Composer (level): Difference between revisions

3,924 bytes added ,  11 years ago
m (→‎Trivia: Sorry for the double edit.)
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*'''Tim (PA)''': "Attention! Station's security's just broken through to Emergency Station 12, A-11. Lifeboat access there is limited but functional! ES12, A-11!"  
*'''Tim (PA)''': "Attention! Station's security's just broken through to Emergency Station 12, A-11. Lifeboat access there is limited but functional! ES12, A-11!"  

''John and the security guards continue pushing up until they reach the floor overlooking the bay. They engage another Covenant squad and finally secure the bay. John makes his way through another door leading toward another hallway. As he runs down it, another scan line moves through the station. John runs down the length of the hallway, meeting up with a distressed scientist.''
*'''Scientist #5''': "Help us! A pair of Hunters forced their way in. Take this. It's calibrated for heavy armor. Please! Help them!"
''John picks up the nearby Thruster Pack. The door opens to reveal the next room, where several scientists and security guards are in a one-sided battle with the Hunters.''
*'''Cortana''': "Hunters!"
''John does battle with the Hunters in the control room, eventually killing them.''
*'''Scientist #5''': "Is everyone OK?"
*'''Sandy Tillson (COM)''': "Spartan? Are you all right? It sounds like the end of the world out there!"
*'''John-117''': "Cortana? Door controls?"
''John's HUD flickers again. Cortana responds, but with a series of incomprehensible computerized tones and beeps. John's HUD stabilizes again.''
*'''Cortana''': "Tillson's inside the door over there!"
''John quickly runs to the door and activates it. Fade to black.''
''John walks through the open door. Sandy Tillson is right outside and greets him immediately and nervously.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': "I desperately hope you know why all this is happening. Because, to be honest, my objectivity isn't doing me a whole lot of good right now. Hold on, I'll start us down."
''The two arrive at the control panel at the end of the room. Tillson starts inputting commands in, opening up the window in front of them and letting in some sunlight.''
*'''John-117''': "The device you recovered was a Forerunner weapon. The commander of [[Mantle's Approach|that ship]] wants it back."
''Tillson hesitates and turns back to John as the room starts descending.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': "Wants it back? You don't think you can remove... it can't leave this station, you know that, right?"
*'''John-117''': "We don't have any choice, doctor."
*'''Sandy Tillson''': ''(shaking her head)'' "It's not a matter of choice. It took three months, and the biggest starship the UNSC could throw at it just to relocate it here. Unless you're a lot stronger than you look, it's not going anywhere."
''The room descends enough to allow the two a view of the Composer. A spotlight shines on the extremely large artifact. Cut back to the two.''
*'''John-117''': "Can you give Cortana access to the station's supply manifest?"
''Tillson walks back to the control panel.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': "What for?"
''She starts typing into the panel. John continues to look at the Composer.''
*'''John-117''': "If we can't move the Composer, we have to make sure the Didact can't either."
''Tillson stops, looks up and back at John.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': "Oh wait... we have ''years'' of work invested here."
*'''Cortana''': "Inventory lists seven excavation-grade Havok mines. Just one of those would turn this base into a piñata."
''Tillson looks at John in entreatingly.''
*'''John-117''': "I'm sorry, doctor. Keep routing your people to the evac centers. Once we take care of the Composer, you won't have much time."
''Tillson hesitates again and looks down resignedly, in deep thought.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': ''(barely composed)'' "I'll... make sure the nukes are primed so you can detonate them remotely."
''John turns and begins walking out of the room.''
*'''Sandy Tillson''': ''(sadly)''"Maybe next time you rescue us, you can give us more time to pack?" 
''John turns to listen to her. He nods.''
*'''John-117''': "Next time."
''John turns again and walks out the room. Tillson watches him go and looks down sadly. The door shuts behind John. Cut to black.''

