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'''Type''' otherwise shortened as '''T''' is a classification system by [[UNSC]] analysts for technology developed by the [[Covenant]] and its [[Covenant remnants|remnants]].<ref name="shade">[ '''Halo Waypoint''': ''Shade Turret'']</ref>
Alien technology catalogued by the [[United Nations Space Command]] and [[Office of Naval Intelligence]] is classified by '''type number'''. Type classification is used by the UNSC to catalogue recovered materiel of [[Covenant]] origin in the [[Human-Covenant War]], alongside that of the empire's [[Covenant remnants|remnants]] in the [[Post-Covenant War conflicts|post-war era]]. For classifying [[Covenant starship|spacecraft]], the UNSC employ a [[Covenant ship classification system|three-letter system]] of identification analagous to humanity's [[hull classification symbol]]s.

==How the type system is sorted==
A similar [[Z classification system]] is employed by the UNSC in the study of technology of [[Forerunner]] origin.  
Type classifications are usually "Type" or "T", followed by a "-", then finally followed by a number. This number is usually the last two numbers of the year it was classified by the UNSC,<ref name="shade"/> though there are exceptions like Type 1 to Type 3.<ref name="Sword">[ '''Halo Waypoint''': ''Energy Sword'']</ref>

There are also sub-classifications that are given to variants of a Type classification, these use the alphabet to show the different variants.<ref name="Brute">[ '''Halo Waypoint''': ''Brute Shot'']</ref>
Type-classification is done in one of two ways. For the majority of materiel, the system is formatted as ''Type-XX'' or ''T-XX'', with the latter two characters denoting to two numbers - usually signifying the year the item was classified. For example, a Type-25 weapon may have been classified in the year [[2525]].{{Ref/Site|Id=pistol|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Plasma Pistol|D=04|M=01|Y=2020}} The UNSC method of classifying equipment by their year caused researchers no small headache as the war continued and new variants were catalogued and categorised, leading to numerous sub-classifications{{Ref/Reuse|pistol}}; some Type-classified weaponry also have sub-classification identifiers affixed to the end of their Type-designation such as the Type-25B brute shot or Type-56D needler. Equally, while much equipment was classified by the year of classification, this did not always respond to the first year the equipment was encountered. Some equipment such as the Type-56 Lich were employed sporadically throughout the war with humanity, but due to administrative delays or the battles not producing any surviving captured materiel to analyse, classification may be delayed for years afterwards.{{Ref/Site|Id=Guide|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Halo 4 Interactive Guide - Vehicles: Lich|D=01|M=05|Y=2013|LocalArchive=Halo 4 Interactive Guide#Vehicles}}{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Fuel Rod Gun|D=01|M=10|Y=2011|LocalArchive=Archive:Halo_Waypoint/2009_to_2014/Universe/Weapons#Fuel Rod Gun|Quote=While much of the Covenant matériel witnessed in battle is named and designated for the year it was first observed by the UNSC, there are several exceptions, the most notable of those is, in fact, the Fuel Rod Gun. The T-33 LAAW was believed to be first observed during the ground conflict on Harvest in early 2531, only to be properly catalogued by the Office of Naval Intelligence in 2533, over two full years later.}}

==Known Classifications==
While the vast majority of firearms and vehicles are sorted by the Type-year system, for reasons unknown the Covenant's melee weaponry and grenades are not, instead categorised as ''Type-X'', with only a single numeric not corresponding to any particular year.
===Type 1 to 3===
[[Type-1 energy sword]] • [[Type-1 plasma grenade]] • [[Type-2 gravity hammer]] • [[Type-2 spike grenade]] • [[Type-3 active camouflage]] • [[Type-3 firebomb]]

