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==Single-Player Quotes==
==''[[Halo 3: ODST]]''==
"You know the music, time to dance." -When telling his squad to suit up.
====[[Prepare To Drop|Prepare to Drop]]====
*"You know the music, time to dance." - When telling [[Alpha-Nine|his squad]] to suit up, on board the {{UNSCShip|Say My Name}}.
*"Pods, now." - After [[Kojo Agu|Romeo]] comments on [[Veronica Dare|Dare]].
*"This many years into the war? Who isn't?" - To Dare, who asked about his squads "replacements".
*"To me. And they're not gonna like what they hear." - Annoyed, after Dare's comment that his men follow orders.
*"Come on, Veronica! What could be more important than [[Solemn Penance|that carrier]]?" - To Dare.
*"Second to last, right next to mine." -When showing Dare to her [[drop pod|pod]].
*"''Ms''. [[Office of Naval Intelligence|Naval intelligence]], our new boss. So check your mouths, find your chairs... ''(shoves a Sniper rifle to Romeo)'' and get ''set'' for a combat drop!" - [[Edward Buck|Buck]] to [[Kojo Agu|Romeo]] when Romeo asked for Dare's name.
*Speech to ODSTs before drop depending on Difficulty:
**"[[Orbital Drop Shock Trooper|Troopers]]! We are green, and very, very mean!" - On [[Easy]] and [[Normal]].
**"Pucker up, [[UNSC Marine Corps|Marines]]! I sure as hell ain't hosing out your pods!" - On [[Heroic]].
**"We are droppin' into Hell, troopers! Time to grow a pair!" - On [[Legendary]].
*"Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth? Consider that a standing order." - To Romeo during the HEV drop.
*"Stabilize then pop your chutes! We're going in hard!" - To the squad, after being hit by the EMP blast created by the [[CAS-class assault carrier|assault carrier]]'s [[Slipstream space|slipspace rupture]].

"Pods, now." -After [[Romeo]] comments on [[Dare]].
====[[Tayari Plaza]]====
*"Ah! Works great." - Sarcastically to Dare, after falling off his upside-down pod.
*"Did something wrong? Because the only thing I regret about you and me? Not knowing you were a spook when we first met. I would have been a lot less charming." - To Dare.
*"That was years ago, Veronica! I'm ''(grunt)'' a little ''(grunt)'' fuzzy ''(grunt)'' on the... ''(takes out his stuck [[MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System|Assault Rifle]] from his pod)''... details." - To Dare, who stated that they both agreed to end the argument about her job.
*"Must have met a lot of other saps since then. Why pick me for this safari?" - To Dare, complaining his involvement in her mission.
*"I remember not getting an answer..." - To Dare, who mentioned his question to her years ago.
*"I said stay put! I'm on my way!" - To Dare, after sighting a [[Kez'katu-pattern Phantom|Phantom]] flying overhead.
*"I appreciate the concern." - To Dare, who tells him about the Covenant-infested area.
*"See any more come down?" - To a Marine, who commented his luckiness of not getting killed by the drop.
*"What the hell happened here?" - After seeing multiple dead [[Sangheili|Elites]] and [[Jiralhanae|Brutes]] inside a building.
*"Veronica, what's with all the dead Elites?" - To Dare, after sighting more dead Elites and Brutes in the streets of [[New Mombasa]].
*"It's like a [[Great Schism|family feud]], like they were killed by Brutes. Is there something I should know?" - To Dare, who wants him to explain his question thoroughly.
*"Huh, some things never change." - After Dare said the answer to his question mentioned above is classified.
*"Got a little Jackal problem!" - To Dare, after meeting a few [[Kig-yar|Jackals]] on his way to help Dare.
*"Gotta get through this door. Should be a switch around here somewhere." - If the player lingers around the locked door.
*"Almost there! What's wrong?" - To Dare, who urgently asks for his location.
*"Whoa! Hang on, I'll be right there!" - To Dare, who begins her "will".
*"Damn it, no! Veronica? Talk to me! Don't move! I'm coming, you hear?" - To Dare, who loses contact with him.
*"[[Mgalekgolo|Hunters]]?! No, I do not have time for this! Turn around you bastards, let me shoot you in the back." - After sighting a pair of Hunters heading his way.
*"There's her pod, now I just need to find a way down..." - Upon reaching [[Tayari Plaza (location)|Tayari Plaza]], which is Dare's crash site.
*"Arrgh! I'm here...I got ya..." - When attempting to open Dare's stuck pod, which is later found empty.
*"Aw, nuts." - After seeing an [[Huragok|Engineer]] approaching him.
*"What the heck was that? You ever seen one before?" - To Romeo, who killed the Engineer.
*"Hey, Romeo! You got your ears on?" - To Romeo after he does not respond to him.
*"Oh, I get it. Permission to speak, smart ass." - To Romeo after he does not respond to his previous question.
*"Yeah, maybe. You hear from Mickey, Dutch?" - In response to Romeo's comment that the Engineer must have killed Dare.
*"We need to get above this crap, link up with the bee-net, one of our [[F-99 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle|drones]] must have seen where they hit." - After being acknowledge that Romeo heard nothing from rest of the squad.
*"No... never. Doesn't matter. All I care about now is gettin' my men out of this city. Even you." - Answer to Romeo's question that are they abandoning Dare's mission.
====[[ONI Alpha Site]]====
*"Glad you boys are safe and sound." - To [[Michael Crespo|Mickey]] and [[Taylor H. Miles|Dutch]], who finally receive contact with him on board a Police-variant [[D77-TC Pelican|Pelican]].
*"Long as you're offerin'. We're in the [[NMPD headquarters|Police HQ]]." - To Dutch, who inquires their need of transport.
*"Alright, meet you up top!" - After an NMPD Officer's confirmation on their ride to the Police HQ.
====[[NMPD HQ]]====
*"Hey [[The Rookie|Rookie]]. You out there? Respond. That's an order!" - When activating his comm as he and Romeo descending the stairs leading to a launch pad, attempting to reach the then-fainted Rookie.
*"Oh, give up, huh? What if it were you down there?" - To Romeo, who suggests him to give up on reaching The Rookie.
*"Oh, you're a piece of work, Romeo." - After Romeo's cold response to his question above.
*"[[Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft|Banshees]] on your six!" - To Mickey and Dutch's Pelican, which is landing on the launch pad.
*"Hit the deck!" - To Romeo, as the Banshees fires their [[Class-2 Projectile cannon|Fuel Rod Cannon]].
*"Alive or dead, we're pulling them out! You hear me?" - To Romeo, after losing contact with Mickey and Dutch.
*"Make some noise. I got your back." - As he and Romeo enter the Covenant-guarded Police Headquarters.
*"Back inside! Let's find that Pelican!" - Once inside the interior of the HQ.
*"Now we get to kill them." - Response to Romeo's questions about the Covenant they evaded on their way to the launch pad.
*"Do you ever get tired of bitching, Romeo?" -In response to Romeo complaining about having to use the stairs.
*"Point taken." -Replying to Romeo's comment.
*"They haven't seen us. Pick a target, take it out." - To Romeo, once they reach the first courtyard.
*"That did it! Shoot and scoot!" - Once Romeo takes out his first target.
*"Romeo! Phantom landing on the pad!" - To Romeo, pointing out the drop ship.
*"C'mon, Romeo! Push through these doors!" - To Romeo, after the firefight in the courtyard.
*"[[Kig-yar Sniper|Jackals with Carbines]] up top. Watch yourself!" - To Romeo, upon entering the second courtyard.
*"C'mon, Romeo. We gotta kill those Jackals." - If the player stalls with fighting the Jackals.
*"Stay put Dutch. We'll come to you." - After establishing contact with Dutch.
*"Grab some ammo, Romeo. These boys won't need it." - Entering a room littered with ammo and dead Police Officers.
*"Sniper. Up high. Make your first shot count." - To Romeo, upon entering the third courtyard.
*"More of 'em! Romeo, get to work!" - Once Romeo takes out the first target.
*"[[Jump Pack Jiralhanae|Jet Pack Brutes]]! Don't let 'em get behind us!" - As he and Romeo make their way deeper into the courtyard.
*"Keep pressing, we gotta get to that crash site!" - To Romeo, as they nearer the crash site.
*"Affirmative. We're almost there." - To Mickey, who stated their makeshift bridge made up with cranes and metal bars.
*"What? You afraid of heights? Get going." - To Romeo, who becomes scared when the "bridge" is merely a metal bar.
*"C'mon Romeo, follow me." - If the player stalls in front of the metal bar.
*"Let's get the hell off this thing!" - As two Banshees fly over and shakes the metal bar.
*"What's our situation?" - To Mickey, upon reaching the crash site.
*"Pick a turret, Romeo! Conserve your ammo. This is gonna get hot!" - To Romeo, as a Phantoms draw nearer to the crash site.
*"Phantom coming in left!" - To the group, defending the area.
*"Hostiles on the lower levels! Clear 'em out!" - When [[Covenant Empire|Covenant]] troops occupy the lower floor of the constructing building.
*"Phantom! Dead ahead!" - Alerting the group after more fighting.
*"Step back! Take 'em down!" - Leading the group in the intense fight.
*"Pour it on boys, we're almost through this!" - As the end of the firefight draws closer.
*"Look out! [[Jiralhanae Chieftain|Chieftain]]!" - When the final Phantom approaches the crash site.
*"Scatter!" - When Brute Chieftain drops and kills an NMPD Officer.
*"Get. This. Thing. Off. Of. Me." - While underneath the dead Brute Chieftain.
*"How bad?" - To the injured Romeo.
*"It's alright. I know another way." - To the squad, after Dutch's gesture that their only transport out of the city, the Pelican, is no longer working.

