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#REDIRECT [[Fall of Reach]]
{{New Content}}
|name        = Battle of Reach
|image      = [[File:Battle of Reach.jpg|360px]]
|prev        = [[Battle of Sigma Octanus IV]]
|conc        =
|next        = [[Battle of Installation 04]]
|conflict    = [[Human-Covenant War]]
|date        = August 30, 2552 - September 23, 2552 (UNSC forces scattered)
|place      = [[Epsilon Eridani System]], above planet [[Reach]]
|result      = Pyrrhic Covenant victory
*Reach [[Glassing|glassed]]
*Heavy [[Covenant]] Casualties
*Pillar of Autumn escapes to Halo
|side1      = [[United Nations Space Command]]
|side2      = [[Covenant]]
|commanders1 =
*[[Admiral]] [[Roland Freemont]]†
*[[Vice Admiral]] [[Danforth Whitcomb]]
*[[Admiral]] [[Michael Stanforth]]†
|commanders2 =
*[[Supreme Commander]] [[Thel 'Vadamee]]
|forces1    =
*2 Fleets
**152 warships
***1 super carrier
***1 Carrier
***3 Cruisers
***Several dozen [[UNSC Destroyer|Destroyers]]
**** UNSC Gettysburg
***[[UNSC Frigate|Frigates]]
*20 [[Orbital Defense Platform]]s
*3 refit and repair stations
*Platoon of 27 [[Spartans]]<ref>''Halo: First Strike'', page 13</ref>
|forces2    =
*[[Fleet of Particular Justice]]
**315 Covenant Ships<ref>''Includes the initial 314, the Supercruiser </ref>
***[[Seeker of Truth]] (Flagship)
***1 [[Covenant Supercruiser]]
***[[CCS-class Battlecruiser]]s
****[[Truth and Reconciliation]]
***[[Covenant Cruiser]]s
****[[Unnamed Covenant Cruiser]]
*Legions of ground troops
|casual1    =
*Over 130 ships
**1 super carrier
*20 Super MAC Cannons
*3 refit and repair stations
*majority of ground force
**16 [[Spartan-II]]s
*Civilian (estimated):
**Unknown, but probably most of the population due to the orbital bombardment
|casual2    =
*262 ships
*Heavy ground losses
{{quote|That's it. We've lost. Reach is going to fall.|[[Kelly-087]]}}<ref>[[Halo: First Strike]] page 32</ref>
The '''Battle of Reach''' was the largest engagement in the [[Human-Covenant War]]. It was fought between the [[United Nations Space Command|UNSC Defense Force]] and the [[Covenant]] in August of [[2552]].
Despite suffering a severe defeat at the [[Battle of Sigma Octanus IV]], the [[Covenant]] managed to place a tracking device on the {{UNSCShip|Iroquois}} and use it to find [[Human]] colony worlds. When the ''Iroquois'' returned to [[Reach]], the Human presence, and its extent on that world was disclosed and later revealed to the Covenant fleet. Ironically, the location of Reach was already known to the Covenant; a previously recovered [[Forerunner]] artifact indicated Reach held another artifact.
===Opening Skirmishes===
{{Quote|[[Reach Station Gamma|Gamma Station]], this is [[Fermion]] RSO. Unconfirmed reports of an in system [[Slipspace]] rupture.|Fermion Remote Sensing Outpost}}
{{Quote|Impossible. Check your source.|Reach Station Gamma}}
The approaching [[Covenant]] fleet was first detected in [[slipspace]] by [[Remote Scanning Outpost]] ''[[Fermion]]''. The station's commander, [[Chief Petty Officer]] [[McRobb]], sent an emergency message to [[FLEETCOM]] and ordered self-destruct to prevent the station's data from falling into enemy hands. A few minutes later 314 Covenant ships exited slipspace at the outskirts of the [[Epsilon Eridani System]]. [[Admiral]] [[Roland Freemont]] issued file/bravo-tango-beta-five, ordering all ships in Reach system as well as those in the [[Jericho System|Jericho]] and [[Tantalus]] systems, to rendezvous at [[Reach]] in preparation for the coming assault. The Covenant moved in on the orbital defenses before the UNSC fleet fully consolidated. 53 late arriving UNSC ships, including the {{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}}, ran a gauntlet of screening Covenant warships as they attempted to link up with the main fleet. At the beginning of the battle, only about a hundred UNSC ships were readily available to defend Reach.
