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#REDIRECT [[The Great Journey]]
{{Level infobox
|prev=[[High Charity (Level)|''High Charity'']]
|next=''[[Halo 2 Credits]]''
|game=[[Halo 2]]
|name='''''The Great Journey'''''
|image=[[Image:Control Room3.jpg|300px]]
|player=[[Thel 'Vadamee]]
|date= [[2552#November 3, 2552|November 3, 2552]]
|place=The surface of [[Installation 05]].
*Crush any [[Brutes]] in your path.
*Commandeer the [[Scarab]].
*Escort [[Avery Johnson|Johnson]]'s Scarab to the Control Room.
*Enter the [[Control Room]], and deal with [[Tartarus]].
**[[Minor Brute|Minors]]
**[[Major Brute|Majors]]
**[[Brute Captain|Captains]]
**[[Brute Honor Guard|Honor Guards]]
**[[Minor Jackal|Minors]]
**[[Major Jackal|Majors]]
**[[Sniper Jackal|Snipers]]
<center>''Looking for the [[Great Journey]], the [[Covenant]] belief?''</center>
{{Article Quote|Form an unexpected alliance, keep [[Tartarus]] from activating the [[Installation 05|ring]].'''}}
'''The Great Journey''' is the final level in ''[[Halo 2]]'' campaign.  Alongside other [[Elites]], and several [[Hunters]], you must battle your way to [[Tartarus]]. As [[Thel 'Vadamee]], work alongside a [[Scarab]] being controlled by [[Sergeant Major]] [[Avery Johnson|Johnson]] to get to the door of [[Delta Halo|Delta Halo's]] [[Control Room]]. Then, you must bring down the Brute Chieftain, [[Tartarus]]. This level is a part of the [[Battle of Installation 05]].
==Usable Weapons==
Particle Beam Rifle
Brute Plasma Rifle
Brute Shot
Covenant Carbine
Energy Sword
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Scarab (non-drivable, but able to ride)
Phantom (non-drivable)
==="Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof"===
[ {Cutscene}]
''{Scene fades in on [[Arbiter (character)|Thel 'Vadamee]] and [[Rtas 'Vadumee]], who is in a [[Type-25 Assault Gun Carriage|Wraith]] with its hatch open, conversing. The two are looking towards the [[Control Room]] of [[Delta Halo]]}''
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "What is that place?"
'''[[Rtas 'Vadumee]]:''' "Where the [[Councilor]]s were meant to watch the consecration of the [[Index|Icon]]." ''{Zooms in on Rtas 'Vadumee's face}'' "The start of the [[Great Journey]]."
''{Focus on 'Vadamee}''
'''[[Gravemind]] {in 'Vadamee's memory }:''' "There is still time to stop the key from turning."
''{'Vadamee turns to face Rtas 'Vadumee}''
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "I must get inside."
'''[[Rtas 'Vadumee]]:''' "Then mount up, Arbiter. I know a way to break those doors."
''{'Vadamee turns to face the Control Room as Rtas 'Vadum enters his [[Type-25 Assault Gun Carriage|Wraith]] and closes the hatch behind him}''
''{As they travel to where a [[Scarab]] is visible, docked up on a ledge}''
'''[[Rtas 'Vadumee]]:''' "There, Arbiter. That Scarab's main gun will break the Control Room's door. At the far end of the beach there's a passage into the cliff. It'll take you up to the Scarab."
''{after clearing the area}''
'''[[Rtas 'Vadumee]]:''' "The [[Brute|Brutes]] control the cruiser, Arbiter. I'll remain here, make sure no reinforcements get in behind you. Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back!"
''{'Vadamee walks into a room with [[Elite|Elites]] and [[Hunter|Hunters]]}''
'''[[Elite]]:''' "The Arbiter? I thought he was dead! Hold your fire. The Hunters have come to our aid, Arbiter. They will fight (sometimes fight will be substituted by stand) by our side.
''{'Vadamee fights his way to a room where two [[Elite Councilor]]s and two Hunters are being held prisoner behind force field doors}''
(If the [[Spec Ops Elite]] lives at this point and follows you to the room)
'''[[Spec Ops Elite]]:''' Free our brothers! Death to the Brutes!