"Second to last, right next to mine." -When showing Dare to her [[Drop Pod|pod]].
====[[Kikowani Station]]====
*"We're almost there." - As the ODSTs draw close to the [[Kikowani Station (location)|Kikowanit train Station]].
*"He's got a punctured lung, can't breathe." - Answering Dutch's question on Romeo's injury.
*"Trains ran underground up to the old city, we're gonna find one of the tunnels, walk on outta here." - Explaining his plan out of the city.
*"Was planning on it, but, now that you're feeling better..." - Humorously, answering Romeo's question about carrying him the whole way.
*"Get the door!" - To Dutch, as a Phantom suddenly flies overhead.
*"Wait here. We're gonna steal that ride. It's landing, now's our chance! Mickey! You're with me!" - To the squad, after realizing the train tunnels are flooded.
*"Well, let's see what you remember trooper, move!" - To Mickey, who states that it's been years that he had run a simulation on piloting.
*"They're between us and that Phantom, what do you think?" - Answer to Mickey's question regarding to kill the Engineers or not.
*"Go, Mickey. Up the lift, kill the pilots." - To Mickey, underneath the Phantom.
*"OK, I'll grab a Banshee, you go get Dutch and Romeo." - After Mickey's confirmation on the Phantom's status.
*"A whole lot of Covenant, scattering around the Slipspace crater. I wonder what they're looking for." - Buck's answer to Mickey's question. Only available if the player flies upward to the top of the train station.
*"That's the way we're headed, take 'em out!" - After Romeo alerting Banshees exiting the doors leading their way out.
*"I'll head through on foot, see if I can find a work around inside the tunnel." - To the squad, when the door in front of them is jammed.
*"Troopers, I got bad news." - To his squad, after sighting a [[Deutoros-pattern Scarab|Scarab]].
*"We got a Scarab, right by our exit." - To the squad, explaining the situation.
*"Keep her steady Mickey. ''(to Romeo)'' You doin' okay?" - Upon entering the Phantom, after escaping the city.
*"Mickey, turn around! Find a safe place to set us down!" - After realizing Dare's mission to the undergrounds of the city.
*"I lost something! ''(whispering to himself)'' Now I know where to find her." - Answer to Mickey's question regarding why the need to turn back into the city.
====[[Data Hive]]====
*"Veronica? Where the hell are you?" - After hearing Dare's surprise shout of his name in the [[Superintendent]]'s [[New Mombasa Data Center|Data Center]].
*"Whatever you say, just come on!" - To Dare, who tells him not to shoot ''anything pink''.
*"Rookie? I could use a hand over here. Come on!" - When the three meet up outside the Data Center.
*"About this uh, asset. Feel free to fill me in whenever." - After meeting [[Vergil]].
*"Whoops.. Easy does as it, Rookie" - When spotting Yanme'e sleeps at ceiling.
*"Door's locked. Damn!" - During the escape out of the Data Center.
*"I've seen hundreds of these things today! Why is this one so important?" - During Vergil's attempt to open the locked door mentioned above.
*"No! Well... maybe one or... two!" -During conversation with Dare, who asked him if he had killed any [[Huragok|Engineers]].
*"Well, how was I supposed to know?" -After being scolded after the above statement.
*"Elevator. Come on." - To the other three, moments away from leaving the underground.

"[[Veronica Dare|''Ms''. Naval intelligence]], our new boss. So check your mouths, find your chairs... ''[tosses a [[Sniper rifle]] into Romeo]'' and get set for a combat drop." -[[Buck]] to Romeo when Romeo asked for her name.
====[[Coastal Highway]]====
*"Whew! Lord, that thing stinks. Kinda reminds me of my—" - Upon entering the elevator, cut off when being punched by Dare.
*"What was that for?" -After being punched by Dare.
*"What mission? You dropped off the grid! My squad was scattered—" - After Dare's explanation to his question, that he "abandoned the mission." Cut off when Dare kisses him.
*"You did good Rookie, no doubt. But we're not out of this yet." - To the Rookie, when the elevator stops.
*"Captain, how about you hang back? Let us clear a path." - Upon exiting the building that holds the elevator.
*"Flank the [[Covenant watchtower|watchtower]], Trooper! Take it out!" - to The Rookie, in the streets of New Mombasa.
*"Waterfront Highway! Fastest way out of the city." - Answering Dare's question regarding where they are heading to.
*"Can't [[huragok|that thing]] move any faster?" - As the four move down the streets.
*"Want me to give it a little push?" - Jokingly, after Dare's response to his previous quote.
*"Follow me, trooper. Double time!" - If the player stalls in the streets.
*"This way, should be an elevator right through here." - Outside a building in New Mombasa.
*"Sit tight. We'll need the alien to power on the switch." - Upon the team's arrival at an elevator.
*"Okay, we're all set. Hit it, Rookie." - To the Rookie, after Vergil re-activated the elevator.
*"They started showing up right before I went underground." - Answer to Dare's question regarding the arrival of the Covenant Cruisers to the city.
*"Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little busy. Making sure perfume ''(points to Vergil)'' over here didn't take a round and blow us all up!" - Response to Dare's complaint about not telling her about the cruisers.
*"Yeah? I am!" - Angrily, when Dare claimed that she thought she would never see Buck again.
*"I stole a Phantom. Yes. Thank you. I hid it in the shipyards down the highway. ''(Looks toward nearby [[M12 Force Application Vehicle|Warthog]])'' But I only have room for two, so...that thing's gonna have to sit on your lap." - Answer to Dare's question regarding their exit.
*"Take my advice, Rookie. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls." -Buck to Rookie, after Dare boards a NMWD truck, and out of earshot.
*"Take the wheel, Rookie. I'll ride shotgun." - To the Rookie, beside a Warthog.
*"Get in the driver seat, trooper. We gotta roll!" - If the player waits around the Warthog.
*"Listen Marine, we ain't going anywhere until ''you'' drive us there!" - If the player continues to wait around the Warthog.
*"It's too far to walk, Rookie. Get in the Warthog!" - If the player walks instead of driving the Warthog.
*"What are you, crazy? Stop moving around, and drive this 'hog!" - If the player continues to walk away.
*"Hey, uh, Captain? Pick a lane." - To Dare,
*"You got to be kidding me!" - When the truck smashes through the cars in the highway.
*"Hey, hold up! It's a [[M12G1 Light Anti-Armor Vehicle|Gauss Hog]]. Let's change vehicles. Same deal, trooper: You drive, I shoot." - When the four come across a Gauss Canon-mounted Warthog.
*"Concentrate on driving. I got this."- To the Rookie, as he gets on to the [[M68 Asynchronous Linear-Induction Motor|M68 Gauss Cannon]].
*"I see it. Must've dropped out one of the cruisers. Just keep driving, it hasn't spotted us." - When Dare alerts about a Scarab on the highway.
*"There weren't that many Covenant last night!" - When Dare asks how did he make down the highway the night before with all the Covenant troops in it.
*"Captain's right, trooper. We're gonna need that tank." - If the player stalls near the [[M808B Main Battle Tank|Scorpion]] tank after Dare's request on taking the armored vehicle instead of the Warthog.
*"Assault Carrier! Ten o'clock high! Look at the size of that thing!" - As an assault carrier comes into view.
*"But the dig site's on the other side of the city!" - When the carrier mentioned above begins charging its [[Energy projector|Energy Projector]].
*"Damn it, no! They're gonna burn this city and then glass the whole planet! Covenant bastards! It's just like [[Fall of Reach|Reach]] all over again!" - When the carrier begins [[glassing]] the city.
*"Mickey, you read me? Change of plans. You're coming to us." - To Mickey, as they continue down the highway.
*"There's no other way. Covenant just wasted the highway. We're gonna keep rolling as far as we can. Get airborne, fly the Phantom to my beacon." - To Mickey, who debates that the "sky is kind of crowded".
*"And whatever you do... Stay clear of that carrier." - To Mickey, who confirms Buck's request.
*"Veronica! Talk to me!" -After a Scarab fires its main canon at the truck.
*"Screw the alien, what about you?" - After Dare reports that Vergil is okay.
*"Take the next off-ramp, trooper. I see a building, north side of the highway. We'll hole up there, wait for evac." - After sighting the Public Entrance to [[Uplift Nature Reserve]].
*"Out of the vehicle, trooper! Let's move!" - Once the vehicle reaches the ramp.
*"Our vehicle won't fit through that. We're on foot from here!" - If the player stalls inside the vehicle.
*"Veronica, wait here. Rookie, let's secure that building!" - As they draw closer to the entrance.
*"Mickey, what's your ETA?" - Once the area is clear of Covenant patrol.
*"Hostile Phantoms, coming in!" - As Phantoms begins their assault at the building.
*"That's not good!" - After Dare alerts about the [[Zurdo-pattern Wraith|Wraiths]] on the highway firing at the building.
*"Just nice to know they really do listen. C'mon, let's get out of this city." - After Dare complimented that "for replacements [the squad] make one hell of a team."
*"Come on Rookie, get in the Phantom." - If the player stalls and not approaches the ally Phantom.
*"What are you waiting for, trooper? Phantom! Now!" - If the player continues to stall.
*"Long as it don't get hit!" - Answer to Dutch's question about the safety of the Engineer's presence.
*"What can I say...? It was a hell of a night." - to Rookie and Dutch, putting a conclusion on the ground battle.
*"Easy does it." - As he and Rookie pulls Romeo from the Phantom's [[Plasma turret|Plasma Turret]].
*"Give him some meds, would ya?" - To the Rookie, after Romeo expressing his frustration on returning the city.
*"It's important. It knows things." - To Romeo, thinking Romeo was frustrated at Vergil.
*"Mickey? I'm sending you a very special co-pilot." - To Mickey, after Romeo explanation he "wasn't talking about the alien".
*"It won't bite. And unlike you, it knows what to tell those cruisers to keep 'em off our tail." - To Mickey, who didn't want Vergil with him in the cockpit.
*"What about you? What about us?" - After Dare said that "[the Covenant] have found what they're looking for".
*"Whoa! Stand down, stand down!" - To the alerted squad, after [[Avery Junior Johnson|Avery Johnson]] tosses his lighter at Vergil.

