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==info of the needler not being dual-wieldable==

Oh, who put the info of the needler not being dual-wieldable? Where did you get that info? --[[User:Indel|Indel]] 04:43, 15 November 2006 (UTC)
== The article is too long ==
In my oppinion the article is unnecessarily long, perhaps instead of having a elaborate list of all the weapons in the game, have just a very short section regarding the subject and provide a link to a main article named "weapons in Halo 3" or something.
:Ok, that was maybe a bad example, just apply it to the storyline section or multiplayer instead --[[User talk:Maiar|Maiar]] 04:59, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

In the Halo 3 edition of EGM it states that the Needler won't be dual-wieldable and more powerful --[[user:|]]
== A little help? ==

cool. --EliteDeath 14:05, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
i would just like to know which map has the greatest forge allowence for explosive objects (fusion coils, plasma batterys, propane tanks, mongeese, etc) out of the origional came-with-game maps. and if you could suggest the best way to contain the pile without reducing the boom-boom that would be appreachiated. and the best detonator to maximize KABOOM.--[[User talk:Maiar|Maiar]] 04:39, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

Thats stupid, the Needler is really small, it wouldn't make sense not to dual wield it.--[[User:JohnSpartan117|JohnSpartan117]] 15:20, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
What are you trying to do? For most things I'd use Sandtrap because there are large open areas and the map is huge. To contain the explosion you should build a cage of boxes. A good detonater would be a well placed spike grenade. [[User talk:John95|John95]] 02:08, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Well cannot argue with the creators.--[[User:Radzon|Radzon]] 01:08, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
Sounds like someone wants a BIG BOOM...that might last forever for all we know :)[[User talk:Papayaking|Papayaking]] 22:46, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

==These Sites might have more info==
== Nationwide Sickness ==

*Someone may want to check this link- --[[User:Indel|Indel]] 02:00, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
I think it should also be noted on this article that a large percentage of the U.S. population was struck by a sudden virus on the day of this game's release. People everywhere were calling in sick to their schools and jobs coincidentally on the same day Halo 3 was released. I think Halo 3 may have some part in this grand conspiracy. ;)
*Wikipedia has a lot of info that could be used for this article. -- 02:38, 17 August 2006 (UTC)
:*If there is info that isn't already here on this page now then copy it over from Wikipedia. DON'T just erase the page and paste in the Wikipedia Halo 3 page. --[[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 03:35, 18 August 2006 (UTC)
== Three Weapon Carrying ==
In the picture where it shows a purple spartan on a warthog in halo 3, it shows that it has its assault rifle on its back while firing a mounted machine gun, and appears in the picture where a purple spartan is jumping on a ghost, does this mean that you could now carry three weapons at a time, instead of the usual two?.

:In Halo 2 you could hold three weapons at once, two dual-wielded and one in reserve. When you board a turret, you drop the gun in your left hand, so when you get off you must pick it up again. I cannot see why your example could change the situation. --[[User:Dragonclaws|Dragonclaws]] 22:08, 29 October 2006 (UTC)
I was sick that day! [[User talk:John95|John95]] 02:08, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

::I meant that, you could be holding one weapon (or a dualwealding weapon) switch the anouther weapon and switch to another weapon that is not the same as the first, because in the photos it shows a spartan with a gun strap on his back with an assault rifle on it.
:[[User talk:Ju Juitsu|Ju Juitsu]] 04:08, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
:::Are you talking about having three weapons on you and being able to cycle between them all like that PoA glitch? I wouldn't think you would be able to do that, given the nature of the games so far. I think the one on his back just announces to every other player what he's carrying, also so it would be more realistic than a weapon just appearing out of nowhere when he switches them. --[[User:Dragonclaws|Dragonclaws]] 19:17, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

I agree, I dont think we will be seeing three weapons, the added secondary weapon visibility was designed for more realism, why would they spoil it with three weapons? {{unsigned|}}
--[[User talk:BahrKode|BahrKode]] 06:54, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
This game rules

It looks like lighter dual wielded weapons go on the side of the leg, heaver weapons go across the back.
It's the halo virus...and it's a good one too![[User talk:Papayaking|Papayaking]] 22:48, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Hey Dragonclaws you misspelled another, sorry my Mom's made me a spelling and grammer freak. She's made it where I correct everybody's mistakes, you accidentally put anouther. Sorry I'm a spelling freak, just telling you.--[[User:Leckgolo434|prophit of war]] 14:32, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
The BEST map for forging is Sandbox. Everything on the Map is available to delete.

:Yeah, typos happen. I don't bother with checking as much when I'm chatting here, as opposed to writing. --[[User:Dragonclaws|Dragonclaws]] 20:37, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
== Images for plot section ==

Actually, as seen in the Halo Graphic Novel, some larger weapons go in the front like the Sniper Rifle. I saw it straped across the front of the Sparten testing the mjolnir armor. But the light weapon thing is right, it's in the same place Robocop puts his pistol just with a different type of super soldier.--[[User:Leckgolo434|prophit of war]] 14:42, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
A few more images for the plot section would make it look better, in my opinion. [[User:The 888th Avatar|<span style="color:blue;">The 888th Avatar</span>]] [[User_talk:The 888th Avatar|<sup><span style="color:blue;">(Talk)</span></sup>]] 13:28, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

The sniper rifle is carried on your back, as seen in the Spikers picture on the article page. And carrying other heavy weapons in front such as the rocket launcher or fuel rod is just dum. --EliteDeath 21:22, 21 November 2006 (UTC)
== Plot Error, Re: High Charity Pelican ==

And having heavier weapons on your back would not make sense. It would get in the way. --EliteDeath 14:10, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
The Pelican that was found on High Charity could not have come from the "Halo 2 era" as stated in the article because it was surrounded by dead *uninfected* marines with an active radio beacon. The Pelicans that were scattered around High Charity from the In Amber Clad were loaded with Flood and certainly would not be in radio contact anymore.

== Cortana's Message During Trailer ==
==Show Refs==

In the trailer, Cortana makes a reference to the first one of the 'Cortana Letters' released in 1998. This one letter has been referred to as 'canon' by multiple sources, including this site that said that bungie has said these letters are canon when used in current halo material . So, in reading this letter, she makes a reference to the Eliot, who in research is found to be T.S. Eliot. "Oh, and your poet Eliot had it all wrong: THIS is the way the world ends."
Umm, the game footage of Halo 3 can also be seen on a Hallmark Channel Movie, don't know the name, but as soon as I heard SPARTAN death screams, I ran in. Anyways, the trivia should be updated to show the reference. If anyone knows the movie, reply here and put it in the trivia section.

In the poem Eliot states: "This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper." When cortana says that he is wrong, and THIS is how the world ends, shes saying it does not end with a whimper, but indeed with a BANG. This 'bang' could be a million different things, but I have three ideas.

1) Instead of say, whimperring as the world ends, humanity fights back and hard. With such vigor, as seen in Ghosts of Onyx by the remaining spartans: Fred, Will, and Kelly. I'm not saying this means the humans somehow make a comeback and defeat this covenant force in Halo 3, but I am saying that we give them hell before they win.
== HELP ME!!! ==

2) The 'Ark', in a plot twist let-downer, destroys all sentient life in the universe in one big light show, activating the Halo rings. This would be a crappy ending, but damn, it makes sense. That would be one hell of a bang to out with though.
I recently plugged my Xbox 360 arcade into the internet and (despite my pathetic little memory card now filled to the brink with compleatly pointless but apparently essential updates) it keps telling me that i don't have permission to play online. I payed 300 fucking dollars for the son of a bitch then 80 for halo 3 (and certain amounts for a few other games) and another 32 for a few meters of ethernet cable. $400 dosn't get me the right to online play?