===Space Battle===
{{Quote|Winter Contingency has been declared, all units are mobilized and ready.|UNSC Officer}}
The main Covenant force moved in on the orbital defenses. The initial salvo of [[plasma torpedo]]es was mostly absorbed by three sacrificial refit and repair stations, allowing the defenders to return fire. The [[Orbital Defense Platforms]] and a nuclear minefield combined to take down a full third of the Covenant fleet, about a hundred ships, were destroyed in the first human salvo. However, the next Covenant salvo significantly damaged the UNSC fleet and moved in for the kill. They destroyed numerous Super MAC platforms in suicide attacks, further crippling the UNSC orbital perimeter, before retreating out of range. A previously unknown warship type, the [[Covenant Supercruiser]], carrying a new weapon, the [[energy projector]], revealed itself destroying the {{UNSCShip|Minotaur}} before withdrawing temporarily. The attacking fleet regrouped after deploying hundreds of dropships to the surface.
[[Image:Reach friggit wreck.png|thumb|right|250px|A destroyed [[UNSC Frigate]] above Reach.]]
As the surviving dropships disgorged thousands of troops, the Covenant fleet began another attack. Some ships made pinpoint slipspace jumps putting them within the UNSC formation. This left them vulnerable for a short time but allowed them to strike the ODPs directly. The Supercruiser returned and destroyed the {{UNSCShip|Herodotus}} and {{UNSCShip|Musashi}} from beyond ODP range. The {{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}} engaged and destroyed the Supercruiser.
===Ground Battle===
Thousands of Covenant landed on Reach in an attempt to destroy the [[Orbital Defense Generator]]s, and were intercepted by [[Marine]] forces who were able to defend against the first few waves of Covenant forces while sustaining heavy casualties. The remaining [[SPARTAN-II]]s who were not assigned to Reach Station Gamma were sent to [[Orbital Defense Generator Facility A-331]] to assist in the defense of the station. Unfortunately, their Pelican, [[Bravo 001]], escorted was shot down, resulting in the deaths of four Spartans (including [[Malcolm-059]]), and some others were wounded as well. Near their crash site, the surviving Spartans discovered the shellshocked remnants of [[Charlie Company]], composed of only four Marines.
[[Charlie Company]] had been assigned by [[Vice Admiral]] [[Danforth Whitcomb]] to find the prototype [[NOVA Bomb]]s. They were forced to help defend the Orbital Defense Facilities on their way to their objective. Unfortunately, as the Covenant neared the Orbital Defense Generators, someone at [[HIGHCOM]] panicked and ordered Longswords to bomb everything within 500 meters, resulting in the destruction of the Covenant, but also catastrophic friendly fire: Charlie Company was reduced to four men, and its leaders: [[Lieutenant]]s [[Jake Chapman]] and [[Buckman]] were killed.
[[Image:Reach glassed.png|thumb|right|250px|Reach being glassed by the Covenant.]]
The Spartans, after being briefed on the situation by Charlie Company, responded to a distress call from Whitcomb, who requested immediate evacuation. [[Frederic-104]], commander of the Spartans, split the remains of [[Red Team]] into four groups: [[Team Alpha]] (Frederic-104, [[Kelly-087]], and [[Joshua-029]]), which was tasked with eliminating an encampment of 10,000 Covenant and their hovering [[Covenant Cruiser|cruiser]] (without doing anything that could damage the Orbital Defense Generators), [[Team Beta]], tasked with defense of the Orbital Defense Generators, [[Team Gamma]] ([[Li-008]], [[Anton-044]], and [[Grace-093]]), ordered to retrieve Whitcomb, and [[Team Delta]] (the [[Charlie Company]] marines and  six wounded Spartans which included [[William-043]], [[Isaac-039]], and [[Vinh-030]]), ordered to secure the Spartans' fallback point at [[CASTLE Base]].
Team Alpha hijacked three [[Banshee]]s and approached the Covenant encampment (they were ignored by the [[Grunt]] [[Zawaz]], who assumed they were [[Elite]]s on a secret mission) and used [[Fury Tactical Nuclear Weapon]]s within the shields of the Covenant ship, destroying the encampment and negating the EMP effect that would have disabled the Orbital Defense Generators. Joshua was killed in the process by mass light weapons salvos from the 10,000 Covenant ground forces encamped around the Cruiser. The remaining Spartans of Team Alpha then fell back to CASTLE Base, blasting their way through the remaining Covenant in the area with two commandeered [[Wraith]]s. Team Gamma accomplished its mission and fell back to [[Camp Independence]] with Whitcomb, where they survived the partial [[glassing]] of the planet. Team Delta fell back to CASTLE Base, but in the process lost the remaining Charlie Company marines and every Spartan save for Vinh, Isaac, and William. When the remnants of Team Alpha and Team Delta arrived at CASTLE Base, they found [[Catherine Halsey]] there.