"[[ODST|Troopers]]! We are green, and very, very mean!" -Just before the drop on [[Easy]] and [[Normal]].
====Gameplay Quotes====
*"Don't look at me Rookie, cover the Captain!" - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"That look may work with the chicks, but not with me." - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"The last person who looked at me like that was the Captain and I asked her to marry me, so... you know." - To Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"I understand that in the military we aren't supposed to ask, but I think I don't have to with you." - To Rookie if he continues to stare at him (reference to the US military's former "[[Wikipedia:Don't ask, don't tell|Don't ask, don't tell" policy]]).
*"Look, I'm not saying anything has to happen, but maybe later we just hold each other in our underwear or something, but now we have a job to do!" - To either the Rookie or Romeo if he stares at him.
*"Don't let that damn turret fire one more round!"
*"This is Sparta!" -[[Halo 2 skulls#I Would Have Been Your Daddy|IWHBYD Skull]] at various points in [[campaign]] and Firefight, a reference to both ''300'', the [[SPARTAN-II Program|SPARTAN]] and [[SPARTAN-III Program|III]] programs.
*"Don't make me do something manly and impulsive now." -IWHBYD Skull. This is a reference to Nathan Fillion's character Malcolm Reynolds from ''Firefly'' who insists that "Barging onto a companion's shuttle is both manly and impulsive".
*"This is your 8 A.M. wake up call!"
*"You know, with that helmet on... I can't tell... if you're staring at me... or not." -When stared at. IWHBYD possibly required.
*"Go through 'em like a one stoplight town." -After all enemies in the area are dead.
*"Thank you for the shiny, pretty gun." -If the player gives Buck a more powerful and bigger weapon, "shiny" possibly being a Firefly reference
*"You do know this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon. IWHBYD required.
*"You do realize that this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.
*"Whoop-dee-doo!" -When the vehicle Buck is in is launched by an explosive. IWHBYD possibly required
*"That was 800 yards with a bent scope!" -IWHBYD Skull required. When you no scope a headshot in [[NMPD HQ]].'' Firefly'' reference.
*"Hey, watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky." -IWHBYD skull possibly required. When you repeatedly roll your Warthog on [[Coastal Highway]].
*"You take the turret. I haven't been able to hit anything all day." -If the player replaces Buck in the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
*"You take the turret. You're better at it anyway." -If the player mans the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
*"You know, they ''are'' more fun to fight than [[Sangheili|Elites]]." -referring to [[Jiralhanae|Brutes]] on NMPD HQ.
*"Yep" - When Rookie trade weapons with Buck.
*"I'll take gunner, dude." - When Buck want to ride as gunner.
*"Put me in range." - When Buck mounts the gunner seat. Sometimes he continues straight from the previous line, which often happens on Coastal Highways.
*"I call shotgun. You have to do it in sight of the vehicle." - When Buck approaches to ride in the passenger seat.

"Pucker up, [[UNSC Marine|Marines]]! I sure as hell ain't hosing out your pods!" Just before the drop on [[Heroic]].
===Firefight quotes===
*"Heat in the pipe! That's what she said!" - Rocket Launcher
*"Let me turret, you suck at it."
*"Bam, said the lady." - This is a phrase voice actor Nathan Fillion is trying to promote, with the meaning of a general exclamation. It also makes an appearance in his TV show ''Castle''.
*"Boom, headshot." - Refrence to Doug from Pure Pwnage
*"Ooh, the back of your head." - Assassination/Melee kill, Red vs. Blue reference.
*"Sit-down!" - Assassination/Melee kill
*"Aaand, a headshot!"
*"Gimmie a sec, aaaaannnnd OK." -When reloading.
*"Changing mags!" - Same as above
*"Swapping out mags!" - Same as above
*"Let me turret, you suck at it. Don't get mad, we all know it."
*"Felt good, sounded better."-Rare to be said
*"Smile, you son of a bitch!" - This is a reference to ''Jaws''.
*"Whoops, dropped your brain!"
*"Nice catch! With your face."
*"That was messy."
*"Made you blink!"
*"You must be the stupidest [[Jiralhanae|apes]] in the whole damn 'verse!" - ''Firefly'' reference. ''Firefly'' characters refer to the universe as the 'verse.
*"Hey I got a special delivery from kick your ass express!"
*"Putting the [[m9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade|pineapple]] in there!"
*"Catch!" - When throwing a grenade
*"Smell the glove!" - Same as above
*"Stuck 'em!" - When sticking an enemy with a grenade.
*"Another stick!" - Same as above
*"Low on Amm-o!" - Upon reloading last magazine
*"Last mag!" - Same as above
*"On my last maaag!" - Same as above
*"Running low!" - Same as above
*"I thought you guys were supposed to be shiny?" - ''Firefly'' reference.
*"I was expecting some ''actual'' resistance!"
*"I came all the way from orbit just to kick your ass!"
*"That all you've got?"
*"Here's that violent and unnatural death you ordered!"
*"Pow! Another one!" - After scoring a headshot.
*"Ouch! I don't care who you are, that's gotta hurt." - Same as above

"We are droppin' into Hell, troopers! Time to grow a pair!" Just before the drop on [[Legendary]].
==''[[Halo: Reach]]''==
====[[New Alexandria]]====
*"Command: this is Gunnery Sergeant Buck, 11th ODST, over." - Requesting emergency support.
*"My guys got caught in a firefight in the [[Nomolos Tower]], roof collapsed. I gotta get over there and get them out." - Explanation to [[Lieutenant Commander]] [[Catherine-B320]] on his request on air support.
**Alternatively: "Need escort on a classified op. Send someone who can fly a tight formation." - Mission variant
**Alternatively: "Phantom's got one of my squads pinned. I need to take it out and evac my troopers." - Mission variant
*"Thanks for the assist, Spartan... I'll see you in hell." - To [[SPARTAN-B312]], after completing the emergency mission.

"Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth? Consider that a standing order." Buck to Romeo during the HEV drop.
===Firefight Voice===
*"You in there? Respond. That's an order." - When previewing his voice in the [[The Armory|Armory]]
*"Yeah, well... Here I am." - When previewing his voice in the Armory (quote from ''[[Halo 3: ODST]]'s'' [[Coastal Highway]])
*"[[Covenant Empire|Covies]] won't know what hit them." - When previewing his voice in the Armory
*"In one ear, out the other." - Headshot
*"Right betwixt the eye sockets." - Headshot
*"Here's one for your face!" - Headshot
*"Nice catch, with your face." - Headshot
*"Oh! Did you see that? Right in his face!" - Headshot
*"Kaboom! Whoa, I almost feel bad about that. - Headshot
*"Di-rect hit!" - Headshot
*"Bingo! ...Was his name-o." -Headshot
*"Frag out." - Said when throwing a grenade (Can be a [[M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade|Fragmentation Grenade]] or [[Anskum-pattern Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|Plasma Grenade]])
*"See you in hell, Covie!" - When throwing a grenade
*"See you in hell, Covie! Keep the place warm for me!" - Same as above
*"Say my name!" - When throwing a grenade; reference to a ship Veronica Dare served on.
*"That's for being ugly!" - When throwing a grenade
*"I'm right on target!" - When throwing a grenade
*“Watch this!” - When throwing a grenade
*"Here's one for you!"- When throwing a grenade
*"Here's one for you stupid!"- When throwing a grenade
*"I aim to misbehave." - When meleeing (''Serenity'' reference)
*"Oh, you still up? Sit down!" - When meleeing
*"Awww, kitty got wet!" - When meleeing
*"Boop!" - When meleeing
*"Don't you turn your back on me!" - When meleeing
*"Almost mussed my hair." - When meleeing
*"Say hi to your mother for me." - When meleeing
*"It looks like I'm taking a break, really I'm just reloading." - When reloading.
*"Cover me please, I am reloading". - When reloading.
*"Changing mags! If anyone's got a spare, I wouldn't say no." - When reloading.
*"Last mag!" - Upon reloading to last magazine
*"Runnin' low!" - Same as above
*"Low on ammo! If you got any, I wouldn't say no." - Same as above
*"Ooo running low! Bad news!" - Same as above
*"Bad news: my last mag!" - Same as above
*"Cover me, I'm out!" - Same as above
*"Last mag's in the bag.  - Same as above
*"Oh good! No more bullets." - Upon reloading to last magazine, regardless of ammunition
*"(solemnly)Reloading." - Upon reloading to last magazine
*"Violence is definitely ensuing." (''Serenity'' reference)
*"Tango down!"
*"Yeah, eat it!"
*"Ha ha ha ha ha! Man, I'm gettin' good."
*"(softly)Nice to meet ya." - Assassinating an enemy
*"(softly)I love killing you guys up close." - Assassinating an enemy
*"Yeah, that's the way!"
*"Got one!"
*"That's how we do it!"
*"That one's for you!"
*"Like that, ya bastard?!"
*"Ha ha ha ha, got plenty more!"
*"Popped one!"
*"Oh, you want a piece of me?"
*"Take it, jackhole!" - Randomly during combat, regardless of enemy type
*"Bam, said the lady!" - Also used in ''Halo 3: ODST''; a catchphrase of Nathan Fillion, popularized by his TV show ''Castle''.
*"Do yourself a favor and just die." - Randomly during combat.
*"You dead yet? Circle your calendar 'cause today's the day!" - Randomly during combat
*"I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna make it hurt." - When wounding an enemy
*"Bet you felt that!" - When wounding an enemy
*"Hey fellas, watch this. This is gonna be good." - When getting in the driver's seat of a vehicle.
*"When I'm driving, ''I'' work the radio!" - Same as above
*"Hey hey! My dad had one of these! It's how he died." - When hijacking an enemy vehicle.
*"Shiny!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser. A reference from ''Firefly''.
*"Laser up!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser
*"Let's go cook some bugs!" - Same as above
*"I'm on death ray duty!" - Same as above
*"If you see red, duck!"- Same as above
*"Heat in the Pipe!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
*"Hot and Heavy!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
*"Heavy Guns up!" - When equipping a Heavy ordnance weapon
*"Plasma!" - When equipping a Plasma Launcher
*"Time to break something!" - Same as above
*"Plasma Launcher up and running!" - Same as above
*"Oh I'm getting ''all'' charged up!" - Same as above
*"I am green and very, very mean!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun (Reference to a similar quote from the opening cutscene of ''Halo 3: ODST'')
*"I'm putting the 'B' back in subtle." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"I'm tend to more subtle, but..." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Big... yellow... thing- Ready!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Big green radiation gun up and runnin' right next to my face!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Hey, less of this, more shooty" - When stared at
*"Stow that stare and return fire!" - When stared at.
*"That's great! That's great, sweet-cheeks! Enemies over there!" - When stared at.
*"So here's us, on the raggedy edge." - Firefly/Serenity reference, said when stared at.
*"Hey, you want a match? Your breath and my socks." - When stared at.
*"One day I see myself with a military woman." - When stared at.
*"That's why you don't mess with an ODST! Hooyah!"
*"I got you, keep her steady." - When mounting a vehicle turret
*"I'm Stuck!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Get it off! Grab it! Grab it! Grab it!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Ahhh! Ahhhh! AHHHH! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Get Away!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“NOOOO!”- When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Grenade!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Get Clear! Get Clear!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Ahhh! AhhhHHH!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Ah! It burns! It burns! It burns!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Get it off! Get it off! Get it off me! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Is there something on me?!” (2 variants) - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“What’s that noise-OH MY GOD!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Hey what smells like barbeque-OH MY GOD!!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“What’s that hissing sound?” - When stuck with a plasma grenade