''{Once you clear the room, free the Hunters and Councilors, then head to the top floor to the Scarab}''
''{' Vadamee and his Elites arrive upon a group of Brutes preparing to execute the Marine prisoners.}''
'''[[Tartarus]] (O.S.):''' "[[Miranda Keyes|Mine will do]], kill the others."
'''[[Brute]] 1:''' "Yes, Chieftain. (to other Brute) A day's ration says I can do this in one cut."
'''[[Brute]] 2:''' "Two cuts at least."
'''[[Brute]] 1:''' "Done.  Wait, movement!"
'''[[Sergeant Major]] [[Avery J. Johnson]]:''' "Go, go, go!"
''{[[Gunnery Sergeant (UNSC)|Gunnery Sergeant]] [[Pete Stacker (Marine)|Pete Stacker]] and [[Staff Sergeant]] [[Marcus Banks]] start fighting the Brutes, Johnson jumps into the Scarab and disappears. The Scarab starts moving}''
==="Backseat Driver"===
[ {Cutscene}]
[[Image:Sargescarab.jpg|thumb|[[Johnson]] commandeers the [[Scarab]].]]
''{[[Arbiter (character)|'Vadamee]] turns around to see the [[Scarab]]'s main cannon aimed at him}''
'''[[Sergeant Major|Sergeant]] [[Avery Johnson|Johnson]] (O.S.):''' "Listen, you don't like me and I sure as hell don't like you."
''{cut to Scarab's helm, Johnson at the controls}''
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' "But if we don't do something, [[Tartarus|Mr. Mohawk's]] gonna activate this [[Halo|ring]]. And we're ''all'' gonna die."
''{cut to 'Vadamee}''
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "[[Tartarus]] has locked himself inside the [[Control Room]]."
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S.):''' "Well, I just happen to have a key." ''{the Scarab's cannon opens}'' "Come on, Grab a [[Banshee]] and give me some cover. (focus on Johnson) They're gonna know we're comin'."
''{Two [[Banshees]] arrive and the [[Elite]] pilots come out}''
'''[[Elite]]:''' "Take my [[Banshee]], Arbiter."
''{'Vadamee does so, Johnson fires on enemy [[Type-25 Assault Gun Carriage|Wraiths]]}''
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S)''': Ha! How do ''you'' like it?!
''{they approach the Control Room}''
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S.):''' "Stay clear of the doors. Hey, bastards, knock knock!"
''(If you block the doors)''
'''Johnson(O.S.):''' "Stay clear of the doors!"
'''Johnson(O.S.):''' "Are you trying to get killed? Gimme some room!"
''(When you don't move)''
'''Johnson(O.S.):''' "What, do I have to spell it out for you? ''MOVE''!!!
'''Johnson(O.S.):''' "Hey, listen, I'm gonna count to three. One ... Two ... Three!  Don't say I didn't warn ya!"
''(If you move away while he's counting)''
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S.):''' "Good! Now stay put!"
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S.):''' "Hey, bastards. Knock knock!"
''(If you go back after he says to stay put)''
'''Sergeant Johnson (O.S.):''' (unamused) "Ha ha, that's real funny, I'm still shootin!"
''{Scarab cannon fires, destroying Control Room's door, 'Vadamee enters the Control Room, runs into some Brutes}''
'''[[Brute]]:''' "Do not let the Arbiter into the chamber! The [[Chieftain]] must complete his holy work!
''{'Vadamee either kills the guards or sneaks past them, then heads into the main chamber of control room}''
==="Delusions and Grandeur"===
[ {Cutscene}]
''{[[Tartarus]] and four [[Brute Captain|Brute Captains]] stand in front of the control panel, holding [[Commander Miranda Keyes|Keyes]] and 343 Guilty Spark}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "Come, human, it's easy." ''{he tries to get [[Miranda Keyes|Miranda]] to insert the [[Index]]}'' "Take the [[Index|Icon]] in your hands. ''(growls impatiently)'' And do as you are told!"
''{he slams the Index on the console, which flashes red lights}''
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Please, use caution! This [[Reclaimer]] is delicate."
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "One more word, [[Oracle]], and I'll rip your eye from its socket!" ''{he turns to Keyes, pushes her forward}''
'''[[Commander (UNSC)|Commander]] [[Miranda Keyes|Keyes]]:''' ''(Exhales sharply)''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' ''(soft menacing growl)'' "Which is nothing compared to what I will do to you."
