Iota Eta Pi

Joined June 19, 2011
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Daniel, born on May 24, 2534, was the child of a financially struggling, middle class civilian family on [[Earth]]. In 2545, he was abducted into the [[SPARTAN-III Program]].  Most believe that [[SPARTAN-III Gamma Company|Gamma Company]] was the last SPARTAN-III company to have existed. The [[Office of Naval Intelligence]], however, created a final, classified company, consisting of ten specially trained, specially augmented children. Daniel was one of these children abducted into the SPARTAN-III Omega Company. They were given random service numbers between 1 and 300 so there would be no suspicion as to why there were so few Spartans being trained in the company, in case of a leak to the public or a lower branch of the military. Trained on the planet [[Coral]] on more brutally and mercilessly than any [[SPARTAN-II Program|Spartan-II]] or Spartan-III, Daniel and the other nine Spartans became the absolute best soldiers the [[UNSC]] could ever have. He was given the service tag Daniel-O225 after the augmentations were given to him.
Daniel, born on May 24, 2534, was the child of a financially struggling, middle class civilian family on [[Earth]]. In 2545, he was abducted into the [[SPARTAN-III Program]].  Most believe that [[SPARTAN-III Gamma Company|Gamma Company]] was the last SPARTAN-III company to have existed. The [[Office of Naval Intelligence]], however, created a final, classified company, consisting of ten specially trained, specially augmented children. Daniel was one of these children abducted into the SPARTAN-III Omega Company. They were given random service numbers between 1 and 300 so there would be no suspicion as to why there were so few Spartans being trained in the company, in case of a leak to the public or a lower branch of the military. Trained on the planet [[Coral]], more brutally and mercilessly than any [[SPARTAN-II Program|Spartan-II]] or Spartan-III, Daniel and the other nine Spartans became the absolute best soldiers the [[United Nations Space Command|UNSC]] could ever have. He was given the service tag Daniel-O225 after the augmentations were given to him.