3) Finally, and my greatest hope, is that the Forerunner make an return in Halo 3. This bang that is said, could be that the Forerunner return, see the mess we've made and start to fight either human-elite/grunt/hunter (A 'temporary alliance forged by the the Arbiter and Sargeant Avery Johnson on Instillation 05.) or the covenant in quite a 'Bang'. Given the techonological prowess of the Covenant over humanity who copied the Forerunner, the original Forerunner's weaponry and technology would far shadow both humanity and the Covenant. But working together, thats a whole different story. If the covenant and humanity worked together, I could see them standing some chance.
Do i have to buy a gold membership too? *tut tut* and i chose an Xbox over a PS3 because i thought it would be cheaper.
your pissed-offedly [[User talk:Maiar|Maiar]] 08:51, 31 March 2009 (UTC). (AKA(only to those on halo 2 vista so far) Asgl Motosee)

I only believe this because on Halo instillation 04 Guilty Spark makes a reference to Master Chief's Mark V Mjolnir armor saying its a level 2 battle armor and he should uprade to level 12 for combatting the infestation. Since master chief does such an efficient job fighting the flood with his armor (If you played right)I can only imagine that a level 12 armor would be insanely more powerful than Mjolnir. It would make a great plot twist if the Master Chief had to do battle with a superior enemy in this armor, as sort of the game's boss.
:If the box weas second-hand, it may be a setting. You might want to try checking the child settings and changing them. Regardless, an Xbox Live customer support service might be a better place for advice. -- <b>[[Halopedia:Administrators|<font color=blue>Administrator</font>]] [[User:Specops306|<font color=blue>Specops306</font>]] - ''[[User Talk:Specops306|<font color=purple>Qur'a 'Morhek</font>]]'' <sup>''[[halofanon:Operation: HOT GATES|<u><font color=blue>Honour Light Your Way!</font></u>]]''</sup></b> 09:36, 31 March 2009 (UTC)

The only field of technology that humanity and the Forerunner are even slightly close, is Artificial Intelligence. But Guilty Spark makes it clear multiple times that he could outwit Cortana with his hypothetical 'eyes closed'. That was kind of a fact that could be done without, but hey, this is my rant. :)
::it was new but thanx for the tip

So yea, I vote for #3. That's definately where the money is at. #1 would be fun to see, in movie form, but not in a game as much as #3 would be. #2... If #2 happens I will have to boycott bungie and Halo for at least a month. Cause that would be rediculous, and I think you'll agree.
You need a gold membership.

Hey, does anyone else think the images of Cortana were in the Cheifs memories, because it looked like he missed her. Remember at the end of Halo two he looked sad to let her go, I could tell even know he had his helmet on.--[[User:Leckgolo434|prophit of war]] 14:17, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
Wow, all that just to play live? If you were smart, you would had save the money for something else instead. Or just try to play live in your friend's house. P.S. See kids? This is what happens when you really want something badly and you're willing to do anything for it. --[[User talk:Ultra Force|Ultra Force]] 01:36, January 13, 2010 (UTC)
I think level 12 battle armor is just a automated hunter with a sentinel beam.

A friend of a friend *'''[[User:CaptainAdamGraves]]'''
==Halo 3 Windows?==
Anybody know when they'll make this one available for PCs? I don't have the money for an Xbox, but I wan this game. Does Microsoft have any plans to make it available to PC gamers?
Godzillafan93 16:50, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

== Fanart vehicles ==
I don't believe Microsoft have any plans of releasing this on PC, for a start the game system is a lot more advanced than the other two Halo games. Also while it is still popular (which I think it will always be) they will not want to bring it out on PC as they want people to buy XBoxes, and also if it was on PC there would be an availability of easy modding and maybe even hacking, which would definitely not be good for Microsoft or Bungie! Kawplach 21:40, 28 April 2009 (GMT)

Hay, does anyone have any fan art for the brute ghost?

I'm with you dude, and what about any others? If someone knows others, because I know what the Mongoose looks like.--[[User:Leckgolo434|prophit of war]] 14:22, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
THey made a PC version of Halo 2, I think it's just a matter of time till there is a PC version. Other games have just as good graphics, like Call of duty 4 and world at war and there on the PC

There is a brute ghost in the halo ce level Extinction thats as close as you will probably get. Its just a red ghost with brute plasma. --EliteDeath 16:53, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
Yeah i agree, it would also be unfair towards pc gamers to bring halo 1 and 2 to the pc, let halo 2 end in a terrible way and then not bringing part 3 to the pc.
(Because halo 2 and 3 are actually just one game, with halo 2 you have only half a game it doesn't have an ending).
But considiring the time they took to get halo 2 to the pc then you might have to wait a pretty long fucking while.
That's why i'm happy to have an xbox360 xD.--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 21:01, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

yes i have that map. --[[User:RimFire|RimFire]] 20:40, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
Halo 2 does have an ending. It's called a cliffhanger. And PC games in general have better graphics. Crysis would melt an Xbox Elite on the lowest graphics settings.

== Release Date ==
Halo 3s release date has yet to be confirmed by Bungie, only "when its ready" has been said. There has been allot of speculation as to the date of its release. Some say that bungie will release on the 7/7/07 due to Bungies obsession with the number 7 while Best Buy claims it will release on 11/15/2007. A countdown timer until Halo 3s release can be found at []

They said they'll release it when the PS3 comes out and it did so hopefully soon.--[[User:Ryanngreenday|Ryanngreenday]] 14:36, 18 November 2006 (UTC)
jeez i would really like it on PC. We should all get together, go to Bungie, and makem' make it!!!--[[User talk:Arabsbananas|Arabsbananas]] 04:27, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
Halo 3 isnt suppose 2 come out till a year from now sorry  to spoil your hopes ryangreenday.
:Oh, well you see, Bill Gates was pushing Bungie to relase it on the same day, but then all of a sudden, PS3 was anounced to be released earlier than people were expecting (After having it be pushed SO much, people assumed it would just like never come), so Bungie said that it'll be released when it's ready. --[[User:MastaCheez|MastaCheez]] 23:39, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

== Halo 3 ==
I don't believe Bungie would have very much to do with the PC version. Remember, Gearbox did Halo: CE and Hired Gun, a Microsoft team, did Halo 2 Vista with only a little help from Bungie. Most likely, either a third party developer like Gearbox or Microsoft's own team, similar to 343 Industries ;) will develop the PC version, so keep an eye on them.