''{[[Thel 'Vadamee]] walks in}''
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "Tartarus, stop."
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' ''(Gasps, jerks his neck up in surprise)'' "Impossible!"
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "Put down the [[Index|Icon]]."
''(Tartarus turns to face 'Vadamee)''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "Put it down, and disobey the [[Hierarchs]]?"
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "There are things about [[Halo]] even the Hierarchs do not understand."
''{Brutes step forward menacingly, Tartarus waves them off}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "Take care, Arbiter, what you say is heresy!"
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "Is it? '''(gently)''' Oracle, what is Halo's purpose?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Collectively, the [[seven]]—"
''{Tartarus grabs 343 Guilty Spark and jerks it around}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "Not another word!"
'''[[Sergeant Johnson|Sergeant]] [[Avery Johnson|Johnson]] (off screen):''' "Please ... 
''{Tartarus lowers 343 Guilty Spark to see Johnson standing next to 'Vadamee. He holds a [[Particle Beam Rifle|beam rifle]] and aims it directly at Tartarus}''
'''[[Sergeant Johnson]]:''' "Don't shake the [[343 Guilty Spark (Monitor)|light bulb]]!"
''{Brutes growl and approach}''
'''Sergeant Johnson (raises Beam Rifle to Tartarus' head):''' "If you wanna keep your brain inside your head, I'd tell those boys to chill."
''{Tartarus barks as commanded, [[Brutes]] back off}''
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' ''{to 'Vadamee}'' "Go ahead, do your thing."
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' "The [[Halo Array|Sacred Rings]], what are they?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Weapons of last resort. Built by the [[Forerunners]] to eliminate potential [[Flood]] hosts, thereby rendering the parasite harmless."
'''Thel 'Vadamee:''' "Those who made the rings? What happened to the [[Forerunners]]?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "After exhausting every other strategic option, my creators activated the rings. They, and all additional sentient life within three radii of the galactic center, died, as planned."
''(Close up on 'Vadamee; he lowers his head in sadness)''
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' ''(Off screen)'' "(slightly awkwardly) Would to see the relevant data?"
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:''' ''{Turns his attention back to Tartarus}'' "Tartarus, the [[Prophets]] have betrayed us."
''{Tartarus pauses, then throws 343 Guilty Spark at Johnson's head, knocking him down, then grabs Keyes' hand and forces the Index into the console}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "No, Arbiter! The [[Great Journey]] has begun and the [[Brutes]], not the [[Elites]], shall be the Prophets' escort!"
''{Tartarus grabs his hammer as his energy shield turns on. The main platform splits into three as Halo charges up}''
''{Elite reinforcements show up and wipe out the [[Brute Captains]]. Tartarus jumps to the platforms. Johnson hangs back, firing on Tartarus with his Beam Rifle}''
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Charging sequence initiated. Primary generators coming online."
'''[[Commander (UNSC)|Commander]] [[Miranda Keyes|Keyes]]:''' "Well, shut them down!"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Apology. Protocol does not allow me to interfere with any aspect of this sequence."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Then, how do I stop it?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Well, it will take some time to go over the proper procedures, I—"
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Quit stalling!"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Under more controlled circumstances, I would suggest the [[Reclaimer]] simply remove the [[Index]]."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "That's it?! Johnson, I'm on it!"
'''[[Sergeant Johnson]]:''' "Hang tight, ma'am! Not until that Brute is dead! [...] ''{when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the first time}'' Hey, Mohawk! How does that feel?!"
''{If you stall}''
'''Tartarus:''' "You want revenge? Well, here I am. Come and take it!"
''{If you stall even longer}''
'''Tartarus:''' "Just like the rest of your race! Cowardly and weak!"
''{After you attack Tartarus for the first time}''
'''[[Tartarus]] (Slams his hammer on the ground):''' "A lucky hit. You shall not land another."
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' ''{when knocking off Tartarus' shield for the second time}'' "His shield is down, let 'em have it!
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Secondary generators charging. All systems are performing well within operational parameters."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "You're telling me that you cannot stop the sequence?
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "[[Reclaimer]], please understand that interrupting the wave generation process will severely damage this [[Halo|installation]].
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Give me a direct answer!"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "I am but a [[Monitor]]. The Reclaimer can do as it likes."
