Pelican Down (Halo Infinite level): Difference between revisions

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*'''John-117''': "Let's go fire it."
*'''John-117''': "Let's go fire it."

*'''Weapon''': "So, let me get this straight. It's okay for you to make jokes..."
*'''Weapon''': "So, let me get this straight. It's okay for ''you'' to make jokes..."

*'''John-117''': "Correct."
*'''John-117''': "Correct."
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*'''Pilot (COM)''': ''(impatient)'' "Maybe ''they'' want to go home too."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': ''(impatient)'' "Maybe ''they'' want to go home too."

''The Chief reaches the second gun and gets inside. As before, he deploys the Weapon onto the control terminal.''

*'''Weapon''': "I'm on it. The lockdown's probably going to trigger again...
''She starts hacking the cannon.''
*'''Weapon''': "...but don't worry, we'll be out of here in-"
''The lockdown triggers again. Escharum appears before them via Hologram once more.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "How many Spartans remain? Do you even know? There would have been fifty at [[Laconia Station]]. Maybe more. Such a loss."
''He leans forward, pressing a hand to his chest.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Do you feel it in your heart? Does it leave a hole?"
''He wheezes and looks away.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Atriox was my finest recruit." ''(turns back to the Chief)'' "''He'' understood sacrifice and when one is necessary." ''(closes his eyes)'' "I honor his memory each day." ''(opens his eyes)'' "When ''our'' enemy rises, we meet their challenge. It is why I created the [[Hand of Atriox]]. I found the best. The cruelest. The most efficient killers in the universe... and taught them how to be better. ''(rasps)'' My Spartan Killers are coming for you."
''He smiles and holds out his arms.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "It is ''your'' time to rise."
''The hologram fades.''
*'''Weapon''': "Spartan Killers? Really? Everyone ''is'' trying to kill you. I'm done here. Now it's your turn."
''The Chief retrieves her.''
''As before, the gun's generator is exposed, allowing the Chief to destroy it. The lockdown lifts and the Chief escapes the gun before it explodes.''
*'''Weapon''': "Chief, we're being contacted on UNSC channels. Comm signature belongs ''(pause)'' to a Spartan [[Theodore Sorel]]... the one we [[Conservatory|found.]] Dead."
*'''John-117''': "Put it through."
*'''[[Hyperius]] (COM)''': ''(mockingly)'' "Spartan... Spartan... ''(chuckles menacingly)'' I know you can hear me. Will you die with honor?"
''Hyperius lets out a deep laugh.''
*'''Hyperius (COM)''': "I doubt it. You are human. Weak. Pathetic. I will crack your armor. Peel you from your shell. It will not be my first Spartan blood. ''(inhales)'' But it will be the sweetest."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': "They're sending a Spartan Killer? Chief... This is crazy. This is ''crazy''. We gotta get out of here. We gotta move!"
*'''John-117''': "Not yet. Hold position."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': ''(frustrated)'' "When this goes bad... it's on you, Chief. Remember that."
''The Chief reaches the last gun, gets inside, and deploys the Weapon onto the control terminal. She starts hacking it.''
*'''Weapon''': "Last one. And... cue the lockdown."
''She waits but nothing happens this time.''
*'''Weapon''': "Huh. No Escharum? I'm almost disappointed."
''She finishes hacking the gun.''
*'''Weapon''': "''Almost.'' All set. Let's get back to the Pelican. We did it!"
''The Chief retrieves her, destroys the exposed generator, and escapes while the final cannon explodes behind him.''
*'''Weapon''': "There's a repeated message across all Banished frequencies. The first part is Hand of Atriox..."
*'''John-117''': "And then what?"
*'''Weapon''': ''(concerned)'' "Deploy."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': "Chief. Where are you?"
*'''John-117''': "Hold position. We're on our way."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': "I'm sorry, Chief... I can't stay."
*'''Weapon''': "I've lost his signal. If the Spartan Killers find him..."
*'''John-117''': "That won't happen."
*'''Weapon''': "How can you be sure?"
*'''John-117''': "Because they'll need to go through me first."
''The Chief heads back to the Pelican's crash site. Multiple Banished troops have already arrived. Among them is a Brute on a Chopper.''
*'''Weapon''': "Chief! We've got... well, a lot. See that [[Chopper]]? I'm guessing that's [[Hyperius|one of the Spartan Killers]]."
''A Banished [[Drop pod]] lands on top of a wrecked frigate.''
*'''Weapon''': "And there's [[Tovarus|the other one]]. Up there in the wreckage! You need to stop them!"
''Hyperius and Tovarus are no ordinary Brutes, proving themselves to be formidable opponents.''
''If the Chief kills Hyperius first:''
*'''Tovarus ''': "The coward deserved what he got! Now face me, Spartan!"
*'''Weapon''': "I think you've made him mad! Reinforcements inbound!
''If the Chief kills Tovarus first:''
*'''Hyperius''': "Brother! I'll kill you slowly for that, Spartan!"
*'''Weapon''': "I think you've made him mad! Reinforcements inbound!
''More Banished drop pods are deployed to reinforce the surviving brother.''
''The Chief finally kills the other Spartan Killer.''
*'''Weapon''': "That wasn't easy, was it? What if Escharum sends more?"

*'''John-117''': "Let him. Echo 216?"

''If the player kills Hyperius first:''
''No answer.''

*'''Tovarus ''': The coward deserved what he got! Now face me, Spartan!
*'''Weapon''': "Nothing. But I think I can... yes. Comms are still offline but I was able to activate his tracking beacon remotely. He's... he's out in the open. The UNSC ship graveyard. I hope he's okay."

''If the player kills Tovarus first:''
''Guided by the Weapon, the Chief tracks the Pilot's signal to a crashed Condor.''

*'''Hyperius''': Brother! I'll kill you slowly for that, Spartan!