I just read an article on about some of the Halo 3 screenshots.  It gives a lot of detail about  the how some of the maps look right now. It mentions fusion coils, Covenant batteries, automated turrets, shield door and a whole bunch of other neat things.  It's pretty cool.  I would suggest checking it out
oh. well I hope they do.[[User talk:Arabsbananas|Arabsbananas]] 16:10, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

I heard of vehicle wolverine
Bungie have said the reason why Halo 3 '''WILL NOT''' be available for PC is because the memory requirements are immense. Halo 3 would require 3 terabytes of memory to play on your computer. And no computer in the world has anything close to that. That's the reason why Halo 3 won't be available for PC for a ''long'' time. End of story. --[[User:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:SteelBlue; font-family:Algerian; ">'''T'''</span>]] [[User Talk:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:DodgerBlue; font-family:Bodoni MT Condensed; ">'''3'''</span>]] UserWiki:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:Blue; font-family:Castellar; ">'''2'''</span>]] [ <span style="color:MidnightBlue; font-family:Courier New; ">'''8'''</span>]  16:15, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

I should check it out. A vehicle called a wolverine would be awsome. --EliteDeath 16:56, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
could you show me where they Bungie saids this??--[[User talk:Arabsbananas|Arabsbananas]] 19:19, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

it would --[[User:RimFire|RimFire]] 20:41, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
:I would, but unfortunately it has been lost in the archives of [[]]. --[[User:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:SteelBlue; font-family:Algerian; ">'''T'''</span>]] [[User Talk:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:DodgerBlue; font-family:Bodoni MT Condensed; ">'''3'''</span>]] UserWiki:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:Blue; font-family:Castellar; ">'''2'''</span>]] [ <span style="color:MidnightBlue; font-family:Courier New; ">'''8'''</span>]  19:21, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

== Shield world==
Ahhh so I can't "Finish the Fight" unless I get an Xbox??--[[User talk:Arabsbananas|Arabsbananas]] 19:41, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
i just thought y couldnt earth be a shield world just like onyx
if the forerunners could build 7 halos dont u think they would have build several shield worlds, cuz if they built just one it could have over been run and they would have been f***ed
so it could be earth is another shield world like onyx
it covers everything they have said so far
something that should be familiar, the onyx shield world
thus earth being conquered by everything the covenant has and then it blows up when it opens causing the total destruction of the covenant fleet supporting the profits while the fleet supporting the elites survives

where the arc is i dont know i was just putting in my 2 cents
:Yup. You have to get one to play Halo 3. And if you don't, oh well. --[[User:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:SteelBlue; font-family:Algerian; ">'''T'''</span>]] [[User Talk:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:DodgerBlue; font-family:Bodoni MT Condensed; ">'''3'''</span>]] UserWiki:Thunderstream328|<span style="color:Blue; font-family:Castellar; ">'''2'''</span>]] [ <span style="color:MidnightBlue; font-family:Courier New; ">'''8'''</span>]  19:43, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
Looked it up and the Xbox 360 can't run 3 terabytes of memory either.[[User talk:Arabsbananas|Arabsbananas]] 18:58, 24 August 2009 (UTC)
...Earth has been told to be the "Sword World" that is talked about. The ark, or the sword, is to destroy, while the sheild world (Onyx) was to defend the reclaimers from [ death]. Done-and-Done.
:I don't have Halo 3, and I know about the story. It's because I watched the gameplay on youtube. Isn't that a good idea? Watching the Covenant....I mean Flood....I mean humans kick-ass. Heh! Yeah...the humans...yeah. The ....... yeah. Woo! Humans! Heh heh! Eh? Ummm...okay... --[[User talk:Mega Sean 45|Mega Sean 45]] 02:24, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

--[[User:Lt.O'Brien|Lt.O&#39;Brien]] 13:08, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
I've been doing alot of research and heres what I found. After rummaging through useless links and blogs, I fould something odd. In a recent E-mail sent to suscribers of the Games for Windows Download service, one the games showed in the LINK image and on the page of the site shows "Halo 3" as a possible future download. Going into the link however, only shows Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Someone jumping the gun on a possible "Halo 3 PC" announcement?? Or perhaps a mistake?? Remember, a PC version of the other games took about 2-3 years to complete. If they fallow the pervious pattern (This is speculation), it would be realesed about 2010 Also, Gearbox has some kind of "Huge" project going along. Just thought I'd let you guys know.--'''<span style="background:Brown;display:inline-block;height:16px;padding-right:4px;line-height:1em;position:relative;top:-3px;-moz-border-radius:0 50% 50%">[[User:Arabsbananas|<font color="White">CR8ZY-ArAB</font>]]</span>''' 18:12, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Guess we know now xD --[[User:Storm|Storm]] ([[User talk:Storm|talk]])
Further games will be crossplay, doubt 343i have any plans on making ports for Halo 3, Reach & 4 since MCC is a thing since 2014. [[User:Storm|Storm]] ([[User talk:Storm|talk]])

could u tell me where it says sword world and shield world i havent found it
== 7 reference? ==
and if earth is the sword world then what are the halos?
([[User:|]] 23:20, 28 November 2006 (UTC))

Onyx was mencioned to be the shield, now that the core is inpenetrable, and it was meant to protect the reclaimers in the book ''[[Ghosts of Onyx]]''. Also, there was a commentary, about the sword, from what i could understand, that could be either be Earth and the Ark, or the instalations of [[Halo]].  
Well, considering the paranoia about "7" in their games, I think I might point out an odd little coincidence. The very name of their third instalment is a seven reference "Halo 3" 4 letters + 3. lol, just a coincidence, but still, I find it entertaining for the 7 paranoids. [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|&quot;Die? Didn&#39;t you know?...Spartans don&#39;t die.&quot;]] 03:03, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
--[[User:Radzon|Radzon]] 22:51, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

ok thank you
it sounds like i should read the book soon

Sweet find, you should get a friggen medal for that. {{User:SoH/Sig}}

I think that the halos are the Swords don't you think since they could destroy the universe. The Ark I think would have to be a shield world your even somthing greater than a shield world. I don't think that the mastercheif would be allowed to be killed by the halos. I also can't believe that Onyx is the only shield world there would have to be more mabye 7 like the halos.-Van_246
XD {{User:General5 7/sig}}

The halos are the fortress worlds
Omg, the's EVERYWHERE!!![[User talk:Papayaking|Papayaking]] 22:44, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

I don't know, i really doubt earth would be concidered a shield world, because they definitely made onyx a shield world, and it had no tectonic activity, wouldn't make sense to make all of them with the same attributes?
== I was wondering ==
having said that it has came to my mind that perhaps they made earth to appear more as a normal planet instead of a shield world, cause you look at the abandoned onyx and you find it empty. It stands to reason that perhaps after the Halo's were activated, killing everything else BUT the flood, they went strait to onyx, knowing about it or something, since it was most likely in the Files of the Halo Installations.

But that just brings in the ark, maybe they covered the ark up so well, and the flood just didn't notice it so they starved, and by the time good ole humans came out of the shell the flood were nothing more than infection forms on the original halo installations.
From what I can tell, people are saying halo 3 is the end of the halo TRILOGY, not series. What I'm saying is that trilogy means three right? So nothing past three would be in the trilogy. I'm just saying they might be trying to trick us into thinking there will be no Halo 4, then make one. I know its kind of...speculation, but I wanted to see if its possible. Asking HERE rather then some random halopedia forum with possibly extremely un-reliable sources made sence to me.[[User talk:Papayaking|Papayaking]] 22:42, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

which brings the thought of, will they find abandoned ships, covered in flood goo from the battle between flood and forerunners?
Nay, bungie has said that this is the end of this story Arc, mayhaps there will be others, but more then likely not to do witht he same events, shaped around the mc [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|&quot;Die? Didn&#39;t you know?...Spartans don&#39;t die.&quot;]] 10:52, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

just some thoughts :D  - Starliner
Re: Trilogy. There were 5 books in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy.

== Vandalism ==
Re:But the Hitchhiker's Guide was originally intended to have just three books. After the fourth, they retained "trilogy" as a joke.