The type-designation systems were also used in other human publications, such as the [[Machines, Materiel and Munitions from the Human-Covenant Conflict, 2525 - Present]] reports written by Doctor [[Robert McLees (ship designer)|Robert McLees]] in [[2552]] assessing the range of equipment used by both parties in the war.
[[Type-25 Brute Shot]] (B) • [[Type-25 Chopper]] [[Type-25 plasma pistol]] • [[Type-25 plasma rifle]]([[Type-25 Brute plasma rifle|Brute version]]) • [[Type-25 Shade]] • [[Type-25 Spiker]] • [[Type-25 Spirit]]

[[Type-26 Banshee]] (A • B • AZ • BZ • C) • [[Type-26 Shade]] [[Type-26 Wraith]]
Type-classification of Covenant technology is a challenge for UNSC analysts, due to the way the Covenant categorises and uses its own technology. Rather than rigid standardisation as in the UNSC's armed services, the Covenant employ thousands of variations of a given design family, all roughly grouped as simply [[Shade]]s or [[Wraith]]s. By contrast, the meticulous standards of [[human]] analysts ensure that almost every single minor variation of an equipment series goes catalogued even when the Covenant would not do so.{{Ref/Site|Id=wraith|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Shade Turret|D=04|M=01|Y=2020}}{{Ref/Site|Id=shade|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Wraith|D=04|M=01|Y=2020}}{{Ref/Reuse|pistol}}

The Covenant themselves use [[design pattern]]s to classify their materiel, ranging from the smallest firearms up to the largest [[Sh'wada-pattern supercarrier|supercarriers]]. Due to the differences in how both organisations classify equipment, design patterns generally do not always line up with UNSC classifications. For example, the UNSC type designation Type-52 Phantom was applied to two models of Phantom at different times, the {{Pattern|Kez'katu|Phantom|}} and {{Pattern|Ru'swum|Phantom|}}, with minor variations of the latter also being type-classified as the Type-44.
[[Type-27 Banshee]] [[Type-27 beam rifle]] • [[Type-27 hologram]] • [[Type-27 Mantis]] • [[Type-27 Shade]]

==Known classifications==
[[Type-28 Spirit]] [[Type-28 Tick]]
===Types 1-3===
*[[Type-1 energy sword|Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword]]
*[[Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|Type-1 Antipersonnel Grenade]]
*[[Gravity hammer (fiction)|Type-2 Energy Weapon/Hammer]]
*[[Type-2 spike grenade|Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade]]
*[[Type-3 active camouflage|Type-3 Refraction Dissonance Modifier/Camouflage]]
*[[Orgudam Workshop firebomb|Type-3 Antipersonnel/Antimaterial Incendiary Grenade]]

[[Type-29 Scarab]] [[Type-29 Shade]] [[Type-29 Shadow]] [[Type-29 Vampire]]
Type-25 equipment constitutes the majority of weapons and vehicles encountered in the first months of the Covenant war in the year [[2525]], predominantly that encountered [[First Battle of Harvest|at Harvest]].{{Ref/Reuse|pistol}}
*[[Type-25 Shade|Type-25 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun]]
*[[Type-25 Spiker|Type-25 Carbine]]
*[[Type-25 plasma pistol|Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol]]
*[[Type-25 plasma rifle|Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle]]
*[[Type-25 Brute Shot|Type-25 Grenade Launcher]]
**Type-26B Brute Shot
*[[Barukaza Workshop Chopper|Type-25 Rapid Assault Vehicle]]
*[[Type-25 Spirit|Type-25 Troop Carrier]]
*[[Type-25 Wraith|Type-25 Assault Gun Carriage]]