"Hey Romeo, have you got your ears on?" -Buck to Romeo after he does not respond to him.
==''[[Halo: New Blood]]''==
*"But there's a reason I'm in charge of Alpha-Nine. 'Cause I never give up, goddammit. Call me the man with the plan." - Buck, referring to his persistence
"Oh, I see. Permission to speak, smartass." -Buck to Romeo after he does not respond to his previous question.
"Do you ever get tired of bitching Romeo?" -In response to Romeo complaining about having to use the stairs.
==''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''==
===''[[Halo 5: Guardians E3 2015 Campaign Demo]]''===
"Point taken." -Replying to Romeo's comment.
*"Not just another target, you know?" - To [[Jameson Locke]] about their mission to hunt down [[Blue Team]]
"Get this thing off of me." -While underneath a dead [[Brute Chieftain]].
*"Every other Spartan, every soldier; when they hear about this, they're gonna hate us. You know that, right?" - Again, to Locke about their mission
"No! Well... maybe one or... two!" -During conversation with Dare, who asked him if he had killed any [[Huragok|Engineers]].
"Well how was I supposed to know?" -After being scolded after the above statement.
"What was that for?" -After being punched by Dare.
"Take my advice, [[The Rookie|Rookie]]. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls." -Buck to Rookie, after Dare boards a NMWD truck, and out of earshot.
"Whoa stand down." -After [[Avery Johnson]] tosses his lighter at [[Vergil]].

*"Locke, you sure the Chief came this way?"
*"You think the Chief's already on board?" - When the [[Guardian Custode|Guardian]] on [[Sunaion]] rises into view.
*"Yeah, safe in sound…inside a crumbling building." - To Locke, after escaping the Guardian.
*"Do you think it's [[Promethean]]?" - Moments before [[Fireteam Osiris|Osiris]] is engaged by Prometheans.
*"You got it! …Phaeton down!" - To Locke, when Locke commands him to destroy the [[Phaeton]].
*"Soldiers!" - When being engaged by [[Armiger Soldier]]s.
*"Soldier Captain's on deck!"

"Don't look at me Rookie, cover the [[Dare|Captain]]!" -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
===Gameplay (final release)===
====Attacking and spotting enemies====
* "Engaging!"
* "Opening fire!"
* "Hostile spotted, on the ledge."
* "Confirmed hit."
* "Grenade out!" - when tossing a grenade.
* "Nade out." - when tossing a grenade.
* "Coming through." - when doing a Spartan Charge.
* "Pardon me!" - when doing a Spartan Charge.
* "Targeting a Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
* "Let's get this over with, Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
* "Drawing down on the Jackal!" - when damaging a Jackal.
* "Targeting the Elite." - when damaging an Elite.
* "On the Elite!" - when damaging an Elite.
* "Soldier's hurt." - when damaging a Soldier.
* "Knock that thing off its Ghost!" - when engaging a [[Karo'wark-pattern Ghost|Ghost]].
* "Gonna stop that Ghost dead!" - when engaging a Ghost.
* "I'll crack that Wraith in half!" - when engaging a [[Kemu-pattern Wraith|Wraith]].
* "Fly on down, Banshee! I ain't movin'." - if he engages a [[D'nomlhe-pattern Banshee|Banshee]].
* "We don't deserve that ship!" - if he engages a Banshee or Phaeton.
* "Let's take that thing down!" - if he engages a Phaeton.
* "Phaeton's a nice ship! Hate to wreck it." - if he engages a Phaeton.

"That look may work with the chicks, but not with me." -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
====Killing enemies====
* "Got one."
* "Knight down." - after killing a Knight.
* "Killed a Knight!" - after killing a Knight.
* "That was rather enjoyable!" - when assassinating an enemy.
* "Don't take this personal." - when assassinating an enemy.

"The last person who looked at me like that was the Captain and I asked her to marry me, so... you know." -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
====Picking up new weapons====
* "I've been looking for one of these."
* "Ready with the assault rifle." - when picking up an [[MA5D assault rifle|Assault Rifle]].
* "Battle rifle at the ready." - when picking up a battle rifle.
* "Taking a Hydra Launcher." - when picking up a [[MLRS-1 Hydra|Hydra Launcher]].
* "Plasma pistol. Just like [[Olympia Vale|Vale]]." - when picking up a [[Type-54 plasma pistol|plasma pistol]].

"I understand that in the Military we aren't supposed to ask, but I think I don't have to with you." -Buck to Rookie if he continues to stare at him (reference to the US Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on relationships).
====Reloading/overheated weapons====
* "Gun's overheated."
* "Reloading the Hydra." - when reloading a Hydra Launcher.
* "One sec, snipe's dry!" - when reloading a [[SRS99-S5 AM sniper rifle|sniper rifle]].

"Look, I'm not saying anything has to happen, but maybe later we just hold each other in our underwear or something, but now we have a job to do!" -Buck to either the Rookie or Romeo if he stares at him.
====Receiving enemy fire====
* "I'm targeted!"
* "Taking damage."
* "I'm getting hit!"
* "Taking fire."
* "Hostile fire from the stairs!"
* "From that barricade. Return fire!"
* "Jackal targeting me!" - if a Jackal hits him.
* "This Hunter does not like me." - if a Hunter hits him.
* "Soldier's targeting me!" - if a Soldier hits him.
* "Soldier got me good!" - if a Soldier hits him.
* "Taking turret fire!" - if a turret hits him.
* "Somebody stop that turret!" - if a turret hits him.
* "Taking damage from our own vehicle!" - if an enemy Warthog hits him.
* "Ghost has me targeted!" - if a Ghost hits him.
* "Got a Ghost on me!" - if a Ghost hits him.
* "Wraith's got my number!" - if a Wraith hits him.
* "Phaeton on me!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
* "Taking Phaeton fire!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
* "I know what I'm doing!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
* "Takes more than that to drop an ODST!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
* "I'm stuck! Move away from me!" - if stuck with a [[Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|plasma grenade]].

"You ever get tired of bitching, Romeo?" -To Romeo.
====Receiving friendly fire====
* "Calm it down, Spartan!"
* "Easy, Spartan!"
* "Quit screwing around!"
* "Hey! What'd I do?"
* "Whoa! Check your targets!"
* "Watch the friendly fire!"
* "Come on, Locke! Watch it!" - if Jameson Locke hits him.
* "Friendly here, Locke!" - if Locke hits him.
* "Vale! We talked about this!" - if Olympia Vale hits him.
* "I'm one of the good guys, Vale!" - if Vale hits him.
* "Easy, Tanaka! Starting to take this personal!" - if [[Holly Tanaka]] hits him.
* "Friendly Mongoose here!" - if he takes friendly fire while on a Mongoose.

"Don't let that damn [[Turret]] fire one more round!"
====When downed====
* "Hit! Hit! I'm down!"
* "Hit hard! I'm down!"
* "I'm fine! I'm fine! I- I- I'm down."
* "I'm down!"
* "I'm down! Help!"
* "System failure!"

"This is Sparta!" -[[IWHBYD Skull]] at various points in [[Campaign]].
====If still downed====
* "Armor stalled out."
* "I'm in rough shape over here!"
* "Systems dark."
* "I need some support!"