== John's Face ==
Re: The Inheritance Cylce was supposed to be a trilogy as well and Bungie will not make anymore Halo games after Reach. However, someone else may if we're lucky.  [[User talk:XxFOWLAxxBOxX|XxFOWLAxxBOxX]] 22:06, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

Now that we know that Master Chief's story is gonna end in here, or at least it looks like it, does anyone if John's face is finally gonna come out in Halo 3. Maybe at the end or something?
== matchmaking levels ==
<br>[[User:Radzon|Radzon]] 04:52, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

:I hope it doesn't, I think it would kill his overall coolness if the MC's face is shown.--[[User:MasterThief|MasterThief]] 13:23, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
Why am I only able to play a few levels on matchmaking for xbox live? The levels I play are: last resort, valhalla, construct, the pit, boundless, narrows, gaurdian, and high ground.
What about the others like: Isolation, sand trap, epitath, cold storage, and the heroic maps?

::I dont. I think it would be cool if they showed his face, provided he looked cool not dum. --EliteDeath 14:08, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
: did you actually buy them? and sign your post[[User talk:EvilGRAHAM 0|EvilGRAHAM 0]] 19:50, February 12, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe thats what bungie is afraid of? making the chief look dumb. hate to admit it, but there are very few games where the characters look good, and MC would have to look amazing to make his whole appearance still be respected and loved. perhaps it is better to just let the Helmet stay on and keep his image in our imagination.. -Starliner
== plot... ==

They should at least show the back of his head or something, after all this time everyone wants to know what he really looks like, but if they never show his face it leaves it open to imagination.
2 years later and i still do not get how the flood were defeated... surely they were not ALL on high charity???

== Replace Images ==
They weren't aiming to destroy all of them, only the ones on the Ark. And thus, the Gravemind.[[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God!]] 20:34, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

Well with Bungie having now released Uber High Quality Images on theirsite, I think we should replace the scans that are in all the Halo 3 related pages and replace them with the SUPER UBER HIGH QUALITY images. And some of those creens need to be included in THIS page. --[[User:MastaCheez|MastaCheez]] 23:35, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
Wouldn't the flood just make another gravemind?

: I agree. It's silly to have a Spartan look like that, even disgraceful. I take offense.
Probably, but it takes time, and they need lots of biomass, so there would be a pause. [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God!]] 20:34, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

But surely there would be enough biomass on a covenant crusier to make a new one??

Please forgive him, he gets kind of ancy sometimes.  
But they have to get one first. Besides, they can probbaly make another one on Installation 05, cause in the hologram, it has enough flood biomass to make fifty lol. But then, they are still stuck, until the next group of people blunder onto it. [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God!]] 21:16, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

-A friend of a friend.
which hologram are we taking about? and surely there were other infected cruisers other than the one that infected Voi? (PS: thanks for some of this, i understand the ending much more, i could never get the flood section quite worked out...)

== Boxart ==
In the level [[The Covenant (Level)|The covenant]], the citadel has the holograms of the rings, installation 05 is the brown/tan one.
As for the cruisers, the Sangheili fleets have made a quarantine, and are destroying anything that leaves the ring, and any cruisers that get captured. [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God!]] 07:35, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

It may not be the final one, but it must be the concept box art. This box is already seen in stores. Also why arent the three versions of Halo 3 mentioned? Regular, Collectors edition and Legendary?
== What, where is my katana?! ==
--[[User:JohnSpartan117|JohnSpartan117]] 08:07, 4 December 2006 (UTC)

:I had that up before ([[:Image:Halo 3.jpg]]), but it was removed at some point. And they are mentioned in the list. I really think the article should be cleaned up, though. --[[User:Dragonclaws|Dragonclaws]] 10:18, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
I had the Katana armor, was happy.. suddenly it disappeared, wasn't happy.
Can someone tell me why did this happen?

What about this image?
:Kanta armor? Disappeared? Wasn't happy? Someone tell you why did this happen? Hmmmmm....I stole it!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!! Nah! I'm kidding, I have no idea. I don't even know what you are talking about, my friend. Also, sign your name after this is done pressing the console button 4 times? --[[User talk:Mega Sean 45|Mega Sean 45]] 02:28, October 24, 2009 (UTC)
This one is official it was released on the website.--[[User:JohnSpartan117|JohnSpartan117]] 15:21, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

== View ==
It's called the Security/Katana glitch. Sorry but it will not return until you earn an additional amount Gamerscore. So if you want your precious Katana back, you should go and get some Halo 3 achievements.--[[User talk:Awesum Scrote|&lt;SCROTE&gt;]] 02:38, October 24, 2009 (UTC)
Will Halo 3 be a third person shooter instead of a first person shooter?

I highly doubt it. If halo 1 & 2 were first-person except for vehicles theres a pretty good chance that halo 3 will be first person. (no sarcasm intended) --EliteDeath 14:11, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
== how did they beat the chief to earth? ==

y would halo 3 be a third person... --[[User:RimFire|RimFire]] 20:42, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
OK, explain this bit of weirdness to me.

I hope they make the passenger seat of the warthog first person again cuz in Halo 2 the 3rd person thing was kinda dumb. (No offense Bungie, the game is still the best of all others)
At the end of Halo 2, R'tas Vatamee (I believe that's Half Jaw's name) commandeered a Covenant battleship, presumably the Shadow of Intent. While the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda were battling Tartarus on Installation 05, Master Chief was on his way to Earth on the Forerunner Keyship.

YEah I hated how you couldnt zoom in with the sniper in the passenger seat anymore.--[[User:JohnSpartan117]] [] 23:07, 15 December 2006 (UTC)
Yet somehow, in the beginning of Halo 3 when the Chief finishes his joyride to the surface of the Earth after blasting his way off the Keyship, the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda weren't just already on the planet, but had already been established as base commanders and had been defending Earth from Covenant Loyalist attacks. Not only that, but after the Keyship lands and opens the portal to the Ark, THEN the Shadow of Intent appears!

== Starry Night  ==
I've always assumed that they all made it back to Earth on the Shadow of Intent, under Half-Jaw's command, but this doesn't seem to be the case. I'm finding it a little hard to believe that he dropped them off, went back to get Elite Shipmasters, and came back again (I imagine that there's travel time when it comes to interstellar Slipspace travel, and time was not something they had to waste). So how did the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda get back to Earth? And how on Reach did they get to Earth so quickly as to establish themselves and "settle in" (as much as one can "settle in" during a war) before the Chief could so much as get off the ship he was on? Reminds me of the Halo Wars Arbiter and his apparent ability to teleport from planet to planet between cutscenes.
[[User talk:Son of God-Enel|Son of God-Enel]] 03:25, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe that 1 of those kids was the chief on Eridanus.I think colonel Robert Watts is the MCs dad also.
In Halo wars, they skipped out on the weeks f travel, making it seem instantaneous.

:I think that the boy is the mc as a kid and the girl is cortana before she died from complications. Because ai like cortana were made from human brains from the people in the Spartan II program who died. And since they are both wearing black jumpsuits there is a good chance they are both in the Spartan II program.
As for halo 3, Truths ship may not have gone straight to earth. Oh and btw, Rtas was talking about a CCS-Battlecruiser, not a Assault carrier, so he wasn't trying to recapture the Shadow of Intent. [[User talk:Honor Guard Reborn|~Enlightment~ ~Fighting Vandalism and Watching Unregistereds~]] 13:09, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah but  Cortana was created using a clone of [[Dr.Catherine Halsey's]] brain so thats impossible.user:shubi.s
:It would make sense that this is true because the mc is having a flashback anfter the raith mortar flips his mongoose and he gets knocked out.

:Anyways its just speculation. --EliteDeath 14:17, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
:From the [ official timeline]:
:*November 3: Prophet of Truth leaves High Charity for Earth in Forerunner dreadnought.
:*November 8: The Forerunner dreadnought arrives in the Sol system and proceeds to Earth at near relativistic speed.
:*November 17: The Forerunner dreadnought arrives at Earth. SPARTAN-117 ejects and lands in the Kenyan jungle.

