep you zoom on the patch of rocks and trees where your very first Active Camouflage power-up is. As the music starts, an Elite will step out of his hiding spot; Take him down. Then, turn around, switch to your Assault Rifle, and shoot the Grunts that are down there. After they're gone, keep moving across the bridge to find a hidden squad of Grunts engage your Marines. Flank them, and the Gulch is yours.

Reload both your guns, switch to your Plasma Grenades and your Assault Rifle, then move across the Active Camo.

All right, you have forty-five seconds to quietly kill as many Covenant as you can. Creep to the ledge across from the Active Camo, and drop down. A Minor Elite and a Major, followed by a group of grunts will rush out. Drop a grenade on the Major's helmet and assassinate the Minor. Hey look, the grunts are running. Stick one's face, and watch them get blown sky-high. Pull out your sniper and pop a bullet through the gunner above you and creep forward. There's a Minor patrolling the area in front of you. You don't need to scope for this-just pop his face open. Now a dropship and an onslaught of Covenant are coming in. Shoot the dropship's load (the covenant reinforcements from the gravity lift won't come through until you've killed the jackals from the dropship, so aim for them AFTER the grunts), and grab the Shade near where you came through to the gravity lift area (since the Covenant troops will have to go up the hill to where you are to attack you, thus bottle-necking their attack.) Open fire on the Gravity Lift and kill the Covenant as they come up the hill to attack. Your Marines will take care of the stragglers.

When you hear music start, the Hunters are coming. Jump out of the Shade and charge them. When one uses its shield to melee you, dodge, turn, and No-scope its back. You'll see a satisfying spurt of orange blood and the Hunter will go down. Rinse and repeat for the other Hunter. By now, your marines are probably dead, so Cortana will order reinforcements from Foehammer (the reinforcements will come even if not all your Marines are dead).

Alternate strategy: If you are playing the PC version (1.07), staying in the shade NEAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE GRAVITY LIFT AREA (not some other shade) and gunning the hunters is a very good way, to kill them as they will continuously miss you with their fuel rods.

As soon as they are dead, scour the place for ammo and grenades. Remember to take the frags from the dead marines because you'll need them. You may notice that the graphics in this game aren't exactly top notch (though they are pretty good for a 2001 game), but there are some scenes which just leave you staring at the breathtaking view, like the arc of the Halo extending over the sky, the ending cinematic, the silent cartographer level, the first level, the huge chasms and gorges, large indoor outdoor scenes, ice bridges, flood-covenant battles, Halo's Control Room, the light bridges, Proto-gravemind, the crashed Pillar of Autumn at "The Maw", etc, etc.

Well, here's another... look up... at the CCS-Truth and Reconciliation Battle cruiser. It's a real sight to behold.

Now jump into the Gravity Lift and watch the pretty cut scene as you're lifted into the belly of the beast.

Now you're in the loading bay, jump on the middle of the room, and check your motion sensor. A Covenant Stealth Elite (sometimes 2 on Legendary) with an Energy Sword will open a door and charge. Quickly put a few sniper slugs in him while he's getting angry (headshot works best), and he'll collapse and die. Now more Covenant reinforcements will slam into the room and attack.

There are two ways you can go about doing this, (do note that this walk through is for the Legendary difficulty) the easy yet long way and the obscenely (on Legendary) hard yet quick way.

First the balls-out strategy way: Try to keep as many Marines alive as you can. Thankfully there isn't a lot of Elites in this part, just 4 to 8 Zealots (all wielding energy swords). Your sniper rifle is key versus the Elites and your frags are very effective at killing the hordes of Grunts and Jackals that come through the doors. Use the med kit at the far corner of the room if you need it.