"Don't make me do something manly and impulsive." -IWHBYD Skull. This is a reference to Nathan Fillion's character Malcolm Reynolds from ''Firefly'' who insists that "Barging onto a companion's shuttle is both manly and impulsive".
====Requesting assistance====
* "Armor's jammed, I'm down!"
* "Need some help here!"
* "I'm down!"
* "Somebody help that Spartan!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.
* "Hey! Get that Spartan some help!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.

"This is your 8 A.M. wake up call!"
====Reviving teammates====
* "No worries, Locke. I got you." - when reviving Locke.
* "On your feet, Vale." - when reviving Vale.
* "Let's go, Vale! Still plenty of guys we ain't shot yet!" - when reviving Vale.
* "Quit messing around, Tanaka!" - when reviving Tanaka.

"You know, with that helmet on... I can't tell... if you're staring at me... or not." -When stared at. IWHBYD possibly required.
====After being revived====
* "Okay, I'm back. Thanks!"
* "Steady and ready. Thanks!"

"Go through 'em like a one stoplight town." -After all enemies in the area are dead. IWHBYD possibly required
====If a teammate dies====
* "We lost Locke! Get safe!" - if Locke dies.
"Thank you for the shiny, pretty gun." -If the player gives Buck a more powerful and bigger weapon
* "Locke's out! Hold your positions!" - if Locke dies.
* "We lost Vale! Hold positions!" - if Vale dies.
"You do know this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.  IWHBYD required.
* "We lost Tanaka! Hold together!" - if Tanaka dies.
* "Tanaka's out! Regroup and hold." - if Tanaka dies.
"You do realise that this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.
"Whoop-dee-doo!" -When the vehicle Buck is in is launched by an explosive. IWHBYD possibly required
"That was 800 yards with a bent scope!" -IWHBYD Skull required. When you no scope a headshot in [[NMPD HQ (Level)|NMPD HQ]].'' Firefly'' reference.
"Hey watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky." -IWHBYD skull possibly required.  When you repeatedly roll your Warthog on [[Coastal Highway (Level)|Coastal Highway]].
"You take the turret. I haven't been able to hit anything all day." -If you replace Buck in the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
"You take the turret. You're better at it anyway." -If you hop in the [[Warthog]] turret on Coastal Highway.
"You know, they ''are'' more fun to fight than [[Sangheili|Elites]]" -IWHBYD skull may be required on NMPD HQ.
==Firefight Quotes==
"Heat in the pipe! That's what she said!" - Rocket Launcher
"Let me turret, you suck at it."
"Bam, said the lady." - This is a phrase voice actor Nathan Fillion is trying to promote, with the meaning of a general exclamation. It also makes an appearance in his TV show ''Castle''.
"Boom, headshot." - Refrence to Doug from Pure Pwnage
"Ooh, the back of your head." - Assassination/Melee kill.
"Aaand, a headshot!"
"Let me turret, you suck at it. Don't get mad, we all know it."
"Smile you son of a bitch!"
"Whoops, Dropped your Brains!"
"Nice catch! With your face."
"You must be the stupidest [[Jiralhanae|apes]] in the whole damn 'verse!" - ''Firefly'' reference. ''Firefly'' characters refer to the universe as the 'verse.
"Special delivery from kick your ass express!"
"Flung a [[Frag Grenade|pineapple]] in there!"
"I thought you guys were supposed to be shiny?" - ''Firefly'' reference.

Latest revision as of 19:30, January 30, 2024

Halo 3: ODST[edit]


Prepare to Drop[edit]

  • "You know the music, time to dance." - When telling his squad to suit up, on board the UNSC Say My Name.
  • "Pods, now." - After Romeo comments on Dare.
  • "This many years into the war? Who isn't?" - To Dare, who asked about his squads "replacements".
  • "To me. And they're not gonna like what they hear." - Annoyed, after Dare's comment that his men follow orders.
  • "Come on, Veronica! What could be more important than that carrier?" - To Dare.
  • "Second to last, right next to mine." -When showing Dare to her pod.
  • "Ms. Naval intelligence, our new boss. So check your mouths, find your chairs... (shoves a Sniper rifle to Romeo) and get set for a combat drop!" - Buck to Romeo when Romeo asked for Dare's name.
  • Speech to ODSTs before drop depending on Difficulty:
    • "Troopers! We are green, and very, very mean!" - On Easy and Normal.
    • "Pucker up, Marines! I sure as hell ain't hosing out your pods!" - On Heroic.
    • "We are droppin' into Hell, troopers! Time to grow a pair!" - On Legendary.
  • "Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth? Consider that a standing order." - To Romeo during the HEV drop.
  • "Stabilize then pop your chutes! We're going in hard!" - To the squad, after being hit by the EMP blast created by the assault carrier's slipspace rupture.

Tayari Plaza[edit]

  • "Ah! Works great." - Sarcastically to Dare, after falling off his upside-down pod.
  • "Did something wrong? Because the only thing I regret about you and me? Not knowing you were a spook when we first met. I would have been a lot less charming." - To Dare.
  • "That was years ago, Veronica! I'm (grunt) a little (grunt) fuzzy (grunt) on the... (takes out his stuck Assault Rifle from his pod)... details." - To Dare, who stated that they both agreed to end the argument about her job.
  • "Must have met a lot of other saps since then. Why pick me for this safari?" - To Dare, complaining his involvement in her mission.
  • "I remember not getting an answer..." - To Dare, who mentioned his question to her years ago.
  • "I said stay put! I'm on my way!" - To Dare, after sighting a Phantom flying overhead.
  • "I appreciate the concern." - To Dare, who tells him about the Covenant-infested area.
  • "See any more come down?" - To a Marine, who commented his luckiness of not getting killed by the drop.
  • "What the hell happened here?" - After seeing multiple dead Elites and Brutes inside a building.
  • "Veronica, what's with all the dead Elites?" - To Dare, after sighting more dead Elites and Brutes in the streets of New Mombasa.
  • "It's like a family feud, like they were killed by Brutes. Is there something I should know?" - To Dare, who wants him to explain his question thoroughly.
  • "Huh, some things never change." - After Dare said the answer to his question mentioned above is classified.
  • "Got a little Jackal problem!" - To Dare, after meeting a few Jackals on his way to help Dare.
  • "Gotta get through this door. Should be a switch around here somewhere." - If the player lingers around the locked door.
  • "Almost there! What's wrong?" - To Dare, who urgently asks for his location.
  • "Whoa! Hang on, I'll be right there!" - To Dare, who begins her "will".
  • "Damn it, no! Veronica? Talk to me! Don't move! I'm coming, you hear?" - To Dare, who loses contact with him.
  • "Hunters?! No, I do not have time for this! Turn around you bastards, let me shoot you in the back." - After sighting a pair of Hunters heading his way.
  • "There's her pod, now I just need to find a way down..." - Upon reaching Tayari Plaza, which is Dare's crash site.
  • "Arrgh! I'm here...I got ya..." - When attempting to open Dare's stuck pod, which is later found empty.
  • "Aw, nuts." - After seeing an Engineer approaching him.
  • "What the heck was that? You ever seen one before?" - To Romeo, who killed the Engineer.
  • "Hey, Romeo! You got your ears on?" - To Romeo after he does not respond to him.
  • "Oh, I get it. Permission to speak, smart ass." - To Romeo after he does not respond to his previous question.
  • "Yeah, maybe. You hear from Mickey, Dutch?" - In response to Romeo's comment that the Engineer must have killed Dare.
  • "We need to get above this crap, link up with the bee-net, one of our drones must have seen where they hit." - After being acknowledge that Romeo heard nothing from rest of the squad.
  • "No... never. Doesn't matter. All I care about now is gettin' my men out of this city. Even you." - Answer to Romeo's question that are they abandoning Dare's mission.

ONI Alpha Site[edit]

  • "Glad you boys are safe and sound." - To Mickey and Dutch, who finally receive contact with him on board a Police-variant Pelican.
  • "Long as you're offerin'. We're in the Police HQ." - To Dutch, who inquires their need of transport.
  • "Alright, meet you up top!" - After an NMPD Officer's confirmation on their ride to the Police HQ.

NMPD HQ[edit]