::Ew... Such gross misrepresentations of the truth.
:Regret's carrier made the trip from Earth to Delta Halo in thirteen days. If Miranda, Johnson and the Arbiter left just after the ending scene of Halo 2, they'd have a chance to make it to Earth a day before the Chief. Plus, they might've been using a faster Covenant vessel than a carrier, arriving even earlier. I always thought the Fleet of Retribution spared one of their fastest ships and sent them on their way while trying to maintain the quarantine of High Charity.

:: Cortana was made from Dr. Halsey's flash cloned brain. My personal guess, was that was Linda and John, talking on Reach. But that isn't the important part of it. You have to disect the video to get an understanding for what is really going on.
:Still, the timeline seems to have been purposefully made up to make it possible for Johnson, the Arbiter and Miranda to get to Earth before the Chief. There isn't really a good explanation for why the Dreadnought would hang out in Sol, or approach Earth at "near-relativistic speeds" for nine days instead of just directly landing there. Unless Truth wanted to make sure all orbital and groundside threats are removed first. Halo: Uprising showed the Chief doing stuff in the Dreadnought while it was in Sol, but that didn't really seem like nine days. Also, there's seemingly a conflict with Ghosts of Onyx, which seems to imply that the {{UNSCShip|Dusk}} made it to Earth in mere hours following the Dreadnought's slipspace wake. Of course, it was never directly stated it was caused by the Dreadnought, but one can figure it out. Oh well, I guess we can assume it was an anomaly of something, as a sloppy explanation. --[[User:Jugus|<font color="MidnightBlue"><b>Jugus</b></font>]] ([[User talk:Jugus|<font color="Gray">Talk</font>]] | [[Special:Contributions/Jugus|<font color="Gray">Contribs</font>]]) 14:31, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

::1) Sargeant Avery Johnson is back on Earth. He is the one that asks if the Chief has made radio contact, before the marine says he was lost. It is distinctly said "Negative, Sarge. I think we lost him." THIS means something else. The Sargeant has made him way back from Delta Halo Installation 05, along with possibly the Arbiter. How else would he have been able to make the slipspace jump.  
Thanks for the info. I'm just going to pretend that Truth's ship stopped off at another part of space, rendevouxed (sp?) with other Brute ships in other systems (perhaps they had gotten the signal from Truth to mutiny against the Elite Shipmasters or were watching Truth's anti-Elite rants on Covenant Fox News (right before Master Chief showed up in that level)) in order to build up a larger fleet to attack Earth. I'm pretending that the Chief stayed in the shadows since otherwise he'd be facing impossible odds and perhaps wouldn't even have been able to get to Earth otherwise (even without all the enemy soldiers and ships, without Cortana I doubt he'd be able to fly a Covenant/Forerunner starship alone with no crew). I like that idea.

::2) This leads me to believe that the humans and Elite's are IN FACT allies. When the Master Chief jumps from the edge of the cliff and down onto the enemies, they are brutes and nothing else. Perhaps this means that the jackals and drones are also Defacto as well. I have no idea, but I do know that he wasn't attacking Elite's.
Of course, that timeline raises the question of what everyone on In Amber Clad were doing during the 13 days it took to get to Delta Halo. Were Chief and Johnson sitting on the ODST pods for 2 weeks? Wow, I love Halo's story, but it can really get sloppy at times.[[User talk:Son of God-Enel|Son of God-Enel]] 02:06, January 31, 2010 (UTC)

== Ranked Infection ==

:I dont know all that stuff i havent read the books and anyways i was just speculating. --EliteDeath 17:05, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
On hallloween Bungie has the only Ranked infection. I think that they should have ranked infection every other time they have infection. anyone agree with me?

::Halo 3 has become quite confusing. --[[User:RimFire|RimFire]] 20:45, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
Being very good at Infection i would crave for this even if it were only in Halo 5.
Don't get me wrong Halo 5's Multiplayer is good, hope 343 bring this back i enjoyed it so much. --[[User:Storm|Storm]] ([[User talk:Storm|talk]])

Who said that the Seargent on the radio is THE sarge? it didn't sound like him, anyway if it is the Sarge and the elites and humans are teamed up then why is there a battle? The MC and the hunters teamed up would kill every last brute. Noone argue with that cuz if you don't belive me your wrong. --[[User:Omrifere|Omrifere]] 23:17, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
==Game on Demand==
Ok now Halo 3 is in the Xboz Live Marketplace and whoever is gonna buy need to have 30 bucks. But is it possible to buy it with microsoft points? If so how much? Please do not delete this post unless is answer by another person. [[User:Nathan900130|Nathan900130]] 14:56 September 4 2010 (UTC)

I thought the Elites teamed up with the humans at the end of Halo 2, when they find out the Halos and what they were fighting for was wrong. And in the last level the Arbiter is fighting alongside Johnson. I don't see why they would still be fighintg if they're fighting for the same thing. [[User:Salty|Salty]] 02:10, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
== Howd This Happen? ==

in my opinion SARGE did sound like Johnson, gruff, yes, tired yes, but still sarge, i agree with CaptainAdamGraves. [[User:Starliner]]
Elaborate for me ok?

Ok sorry about that but I didn't really hear the sarge on the radio that well, There were to many voices and to little time between them. Anyway Sarge is important to the Halo story. If he's back on earth then something big is going to happen. (And I mean more than the Covenant invasion and the Forerunner structure in the earth's crust.) Omrifere
At the end of Halo 2, Miranda Keyes and Sgt. Johnson are finding out about the ark...

== Weapons ==
well, how did they get back to earth. because it shure doesnt say anywhere ive looked

Why has the M6D been put up? the ad on ESPN only showed a pistol. from what i could see, it had no scope, so it is going to be the M6C again. besides, Bungie wouldnt put something like that back in the game. if it did, there'd be no reason to use the BR, which is confirmed.

:What do you mean theres only a pistol?? How could you not see the assault rifle. --EliteDeath 14:23, 6 December 2006 (UTC)
[[User talk:HALO4RETARDS|HALO4RETARDS]] 01:00, September 18, 2010 (UTC) HALO4RETARDS

I didnt say I didnt see the assault rifle, i'm just saying that it probably isnt the M6D he's holding. i didnt say anything about the assault rifle, though it does look sweet.
They went with Rtas. deep. [[Special:Contributions/|]] 13:50, 1 December 2011 (EST)
If u had half an eye u would be able 2 see the scope just hit pause at the right moment an dyou will be able 2 see it.