[[Type-30 Locust]]
*[[Fuel rod cannon|Type-26 Heavy Anti-Armor Weapon/Mounted]]
*[[Rizsheda-pattern Shade|Type-26 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun]]
*[[Zurdo-pattern Wraith|Type-26 Assault Gun Carriage]]
*[[Plasma mortar|Type-26 Directed Energy Mortar]]
*[[Class-1 directed energy cannon|Type-26 Directed Energy Weapon Emplacement]]
*[[Class-2 directed energy cannon|Type-26 Directed Energy Weapon/Linked]]
*[[Type-26 Banshee|Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft]]
**[[Type-26A Banshee|Type-26A Ground Support Aircraft]]
**[[Type-26AZ Banshee|Type-26AZ Ground Support Aircraft]]
**[[Type-26B Banshee|Type-26B Ground Support Aircraft]]
**[[Type-26BZ Banshee|Type-26BZ Ground Support Aircraft]]
**[[Type-26C Banshee|Type-26C Ground Support Aircraft]]
*[[Type-27 Mantis|Type-27 Anti-Aircraft Cannon]]
*[[Eeo'Pimu-pattern Shade|Type-27 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun]]
*[[Type-27 Banshee|Type-27 Exoatmospheric Multirole Fighter]]
*[[Type-27 beam rifle|Type-27 Special Application Sniper Rifle]]
*[[Type-27 hologram|Type-27 Responsive Holographic Form Emulator]]

[[Type-31 needle rifle]] [[Type-31 Seraph]]
*[[Type-28 Tick|Type-28 Intrusion Vehicle]]
*[[Type-28 Spirit|Type-28 Troop Carrier]]

[[Type-32 Ghost]]
*[[Mamua'uda-pattern Shade|Type-29 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun]]
*[[Class-1 directed energy cannon|Type-29 Anti-Infantry Weapon Emplacement/Mounted]]
*[[Type-29 Vampire|Type-29 Close Support Fighter]]
*[[Type-29 Shadow|Type-29 Troop/Vehicle Transport]]
*[[Type-29 Scarab|Type-29 Ultra-Heavy Site Excavator]]

[[Type-33 fuel rod gun]] • [[Type-33 needler]]
*[[Type-30 Locust|Type-30 Light Excavation/Anti-Fortification Platform]]

[[Type-36 Scarab]]
*[[Type-31 Seraph|Type-31 Exoatmospheric Multirole Fighter]]
*[[Type-31 needle rifle|Type-31 Needle Rifle]]

[[Type-38 Tyrant]]
*[[Class-2 directed energy cannon|Type-32 Directed Energy Weapon/Linked]]
*[[Karo'etba-pattern Ghost|Type-32 Rapid Attack Vehicle]]
*[[Type-33 needler|Type-33 Guided Munitions Launcher]]
*[[Pez'tk-pattern fuel rod gun|Type-33 Light Anti-Armor Weapon]]

[[Type-42 plasma cannon]]
*[[Type-36 Scarab|Type-36 Ultra-Heavy Siege Platform]]

[[Type-44 Phantom]]
*[[Type-38 Tyrant|Type-38 Anti-Aircraft Cannon]]
*[[Shepsu-pattern plasma cannon|Type-42 Directed Energy Support Weapon]]

[[Type-46 Spectre]]
*[[Heavy plasma cannon|Type-44 Directed Energy Weapon/Mounted]]
*[[Ru'swum-pattern Phantom|Type-44 Troop Carrier]]

[[Type-47A Scarab]] [[Type-47B Scarab]]
*[[Type-46 Spectre|Type-46 Infantry Support Vehicle]]
*[[Class-1 directed energy cannon|Type-46 Directed Energy Weapon/Mounted]]

[[Type-48 Revenant]] [[Type-48 Weevil]]
*[[Type-47A Scarab|Type-47A Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform]]
*[[Type-47B Scarab|Type-47B Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform]]

[[Type-50 concussion rifle]] [[Type-50 particle beam rifle]]
*[[Type-48 Revenant|Type-48 Light Assault Gun Carriage]]
*[[Type-48 Weevil|Type-48 Artillery Platform]]

[[Type-51 carbine]] [[Type-51 Individual Breaching Carapace]] • [[Type-51 plasma repeater]]
*[[Concussion rifle|Type-50 Directed Energy Rifle/Heavy]]
*[[Type-50 particle beam rifle|Type-50 Sniper Rifle System]]