  • "Hey Rookie. You out there? Respond. That's an order!" - When activating his comm as he and Romeo descending the stairs leading to a launch pad, attempting to reach the then-fainted Rookie.
  • "Oh, give up, huh? What if it were you down there?" - To Romeo, who suggests him to give up on reaching The Rookie.
  • "Oh, you're a piece of work, Romeo." - After Romeo's cold response to his question above.
  • "Banshees on your six!" - To Mickey and Dutch's Pelican, which is landing on the launch pad.
  • "Hit the deck!" - To Romeo, as the Banshees fires their Fuel Rod Cannon.
  • "Alive or dead, we're pulling them out! You hear me?" - To Romeo, after losing contact with Mickey and Dutch.
  • "Make some noise. I got your back." - As he and Romeo enter the Covenant-guarded Police Headquarters.
  • "Back inside! Let's find that Pelican!" - Once inside the interior of the HQ.
  • "Now we get to kill them." - Response to Romeo's questions about the Covenant they evaded on their way to the launch pad.
  • "Do you ever get tired of bitching, Romeo?" -In response to Romeo complaining about having to use the stairs.
  • "Point taken." -Replying to Romeo's comment.
  • "They haven't seen us. Pick a target, take it out." - To Romeo, once they reach the first courtyard.
  • "That did it! Shoot and scoot!" - Once Romeo takes out his first target.
  • "Romeo! Phantom landing on the pad!" - To Romeo, pointing out the drop ship.
  • "C'mon, Romeo! Push through these doors!" - To Romeo, after the firefight in the courtyard.
  • "Jackals with Carbines up top. Watch yourself!" - To Romeo, upon entering the second courtyard.
  • "C'mon, Romeo. We gotta kill those Jackals." - If the player stalls with fighting the Jackals.
  • "Stay put Dutch. We'll come to you." - After establishing contact with Dutch.
  • "Grab some ammo, Romeo. These boys won't need it." - Entering a room littered with ammo and dead Police Officers.
  • "Sniper. Up high. Make your first shot count." - To Romeo, upon entering the third courtyard.
  • "More of 'em! Romeo, get to work!" - Once Romeo takes out the first target.
  • "Jet Pack Brutes! Don't let 'em get behind us!" - As he and Romeo make their way deeper into the courtyard.
  • "Keep pressing, we gotta get to that crash site!" - To Romeo, as they nearer the crash site.
  • "Affirmative. We're almost there." - To Mickey, who stated their makeshift bridge made up with cranes and metal bars.
  • "What? You afraid of heights? Get going." - To Romeo, who becomes scared when the "bridge" is merely a metal bar.
  • "C'mon Romeo, follow me." - If the player stalls in front of the metal bar.
  • "Let's get the hell off this thing!" - As two Banshees fly over and shakes the metal bar.
  • "What's our situation?" - To Mickey, upon reaching the crash site.
  • "Pick a turret, Romeo! Conserve your ammo. This is gonna get hot!" - To Romeo, as a Phantoms draw nearer to the crash site.
  • "Phantom coming in left!" - To the group, defending the area.
  • "Hostiles on the lower levels! Clear 'em out!" - When Covenant troops occupy the lower floor of the constructing building.
  • "Phantom! Dead ahead!" - Alerting the group after more fighting.
  • "Step back! Take 'em down!" - Leading the group in the intense fight.
  • "Pour it on boys, we're almost through this!" - As the end of the firefight draws closer.
  • "Look out! Chieftain!" - When the final Phantom approaches the crash site.
  • "Scatter!" - When Brute Chieftain drops and kills an NMPD Officer.
  • "Get. This. Thing. Off. Of. Me." - While underneath the dead Brute Chieftain.
  • "How bad?" - To the injured Romeo.
  • "It's alright. I know another way." - To the squad, after Dutch's gesture that their only transport out of the city, the Pelican, is no longer working.

Kikowani Station[edit]

  • "We're almost there." - As the ODSTs draw close to the Kikowanit train Station.
  • "He's got a punctured lung, can't breathe." - Answering Dutch's question on Romeo's injury.
  • "Trains ran underground up to the old city, we're gonna find one of the tunnels, walk on outta here." - Explaining his plan out of the city.
  • "Was planning on it, but, now that you're feeling better..." - Humorously, answering Romeo's question about carrying him the whole way.
  • "Get the door!" - To Dutch, as a Phantom suddenly flies overhead.
  • "Wait here. We're gonna steal that ride. It's landing, now's our chance! Mickey! You're with me!" - To the squad, after realizing the train tunnels are flooded.
  • "Well, let's see what you remember trooper, move!" - To Mickey, who states that it's been years that he had run a simulation on piloting.
  • "They're between us and that Phantom, what do you think?" - Answer to Mickey's question regarding to kill the Engineers or not.
  • "Go, Mickey. Up the lift, kill the pilots." - To Mickey, underneath the Phantom.
  • "OK, I'll grab a Banshee, you go get Dutch and Romeo." - After Mickey's confirmation on the Phantom's status.
  • "A whole lot of Covenant, scattering around the Slipspace crater. I wonder what they're looking for." - Buck's answer to Mickey's question. Only available if the player flies upward to the top of the train station.
  • "That's the way we're headed, take 'em out!" - After Romeo alerting Banshees exiting the doors leading their way out.
  • "I'll head through on foot, see if I can find a work around inside the tunnel." - To the squad, when the door in front of them is jammed.
  • "Troopers, I got bad news." - To his squad, after sighting a Scarab.
  • "We got a Scarab, right by our exit." - To the squad, explaining the situation.
  • "Keep her steady Mickey. (to Romeo) You doin' okay?" - Upon entering the Phantom, after escaping the city.
  • "Mickey, turn around! Find a safe place to set us down!" - After realizing Dare's mission to the undergrounds of the city.
  • "I lost something! (whispering to himself) Now I know where to find her." - Answer to Mickey's question regarding why the need to turn back into the city.

Data Hive[edit]

  • "Veronica? Where the hell are you?" - After hearing Dare's surprise shout of his name in the Superintendent's Data Center.
  • "Whatever you say, just come on!" - To Dare, who tells him not to shoot anything pink.
  • "Rookie? I could use a hand over here. Come on!" - When the three meet up outside the Data Center.
  • "About this uh, asset. Feel free to fill me in whenever." - After meeting Vergil.
  • "Whoops.. Easy does as it, Rookie" - When spotting Yanme'e sleeps at ceiling.
  • "Door's locked. Damn!" - During the escape out of the Data Center.
  • "I've seen hundreds of these things today! Why is this one so important?" - During Vergil's attempt to open the locked door mentioned above.
  • "No! Well... maybe one or... two!" -During conversation with Dare, who asked him if he had killed any Engineers.
  • "Well, how was I supposed to know?" -After being scolded after the above statement.
  • "Elevator. Come on." - To the other three, moments away from leaving the underground.

Coastal Highway[edit]

  • "Whew! Lord, that thing stinks. Kinda reminds me of my—" - Upon entering the elevator, cut off when being punched by Dare.
  • "What was that for?" -After being punched by Dare.
  • "What mission? You dropped off the grid! My squad was scattered—" - After Dare's explanation to his question, that he "abandoned the mission." Cut off when Dare kisses him.
  • "You did good Rookie, no doubt. But we're not out of this yet." - To the Rookie, when the elevator stops.
  • "Captain, how about you hang back? Let us clear a path." - Upon exiting the building that holds the elevator.
  • "Flank the watchtower, Trooper! Take it out!" - to The Rookie, in the streets of New Mombasa.
  • "Waterfront Highway! Fastest way out of the city." - Answering Dare's question regarding where they are heading to.
  • "Can't that thing move any faster?" - As the four move down the streets.
  • "Want me to give it a little push?" - Jokingly, after Dare's response to his previous quote.
  • "Follow me, trooper. Double time!" - If the player stalls in the streets.
  • "This way, should be an elevator right through here." - Outside a building in New Mombasa.
  • "Sit tight. We'll need the alien to power on the switch." - Upon the team's arrival at an elevator.
  • "Okay, we're all set. Hit it, Rookie." - To the Rookie, after Vergil re-activated the elevator.
  • "They started showing up right before I went underground." - Answer to Dare's question regarding the arrival of the Covenant Cruisers to the city.
  • "Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little busy. Making sure perfume (points to Vergil) over here didn't take a round and blow us all up!" - Response to Dare's complaint about not telling her about the cruisers.
  • "Yeah? I am!" - Angrily, when Dare claimed that she thought she would never see Buck again.
  • "I stole a Phantom. Yes. Thank you. I hid it in the shipyards down the highway. (Looks toward nearby Warthog) But I only have room for two, so...that thing's gonna have to sit on your lap." - Answer to Dare's question regarding their exit.
  • "Take my advice, Rookie. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls." -Buck to Rookie, after Dare boards a NMWD truck, and out of earshot.
  • "Take the wheel, Rookie. I'll ride shotgun." - To the Rookie, beside a Warthog.
  • "Get in the driver seat, trooper. We gotta roll!" - If the player waits around the Warthog.
  • "Listen Marine, we ain't going anywhere until you drive us there!" - If the player continues to wait around the Warthog.
  • "It's too far to walk, Rookie. Get in the Warthog!" - If the player walks instead of driving the Warthog.
  • "What are you, crazy? Stop moving around, and drive this 'hog!" - If the player continues to walk away.
  • "Hey, uh, Captain? Pick a lane." - To Dare,
  • "You got to be kidding me!" - When the truck smashes through the cars in the highway.
  • "Hey, hold up! It's a Gauss Hog. Let's change vehicles. Same deal, trooper: You drive, I shoot." - When the four come across a Gauss Canon-mounted Warthog.
  • "Concentrate on driving. I got this."- To the Rookie, as he gets on to the M68 Gauss Cannon.
  • "I see it. Must've dropped out one of the cruisers. Just keep driving, it hasn't spotted us." - When Dare alerts about a Scarab on the highway.
  • "There weren't that many Covenant last night!" - When Dare asks how did he make down the highway the night before with all the Covenant troops in it.
  • "Captain's right, trooper. We're gonna need that tank." - If the player stalls near the Scorpion tank after Dare's request on taking the armored vehicle instead of the Warthog.
  • "Assault Carrier! Ten o'clock high! Look at the size of that thing!" - As an assault carrier comes into view.
  • "But the dig site's on the other side of the city!" - When the carrier mentioned above begins charging its Energy Projector.
  • "Damn it, no! They're gonna burn this city and then glass the whole planet! Covenant bastards! It's just like Reach all over again!" - When the carrier begins glassing the city.
  • "Mickey, you read me? Change of plans. You're coming to us." - To Mickey, as they continue down the highway.
  • "There's no other way. Covenant just wasted the highway. We're gonna keep rolling as far as we can. Get airborne, fly the Phantom to my beacon." - To Mickey, who debates that the "sky is kind of crowded".
  • "And whatever you do... Stay clear of that carrier." - To Mickey, who confirms Buck's request.
  • "Veronica! Talk to me!" -After a Scarab fires its main canon at the truck.
  • "Screw the alien, what about you?" - After Dare reports that Vergil is okay.
  • "Take the next off-ramp, trooper. I see a building, north side of the highway. We'll hole up there, wait for evac." - After sighting the Public Entrance to Uplift Nature Reserve.
  • "Out of the vehicle, trooper! Let's move!" - Once the vehicle reaches the ramp.
  • "Our vehicle won't fit through that. We're on foot from here!" - If the player stalls inside the vehicle.
  • "Veronica, wait here. Rookie, let's secure that building!" - As they draw closer to the entrance.
  • "Mickey, what's your ETA?" - Once the area is clear of Covenant patrol.
  • "Hostile Phantoms, coming in!" - As Phantoms begins their assault at the building.
  • "That's not good!" - After Dare alerts about the Wraiths on the highway firing at the building.
  • "Just nice to know they really do listen. C'mon, let's get out of this city." - After Dare complimented that "for replacements [the squad] make one hell of a team."
  • "Come on Rookie, get in the Phantom." - If the player stalls and not approaches the ally Phantom.
  • "What are you waiting for, trooper? Phantom! Now!" - If the player continues to stall.
  • "Long as it don't get hit!" - Answer to Dutch's question about the safety of the Engineer's presence.
  • "What can I say...? It was a hell of a night." - to Rookie and Dutch, putting a conclusion on the ground battle.
  • "Easy does it." - As he and Rookie pulls Romeo from the Phantom's Plasma Turret.
  • "Give him some meds, would ya?" - To the Rookie, after Romeo expressing his frustration on returning the city.
  • "It's important. It knows things." - To Romeo, thinking Romeo was frustrated at Vergil.
  • "Mickey? I'm sending you a very special co-pilot." - To Mickey, after Romeo explanation he "wasn't talking about the alien".
  • "It won't bite. And unlike you, it knows what to tell those cruisers to keep 'em off our tail." - To Mickey, who didn't want Vergil with him in the cockpit.
  • "What about you? What about us?" - After Dare said that "[the Covenant] have found what they're looking for".
  • "Whoa! Stand down, stand down!" - To the alerted squad, after Avery Johnson tosses his lighter at Vergil.

