Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn/Transcripts: Difference between revisions

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''The screen flickers. Cuts to John-117 inside his [[cryo chamber]]. His visor reflects off the blue light outside the chamber. The blue light is revealed to be emitting from a [[holotank]]. The light flickers red before turning back to blue. Fades to black. Fades in to the space, where a few stars are seen. Blacks out.''
''The screen flickers. Cut to John-117 inside his [[cryo chamber]]. His visor reflects off the blue light outside the chamber. The blue light is revealed to be emitting from a [[holotank]]. The light flickers red before turning back to blue. Fades to black. Fades in to the space, where a few stars are seen. Blacks out.''

{{Center|'''HALO 4<br>
{{Center|'''HALO 4<br>
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<small>'''PART I'''</small>'''}}
<small>'''PART I'''</small>'''}}

''Title fades out. Scene cuts to [[Commander]] [[Thomas Lasky]], in front of a holographic screen, reviewing the distress signal.''
''Title fades out. Scene cut to [[Commander]] [[Thomas Lasky]], in front of a holographic screen, reviewing the distress signal.''

*'''Bridge crew #1''': "Lock on to frequency, tracking coordinates."
*'''Bridge crew #1''': "Lock on to frequency, tracking coordinates."
Line 35: Line 35:
*'''Bridge crew #3''': "Sir? ...Commander Lasky?"
*'''Bridge crew #3''': "Sir? ...Commander Lasky?"

''Lasky's breathing gets louder, his eyes begin to look around the room. Cuts to Lasky opening his eyes as a teen, inside a cryo chamber. He coughs ''
''Lasky's breathing gets louder, his eyes begin to look around the room. Cut to Lasky opening his eyes as a teen, inside a cryo chamber. He coughs ''

*'''[[Urlin]]''': "Cryo pods opening."
*'''[[Urlin]]''': "Cryo pods opening."
Line 47: Line 47:
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Are you alright?"
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Are you alright?"

''Cuts to Lasky walking to his locker, still coughing. Cuts to Sullivan in his battle uniform looking at Lasky.''
''Cut to Lasky walking to his locker, still coughing. Cut to Sullivan in his battle uniform looking at Lasky.''

*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Lasky, let's go!"
*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Lasky, let's go!"
Line 59: Line 59:
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Copy, Vickers. T-Minus 4 minutes."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Copy, Vickers. T-Minus 4 minutes."

''Cuts to Lasky's right hand wrist, which is bruised.''
''Cut to Lasky's right hand wrist, which is bruised from quick thawing.''

*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Will you be able to shoot with those hands?"
*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Will you be able to shoot with those hands?"
Line 77: Line 77:
*'''Dimah Tchakova (COM)''': "10 seconds, closing in! First checkpoint. Almost there!"
*'''Dimah Tchakova (COM)''': "10 seconds, closing in! First checkpoint. Almost there!"

''Lasky runs out of the building. Cuts to his [[heads-up display]] as the sunlight blinds his eyes. Lasky pants and coughs. He looks up at a small hill, where Silva and Sullivan are already climbing to the top.''
''Lasky runs out of the building. Cut to his [[heads-up display]] as the sunlight blinds his eyes. Lasky pants and coughs. He looks up at a small hill, where Silva and Sullivan are already climbing to the top.''

*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Lasky, come on, let's go!"
*'''Michael Sullivan''': "Lasky, come on, let's go!"

''Lasky walks a few step ahead before sprinting. Cuts to a forest with explosions.''
''Lasky walks a few step ahead before sprinting. Cut to a forest with explosions.''

*'''Vickers''': "We're under heavy fire!"
*'''Vickers''': "We're under heavy fire!"
Line 103: Line 103:
*'''Lasky''': "Uh, fifty seconds."
*'''Lasky''': "Uh, fifty seconds."

''A first-person view of Lasky's [[motion tracker]], projected on his ballistic goggles, is shown.''
''Cut to Lasky's HUD. The [[motion tracker]] projected on his ballistic goggles enlarges and moves to the center of his HUD.''

*'''Silva''': "Go!"
*'''Silva''': "Go!"
Line 111: Line 111:
*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Silva, Sullivan, Lasky - where are you guys?"
*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Silva, Sullivan, Lasky - where are you guys?"

*'''Lasky''': "RV in fifteen seconds. Are you ready?"
*'''Lasky''': "RV in fifteen seconds. (''to Sullivan'')Are you ready?"

*'''Sullivan''': "See you at the party."
*'''Sullivan''': "I'll see you at the party."

''Lasky, Silva and Sullivan get up and continue running, with Sullivan taking point. A few shots of them running are shown. Sullivan is then shot by a [[tactical training round]] and falls backwards. Lasky and Silva notice this and turn around.''
''Lasky, Silva and Sullivan get up and continue running, with Silva taking point. They continue running. Sullivan is then shot by a [[tactical training round]] and falls backwards. Lasky and Silva notice this and turn around.''