Second is the longer yet easier method, but it involves betraying fictional video game characters and leaving them for dead:

As soon as you've killed the first invisible Energy sword elite (and possibly another major elite if you were lucky), ready your grenades and throw them at the raiding parties that the Covenant send for you through the doors on the Right, on the same side as the med kit (the doors on the left lead to a dead end, that should also separate them). Once they are dead go through (only Covenant can open the door from the outside so try not to lock yourself out) take cover and wait for your shields to recharge while you reload your weapons and collect plasmas grenades from dead Grunts. (You can probably hear your Marines (which you abandoned fighting while you sit here) then jump out and shoot the Covenant one by one by opening and closing the door at your discretion, you may do this while your marines are still alive and get extra support, but without you to stop the energy sword elites, they're helpless. There's a squad of grunts and jackals that will pass through these hallways to get to the Gravity Lift loading bay.

Sometimes, energy sword elites will come inside after you, pull out your sniper rifle and put a few rounds in him. Try not to go for plasma grenades, as they'll run up to you thus killing you both, though it does occasionally work without substantial harm to you.

Notes for both strategies: If the energy sword elites get too close, immediately jump, as one swipe of the energy sword will kill you. Also, either strategy you use, your marines will probably die, if they don't, you're a better player than me. But it's not overly critical to your success if they die or not.

You might want to hide inside one of the rooms where the Covenant just pour out and snipe down the Grunts and Zealots. However, if TWO Zealots corner you in the room... you had better have extraordinary skills or luck. Otherwise you're as good as dead.

Once the fight is over a big door will open and a Hunter pair will jump out. Go and get the Active Camo from behind the crates, go around the hunters and put one sniper bullet each through the orange area on their backs (you're invisible, this will be easy). The area where they came from is sealed off; you'll have to use the other gate.

Go through and you'll come across two Grunts, kill them without making a noise (melee because you're probably still invisible). Go through and on the passage to the left, there should be a Major Elite. Stick him with a plasma grenade and shoot the grunts. The rest of the area is just navigating hallways and killing covenant patrols, not much advice to give you...


You'll come into a storage dump now. Clear out the few enemies standing guard there, more will come after you take these out. There's dead Marines with Grenades, Sniper ammo, Medkits, etc in the corner. Take some supplies and the Assault Rifle, if you don't already have one. Now lots of Grunts and Jackals led by Elites will come in. Grenade the first and second groups and then find cover. Unlike the Flood(explained in later levels), the covenant AI is more defensive then offensive, they won't come after you (except maybe the more aggressive Elites). Focus on the Elites and Jackals first and take them out with your Sniper Rifle (don't worry about using up ammo, there's lots more). Then mop up the Grunts. There will be multiple groups, possibly 4 or 5, though number of covenant per group will be small.

Now there are a few more hallways and then you'll come across a dropship bay with one Spirit dropship docked and one casting off anchor.

Now this may take a few tries, but you have a checkpoint right behind you so don't worry. As soon as you get the checkpoint, go forward, open the door and pull out your Sniper Rifle (you will have to be quick about this because the next patrol that will come through will be a real pain in the a$$ if you don't engage them first) and quickly shoot the MOUTH of the Elite standing next to the hanger doors, it'll take two shots, at least, on Legendary.

As soon as he's dead, ignore the two grunts and run towards the door on the corner of the room to the right of you, an Elite and two jackals will come out (sometimes three Grunts with Needlers). Stick an Elite or Grunt and watch the others blow sky high. Go inside and recharge your shields as you'll be under a barrage of fire from an Elite and 6 or 7 Grunts while you do this. If you succeeded, you've just killed 2 Elites, 2 Jackals and a Grunt or two (best case scenario) without them being able to get a single shot out, good job.

Now, peep out and you'll see several Grunts, kill them with your Assault Rifle (or whatever weapon you have, I recommend the AR though). As soon as they're dead look up at the top of the platform, there will be an Elite, when he shows himself, shoot his mouth with the Sniper Rifle. He'll retreat to a hiding place to recharge his shields. His head will be visible to you if you're still in the doorway, shoot it with your Sniper Rifle and he'll collapse and die. DO NOT USE THE SUPPLIES FROM THE DEAD MARINES YET (unless you REALLY need them), you'll want them later.