Gameplay Quotes[edit]

  • "Don't look at me Rookie, cover the Captain!" - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
  • "That look may work with the chicks, but not with me." - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
  • "The last person who looked at me like that was the Captain and I asked her to marry me, so... you know." - To Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
  • "I understand that in the military we aren't supposed to ask, but I think I don't have to with you." - To Rookie if he continues to stare at him (reference to the US military's former "Don't ask, don't tell" policy).
  • "Look, I'm not saying anything has to happen, but maybe later we just hold each other in our underwear or something, but now we have a job to do!" - To either the Rookie or Romeo if he stares at him.
  • "Don't let that damn turret fire one more round!"
  • "This is Sparta!" -IWHBYD Skull at various points in campaign and Firefight, a reference to both 300, the SPARTAN and III programs.
  • "Don't make me do something manly and impulsive now." -IWHBYD Skull. This is a reference to Nathan Fillion's character Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly who insists that "Barging onto a companion's shuttle is both manly and impulsive".
  • "This is your 8 A.M. wake up call!"
  • "You know, with that helmet on... I can't tell... if you're staring at me... or not." -When stared at. IWHBYD possibly required.
  • "Go through 'em like a one stoplight town." -After all enemies in the area are dead.
  • "Thank you for the shiny, pretty gun." -If the player gives Buck a more powerful and bigger weapon, "shiny" possibly being a Firefly reference
  • "You do know this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon. IWHBYD required.
  • "You do realize that this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.
  • "Whoop-dee-doo!" -When the vehicle Buck is in is launched by an explosive. IWHBYD possibly required
  • "That was 800 yards with a bent scope!" -IWHBYD Skull required. When you no scope a headshot in NMPD HQ. Firefly reference.
  • "Hey, watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky." -IWHBYD skull possibly required. When you repeatedly roll your Warthog on Coastal Highway.
  • "You take the turret. I haven't been able to hit anything all day." -If the player replaces Buck in the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
  • "You take the turret. You're better at it anyway." -If the player mans the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
  • "You know, they are more fun to fight than Elites." -referring to Brutes on NMPD HQ.
  • "Yep" - When Rookie trade weapons with Buck.
  • "I'll take gunner, dude." - When Buck want to ride as gunner.
  • "Put me in range." - When Buck mounts the gunner seat. Sometimes he continues straight from the previous line, which often happens on Coastal Highways.
  • "I call shotgun. You have to do it in sight of the vehicle." - When Buck approaches to ride in the passenger seat.

Firefight quotes[edit]

  • "Heat in the pipe! That's what she said!" - Rocket Launcher
  • "Let me turret, you suck at it."
  • "Bam, said the lady." - This is a phrase voice actor Nathan Fillion is trying to promote, with the meaning of a general exclamation. It also makes an appearance in his TV show Castle.
  • "Boom, headshot." - Refrence to Doug from Pure Pwnage
  • "Ooh, the back of your head." - Assassination/Melee kill, Red vs. Blue reference.
  • "Sit-down!" - Assassination/Melee kill
  • "Aaand, a headshot!"
  • "Gimmie a sec, aaaaannnnd OK." -When reloading.
  • "Changing mags!" - Same as above
  • "Swapping out mags!" - Same as above
  • "Let me turret, you suck at it. Don't get mad, we all know it."
  • "Felt good, sounded better."-Rare to be said
  • "Smile, you son of a bitch!" - This is a reference to Jaws.
  • "Whoops, dropped your brain!"
  • "Nice catch! With your face."
  • "That was messy."
  • "Made you blink!"
  • "You must be the stupidest apes in the whole damn 'verse!" - Firefly reference. Firefly characters refer to the universe as the 'verse.
  • "Hey I got a special delivery from kick your ass express!"
  • "Putting the pineapple in there!"
  • "Catch!" - When throwing a grenade
  • "Smell the glove!" - Same as above
  • "Stuck 'em!" - When sticking an enemy with a grenade.
  • "Another stick!" - Same as above
  • "Low on Amm-o!" - Upon reloading last magazine
  • "Last mag!" - Same as above
  • "On my last maaag!" - Same as above
  • "Running low!" - Same as above
  • "I thought you guys were supposed to be shiny?" - Firefly reference.
  • "I was expecting some actual resistance!"
  • "I came all the way from orbit just to kick your ass!"
  • "That all you've got?"
  • "Here's that violent and unnatural death you ordered!"
  • "Pow! Another one!" - After scoring a headshot.
  • "Ouch! I don't care who you are, that's gotta hurt." - Same as above

Halo: Reach[edit]


New Alexandria[edit]

  • "Command: this is Gunnery Sergeant Buck, 11th ODST, over." - Requesting emergency support.
  • "My guys got caught in a firefight in the Nomolos Tower, roof collapsed. I gotta get over there and get them out." - Explanation to Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320 on his request on air support.
    • Alternatively: "Need escort on a classified op. Send someone who can fly a tight formation." - Mission variant
    • Alternatively: "Phantom's got one of my squads pinned. I need to take it out and evac my troopers." - Mission variant
  • "Thanks for the assist, Spartan... I'll see you in hell." - To SPARTAN-B312, after completing the emergency mission.

Firefight Voice[edit]