*'''Lasky''': "Sully!"
*'''Lasky''': "Sully!"

''Cuts to a brief shot of Sullivan 'dead' and then to Silva running.''
''The two looks at Sullivan lying stunned on the ground and Silva begins to running again.''

*'''Silva''': "We have to leave him!"
*'''Silva''': "We have to leave him!"

''Lasky hesitates.''
''Lasky hesitates and continues to stare at Sullivan on the ground .''

*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Lasky, what the hell?!"
*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Lasky, what the hell?!"
Line 133: Line 133:
*'''Lasky''' ''(coughs)'': "Ten seconds."
*'''Lasky''' ''(coughs)'': "Ten seconds."

''Lasky breaks into a run. A view of his motion tracker, now displaying Sullivan as a casualty, is shown.''
''Lasky breaks into a run. Cuts to his HUD. His motion tracker enlarges and moves to the center of his HUD, a red "X" appears over the green arrow representing Sullivan. A message appears over the motion tracker: <code>'''CASUALTY: SULLIVAN'''</code>.''

*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Lasky, hurry up!"
*'''Vickers (COM)''': "Lasky, hurry up!"
Line 153: Line 153:
*'''Chen''': "30 seconds."
*'''Chen''': "30 seconds."

''Another view of Lasky's motion tracker, now displaying enemy contacts inbound on two sides.''
''Cuts to Lasky's motion tracker, now displaying enemy contacts inbound on two sides.''

*'''Lasky''': "We should flank them and force a surrender."
*'''Lasky''': "We should flank them and force a surrender."
Line 199: Line 199:
*'''Vickers''': "Lasky!"
*'''Vickers''': "Lasky!"

''Shots of Lasky running amidst heavy gunfire and explosions before being hit in the chest by a training round.''
''Lasky runs amidst heavy gunfire and explosions before being hit in the chest by a training round.''

*'''Lasky''': "Augh!"
*'''Lasky''': "Augh!"

''Lasky lies on the ground, breathing heavily. [[April Orenski]] appears from behind a reflective barrier.''
''Lasky lies on the ground, breathing heavily. All is quiet before [[April Orenski]] appears from behind a reflective barrier.''

*'''Urlin''': "Hastati Squad leader on the field. Exercise paused.''
*'''Urlin''': "Hastati Squad leader on the field. Exercise paused.''
Line 215: Line 215:
*'''Orenski''': "Unacceptable.''
*'''Orenski''': "Unacceptable.''

''Orenski shoots Lasky twice in the chest with training rounds.''
''Orenski shoots Lasky twice in the chest with training rounds. Lasky grunts loudly in pain.
*'''Lasky''': ''(grunts in pain)''

*'''Urlin''': "Game over."
*'''Urlin''': "Game over."
Line 223: Line 221:
*'''Orenski''': "Shoulder your weapon, cadet."
*'''Orenski''': "Shoulder your weapon, cadet."

''Members of the opposing squad rise from the undergrowth. Orenski continues to stand next to Lasky.''
''Members of the opposing squad rise from the undergrowth. Orenski continues to stand next to Lasky, who continues to cough and grunt.''
*'''Orenski''': "Your little escapade kept Hastati Squad from achieving its objective..."
*'''Lasky''': ''(coughs and grunts)''

*'''Orenski''': "...again."
*'''Orenski''': "Your little escapade kept Hastati Squad from achieving its objective... again."

''Orenski leaves and Lasky slowly gets up, groaning.''
''Orenski leaves and Lasky slowly gets up, groaning.''
Line 241: Line 235:
*'''Lasky''' ''(exhausted)'': "Shit."
*'''Lasky''' ''(exhausted)'': "Shit."

''Lasky leaves. The view focuses on the reflective combat barrier, which is shown to be labeled with the following:
''Lasky leaves. The scene focuses on the reflective combat barrier, which is shown to be labeled with the following:

'''UNSC CORBULO'''<br>
'''UNSC CORBULO'''<br>

''The cadets of Hastati Squad walk across a field at the forest edge.''
''Cut to the cadets of Hastati Squad walk across a field at the forest edge.''

*'''Sullivan''' ''(to Lasky)'': "The Robot tag you?"
*'''Sullivan''' ''(to Lasky)'': "The Robot tag you?"

''A shot of Orenski standing at attention on a concrete-paved road, with cadets walking by and a UNSC officer standing nearby.''
''Cut to Orenski standing at attention on a concrete-paved road, with cadets walking by and a UNSC officer standing nearby. Cut back to Lasky and Sullivan.''