On Heroic and below, you'll get two fire teams (Two 5 man teams) as reinforcements (one after another if the first dies). On Legendary, you're all alone over here and since this walkthrough is for Legendary... I'll guide you as if you're alone.

Go into the middle of the room and use your Sniper Rifle to take out any Jackals on the second floor if there are any. Go to the other side of the bay (near the other dropship), and you'll find crates next to the platform. You can crouch and take cover under them (Covenant aim for your torso, not your head). Now more Elites, Jackals, and Grunts will come through. Use your sniper rifle for the Elites and Jackals and your Assault Rifle for the Grunts. Around two-three minutes after this latest group of enemies come, you'll get a checkpoint, so try getting them all as quickly as you can.

You might have noticed a few dead marines with ammo and Grenades by the other side of the room. Don't go near them yet. Come out and kill the remaining Grunts and Jackals on the second floor (if there are any there) with your Sniper Rifle. As soon as they're dead, you probably have very little health and ammo left. Walk over the dead Marine with the Medkit and you'll be replenished in all your needs. Now go back to the other side and pick up the Overshield.

Cortana will now try to hack into the Covenant ship systems and open a door, as soon as you hear her start saying this, make sure you have the Over-shield and run as quickly as you can back to where you started this room. There is a hunter pair that just joined the party. If they didn't see you then that gives you a good chance to take one of them down peacefully.

If they didn't see you, then they won't charge in swinging. Giving you the chance to compose yourself and sneak around the opposite end of the platform, take a good sniper shot and hit one of their necks(if you didn't, don't worry, but be careful because your last checkpoint was a long time ago). The other (or both if you missed) will come after you. Do not expose yourself to their fuel rod cannons, instead let them chase you.

Worst-case scenario: They split up and one comes through around each side of the middle platform, in which case it's going to be tough because they've surrounded you from both sides and there's very little cover that will protect you now. So, try to lure them through ONE SIDE on first contact. As soon as they're just around the curve, run as fast as you can to the other side (a whole lap around the platform), sniper rifle in hand, and you'll be looking at their backs, hit the orange part of their backs from behind with the rifle. He'll drop dead in one shot if you hit the orange spot. Now the other will realize he lost his bond brother and come after you, repeat the same trick and go around the platform and shoot him from behind. In the best-case scenario, it should be a 1-shot 1-kill deal in a row.

If you're still alive, the door will open and you'll go through and get a checkpoint. You're safe. Feel free to take a deep breath and then proceed and kill the grunts in your way. You've just killed 6 or so Elites, 7-9 Jackals, 15+ grunts and 2 Hunters without the help of any marines and on Legendary. Kudos to you.

Go up to the next floor and you'll see two jackals coming out of a door, throw a frag between them and run up behind the crate beside the wall near where the jackals died. Jump up and throw a PLASMA grenade over the crate at the elite in the doorway or near him. Unless he sees you before the plasma grenade explodes, he won't dodge it, he'll just stare at it until it blows.

Now finish off the 2 Grunts and 2 Jackals on the other ledge. Whatever you do, do not walk up to the middle platform yet because that will trigger more covenant reinforcements and you'll be caught between the jackals and grunts that you were engaging before and the Elite and Jackals that just came through now. If that happens, you will probably die unless you jump back to the first floor, enemies are very accurate on Legendary. They hardly ever miss.

Instead, whip out your sniper rifle and shoot them from where you are. When they're dead collect plasma grenades and walk to the middle platform. As soon as you hear the sound of the door opening, throw your entire load of plasma grenades at the enemy and back off to a good distance behind the middle platform (not near the door though on the other side though). Use your sniper rifle to finish off the survivors of the plasma barrage (if there were any). Now more covenant (an Elite and a squad of grunts) will come out and trap you in the middle.