== Regarding the Forerunner Structure ==
:The Keyship stayed back while the rest of the Covenant fleet paved the way. Arbiter, Miranda and Johnson did not. I imagine they hijacked a Covenant ship, like Rtas went off to do in the last level of Halo 2, and took it to Earth while Rtas rounded up ships to quarantine High Charity. They arrived while the Keyship was still maintaining station near Io, and waited as the orbital defence collapsed and the Keyship moved in, allowing the Master Chief to jump ship. [[Halo: Uprising]]. Also, [ Halo 3: ODST].
[[Image:Ark concept.jpg|thumb|Concept sketch of the Ark opening.]]
[[Bungie]] has said that the [[Forerunner]] structure on [[Earth]] should be familiar to gamers. I have reason to believe that the structure before the [[Master Chief]] isn't [[The Ark]], but in fact, a [[Library]].--[[User:|]] 20:39, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
:What about the story boards that state that the artifact under New Mombassa is the arc? -- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 01:28, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

==Uploading an Image==
:Edit: Ah, read your question again. Specifically about ''how'' they got back, not why they got there before the Chief - well, a Covenant ship seems the only possible way, unless they linked up with the [[UNSC Paris|Paris]], [[UNSC Redoubtable|Redoubtable]] and [[UNSC Coral Sea|Coral Sea]] - but as human ships, they would be much slow. So my bet is Covenant, and probably the aforementioned cruiser captured by Rtas. -- [[User:Specops306|<b><font color=indigo>Specops306</font></b>]] [[halofanon:user:Specops306|<u><i><font color=blue><sup>Autocrat</sup></font></i></u>]] [[User talk:Specops306|<u><i><font color=purple><sup>Qur'a 'Morhek</sup></font></i></u>]] 03:02, 2 December 2011 (EST)

I really need some advice on how to upload picture so I can point out the characteristic that the assault carrier has that match a flagship.
Or just any Separatist ship at all. Vegerot goes RAWR!  [[User:Vegerot|<span style="color:midnightblue; font-weight:bold">Vegerot</span>]] ([[User talk:Vegerot|<span style="color:grey">talk</span>]])  08:08, 2 December 2011 (EST)
:For Help Uploading an Image go to [[Help:Images]] -- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 01:28, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

== Assault Carriers/flagships ==
== Halo 3 Anniversary? ==

If you were the one who visited my article and said " This is why we need a list of covenant ships," if you don't believe me that's fine,but, I will mention the fact that most of this is true.  Oh, and ya know that H.B.O article that says an assault carrier is 5,346 kilometers long, DON'T LISTEN TO IT. H.B.O is not the best source for halo information. The best and top of the line source is either the bungie website, if you have an account there, and the halo storyline. That is where I got all my information including the fact of how the arbitor was gaurdian of the luminous key, which is theorized to be the index of halo, and the commander of ascendant justice and fleet of particular justice. By the way, I do find it interesting ascendant jusctice and the fleet of particular jusice have similar names. Anyhow, I'm am adding more to my article on possible weapons that the assault carrier or flagship is equipped with. Sorry about the title mispelling as I'm trying to correct it.
I was just wondering and wanted to know what people thought........Does anyone think the odds are good that we'll eventually see a Halo 3 Anniversary by the time 2017 rolls around? I know it's silly to discuss it now when we have Halo 2 Anniversary, but I am genuinely curious what people think the odds are of this, since Halo 3's graphics have aged a little better than its two predecessors had before their respective anniversaries. But there are probably still ways Halo 3 could benefit from the same treatment someday. What does everyone else think? Are the odds good or bad considering these facts? Purely curious. I mean by the time 2017 rolls around, there is a good chance Halo 3's graphics will look dated next to the newly remastered games and anything from Halo Reach onward.[[User:262VigilantGuardian|262VigilantGuardian]] ([[User talk:262VigilantGuardian|talk]]) 17:50, 29 September 2015 (EDT)

:Please provide the Bungie link that talks about the gaurdian of the luminous key, Thank you! -- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 01:28, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
I would love for there to be a remake of Halo 3 but we've got that with the MCC but can't kill the dream of an authentic recreation with full UI or maybe MCC get an overhaul for the 73456545665455678th time? [[User:Storm|Storm]] ([[User talk:Storm|talk]])
== The Intro ==
The intro is way too long. most of the information in it should be further down, in the main article. its just ridiculous how long its been allowed to grow! could someone please edit it? better, someone should rewrite it, and maybe condense it so it is mor informative without being twice the length it should be!
== Flamethrower in Halo 3 ==
Which Weekly update confirmed the flamethrower? - Dockman
None till this point.--[[User:Radzon|Radzon]] 02:44, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Then why is it included in the main page?
Should we take it down?
I saw this thing  on joystiq that a <a href="">video</a> is supposed to come out on Dec 20, it will be 7 minutes long and show the history of the brutes and some gameplay footage.[]
The bungie weekly update just confirmed the video, but also stated that there was no chance that the brutes would be playable

Latest revision as of 19:52, June 11, 2022

The article is too long[edit]

In my oppinion the article is unnecessarily long, perhaps instead of having a elaborate list of all the weapons in the game, have just a very short section regarding the subject and provide a link to a main article named "weapons in Halo 3" or something.

Ok, that was maybe a bad example, just apply it to the storyline section or multiplayer instead --Maiar 04:59, 16 February 2009 (UTC)

A little help?[edit]

i would just like to know which map has the greatest forge allowence for explosive objects (fusion coils, plasma batterys, propane tanks, mongeese, etc) out of the origional came-with-game maps. and if you could suggest the best way to contain the pile without reducing the boom-boom that would be appreachiated. and the best detonator to maximize KABOOM.--Maiar 04:39, 6 February 2009 (UTC)

What are you trying to do? For most things I'd use Sandtrap because there are large open areas and the map is huge. To contain the explosion you should build a cage of boxes. A good detonater would be a well placed spike grenade. John95 02:08, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Sounds like someone wants a BIG BOOM...that might last forever for all we know :)Papayaking 22:46, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Nationwide Sickness[edit]

I think it should also be noted on this article that a large percentage of the U.S. population was struck by a sudden virus on the day of this game's release. People everywhere were calling in sick to their schools and jobs coincidentally on the same day Halo 3 was released. I think Halo 3 may have some part in this grand conspiracy. ;)

I was sick that day! John95 02:08, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

Ju Juitsu 04:08, 20 February 2009 (UTC)

--BahrKode 06:54, 20 February 2009 (UTC) This game rules

It's the halo virus...and it's a good one too!Papayaking 22:48, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

The BEST map for forging is Sandbox. Everything on the Map is available to delete.

Images for plot section[edit]

A few more images for the plot section would make it look better, in my opinion. The 888th Avatar (Talk) 13:28, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Plot Error, Re: High Charity Pelican[edit]

The Pelican that was found on High Charity could not have come from the "Halo 2 era" as stated in the article because it was surrounded by dead *uninfected* marines with an active radio beacon. The Pelicans that were scattered around High Charity from the In Amber Clad were loaded with Flood and certainly would not be in radio contact anymore.

Show Refs[edit]

Umm, the game footage of Halo 3 can also be seen on a Hallmark Channel Movie, don't know the name, but as soon as I heard SPARTAN death screams, I ran in. Anyways, the trivia should be updated to show the reference. If anyone knows the movie, reply here and put it in the trivia section.


HELP ME!!![edit]

I recently plugged my Xbox 360 arcade into the internet and (despite my pathetic little memory card now filled to the brink with compleatly pointless but apparently essential updates) it keps telling me that i don't have permission to play online. I payed 300 fucking dollars for the son of a bitch then 80 for halo 3 (and certain amounts for a few other games) and another 32 for a few meters of ethernet cable. $400 dosn't get me the right to online play?

Do i have to buy a gold membership too? *tut tut* and i chose an Xbox over a PS3 because i thought it would be cheaper. your pissed-offedly Maiar 08:51, 31 March 2009 (UTC). (AKA(only to those on halo 2 vista so far) Asgl Motosee)

If the box weas second-hand, it may be a setting. You might want to try checking the child settings and changing them. Regardless, an Xbox Live customer support service might be a better place for advice. -- Administrator Specops306 - Qur'a 'Morhek Honour Light Your Way! 09:36, 31 March 2009 (UTC)
it was new but thanx for the tip

You need a gold membership.