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' ''{knocking off Tartarus' shield for the third time}'' "There goes his shield!" [...] ''{knocking off Tartarus' shield for the fourth time}'' "Got his shield! Hit him now!" ''{knocking off Tartarus' shield for the fifth time}'' Quick while his shield is down!
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Power generation phase complete. The [[installation 05|installation]] is ready to fire. Starting final countdown."
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' "Come on, Arbiter! Kick that guy's ass!"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Firing sequence initiated. And may I say, Reclaimers, it has been a pleasure to serve you both. Goodbye."
'''Sergeant Johnson:''' "I can keep his shield down, but you're gonna finish the job!"
''{'Vadamee kills Tartarus}''
===Fourth Cinematic===
[ {Cutscene}]
[[Image:D-Halo.jpg|thumb|A ball of light forms in the center of Halo.]]
''{Keyes jumps onto a rotating platform, ducks to avoid one of the other platforms passing right above her, reaches a main platform, grabs the Index. The entire room shakes, making Miranda hold the Index up to her chest in fear.)''
''{cut to exterior of [[Control Room]], all the built up energy fires up into space}''
''{cut to Halo exterior, a large pulsing ball of energy is in the center, the shot from the Control Room reaches it, the ball glows, explodes, then dissipates}''
''{cut to interior of Control Room, it seems to be running on emergency power, as many of the lights are dimmed or not functioning}, Keyes stands in front of a holographic depiction, Johnson rides 343 Guilty Spark to her}''
'''[[Commander (UNSC)|Commander]] [[Miranda Keyes|Keyes]]:''' "What's that?"
'''[[343 Guilty Spark (Monitor)|343 Guilty Spark]]:''' "A beacon."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "What's it doing?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Communicating. At super-luminal speeds with a frequency of—"
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Communicating with what?"
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' ''{a bit surprised}'' "The ... other [[Halo Array|installations]]."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Show me."
'''343 Guilty Spark interfaces with the hologram, it depicts the seven [[Halo]]s, a red message points to one ring (most likely either Installation 05, where they are, or Installation 04, which has been destroyed)}''
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' "Fail-safe protocol. In the event of unexpected shutdown, the entire system will move to standby status. All remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation."
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Remote activation? From here?"
[[Image:1222651973 343 and reclaimers.jpg|thumb|right]]
'''343 Guilty Spark:''' ''{patronizing}'' "Don't be ridiculous."
'''[[Sergeant Major|Sergeant]] [[Avery Johnson|Johnson]]:''' "Listen, [[343 Guilty Spark (Monitor)|tinkerbell]], don't make me ... "
''{Keyes puts a hand on his shoulder}''
'''Commander Keyes:''' "Then where? Where would someone go to activate the other [[Halo Array|rings]]?"
''{[[343 Guilty Spark (Monitor)|343 Guilty Spark]] is truly baffled}''
'''[[343 Guilty Spark (Monitor)|343 Guilty Spark]]:''' " ... Why, the [[Ark]], ...of course."
''{'Vadamee comes up behind Johnson and Miranda Keyes}''
'''[[Thel 'Vadamee]]:'''(walks up to them) "And where, [[Oracle]], is that?"
''{fade to black, fade in on a [[Slipspace]] rupture in space, the [[Forerunner Dreadnought]] flies out and heads to [[Earth]]. [[Covenant]] and [[UNSC]] ships still engage each other}''
'''Officer (O.S.):''' "We've got a new contact! Unknown classification!
''{fade in on interior of [[Forerunner]] ship, [[Master Chief]] listens in}''
'''[[Lord Hood]] (O.S.):''' "It isn't one of ours, take it out."
'''[[Master Chief]]:''' "This is SPARTAN-117, can anyone hear me? Over."
''{cut to [[Cairo Station]]'s bridge, everything looks damaged}''
'''[[Lord Hood]]:''' "(to officer) Isolate that signal! Master Chief? You mind telling me what you're doing on that ship?"
''{cut to [[Master Chief]]}''
'''[[Master Chief]]:''' "Sir, finishing this fight."
''{fade to black}''
''{[[credits]] play}''
===Fifth Cinematic===
''{fades in on Flood-infested [[High Charity]]}''
''{a glowing ball (spore) floats through the air, the camera pans off to the walkway outside the Council Chamber}''
''{cut to a damaged door that keeps trying to close, [[Gravemind]]'s tentacles creep through}''
'''Gravemind:''' "Silence fills the empty grave, now that I am gone."