[[Type-52 Anti-Aircraft Wraith]] [[Type-52 focus rifle]] [[Type-52 Mauler]] [[Type-52 Phantom]] [[Type-52 plasma cannon]] [[Type-52 plasma launcher]] [[Type-52 Prowler]]
*[[Type-51 carbine|Type-51 Carbine]]
*[[Type-51 Individual Breaching Carapace]]
*[[Type-51 plasma repeater|Type-51 Directed Energy Rifle/Improved]]
*[[Type-52 Anti-Aircraft Wraith|Type-52 Anti-Aircraft Artillery]]
*[[Type-52 focus rifle|Type-52 Special Applications Rifle]]
*[[Type-52 Mauler|Type-52 Pistol]]
*[[Kez'katu-pattern Phantom|Type-52 Troop Carrier]]
*[[Pek-pattern plasma cannon|Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon]]
*[[Kopasa'mada-pattern plasma launcher|Type-52 Guided Munitions Launcher/Explosive]]
*[[Type-52 Prowler|Type-52 Infantry Support Vehicle]]

The majority of equipment classified after the year [[2552]] represents much of the equipment of [[Sangheili]] origin, employed during the [[Blooding Years]] by the [[Swords of Sanghelios]], [[Jul 'Mdama's Covenant]] and other groups. Some of this equipment dates back to before the [[War of Beginnings]], thousands of years ago.
[[Type-53 plasma caster]] [[Type-53 Squad Breaching Carapace]]
*[[Tufasumo-pattern plasma caster|Type-53 Plasma Bolt Launcher]]
*[[Type-53 Squad Breaching Carapace]]

[[Type-54 Banshee]] [[Type-54 Ghost]] [[Type-54 Mass Deployment Carapace]] [[Type-54 plasma pistol]]
*[[Type-54 Banshee|Type-54 Ground Support Aircraft]]
*[[Karo'wark-pattern Ghost|Type-54 Rapid Attack Vehicle]]
*[[Type-54 Mass Deployment Carapace]]
*[[Type-54 plasma pistol|Type-54 Directed Energy Pistol]]
**Type-54D plasma pistol

[[Type-55 Individual Breaching Carapace]] [[Type-55 Kraken]] [[Type-55 Shade]] [[Type-55 storm rifle]]
*[[Sho'riru-pattern Shade|Type-55 Anti-Infantry Stationary Gun]]
*[[Type-55 Individual Breaching Carapace]]
*[[Type-55 storm rifle|Type-55 Directed Energy Rifle/Advanced]]
*[[Type-55 Squad Breaching Carapace]]
*[[Type-55 Kraken|Type-55 Ultra-Heavy Siege Tower]]
*[[Type-56 Shrike|Type-56 Anti-Aerospace Turret]]
*[[Type-56 Lich|Type-56 Deployment Platform Ground Support/Ultra Heavy]]
*Type-56 needler
**[[Type-56D needler|Type-56D Guided Munitions Launcher]]
*[[Emim-pattern focus beam|Type-56 Projected Energy Weapon/Mounted]]

[[Type-56 Lich]] [[Type-56 needler]] [[Type-56 Shrike]]
*[[Type-57 carbine|Type-57 Carbine]]
**Type-57B carbine
*[[Type-57 Phantom|Type-57 Dropship Troop Carrier]]
*[[Type-57 Spirit|Type-57 Troop Carrier]]

[[Type-57 carbine]] [[Type-57 Phantom]] [[Type-57 Spirit]]
*[[Muv'te-pattern anti-aircraft Wraith|Type-58 Anti-Air Artillery]]
*[[Plasma mortar|Type-58 Directed Energy Mortar]]
*[[Shea'p-pattern plasma cannon|Type-58 Directed Energy Support Weapon]]
*[[Gespu-pattern fuel rod gun|Type-58 Light Anti-Armor Weapon]]
*[[Kemu-pattern Wraith|Type-58 Light Assault Gun Carriage]]
*[[Type-58 Harvester|Type-58 Ultra-Heavy Site Excavator/Embedded]]