Unfortunately, Team Beta was unable to stop the Covenant, who attacked in swarms of thousands. The Orbital Defense Generators were compromised, and the Covenant (after eliminating the powerless, immobile ODPs in geo-synchronous orbit around the planet) began the glassing of Reach.
===Mission to Reach Station Gamma===
During the space battle, the [[AI]] [[Doppler]], controller of [[Reach Station Gamma]], was unable to destroy the vital information onboard the {{UNSCShip|Circumference}}, an [[ONI]] [[prowler]] involved in [[Operation: HYPODERMIC]]. As the Covenant deployed [[Ranger|troops]] to the station, Doppler reported this violation of the [[Cole Protocol]] to the ''Pillar of Autumn'' before self-destructing himself to keep from further violation. In response, [[Captain]] [[Jacob Keyes]] sent [[John-117]], [[Spartan-James]], and [[Linda-058]] to the station. They accomplished their task and destroyed the NAV database onboard Reach Station Gamma, but at the cost of James and Linda. While onboard, they rescued some [[marines]] onboard the station: [[Sergeant Major]] [[Avery Junior Johnson]] and [[Private]]s [[Wallace Jenkins]], [[Bisenti]], and [[O'Brien (Marine)|O'Brien]]. They then were evacuated by [[Pelican]] back to the ''Pillar of Autumn''. Linda-058 was clinically dead, but there was a chance of saving her, so she was placed in a [[cryo-chamber]]. John-117 asked [[Lieutenant]] [[Hall]] to scan for James (who was blown into space) and after they were unable to find him, the ''Pillar of Autumn'' made a slipspace jump to [[Installation 04]] pursued by a dozen Covenant ships, while the remaining vessels glassed Reach.
The UNSC lost the second largest military-industrial complex beyond the [[Sol System]] and sustained crippling military losses at Reach, losing over a hundred ships, including irreplaceable Cruisers and Supercarriers such as the {{UNSCShip|Basra}}, {{UNSCShip|Trafalgar}}, and the {{UNSCShip|Musashi}}, not to mention the large numbers of civilian and military personnel killed by the invading Covenant forces. With the [[Epsilon Eridani System]] in [[Covenant]] hands, there were no further major stop points before Sol. Some estimates put total defeat as a matter of weeks. The [[Office of Naval Intelligence]] believed that the location of Sol was compromised and began relocating heavy industry facilities and command centers out of the system.<ref>[ Jason Jones Interviewed By You], [[]], 2001 December 18</ref>
At the same time, despite such a devastating defeat the UNSC still fared better than in previous battles. Even against the numerically and technologically superior Fleet of Particular Justice, outnumbered 2:1, they still managed to inflict disproportionate losses to the Covenant, due largely to the twenty Orbital Defense Platforms orbiting Reach. The [[AI]] [[Cortana (AI)|Cortana]] commandeered the fleeing {{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}} to the previously undiscovered [[Installation 04|fourth]] [[Forerunner]] [[Halo]]. While the [[Battle of Installation 04]] was tangential to the main front, the containment of the initial [[Flood]] outbreak, and the experience gained, was just as critical to the survival of the UNSC. In addition, a Forerunner artifact, a [[Forerunner Crystal|crystal]], was discovered and recovered by UNSC forces, drawing a number out of the system in pursuit to [[Eridanus Secundus]], leading to the glassing of the colony, and the destruction of the artifact and the recovery of a small number of pieces by the Covenant.<ref>[[Halo: First Strike]]</ref>
===August 30, 2552:===
*'''0447 Hours:''' The [[Remote Scanning Outpost]] ''[[Fermion]]'' detects incoming Covenant vessels. An emergency message is relayed to [[FLEETCOM]]. The Outpost then self-destructs per the Cole Protocol due to an unsecured science library and nearby Covenant forces.
*'''0500 Hours:''' A fleet of 314<ref>[[Halo: The Fall of Reach]], page 296</ref> Covenant vessels exits slipspace on the edge of the system.
