Pelican Down (Halo Infinite level): Difference between revisions

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

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''The camera swings around to show the Pelican coming in for a crash landing in a river .''
''The camera swings around to show the Pelican coming in for a crash landing in a river .''

*'''Esparza''': "I'm going to have to make an emergency landing!"
*'''Pilot''': "I'm going to have to make an emergency landing!"

''Water splashes up over the cockpit window as the Pelican lands in the shallow river.''
''Water splashes up over the cockpit window as the Pelican lands in the shallow river.''
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''The dialogue triggered when the Chief reactivates either the Eastern or Northern gun's gravity lift changes slightly depending on the order he destroys the guns.''
''The dialogue triggered when the Chief reactivates either the Eastern or Northern gun's gravity lift changes slightly depending on the order he destroys the guns.''

''If the Chief heads to the Eastern/Northern gun first:''
''If the Chief heads to the Eastern/Northern gun first:''

*'''Weapon''': "That's it. The gravity lift's online. Let's get inside and shut this gun down."
*'''Weapon''': "That's it. The gravity lift is on. Let's get inside and shut this gun down."

''If the Chief heads to the Eastern/Northern gun second:''
''If the Chief heads to the Eastern/Northern gun second:''
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*'''John-117''': "Correct."
*'''John-117''': "Correct."
''The Chief enters the first gun.''
*'''Weapon''': "Plug me in and I'll take care of the cannon."
''The Chief deploys the Weapon onto the terminal.''
''The Weapon starts hacking the cannon.''
*'''Weapon''': "They call this security? Please. Hold tight, I'll handle it."
''An alarm inside the gun suddenly blares. The doors slam shut all around. The local topographic map behind the console changes into a hologram of [[Escharum]].''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "The UNSC lost this war months ago. Your people are broken. Scattered. Hunted. ''Defeated.'' By me."
''Escharum smirks as he continues.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "I wish I could tell you it was difficult. But it wasn't."
''He chuckles cruelly.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "We are one step ahead! Always! The Ring is already under our control! Soon, the [[Silent Auditorium (location)|Auditorium]] as well. [[The Harbinger]] and the Banished share the same goal! We fight together to honor the will of [[Atriox]]! But..."
''He turns away.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "But, without challenge, I grew...weary. Lost. Alone. But..."
''He smiles and turns to face the Chief again.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Here you now stand."
''He exhales menacingly.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "This is my last fight. A true test of legends! Our story will outlive us both.
''He growls in anticipation of the coming battle.''
*'''Escharum (hologram)''': "Set a fire in your heart, Spartan! Bare your fangs! Fight hard. Die well."
''The hologram fades.''
*'''Weapon''': "Thank you!"
''She turns around.''
*'''Weapon''': "Chief?"
*'''John-117''': "That word. Auditorium. What is it?"
*'''Weapon''': "I was hoping you'd know the answer to that one. I'm new. Remember."
''She finishes hacking the cannon.''
*'''Weapon''': "Okay, I'm done here."
''The Chief retrieves her.''
''The AA gun's generator is exposed.''
*'''Weapon''': "I've exposed the gun's generator. Destroy it and the fuse is ticking."
''The Chief destroys the generator, setting off a chain reaction. Explosions rock the cannon. The doors open.''
*'''Weapon''': "Good. Let's get out of here before the fireworks start."
''The Chief jumps out of the cannon and gets to safety. The cannon explodes behind him.''
*'''Pilot (COM)''': "The Banished are mobilizing in a big way. Clock's ticking, Chief. How much longer?"
*'''John-117''': "One gun down, two more to go."
*'''Pilot (COM)''': "We are running out of time."
*'''Weapon''': "''The Harbinger and the Banished share the same goal.''"
*'''John-117''': "Rebuild the Ring."
*'''Weapon''': "But why?"
*'''Pilot (COM)''': ''(impatient)'' "Maybe ''they'' want to go home too."