If there are any survivors on the other side (where you threw the plasma grenades), then you have been surrounded and as I said before, Enemies on Legendary rarely miss. In this case, jump down onto one of the crates below (to prevent fall damage) and restock your dwindling ammo (there are two dead marines near the door Cortana opened) and go back all the way up, sniper rifle in hand. You will catch them off-guard, it should be very easy so go trigger happy with your sniper rifle, there's lots of ammo downstairs.

If there weren't any survivors to your original plasma grenade barrage then go back to the other side and use your sniper rifle to kill them from afar.

Now here comes a tricky part, the ship's command center, otherwise known as the Bridge. There's some health and ammo to the hallway on your left, take it if you need it.

Now for the tough part, there are 2 major elites, a zealot and 6 grunts over here. So run and gun isn't an option. Pull out your AR and run into the room and melee the nearest sleeping grunt. Then run like hell. Go back to the previous area, the game should give you a "loading... done" message. It'll unload the previous area from it's memory and load the new one. Now go back, the covenant won't remember you because their AI was unloaded from the memory, so you can do multiple surprise attacks this way by going back and forth between loading areas. It gives a considerable advantage.

You can use this trick with all enemies near load points. Use the sniper rifle on the Elites and the AR with the grunts. Remember to avoid the Energy Sword Zealot.

Now move into the next area to the brig, there should be two brig areas. One has no guards and no live marines either, but lots of much needed supplies.

The other one holds Keyes and 3 other marines. There are multiple Zealots and Jackals guarding them. Mostly invisible. Though they shouldn't be a problem.

Free them and watch the cut scene. As soon as the cut scene ends, two more invisible elites with plasma rifles will come through. They are quite capable of killing Keyes and most of your marines if left to run their course so shoot them with your sniper rifle the moment they open the door.

Open the door and kill the two Jackals. Now fill up on your sniper ammo. You're leaving this area so fill up on everything you can. Now there's a fairly formidable group of Covenant that have an advantage in their position and availability of cover. There is an empty hallway between you and them, with absolutely no cover. Use all your frag grenades on them to scatter and disorganize them and charge in. Remember to take the lead so your marines and Keyes will have less chance of dying. Once you've broken this group's lines, the rest is fairly easy all the way back to the Bridge.

Once you get to the door leading to the Bridge there will be two invisible elites with energy swords. Wait until the walk by each other to take them both out with a single sniper rifle shot.

Now after the dialogue between Keyes and Cortana is finished, there will be a whole posse of Grunts through those doors.

Run to the back of the room (there are no doors on that side) and wait for them to finish talking. When the music starts, the Grunts are coming. They'll focus on throwing grenades and will take all your fire without answer. Remember, losing Keyes is mission failed. These Grunts are the Covenants best bet at taking him down, so stay away from the grunts.

Use all your plasma grenades on them. They must not get the chance to throw anything on Keyes. He's very fragile. On Legendary, 1 or 2 plasma pistol hits will take him down so stay vigilant.

Now the Level will end soon, you'll arrive back at the hanger bay. There's one last covenant group here, an Elite, a few Grunts and Jackals. Stick the Elite and use your AR on the grunts and Jackals. Your marines will be useful. Remember to always stay in front of Keyes. Block their fire with your body.

After you're done with them, it's simple, just activate the Hollow-panel and Mission Accomplished.

You've killed 3 Hunter pairs (4 counting end cut scene), 18-20 Zealots, 30+ Elites(Majors and Minors), at least 4-5 dozen Jackals and 70+ Grunt(including the enemies on the ground as well as in the ship) at a loss of around 15 marines(on Heroic and below, you get more reinforcements then Legendary, so that should be around 25). According to the story, Master Chief just killed half the ship's active fighting force and 1/3 of the crew.

Preceded by
Campaign Walkthroughs
Truth and Reconciliation
Succeeded by
The Silent Cartographer