*'''0517 Hours:''' [[Admiral Roland Freemont]] (FLEETCOM Sector One commander) issues a general order to all vessels in the [[Reach]], Jericho, and [[Tantalus]] systems.{{Verify}} All vessels and stations initiate the [[Cole Protocol]] and rush to rally point ZULU.
*'''0534 Hours:''' Covenant vessels make pinpoint [[Slipspace]] jumps attempting to destroy any incoming or outgoing human vessels before they can regroup. A [[Covenant Carrier]] targets the {{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}} but is destroyed.
*'''0545 Hours:''' The Covenant vessels begin a frontal assault. As the Covenant and Human fleets engage above Reach, it seems to be a stalemate, as Covenant ships take out UNSC ships, while the UNSC ships and [[MAC]] cannon take out an equal number. The first salvo by the UNSC vessels destroys a third of the remaining Covenant fleet. A previously unknown Covenant warship, called a ''[[Covenant Supercruiser|Supercruiser]]'' by [[Captain Keyes]], arrives and destroys several UNSC ships while outside [[human]] weapons range.
*'''0558 Hours:''' Station Gamma Dockmaster [[AI]] [[Doppler]] is unable to implement the [[Cole Protocol]] on the {{UNSCShip|Circumference}}, an [[ONI]] prowler docked at [[Reach Station Gamma]], due to measures taken to maintain the secrecy of [[Operation: HYPODERMIC]]. Doppler sends priority message to FLEETCOM concerning this violation. Covenant intrusion software detects this oversight, and the Covenant deploys troops to seize the NAV database aboard the ''Circumference''.
*'''0616 Hours:''' The [[Spartan]] soldiers are dispatched from the ''Pillar of Autumn''. [[SPARTAN-117]], [[SPARTAN-058]], and [[Spartan-James]] form [[Blue Team]] and go aboard the Dock to destroy the ''Circumference'', while the remainder form [[Red Team]] and head to the surface of Reach to defend the power generators for the MAC guns. James goes MIA when a [[needler]] hits his [[T-PACK]] and propels him into space during combat. Blue Team continue through the station, rescuing [[Sergeant]] [[Johnson]], [[Private]] [[O'Brien]], [[Private Bisenti]], and [[Private]] [[PFC Wallace Jenkins |Jenkins]] from [[Jackal]]s and [[Elite]]s.
*'''0620 Hours:''' The Covenant fleet retreats from the system after deploying dropships. The UNSC fleet fires on the ships, destroying many. Hundreds of dropships land on Reach.
*'''0621 Hours:''' The boarding craft are landed and the armory is overrun and the Covenant fleet returns to the system. The Covenant split their 150+ remaining ships. One fleet attacks the UNSC ships, while another takes out the MAC cannons and send in troops to land on Reach. The UNSC try to split their 50+ remaining forces to engage the Covenant, but there are too many platforms to cover and too many casualties. The Supercruiser continues to destroy UNSC ships, allowing the other ships to attack the MAC cannons.
*'''0631 Hours:''' Red Team is shot down. They have no choice but to jump from the crashing [[Pelican]] and make a "hard landing" on the ground. Results in 4 dead and 6 seriously injured.
*'''0637 Hours:''' The [[Spartan]] team on the ''[[Circumference]]'' mission returns to the ''Pillar of Autumn''. Only [[SPARTAN-117]] and clinically dead [[SPARTAN-058]] make it back, with [[Sergeant]] [[Johnson]], [[Private]] [[O'Brien]], [[Private Bisenti]], and [[Private]] [[Jenkins]].
*'''0647 Hours:''' The ''Pillar of Autumn'', pursued by a dozen Covenant vessels, retreats from the system, arriving at [[Installation 04]].
*'''0649 Hours:''' Red Team sets up defenses around [[ODG Facility A-331]].
*'''0711 Hours:''' [[SPARTAN-104]], [[SPARTAN-029]], and [[SPARTAN-087]] plant a nuclear warhead though the gravity lift in a landing Covenant cruiser, leaving [[SPARTAN-029]] [[MIA]], (presumed [[KIA]]) in the process.
*'''0720 Hours:''' The Covenant destroys [[ODG Facility A-331]] by aerial bombardment (glassing), though some [[Spartans]] escape. The surviving MAC guns are now offline and are quickly destroyed by plasma torpedoes. Remaining [[UNSC]] vessels have no choice but to retreat. The Covenant warships are split into two groups: 5 ship teams that hunt down the surviving UNSC vessels and a group of ships that align themselves in formation and begin to glass [[Reach]].