==Class designations==
[[Type-58 Anti-Air Wraith]] [[Type-58 fuel rod cannon]] [[Type-58 Harvester]] [[Type-58 plasma cannon]] [[Type-58 Wraith]]
A similar system for designating equipment of Covenant origin is also used by humanity in parallel with the Type-designations. Unlike the type-system, class-designations are used to describe families of weapon systems - predominantly the varying classifications of plasma cannons. Class designations typically designate their weapon type as ''Class-'' followed by a single-digit numeric suffix - usually a 1 or 2.{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=Plasma Cannon|D=01|M=10|Y=2011|LocalArchive=Archive:Halo_Waypoint/2009_to_2014/Universe/Weapons#Plasma Cannon|Quote=The Plasma Cannon is a broad, rather open-ended colloquial designation for the Covenant’s Class-1 directed energy cannons, typically deployed as a stationary emplacement, within the heavy support role. The T-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon is the most updated variant of this weapon-type employed by the Covenant late in the war. Earlier, the leaner T-42 Plasma Cannon was frequently observed, its narrow, elongated shape vaguely resembling that of the T-51 Plasma Repeater.}} These classifications generally seem to correspond (respectively) with the concepts of "light" and "medium" iterations of a given weapon system, though it stands to follow that a hypothetical "Class-3" may correspond with heavy iterations of the same weapon systems.
Class designations are also used by the UNSC to refer to human-manufactured equipment such as various [[Bumblebee]] models, or the [[Class-2 Guided Munition Launch System|Class-2 GMLS]] employed by the [[AV-14 Hornet]], but it is unknown whether these two systems have any crossover.
===List of class designations===
*[[Light plasma cannon|Class-1 directed energy cannon]]
*[[Plasma bolt|Class-1 guided plasma bolt]] <!--Plasma launcher-->
*[[Fuel rod|Class-2 caseless projectile]]
*[[Medium plasma cannon|Class-2 directed energy cannon]]
*[[Class-2 medium plasma mortar]]
*[[Fuel rod|Class-3 caseless projectile]]
*[[Plasma bolt|Class-3 explosive plasma bolt]] <!--plasma caster-->
*[[Plasma bolt|Class-4 explosive plasma bolt]]<!--Concussion rifle-->
*[[Ultra-heavy plasma cannon|Class-4 plasma cannon]]<!--T36 Scarab-->

==See also==
*[[Design pattern]]
*[[Z classification system]]

[[Category:UNSC Identification]]
[[Category:UNSC identification]]

Latest revision as of 10:31, December 20, 2023

Alien technology catalogued by the United Nations Space Command and Office of Naval Intelligence is classified by type number. Type classification is used by the UNSC to catalogue recovered materiel of Covenant origin in the Human-Covenant War, alongside that of the empire's remnants in the post-war era. For classifying spacecraft, the UNSC employ a three-letter system of identification analagous to humanity's hull classification symbols.

A similar Z classification system is employed by the UNSC in the study of technology of Forerunner origin.


Type-classification is done in one of two ways. For the majority of materiel, the system is formatted as Type-XX or T-XX, with the latter two characters denoting to two numbers - usually signifying the year the item was classified. For example, a Type-25 weapon may have been classified in the year 2525.[1] The UNSC method of classifying equipment by their year caused researchers no small headache as the war continued and new variants were catalogued and categorised, leading to numerous sub-classifications[1]; some Type-classified weaponry also have sub-classification identifiers affixed to the end of their Type-designation such as the Type-25B brute shot or Type-56D needler. Equally, while much equipment was classified by the year of classification, this did not always respond to the first year the equipment was encountered. Some equipment such as the Type-56 Lich were employed sporadically throughout the war with humanity, but due to administrative delays or the battles not producing any surviving captured materiel to analyse, classification may be delayed for years afterwards.[2][3]

While the vast majority of firearms and vehicles are sorted by the Type-year system, for reasons unknown the Covenant's melee weaponry and grenades are not, instead categorised as Type-X, with only a single numeric not corresponding to any particular year.