Wow, all that just to play live? If you were smart, you would had save the money for something else instead. Or just try to play live in your friend's house. P.S. See kids? This is what happens when you really want something badly and you're willing to do anything for it. --Ultra Force 01:36, January 13, 2010 (UTC)

Halo 3 Windows?[edit]

Anybody know when they'll make this one available for PCs? I don't have the money for an Xbox, but I wan this game. Does Microsoft have any plans to make it available to PC gamers? Godzillafan93 16:50, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

I don't believe Microsoft have any plans of releasing this on PC, for a start the game system is a lot more advanced than the other two Halo games. Also while it is still popular (which I think it will always be) they will not want to bring it out on PC as they want people to buy XBoxes, and also if it was on PC there would be an availability of easy modding and maybe even hacking, which would definitely not be good for Microsoft or Bungie! Kawplach 21:40, 28 April 2009 (GMT)

THey made a PC version of Halo 2, I think it's just a matter of time till there is a PC version. Other games have just as good graphics, like Call of duty 4 and world at war and there on the PC

Yeah i agree, it would also be unfair towards pc gamers to bring halo 1 and 2 to the pc, let halo 2 end in a terrible way and then not bringing part 3 to the pc. (Because halo 2 and 3 are actually just one game, with halo 2 you have only half a game it doesn't have an ending). But considiring the time they took to get halo 2 to the pc then you might have to wait a pretty long fucking while. That's why i'm happy to have an xbox360 xD.-- 21:01, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Halo 2 does have an ending. It's called a cliffhanger. And PC games in general have better graphics. Crysis would melt an Xbox Elite on the lowest graphics settings.

jeez i would really like it on PC. We should all get together, go to Bungie, and makem' make it!!!--Arabsbananas 04:27, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't believe Bungie would have very much to do with the PC version. Remember, Gearbox did Halo: CE and Hired Gun, a Microsoft team, did Halo 2 Vista with only a little help from Bungie. Most likely, either a third party developer like Gearbox or Microsoft's own team, similar to 343 Industries ;) will develop the PC version, so keep an eye on them.

oh. well I hope they do.Arabsbananas 16:10, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

Bungie have said the reason why Halo 3 WILL NOT be available for PC is because the memory requirements are immense. Halo 3 would require 3 terabytes of memory to play on your computer. And no computer in the world has anything close to that. That's the reason why Halo 3 won't be available for PC for a long time. End of story. --T 3 UserWiki:Thunderstream328|2]] 8 16:15, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

could you show me where they Bungie saids this??--Arabsbananas 19:19, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

I would, but unfortunately it has been lost in the archives of --T 3 UserWiki:Thunderstream328|2]] 8 19:21, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Ahhh so I can't "Finish the Fight" unless I get an Xbox??--Arabsbananas 19:41, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Yup. You have to get one to play Halo 3. And if you don't, oh well. --T 3 UserWiki:Thunderstream328|2]] 8 19:43, 20 August 2009 (UTC)

Looked it up and the Xbox 360 can't run 3 terabytes of memory either.Arabsbananas 18:58, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

I don't have Halo 3, and I know about the story. It's because I watched the gameplay on youtube. Isn't that a good idea? Watching the Covenant....I mean Flood....I mean humans kick-ass. Heh! Yeah...the humans...yeah. The ....... yeah. Woo! Humans! Heh heh! Eh? Ummm...okay... --Mega Sean 45 02:24, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

I've been doing alot of research and heres what I found. After rummaging through useless links and blogs, I fould something odd. In a recent E-mail sent to suscribers of the Games for Windows Download service, one the games showed in the LINK image and on the page of the site shows "Halo 3" as a possible future download. Going into the link however, only shows Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2. Someone jumping the gun on a possible "Halo 3 PC" announcement?? Or perhaps a mistake?? Remember, a PC version of the other games took about 2-3 years to complete. If they fallow the pervious pattern (This is speculation), it would be realesed about 2010 Also, Gearbox has some kind of "Huge" project going along. Just thought I'd let you guys know.--CR8ZY-ArAB 18:12, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

Guess we know now xD --Storm (talk) Further games will be crossplay, doubt 343i have any plans on making ports for Halo 3, Reach & 4 since MCC is a thing since 2014. Storm (talk)

7 reference?[edit]

Well, considering the paranoia about "7" in their games, I think I might point out an odd little coincidence. The very name of their third instalment is a seven reference "Halo 3" 4 letters + 3. lol, just a coincidence, but still, I find it entertaining for the 7 paranoids. "Die? Didn't you know?...Spartans don't die." 03:03, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

Sweet find, you should get a friggen medal for that. User:SoH/Sig

XD   General5 7    talk    contribs    email  

Omg, the's EVERYWHERE!!!Papayaking 22:44, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

I was wondering[edit]

From what I can tell, people are saying halo 3 is the end of the halo TRILOGY, not series. What I'm saying is that trilogy means three right? So nothing past three would be in the trilogy. I'm just saying they might be trying to trick us into thinking there will be no Halo 4, then make one. I know its kind of...speculation, but I wanted to see if its possible. Asking HERE rather then some random halopedia forum with possibly extremely un-reliable sources made sence to me.Papayaking 22:42, 23 August 2009 (UTC)

Nay, bungie has said that this is the end of this story Arc, mayhaps there will be others, but more then likely not to do witht he same events, shaped around the mc "Die? Didn't you know?...Spartans don't die." 10:52, 26 August 2009 (UTC)

Re: Trilogy. There were 5 books in the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy.

Re:But the Hitchhiker's Guide was originally intended to have just three books. After the fourth, they retained "trilogy" as a joke.

Re: The Inheritance Cylce was supposed to be a trilogy as well and Bungie will not make anymore Halo games after Reach. However, someone else may if we're lucky. XxFOWLAxxBOxX 22:06, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

matchmaking levels[edit]

Why am I only able to play a few levels on matchmaking for xbox live? The levels I play are: last resort, valhalla, construct, the pit, boundless, narrows, gaurdian, and high ground. What about the others like: Isolation, sand trap, epitath, cold storage, and the heroic maps?

did you actually buy them? and sign your postEvilGRAHAM 0 19:50, February 12, 2010 (UTC)


2 years later and i still do not get how the flood were defeated... surely they were not ALL on high charity???

They weren't aiming to destroy all of them, only the ones on the Ark. And thus, the Gravemind.We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God! 20:34, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

Wouldn't the flood just make another gravemind?

Probably, but it takes time, and they need lots of biomass, so there would be a pause. We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God! 20:34, September 29, 2009 (UTC)

But surely there would be enough biomass on a covenant crusier to make a new one??

But they have to get one first. Besides, they can probbaly make another one on Installation 05, cause in the hologram, it has enough flood biomass to make fifty lol. But then, they are still stuck, until the next group of people blunder onto it. We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God! 21:16, September 30, 2009 (UTC)

which hologram are we taking about? and surely there were other infected cruisers other than the one that infected Voi? (PS: thanks for some of this, i understand the ending much more, i could never get the flood section quite worked out...)

In the level The covenant, the citadel has the holograms of the rings, installation 05 is the brown/tan one. As for the cruisers, the Sangheili fleets have made a quarantine, and are destroying anything that leaves the ring, and any cruisers that get captured. We are dropping into Hell troopers, cause you forgot to pray to God! 07:35, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

What, where is my katana?![edit]

I had the Katana armor, was happy.. suddenly it disappeared, wasn't happy. Can someone tell me why did this happen?