  • "You in there? Respond. That's an order." - When previewing his voice in the Armory
  • "Yeah, well... Here I am." - When previewing his voice in the Armory (quote from Halo 3: ODST's Coastal Highway)
  • "Covies won't know what hit them." - When previewing his voice in the Armory
  • "In one ear, out the other." - Headshot
  • "Right betwixt the eye sockets." - Headshot
  • "Here's one for your face!" - Headshot
  • "Nice catch, with your face." - Headshot
  • "Oh! Did you see that? Right in his face!" - Headshot
  • "Kaboom! Whoa, I almost feel bad about that. - Headshot
  • "Di-rect hit!" - Headshot
  • "Bingo! ...Was his name-o." -Headshot
  • "Frag out." - Said when throwing a grenade (Can be a Fragmentation Grenade or Plasma Grenade)
  • "See you in hell, Covie!" - When throwing a grenade
  • "See you in hell, Covie! Keep the place warm for me!" - Same as above
  • "Say my name!" - When throwing a grenade; reference to a ship Veronica Dare served on.
  • "That's for being ugly!" - When throwing a grenade
  • "I'm right on target!" - When throwing a grenade
  • “Watch this!” - When throwing a grenade
  • "Here's one for you!"- When throwing a grenade
  • "Here's one for you stupid!"- When throwing a grenade
  • "I aim to misbehave." - When meleeing (Serenity reference)
  • "Oh, you still up? Sit down!" - When meleeing
  • "Awww, kitty got wet!" - When meleeing
  • "Boop!" - When meleeing
  • "Don't you turn your back on me!" - When meleeing
  • "Almost mussed my hair." - When meleeing
  • "Say hi to your mother for me." - When meleeing
  • "It looks like I'm taking a break, really I'm just reloading." - When reloading.
  • "Cover me please, I am reloading". - When reloading.
  • "Changing mags! If anyone's got a spare, I wouldn't say no." - When reloading.
  • "Last mag!" - Upon reloading to last magazine
  • "Runnin' low!" - Same as above
  • "Low on ammo! If you got any, I wouldn't say no." - Same as above
  • "Ooo running low! Bad news!" - Same as above
  • "Bad news: my last mag!" - Same as above
  • "Cover me, I'm out!" - Same as above
  • "Last mag's in the bag. - Same as above
  • "Oh good! No more bullets." - Upon reloading to last magazine, regardless of ammunition
  • "(solemnly)Reloading." - Upon reloading to last magazine
  • "Violence is definitely ensuing." (Serenity reference)
  • "Woo-hoo!"
  • "Tango down!"
  • "Yeah, eat it!"
  • "Ha ha ha ha ha! Man, I'm gettin' good."
  • "(softly)Nice to meet ya." - Assassinating an enemy
  • "(softly)I love killing you guys up close." - Assassinating an enemy
  • "Yeah, that's the way!"
  • "Got one!"
  • "That's how we do it!"
  • "That one's for you!"
  • "Like that, ya bastard?!"
  • "Ha ha ha ha, got plenty more!"
  • "Popped one!"
  • "Oh, you want a piece of me?"
  • "Take it, jackhole!" - Randomly during combat, regardless of enemy type
  • "Bam, said the lady!" - Also used in Halo 3: ODST; a catchphrase of Nathan Fillion, popularized by his TV show Castle.
  • "Do yourself a favor and just die." - Randomly during combat.
  • "You dead yet? Circle your calendar 'cause today's the day!" - Randomly during combat
  • "I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna make it hurt." - When wounding an enemy
  • "Bet you felt that!" - When wounding an enemy
  • "Hey fellas, watch this. This is gonna be good." - When getting in the driver's seat of a vehicle.
  • "When I'm driving, I work the radio!" - Same as above
  • "Hey hey! My dad had one of these! It's how he died." - When hijacking an enemy vehicle.
  • "Shiny!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser. A reference from Firefly.
  • "Laser up!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser
  • "Let's go cook some bugs!" - Same as above
  • "I'm on death ray duty!" - Same as above
  • "If you see red, duck!"- Same as above
  • "Heat in the Pipe!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
  • "Hot and Heavy!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
  • "Heavy Guns up!" - When equipping a Heavy ordnance weapon
  • "Plasma!" - When equipping a Plasma Launcher
  • "Time to break something!" - Same as above
  • "Plasma Launcher up and running!" - Same as above
  • "Oh I'm getting all charged up!" - Same as above
  • "I am green and very, very mean!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun (Reference to a similar quote from the opening cutscene of Halo 3: ODST)
  • "I'm putting the 'B' back in subtle." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
  • "I'm tend to more subtle, but..." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
  • "Big... yellow... thing- Ready!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
  • "Big green radiation gun up and runnin' right next to my face!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
  • "Hey, less of this, more shooty" - When stared at
  • "Stow that stare and return fire!" - When stared at.
  • "That's great! That's great, sweet-cheeks! Enemies over there!" - When stared at.
  • "So here's us, on the raggedy edge." - Firefly/Serenity reference, said when stared at.
  • "Hey, you want a match? Your breath and my socks." - When stared at.
  • "One day I see myself with a military woman." - When stared at.
  • "That's why you don't mess with an ODST! Hooyah!"
  • "I got you, keep her steady." - When mounting a vehicle turret
  • "I'm Stuck!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Get it off! Grab it! Grab it! Grab it!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Ahhh! Ahhhh! AHHHH! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • "Get Away!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “NOOOO!”- When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Grenade!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • "Get Clear! Get Clear!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Ahhh! AhhhHHH!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • "Ah! It burns! It burns! It burns!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off me! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Is there something on me?!” (2 variants) - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “What’s that noise-OH MY GOD!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “Hey what smells like barbeque-OH MY GOD!!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
  • “What’s that hissing sound?” - When stuck with a plasma grenade

Halo: New Blood[edit]

  • "But there's a reason I'm in charge of Alpha-Nine. 'Cause I never give up, goddammit. Call me the man with the plan." - Buck, referring to his persistence
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Halo 5: Guardians[edit]

Halo 5: Guardians E3 2015 Campaign Demo[edit]


  • "Not just another target, you know?" - To Jameson Locke about their mission to hunt down Blue Team
  • "Every other Spartan, every soldier; when they hear about this, they're gonna hate us. You know that, right?" - Again, to Locke about their mission


  • "Locke, you sure the Chief came this way?"
  • "You think the Chief's already on board?" - When the Guardian on Sunaion rises into view.
  • "Yeah, safe in sound…inside a crumbling building." - To Locke, after escaping the Guardian.
  • "Do you think it's Promethean?" - Moments before Osiris is engaged by Prometheans.
  • "You got it! …Phaeton down!" - To Locke, when Locke commands him to destroy the Phaeton.
  • "Soldiers!" - When being engaged by Armiger Soldiers.
  • "Soldier Captain's on deck!"

Gameplay (final release)[edit]

Attacking and spotting enemies[edit]

  • "Engaging!"
  • "Opening fire!"
  • "Hostile spotted, on the ledge."
  • "Confirmed hit."
  • "Grenade out!" - when tossing a grenade.
  • "Nade out." - when tossing a grenade.
  • "Coming through." - when doing a Spartan Charge.
  • "Pardon me!" - when doing a Spartan Charge.
  • "Targeting a Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
  • "Let's get this over with, Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
  • "Drawing down on the Jackal!" - when damaging a Jackal.
  • "Targeting the Elite." - when damaging an Elite.
  • "On the Elite!" - when damaging an Elite.
  • "Soldier's hurt." - when damaging a Soldier.
  • "Knock that thing off its Ghost!" - when engaging a Ghost.
  • "Gonna stop that Ghost dead!" - when engaging a Ghost.
  • "I'll crack that Wraith in half!" - when engaging a Wraith.
  • "Fly on down, Banshee! I ain't movin'." - if he engages a Banshee.
  • "We don't deserve that ship!" - if he engages a Banshee or Phaeton.
  • "Let's take that thing down!" - if he engages a Phaeton.
  • "Phaeton's a nice ship! Hate to wreck it." - if he engages a Phaeton.

Killing enemies[edit]

  • "Got one."
  • "Knight down." - after killing a Knight.
  • "Killed a Knight!" - after killing a Knight.
  • "That was rather enjoyable!" - when assassinating an enemy.
  • "Don't take this personal." - when assassinating an enemy.

Picking up new weapons[edit]

  • "I've been looking for one of these."
  • "Ready with the assault rifle." - when picking up an Assault Rifle.
  • "Battle rifle at the ready." - when picking up a battle rifle.
  • "Taking a Hydra Launcher." - when picking up a Hydra Launcher.
  • "Plasma pistol. Just like Vale." - when picking up a plasma pistol.

Reloading/overheated weapons[edit]

  • "Gun's overheated."
  • "Reloading the Hydra." - when reloading a Hydra Launcher.
  • "One sec, snipe's dry!" - when reloading a sniper rifle.

Receiving enemy fire[edit]

  • "I'm targeted!"
  • "Taking damage."
  • "I'm getting hit!"
  • "Taking fire."
  • "Hostile fire from the stairs!"
  • "From that barricade. Return fire!"
  • "Jackal targeting me!" - if a Jackal hits him.
  • "This Hunter does not like me." - if a Hunter hits him.
  • "Soldier's targeting me!" - if a Soldier hits him.
  • "Soldier got me good!" - if a Soldier hits him.
  • "Taking turret fire!" - if a turret hits him.
  • "Somebody stop that turret!" - if a turret hits him.
  • "Taking damage from our own vehicle!" - if an enemy Warthog hits him.
  • "Ghost has me targeted!" - if a Ghost hits him.
  • "Got a Ghost on me!" - if a Ghost hits him.
  • "Wraith's got my number!" - if a Wraith hits him.
  • "Phaeton on me!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
  • "Taking Phaeton fire!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
  • "I know what I'm doing!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
  • "Takes more than that to drop an ODST!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
  • "I'm stuck! Move away from me!" - if stuck with a plasma grenade.

Receiving friendly fire[edit]

  • "Calm it down, Spartan!"
  • "Easy, Spartan!"
  • "Quit screwing around!"
  • "Hey! What'd I do?"
  • "Whoa! Check your targets!"
  • "Watch the friendly fire!"
  • "Come on, Locke! Watch it!" - if Jameson Locke hits him.
  • "Friendly here, Locke!" - if Locke hits him.
  • "Vale! We talked about this!" - if Olympia Vale hits him.
  • "I'm one of the good guys, Vale!" - if Vale hits him.
  • "Easy, Tanaka! Starting to take this personal!" - if Holly Tanaka hits him.
  • "Friendly Mongoose here!" - if he takes friendly fire while on a Mongoose.

When downed[edit]

  • "Hit! Hit! I'm down!"
  • "Hit hard! I'm down!"
  • "I'm fine! I'm fine! I- I- I'm down."
  • "I'm down!"
  • "I'm down! Help!"
  • "System failure!"

If still downed[edit]

  • "Armor stalled out."
  • "I'm in rough shape over here!"
  • "Systems dark."
  • "I need some support!"

Requesting assistance[edit]

  • "Armor's jammed, I'm down!"
  • "Need some help here!"
  • "I'm down!"
  • "Somebody help that Spartan!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.
  • "Hey! Get that Spartan some help!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.

Reviving teammates[edit]

  • "No worries, Locke. I got you." - when reviving Locke.
  • "On your feet, Vale." - when reviving Vale.
  • "Let's go, Vale! Still plenty of guys we ain't shot yet!" - when reviving Vale.
  • "Quit messing around, Tanaka!" - when reviving Tanaka.

After being revived[edit]

  • "Okay, I'm back. Thanks!"
  • "Steady and ready. Thanks!"

If a teammate dies[edit]

  • "We lost Locke! Get safe!" - if Locke dies.
  • "Locke's out! Hold your positions!" - if Locke dies.
  • "We lost Vale! Hold positions!" - if Vale dies.
  • "We lost Tanaka! Hold together!" - if Tanaka dies.
  • "Tanaka's out! Regroup and hold." - if Tanaka dies.