==UNSC Forces==
===Space Assets===
:*{{UNSCShip|Trafalgar}}, [[UNSC Supercarrier|Supercarrier]]
:*{{UNSCShip|Dawn Under Heaven}}, {{Class|Halcyon|Cruiser|}}
:*{{UNSCShip|Pillar of Autumn}}, {{Class|Halcyon|Cruiser|}}
:*{{UNSCShip|Hannibal}}, {{Class|Marathon|Cruiser|}}
:*{{UNSCShip|Alliance}} Not known
:'''Other/Unknown Type'''
:*[[Fermion|Remote Sensing Station ''Fermion'']]
*[[David Brightling|Brightling, David]] - [[Lieutenant, Junior Grade]]
*[[Dominique]] - [[Lieutenant]]
*[[Roland Freemont|Freemont, Roland]] - [[Admiral]]
*[[Hall]] - [[Lieutenant]]
*[[Aki Hikowa|Hikowa, Aki]] - [[Lieutenant]]
*[[Jacob Keyes|Keyes, Jacob]] - [[Captain (Navy)|Captain]]
*[[William Michael Lovell|Lovell, William Michael]] - [[Ensign]]
*[[McRobb]] - [[Chief Petty Officer]]
*[[Mitchell]] - [[UNSC Air Force|Flight Officer]]
*[[Bill Streeter|Streeter, William]] [[Lieutenant, Junior Grade]]
*[[Danforth Whitcomb|Whitcomb, Danforth]] - [[Vice Admiral]]
*[[Michael Stanforth|Stanforth, Micheal]] - [[Vice Admiral]]
*[[Veronica Dare|Dare, Veronica]] - [[Captain]]
*[[John-117|SPARTAN-117]] - [[Master Chief Petty Officer]]
*[[Bisenti]] - [[Private (UNSC)|Private]]
*[[Edward Buck|Buck, Edward]]
*[[C. Errera|Errera, C.]] - [[Corporal]]
*[[Wallace A. Jenkins|Jenkins, Wallace A.]] [[Private]]
*[[Avery Junior Johnson|Johnson, Avery Junior]] - [[Staff Sergeant]]
*[[O'Brien]] - [[Private]]
*During the [[Battle of Earth]], [[Terrence Hood]] estimated the size of the Covenant fleet at Reach as 750 ships<ref>''[[Halo 2]]'', [[Cairo Station (Level)]]</ref>, not 314. However, it is likely he was using hyperbole to express how much smaller this fleet was when compared to the one that destroyed Reach.
*The Battle of Reach was one of the final events in the Human-Covenant War that ultimately gave the Covenant an almost insurmountable advantage over the few remaining UNSC forces that were now being recalled to the last Human stronghold, [[Earth]].
*The Battle of Reach is what caused almost all the events in the Halo games. If the Autumn hadn't arrived at Installation 04 with John-117 aboard, the Covenant could have found, captured, and forced a human to activate it, which would have ended life in the galaxy, or at least life in the range of that Installation or allowed the Flood to capture Covenant ships and take over the galaxy.
*In the [[Halo 2]] mission [[The Heretic (Level)|The Heretic]], when the cinematic showing the Battle of Reach shows the [[Pillar of Autumn]] fleeing, it incorrectly depicts the ship as a [[Marathon-class Cruiser]] when the [[UNSC Pillar of Autumn|Pillar of Autumn]] is actually a [[Halcyon-class Cruiser]], likely because Bungie only modeled a Marathon-class for Halo 2.
*The game [[Halo: Reach]] is based on this battle. It is set for release in 2010.
*It appears that FLEETCOM had a plan in the event that Reach was attacked by the Covenant known as "Winter Contingency", based on the [[Halo: Reach]].<ref>[[Halo: Reach - Announcement Trailer|trailer]]</ref>
*The Battle of Reach is the only known battle in which the [[Covenant]] had more military casualties than the [[UNSC]] because of the [[ODP|Orbital MAC Cannons]].
*In the [[Halo 3: ODST - E3 2009 Gameplay Trailer]], on one wall that [[The Rookie]] sees, "Remember Reach" is written, saying that [[Earth]] will fall as [[Reach]] did. It could also be a sort of rallying cry to the people of Earth, much like the battle cry "Remember the Alamo."
{{Human-Covenant War}}
[[Category:Covenant Victories]]

Latest revision as of 08:14, April 11, 2010

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