*'''Lasky''': "Yeah, once from two meters... Twice from one."
*'''Lasky''': "Yeah, once from two meters... Twice from one."
Line 260: Line 254:
''[[General]] [[Black]]'s [[M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle|Warthog]] approaches along the concrete road. A dam can be seen in the background. Orenski walks to face Hastati Squad, now standing in formation as the general's Warthog pulls to a stop and Black climbs out.''
''[[General]] [[Black]]'s [[M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle|Warthog]] approaches along the concrete road. A dam can be seen in the background. Orenski walks to face Hastati Squad, now standing in formation as the general's Warthog pulls to a stop and Black climbs out.''

*'''Orenski''': "Hastati... Port ARMS!"
*'''Orenski''': "Hastati... Port arms!"

''The members of Hastati Squad do as ordered. Orenski turns to face General Black.''
''The members of Hastati Squad do as ordered. Orenski turns to face General Black.''
Line 310: Line 304:
''The cadence fades out while an instrumental track begins to play as an overhead shot of the road pans up to reveal the Corbulo Academy campus, which is identified on-screen:''
''The cadence fades out while an instrumental track begins to play as an overhead shot of the road pans up to reveal the Corbulo Academy campus, which is identified on-screen:''


''The cadets continue their jog across a field with cadets performing various physical exercises, training close quarters combat as well as firing pistols in a shooting range.''
''The cadets continue their jog across a field with cadets performing various physical exercises, training close quarters combat as well as firing pistols in a shooting range.''
Line 360: Line 354:
*'''Sullivan''' ''(in background)'': "No, seriously, I'm on to something here."
*'''Sullivan''' ''(in background)'': "No, seriously, I'm on to something here."

''Sullivan is shown conversing with another cadet.''
''Cut to Sullivan conversing with another cadet.''

*'''Sullivan''': "The comms are messed up and I'm decoding something kick-ass."
*'''Sullivan''': "The comms are messed up and I'm decoding something kick-ass."
Line 384: Line 378:
*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "Don't bother, JJ, he's gone soft. He's an Innie-lover now."
*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "Don't bother, JJ, he's gone soft. He's an Innie-lover now."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Dimah...that order didn't make any sense."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Dimah... our order didn't make any sense."

*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "Doesn't have to make sense. Just follow it."
*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "Doesn't have to make sense. Just follow it."

''Lasky takes that in and walks over to a locker next to Silva.''
''Lasky takes that in and walks over to a locker next to Silva, who glances at him. Lasky sighs and turns to her.''

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I'm trying to survive here okay."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I'm trying to survive here okay."
Line 398: Line 392:
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Yeah, well, at least I believe in something these days."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Yeah, well, at least I believe in something these days."

''Silva walks away as Lasky looks at a picture of his brother [[Cadmon Lasky]].''
''Silva walks away as Lasky looks at a photo of his brother, [[Cadmon Lasky]], stuck on his locker.''

*'''Urlin''': "Cadet Thomas Lasky, report to [[Colonel]] [[Mehaffey]]'s office, immediately."
*'''Urlin''': "Cadet Thomas Lasky, report to [[Colonel]] [[Mehaffey]]'s office, immediately."
Line 410: Line 404:
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "No excuse sir."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "No excuse sir."

*'''Colonel Mehaffey''': "You continue pulling down your squad you're going to end up with a lot of enemies."
*'''Mehaffey''': "You continue pulling down your squad you're going to end up with a lot of enemies."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Yes sir."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Yes sir."

*'''Colonel Mehaffey''': "I served under [[Lasky (colonel)|your mother]], I know what she's like, and I sure as hell don't need me to tell you Colonel Lasky is not going to let a son of her's leave this academy without a diploma."
*'''Mehaffey''': "I served under [[Lasky (colonel)|your mother]], I know what she's like, and I sure as hell don't need me to tell you Colonel Lasky is not going to let a son of her's leave this academy without a diploma."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I wouldn't know what my mother thinks sir, never see her."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I wouldn't know what my mother thinks sir, never see her."

*'''Colonel Mehaffey''': "It's been a long war, your mother holds a lot of hands."
*'''Mehaffey''': "It's been a long war, your mother holds a lot of hands."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "So I'm told sir."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "So I'm told sir."
Line 424: Line 418:
''Mehaffey gets up and walks toward Lasky.''
''Mehaffey gets up and walks toward Lasky.''

*'''Colonel Mehaffey''': "You know Thomas, I've seen a lot of cadets come through here. Many have suffered like you, pain like that cannot be forgotten, but you can learn how to tolerate it."
*'''Mehaffey''': "You know Thomas, I've seen a lot of cadets come through here. Many have suffered like you, pain like that cannot be forgotten, but you can learn how to tolerate it."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I'll do my best sir."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "I'll do my best sir."

*'''Colonel Mehaffey''': "That will be all."
*'''Mehaffey''': "That will be all."