Kanta armor? Disappeared? Wasn't happy? Someone tell you why did this happen? Hmmmmm....I stole it!!!!! HAHAHAHAH!! Nah! I'm kidding, I have no idea. I don't even know what you are talking about, my friend. Also, sign your name after this is done pressing the console button 4 times? --Mega Sean 45 02:28, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

It's called the Security/Katana glitch. Sorry but it will not return until you earn an additional amount Gamerscore. So if you want your precious Katana back, you should go and get some Halo 3 achievements.--<SCROTE> 02:38, October 24, 2009 (UTC)

how did they beat the chief to earth?[edit]

OK, explain this bit of weirdness to me.

At the end of Halo 2, R'tas Vatamee (I believe that's Half Jaw's name) commandeered a Covenant battleship, presumably the Shadow of Intent. While the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda were battling Tartarus on Installation 05, Master Chief was on his way to Earth on the Forerunner Keyship.

Yet somehow, in the beginning of Halo 3 when the Chief finishes his joyride to the surface of the Earth after blasting his way off the Keyship, the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda weren't just already on the planet, but had already been established as base commanders and had been defending Earth from Covenant Loyalist attacks. Not only that, but after the Keyship lands and opens the portal to the Ark, THEN the Shadow of Intent appears!

I've always assumed that they all made it back to Earth on the Shadow of Intent, under Half-Jaw's command, but this doesn't seem to be the case. I'm finding it a little hard to believe that he dropped them off, went back to get Elite Shipmasters, and came back again (I imagine that there's travel time when it comes to interstellar Slipspace travel, and time was not something they had to waste). So how did the Arbiter, Johnson, and Miranda get back to Earth? And how on Reach did they get to Earth so quickly as to establish themselves and "settle in" (as much as one can "settle in" during a war) before the Chief could so much as get off the ship he was on? Reminds me of the Halo Wars Arbiter and his apparent ability to teleport from planet to planet between cutscenes. Son of God-Enel 03:25, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

In Halo wars, they skipped out on the weeks f travel, making it seem instantaneous.

As for halo 3, Truths ship may not have gone straight to earth. Oh and btw, Rtas was talking about a CCS-Battlecruiser, not a Assault carrier, so he wasn't trying to recapture the Shadow of Intent. ~Enlightment~ ~Fighting Vandalism and Watching Unregistereds~ 13:09, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

From the official timeline:
  • November 3: Prophet of Truth leaves High Charity for Earth in Forerunner dreadnought.
  • November 8: The Forerunner dreadnought arrives in the Sol system and proceeds to Earth at near relativistic speed.
  • November 17: The Forerunner dreadnought arrives at Earth. SPARTAN-117 ejects and lands in the Kenyan jungle.
Regret's carrier made the trip from Earth to Delta Halo in thirteen days. If Miranda, Johnson and the Arbiter left just after the ending scene of Halo 2, they'd have a chance to make it to Earth a day before the Chief. Plus, they might've been using a faster Covenant vessel than a carrier, arriving even earlier. I always thought the Fleet of Retribution spared one of their fastest ships and sent them on their way while trying to maintain the quarantine of High Charity.
Still, the timeline seems to have been purposefully made up to make it possible for Johnson, the Arbiter and Miranda to get to Earth before the Chief. There isn't really a good explanation for why the Dreadnought would hang out in Sol, or approach Earth at "near-relativistic speeds" for nine days instead of just directly landing there. Unless Truth wanted to make sure all orbital and groundside threats are removed first. Halo: Uprising showed the Chief doing stuff in the Dreadnought while it was in Sol, but that didn't really seem like nine days. Also, there's seemingly a conflict with Ghosts of Onyx, which seems to imply that the UNSC Dusk made it to Earth in mere hours following the Dreadnought's slipspace wake. Of course, it was never directly stated it was caused by the Dreadnought, but one can figure it out. Oh well, I guess we can assume it was an anomaly of something, as a sloppy explanation. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 14:31, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the info. I'm just going to pretend that Truth's ship stopped off at another part of space, rendevouxed (sp?) with other Brute ships in other systems (perhaps they had gotten the signal from Truth to mutiny against the Elite Shipmasters or were watching Truth's anti-Elite rants on Covenant Fox News (right before Master Chief showed up in that level)) in order to build up a larger fleet to attack Earth. I'm pretending that the Chief stayed in the shadows since otherwise he'd be facing impossible odds and perhaps wouldn't even have been able to get to Earth otherwise (even without all the enemy soldiers and ships, without Cortana I doubt he'd be able to fly a Covenant/Forerunner starship alone with no crew). I like that idea.

Of course, that timeline raises the question of what everyone on In Amber Clad were doing during the 13 days it took to get to Delta Halo. Were Chief and Johnson sitting on the ODST pods for 2 weeks? Wow, I love Halo's story, but it can really get sloppy at times.Son of God-Enel 02:06, January 31, 2010 (UTC)

Ranked Infection[edit]

On hallloween Bungie has the only Ranked infection. I think that they should have ranked infection every other time they have infection. anyone agree with me?

Being very good at Infection i would crave for this even if it were only in Halo 5. Don't get me wrong Halo 5's Multiplayer is good, hope 343 bring this back i enjoyed it so much. --Storm (talk)

Game on Demand[edit]

Ok now Halo 3 is in the Xboz Live Marketplace and whoever is gonna buy need to have 30 bucks. But is it possible to buy it with microsoft points? If so how much? Please do not delete this post unless is answer by another person. Nathan900130 14:56 September 4 2010 (UTC)

Howd This Happen?[edit]

Elaborate for me ok?

At the end of Halo 2, Miranda Keyes and Sgt. Johnson are finding out about the ark...

well, how did they get back to earth. because it shure doesnt say anywhere ive looked


HALO4RETARDS 01:00, September 18, 2010 (UTC) HALO4RETARDS

They went with Rtas. deep. 13:50, 1 December 2011 (EST)

The Keyship stayed back while the rest of the Covenant fleet paved the way. Arbiter, Miranda and Johnson did not. I imagine they hijacked a Covenant ship, like Rtas went off to do in the last level of Halo 2, and took it to Earth while Rtas rounded up ships to quarantine High Charity. They arrived while the Keyship was still maintaining station near Io, and waited as the orbital defence collapsed and the Keyship moved in, allowing the Master Chief to jump ship. Halo: Uprising. Also, Halo 3: ODST.
Edit: Ah, read your question again. Specifically about how they got back, not why they got there before the Chief - well, a Covenant ship seems the only possible way, unless they linked up with the Paris, Redoubtable and Coral Sea - but as human ships, they would be much slow. So my bet is Covenant, and probably the aforementioned cruiser captured by Rtas. -- Specops306 Autocrat Qur'a 'Morhek 03:02, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Or just any Separatist ship at all. Vegerot goes RAWR! Vegerot (talk) 08:08, 2 December 2011 (EST)

Halo 3 Anniversary?[edit]

I was just wondering and wanted to know what people thought........Does anyone think the odds are good that we'll eventually see a Halo 3 Anniversary by the time 2017 rolls around? I know it's silly to discuss it now when we have Halo 2 Anniversary, but I am genuinely curious what people think the odds are of this, since Halo 3's graphics have aged a little better than its two predecessors had before their respective anniversaries. But there are probably still ways Halo 3 could benefit from the same treatment someday. What does everyone else think? Are the odds good or bad considering these facts? Purely curious. I mean by the time 2017 rolls around, there is a good chance Halo 3's graphics will look dated next to the newly remastered games and anything from Halo Reach onward.262VigilantGuardian (talk) 17:50, 29 September 2015 (EDT)

I would love for there to be a remake of Halo 3 but we've got that with the MCC but can't kill the dream of an authentic recreation with full UI or maybe MCC get an overhaul for the 73456545665455678th time? Storm (talk)