The type-designation systems were also used in other human publications, such as the Machines, Materiel and Munitions from the Human-Covenant Conflict, 2525 - Present reports written by Doctor Robert McLees in 2552 assessing the range of equipment used by both parties in the war.


Type-classification of Covenant technology is a challenge for UNSC analysts, due to the way the Covenant categorises and uses its own technology. Rather than rigid standardisation as in the UNSC's armed services, the Covenant employ thousands of variations of a given design family, all roughly grouped as simply Shades or Wraiths. By contrast, the meticulous standards of human analysts ensure that almost every single minor variation of an equipment series goes catalogued even when the Covenant would not do so.[4][5][1]

The Covenant themselves use design patterns to classify their materiel, ranging from the smallest firearms up to the largest supercarriers. Due to the differences in how both organisations classify equipment, design patterns generally do not always line up with UNSC classifications. For example, the UNSC type designation Type-52 Phantom was applied to two models of Phantom at different times, the Kez'katu-pattern and Ru'swum-pattern, with minor variations of the latter also being type-classified as the Type-44.

Known classifications[edit]

Types 1-3[edit]



Type-25 equipment constitutes the majority of weapons and vehicles encountered in the first months of the Covenant war in the year 2525, predominantly that encountered at Harvest.[1]








The majority of equipment classified after the year 2552 represents much of the equipment of Sangheili origin, employed during the Blooding Years by the Swords of Sanghelios, Jul 'Mdama's Covenant and other groups. Some of this equipment dates back to before the War of Beginnings, thousands of years ago.


Class designations[edit]

A similar system for designating equipment of Covenant origin is also used by humanity in parallel with the Type-designations. Unlike the type-system, class-designations are used to describe families of weapon systems - predominantly the varying classifications of plasma cannons. Class designations typically designate their weapon type as Class- followed by a single-digit numeric suffix - usually a 1 or 2.[6] These classifications generally seem to correspond (respectively) with the concepts of "light" and "medium" iterations of a given weapon system, though it stands to follow that a hypothetical "Class-3" may correspond with heavy iterations of the same weapon systems.

Class designations are also used by the UNSC to refer to human-manufactured equipment such as various Bumblebee models, or the Class-2 GMLS employed by the AV-14 Hornet, but it is unknown whether these two systems have any crossover.

List of class designations[edit]



  1. ^ a b c d Halo Waypoint, Plasma Pistol (Retrieved on Jan 4, 2020) [archive]
  2. ^ Halo Waypoint, Halo 4 Interactive Guide - Vehicles: Lich (Retrieved on May 1, 2013) [local archive] [external archive]
  3. ^ Halo Waypoint, Fuel Rod Gun: "While much of the Covenant matériel witnessed in battle is named and designated for the year it was first observed by the UNSC, there are several exceptions, the most notable of those is, in fact, the Fuel Rod Gun. The T-33 LAAW was believed to be first observed during the ground conflict on Harvest in early 2531, only to be properly catalogued by the Office of Naval Intelligence in 2533, over two full years later." (Retrieved on Oct 1, 2011) [local archive] [external archive]
  4. ^ Halo Waypoint, Shade Turret (Retrieved on Jan 4, 2020) [archive]
  5. ^ Halo Waypoint, Wraith (Retrieved on Jan 4, 2020) [archive]
  6. ^ Halo Waypoint, Plasma Cannon: "The Plasma Cannon is a broad, rather open-ended colloquial designation for the Covenant’s Class-1 directed energy cannons, typically deployed as a stationary emplacement, within the heavy support role. The T-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon is the most updated variant of this weapon-type employed by the Covenant late in the war. Earlier, the leaner T-42 Plasma Cannon was frequently observed, its narrow, elongated shape vaguely resembling that of the T-51 Plasma Repeater." (Retrieved on Oct 1, 2011) [local archive] [external archive]