''Lasky salutes the colonel, who notices marks on his hand, Lasky leaves.''
''Lasky salutes the colonel, who notices marks on his wrist, Lasky leaves.''

''Cut to Lasky in a shower checking on his blisters.''
''Cut to Lasky in a shower checking on his blisters.''

*'''[[Hughes]]''': ''(off-screen)'' "How long have you had those blisters?"
*'''[[Hughes]]''': ''(voiceover)'' "How long have you had those blisters?"

*'''Thomas Lasky''': ''(off-screen)'' "Been on and off for a few weeks but...these are from yesterday."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': ''(voiceover)'' "Been on and off for a few weeks but...these are from yesterday."

''Cut to Hughes checking on Lasky.''
''Cut to Hughes checking on Lasky.''
Line 446: Line 440:
*'''Hughes''': "Okay well lets keep an eye on it."
*'''Hughes''': "Okay well lets keep an eye on it."

''Cut to Lasky in the shower''
''Cut to Lasky in the shower.''

*'''Hughes''': ''(off-screen)'' "Cryo-training can take its toll."
*'''Hughes''': ''(voiceover)'' "Cryo-training can take its toll."

''Cut to the space elevator, Lasky is sitting on a wall, thinking.''
''Cut to the space elevator, Lasky is sitting on a wall, thinking.''
Line 456: Line 450:
*'''Male Cadet''': ''(off-screen)'' "Get out of my room! What the hell man?"
*'''Male Cadet''': ''(off-screen)'' "Get out of my room! What the hell man?"

''Silva is seen viewing several updates on the Insurrection. One is about an attack on a civilian spaceport in [[Troisi City]], [[Lodestone]]
''Silva is seen viewing several updates on the Insurrection. One is about an attack on a civilian spaceport in [[Troisi City]], [[Lodestone]].''

*'''Female Cadet''': ''(off-screen)'' "Darren get your filty hands off me or I will kill you."
*'''Female Cadet''': ''(off-screen)'' "Darren get your filty hands off me or I will kill you."
Line 466: Line 460:
''Silva continues to read updates on the Insurrection, switching to an article about UNSC forces preventing a plot by the [[Bandusa Insurrectionist group]] on [[Mars]].''
''Silva continues to read updates on the Insurrection, switching to an article about UNSC forces preventing a plot by the [[Bandusa Insurrectionist group]] on [[Mars]].''

''Cut to Dimah who is holding a stuffed animal until she notices Sullivan going through classified ONI videos, she then puts the stuffed animal back in a box and hides it away.''
''Cut to Tchakova who is holding a stuffed animal until she notices Sullivan going through classified ONI videos, she then puts the stuffed animal back in a box and hides it away.''

*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "You really shouldn't be looking at that stuff Sully."
*'''Dimah Tchakova''': "You really shouldn't be looking at that stuff, Sully."

''Sullivan continues to go through the videos until he notices something and pauses it.''
''Sullivan continues to go through the videos until he notices something and pauses it.''
Line 486: Line 480:
''JJ is shown practicing combat moves, looking distressed.''
''JJ is shown practicing combat moves, looking distressed.''

''Cut to Lasky in his room, he looks over his shoulder before activating a list of video messages from his brother, after hesitating he selects one.''
''Cut to Lasky in his room, he looks over his shoulder before activating a list of video messages from his brother, after hesitating, he selects one.''

*'''Cadmon Lasky''': "Hey little bro! Hello from [[Jericho VII]], it's day 131 of deployment. Uh...so I gotta show you something. All right mom's gonna flip when she sees this. But whatever"
*'''Cadmon Lasky''': "Hey little bro! Hello from [[Jericho VII]], it's day 131 of deployment. Uh...so I gotta show you something. All right mom's gonna flip when she sees this. But whatever"
Line 502: Line 496:
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Yes you are."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Yes you are."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': ''(repeating Silva)'' "At least I believe in something?"
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "'At least I believe in something'?"

*'''Chyler Silva''': "I do believe in something."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "I ''do'' believe in something."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Yeah, so do I."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Yeah, so do I."
Line 512: Line 506:
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Just...not in stupid orders that lead to needless violence."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "Just...not in stupid orders that lead to needless violence."

*'''Chyler Silva''': "Negotiating isn't an option anymore Tom."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Negotiating isn't an option anymore, Tom."

*'''Thomas Lasky''': "So we're brainwashing kids and then sending them in to exterminate a bunch of overtaxed farmers."
*'''Thomas Lasky''': "So we're brainwashing kids and then sending them in to exterminate a bunch of overtaxed... farmers."

*'''Chyler Silva''': "Farmers? That's what you think they are? You have no idea what the Innies are like."
*'''Chyler Silva''': "Farmers? That's what you think they are? You have no idea what the Innies are like."