Repository (Halo Infinite level): Difference between revisions

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''Scene circles around the Chief as he looks up at the image of his former ally towering above him.''
''Scene circles around the Chief as he looks up at the image of his former ally towering above him.''

*'''Cortana (memory)''': "However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their old ways..."
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their old ways..."''

''The scene rotates past Cortana, only for her to reappear behind the Chief.''
''The scene rotates past Cortana, only for her to reappear behind the Chief.''
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''The Weapon hacks the terminal.''
*'''Weapon''': "Interesting."
''She turns to the Chief.''
*'''Weapon''': "Good news, first. We're close." ''(points up)'' "There's a [[House of Reckoning (location)|Banished structure]] above us. It's big."
''Scene rotates around to show both her and the Chief.''
*'''Weapon''': "Oh... no."
''The Chief turns to her.''
*'''John-117''': "What is it?"
*'''Weapon''': "There's message. For you."
''Suddenly, a hologram of the Pilot materializes behind them. His arms and legs are restrained in energy shackles and he groans in pain. It's the same manner of imprisonment and torture that [[Hudson Griffin|Spartan Griffin]] was [[The Tower|subjected to]] at [[Chak 'Lok]]'s [[Tower]].''
''The Chief turns and rushes towards the hologram.''
*'''Pilot (hologram)''': ''(in agony)'' "Chief... Chief... I'm sorry. I couldn't-"
''He screams as power surges through the torture machine he's trapped in.''
*'''Weapon''': "He's alive! Barely. We need to help him!"
*'''Pilot (hologram)''': "Chief... please..."
*'''Escharum''': ''(off-screen)'' "Do I have your attention, Spartan?"
''The Chief turns to the right.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': ''(roars)'' ''"Do I?!"''
''The scene rotates to show the Chief from behind as he stares up at the giant hologram of Escharum addressing him.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': ''(points to the Pilot)'' "You feel his pain. Each twist of my blade hurts you as much as him. He will not die by my hand, but he will suffer until you stand before he."
''Scene pans up and rotates around to now show Escharum from above as he stares down at the Chief.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "For the [[Banished]], victory is our shared cry. A refusal to cower, to bend. Our weaknesses ''beaten'' from us. ''Banished''."
''Scene pans down and rotates back to the Chief.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "It makes us ''strong''!"
''He slams his fist down. The Pilot screams in agony again.''
*'''Pilot (hologram)''': ''"Chief!"''
''Scene rotates to once again show the Chief from behind as he stares at Escharum.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Your humanity makes you weak. Vulnerable. Defeatable."
''He smiles in anticipation.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Our time together is ending. I await our final fight."
''The message ends.''
*'''Weapon''': "Chief."
''The Chief steps towards her.''
*'''Weapon''': "There are coordinates embedded in the message. We're going to find him."
''The Chief uploads her back into his armor.''
''Another light bridge activates, connecting the platform to a door which unlocks.''
*'''Weapon''': "The Banished have found us! Chief, look out!"
''Banished troops pour out from the door and attack. The Chief kills them and goes through the unlocked door, fighting through more Banished and Sentinels.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"I'm here. I'm with you."''