Phoenix Logs/Campaign Logs/Pandora's Box II: Difference between revisions

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Our orders are to sit tight and observe. After Major Vaughan's close shave with that Forerunner ship, the captain has us watching all potential hot spots for Banished activity and oods are Atriox will make a play for High Charity. From what we've seen before, Atriox has no compunctions about messing with the Ark in order to get what he wants. [2/2]
Our orders are to sit tight and observe. After Major Vaughan's close shave with that Forerunner ship, the captain has us watching all potential hot spots for Banished activity and oods are Atriox will make a play for High Charity. From what we've seen before, Atriox has no compunctions about messing with the Ark in order to get what he wants. [2/2]
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