''{cut to Council Chamber, Gravemind's tentacles reach across}''
'''Gravemind:''' "But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask and you will answer."
''{[[Cortana (AI)|Cortana]]'s hologram appears, she holds up her hand, the tentacles stop and move off}''
'''Cortana:''' "All right, shoot."
''{fade to black}''
*If you are able to keep your [[Hunters]] alive after the fight with the Phantom on the bridge and take them to the next room with the cells holding the Councilors and the Hunters, the Hunters in the cells will not be there, however if you finish the battle in the prison then go back and get the hunters, you will still have 4 hunters, which is very helpful if the level is being done on legendary. They will not be there only if you've ever played Xbox live, or connected, otherwise, you will be able to have the hunters as soon as you force the other two in the prison room.
*It is possible to get [[Rtas 'Vadumee]] and the other [[Elite]] to go with you into the building. Get Rtas 'Vadumee and the Elite into the Spectre and drive it into the building then get them out. They will usually follow you, though this could take a few tries.
*It is impossible to drive the [[Wraith|Wraith being driven by]] [[Rtas 'Vadumee]] on Legendary.
*Tartarus can be killed only with a energy sword after his shields are lowered by Sgt Johnson
*In the ending cutscene, Miranda Keyes is shown holding a Plasma Pistol. Also, she can be seen using it during the fight, however, the weapon is not seen, and she does not fire it.
*Walking up to Banks and Stacker, Stacker will say something like, "Chief! Glad you could make it!" in the same way that Johnson does.
*When inside the control room, go to the lowest level of the platform and crouch. You would die instantly.
===[[Easter Egg]]s===
*The [[Halo 2 Skulls#Black Eye|Black Eye Skull]] can be found on this level.
*There is a [[Heretic Banshee]] on this level which is located near the cliff where the level starts off.
*When escorting the Scarab, you can get your Banshee stuck in the Scarab, and since the Scarab is invincible, you don't actually have to defend it.
*When fighting [[Tartarus]] if you stay on the platform where [[Johnson]] is, [[Tartarus]] will often taunt you for example he will say, "Just like the rest of your kind. You're cowardly and weak!" or, "Want revenge? Well here I am!"
*Originally, there was a cutscene at the part of the level where you are on the [[Scarab]] platform in which there was a gathering of [[Brute]]s decapitating Marines. [[Joseph Staten]] explained that this cinematic had to be cut because at that time "real world events" made this a little politically dangerous.{{fact}}
*This is technically the first level in which the [[Elite]]s and the [[UNSC]] fight alongside each other, and the only level in [[Halo 2]] in which they do, though very briefly and it is just Sergeants Stacker and Banks armed with [[Plasma Pistol]]s against [[Brute]]s, so their impact on the battle is minimal to none.
*Sergeant Banks and Sergeant Stacker will disappear right after the cutscene. They probably entered to the [[Scarab]] with Johnson. However, if you kill any of them, their corpses will not disappear after the cutscene.
*After this level it is unknown what happens to the Fist of Rukt. It might have been destroyed by the Elites in disgust since it took the lives of many of their kind.
*This level is ironic in that, being the last Arbiter level, the Arbiter is trying to tell Tartarus about Halo's true purpose, when the Arbiter had silenced the heretic leader for saying the same things in the first [[The Arbiter (Level)|Arbiter level]].
Image:Control1.jpg|Halo prepares to fire.
Image:Fired.jpg|The beacon has been sent.
Image:Standby.jpg|Halo went into emergency standby ready to fire from the ''[[Ark]]''.
Image:Ship9.jpg|The ''[[Forerunner Ship]] [[Dreadnought]]'' heads for the [[Ark]] Portal.
Image:Cortana9.jpg|''[[Cortana]]'' talks to the ''[[Gravemind]]''.
{{succession box | before = ''[[High_Charity (Level)|High Charity]]'' <br />| title = [[Halo 2 Campaign|''Halo 2'' Campaign Missions]] | years = '''''The Great Journey''''' |after = ''[[Halo_2_Credits|Halo 2 Credits]]''}}
[[Category:Levels|Great Journey (Level)]]
[[Category:Halo 2 Campaign]]

Latest revision as of 10:47, August 2, 2010

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