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(Legendary planet, another theorie.)
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The last theory is that the planet is, in fact, the planet [[Reach]]. Other evidence that supports this is that the lake seen on Reach is similar to the symbol that can be seen on the planet, which would be a dry lake bed from the planet being glassed. Another bit of information that points towards the legendary planet being Reach is in fact the last level is one of the section names. Full circle, indicates that every thing is coming to an end, where it all began. The first game began with Master Chief in a cryo chamber, and it is known that they had left from Reach, and Halo 3 ended with Master Chief climbing into a cryo chamber, with the back half of the ship heading towards a planet that bears resemblance to Reach. It is also possible that when the Covenant glassed Reach, they glassed Forerunner symbols into the planet, like crop circles. Also, [[Halo: First Strike]] reveals that there are extensive forerunner structures underneath Reach's surface. This could mean that Reach could be an important Forerunner planet that the Forerunners had designated as some destination from the Ark. However, this theory is very unlikely.
The last theory is that the planet is, in fact, the planet [[Reach]]. Other evidence that supports this is that the lake seen on Reach is similar to the symbol that can be seen on the planet, which would be a dry lake bed from the planet being glassed. Another bit of information that points towards the legendary planet being Reach is in fact the last level is one of the section names. Full circle, indicates that every thing is coming to an end, where it all began. The first game began with Master Chief in a cryo chamber, and it is known that they had left from Reach, and Halo 3 ended with Master Chief climbing into a cryo chamber, with the back half of the ship heading towards a planet that bears resemblance to Reach. It is also possible that when the Covenant glassed Reach, they glassed Forerunner symbols into the planet, like crop circles. Also, [[Halo: First Strike]] reveals that there are extensive forerunner structures underneath Reach's surface. This could mean that Reach could be an important Forerunner planet that the Forerunners had designated as some destination from the Ark. However, this theory is very unlikely.
===All of the Above===
It is possible to relate all of these theroies into one. First of all this could be Reach because the next Halo game is of course, played on Reach. Also, the catch phrase for Halo Reach is from the beggining you know the end, and the end is the Master chief drifting toward the Legendary planet. Another hint is the fact that when the covenant started glassing New Mombassa in Halo 3: ODST of the hundreds of planets that the covenant glassed, out of the dozens Buck new about, he said "It`s like REACH all over again." A possible hint left by bungie, however this is unlikely. But, in halo 3 the covenant glassed the land above the ark without damaging it, they possibly did this to Reach aswell.
It could be the Forerunners homeworld because the [[Cole Protocol]] states that human ships must steer away from Earth when being atacked by the Covenant, so the Forerunners might of had a similar idea which would explain why the only forerunner technology near Reach is inside Reach so the flood couldn`t detect it.
It could be a shield world because like stated before, the only forerunner technology was found inside the planet, and also, like said before, that they carefully guarded it, so they must of thought it to be the most unlikely planet, so they dug out the exterior of the planet and built the shield world inside it, with the crust still intact.
It could be a forerunner colony because they succesfully constructed the shield world inside of it, they got a bunch of forerunners in it for the firing, but then mendicant betrayed them and locked the shield world permanetly somehow, he possibly hacked into it`s systems from the ark and since he did it he would know where the forerunners were so that`s where he sent the chief. If you think about it very carfully, you`ll notice that these theroies don`t argue with each other, however this theory is possibly the most unlikely of them all.
