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==Merge with Flood==
==Merge with Flood==
As with the new information from Primordium.  Vegerot goes RAWR! [[File:Icon-Vegito2.gif|21px]] [[User:Vegerot|<span style="color:midnightblue; font-weight:bold">Vegerot</span>]] ([[User talk:Vegerot|<span style="color:grey">talk</span>]])  21:25, 14 January 2012 (EST)!
As with the new information from Primordium.  The phrase "Precursors and Flood are synonymous." sums that up pretty well. Vegerot goes RAWR! [[File:Icon-Vegito2.gif|21px]] [[User:Vegerot|<span style="color:midnightblue; font-weight:bold">Vegerot</span>]] ([[User talk:Vegerot|<span style="color:grey">talk</span>]])  21:25, 14 January 2012 (EST)!

Revision as of 22:30, January 14, 2012


We know barely anything about the Forerunners, and now Bungie has to throw in another uber-race of ultra-powerful beings? This is starting to get really confusing. And mind, it was sort of confusing from the start. Perhaps Flood are Precursors? Just puttin' it out there, let those theories roll.Metaridley 20:43, 7 November 2007 (UTC)

god? that seems the best answer lol.

Durandal? --Dragonclaws(talk) 05:37, 4 December 2007 (UTC)

Meta-Ridley is right, Bungie you jerks (I Don't mean it, don't send your Ninja's on me). But I don't think the Flood ARE Precursors, but could be the product of the precursor's stupidity (Like Godzilla)--Bugger| Bug Me| Bugged 00:32, 17 December 2007 (UTC)--Bugger| Bug Me| Bugged 00:32, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

The precursors are obviously a race of super inteligent gerbils that created a ringworld called HAPLO, Huge Ass Pastry Lobbing Orbibthingy. The Forerunners were hampsters that ran on there forelegs (hence "Forerunner") and decider to mimic this down to the name, but sohumans me dirt covered the P and they named it Halo. Then a hunter wrote a poem about walrus dung and the prophets watched NASCAR.

The page says that the structures where "Moved to Halo". I was begining to think that the Precursors created halo. But then I remembered all the Forerunner Glyphs and Terminals and droped the Idea... Imchicken1

Heh, Bungie's only hinted at Precursors. You've got a ton more to go buddy. The whole Forerunner thing isn't even figured out yet. Pop quiz, "Who killed the "Precursors"? That oughta blow your mind. (Although I personally think the Precursors created the Flood, after all, they could travel between galaxies, and the Flood is "extragalactical in origin.")LemonDragon 06:07, 17 October 2008 (UTC)

The precursors own genius probably killed them, they probably created something so great and powerful, but it turned against them, it might have been a mistake, or a test that went wrong, like the flood might have been. Think on it, once you reach the top, the only way to go is down. Or up a tiny bit more, and then down again. They might have odne that, or they became so great, that they moved into another reality prehaps, but they passed the mantle on to the Forerunners, they probably lef tof hteir own free will, let their successors take the throne. Also, it is stated that they can go intergalactic, maybe they moved on and focused their attention on another galaxy. Leaving the Forerunnersbehind to protect this galaxy? Honor Guard Reborn

Yeah, I think the flood are just some "experiment gone wrong" of the Precursor's. That might explain the flood-forerunner war, like the flood 'ate' all of the precursors and stole some of their ships or something, because think about it, if the flood didn't have that many 'troops' then the forerunners could have wiped them out easily, but if the flood had consumed the precursors then they could use overwhelming numbers to win. Also, with a race that intelligent and that many of them, they would have a extremely smart grave mind, who could out wit the forerunners. And if the precursors were galaxy travelers the flood could escape study (the experiment gone wrong) take control of a planet, steal some ships, then covertly take more and more planets (using precursor and there A.Is to trick them) until they had a gravemind to win all out battles, wage a war and win (infect all precursors, say with a luminary like device) there would be no evidence for the forerunners, or since they were probably around during the precursors extinction, wage a war knowing or capture the flood. They might not have known about the war because the precursors were so advanced they didnt understand they're transmissions and such. Also they could have been hesitant to kill the flood at first because they might have worshiped the precursors as the covenant do them, and not want to destroy they're gods or there god's creations, or betray the mantle. Just speculation, but It makes sence to me.Papayaking 07:35, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

On second thought...that sounds stupid, reading it now -_-Papayaking 04:34, November 24, 2009 (UTC)

In a way, it would make sense if the flood were just a mistake of the Precursors, or, possibly the flood somehow already existed, they thought it was a neat species, and sped up its evolution and accidentily made it stronger? Then maybe the Flood destroyed the Precursors, then went on to destroy their heirs, the Forerunners. Then the Forerunners made the seven Halos...Tricklet 17:01, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

the way i see it is that if the flood are from outside the galaxy then they would have needed ships to get here, more specifically ships capable of traveling between galaxies i.e precursor ships. this means there was some for of contact that allowed the flood to take at least one ship--Soul reaper 15:17, April 13, 2010 (UTC)

Maybe the Precursors were getting high on themselves near the end of their days and they began to try and create a living organism. After years of genetics research and study, the Precursors created The Flood, and that parasite eliminated most of the species, while the little bit of the surviving populous fled the galaxy... OR

As the precursors left the Milky Way, they encountered the Flood and were defeated. The flood used the precursor ships to get into our galaxy, as mentioned before in numerous other theories. - Echo 1 15:47, May 30, 2010 (UTC)

Halo 4

I don't think bungie would add a whole new mystery at the end of the trilogy unless they had something good in mind. Maybe we'll learn a lot about the forerunner and these guys will become the new mystery species. So i'll be the first to say it; Are humans Precursors? DA DA DA...

No. Humans are just 'related' to forerunners through the mantle, maybe or maybe not genetically. Read the forerunner talk page. And sign your posts.Papayaking 07:25, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

Teir 0

Why are the precursors listed as tier 0? The beastiarum's technological advancement listed Tier 0 as a theoretical ceiling. So if the Forerunners have the precursors as an example of Tier 0, then Tier 0 is no longer theoretical like it said. All it was saying is that the Precursors are more advanced than the Forerunners, not that the Precursors are Tier 0.

Tier 0 is the highest it goes. And since the Forerunners were the most advanced species at the time, and the Precursors were even more advanced, they created a new tier for them. -- Councillor Specops306 - Kora 'Morhek 05:51, 12 June 2008 (UTC)

I understand that, but how can Tier 0 be a "theoretical Ceiling," meaning there is no specific example, when supposedly they have the example of the Precursors? The wording seems off to me from the Beastiarum to indicate that the Precursors are a Tier 0 Civ.

"As the Forerunners had no examples of civilizations with technological accomplishment greater than themselves - with the exception of the Precursors - this is a theoretical ceiling. They can travel intergalactic and accelerate the evolution of intelligent life"

Take a look at the wording. Remove "with the exception of the Precursors," and it still is a complete sentence. Read it while ignoring that phrase, then add it back in and it seems to indicate that the Precursors are the only civ more advanced than the Forerunners, but are not necessarily a Tier 0 civ. Just because a civ is more advanced than another does not mean that they are another Tier above the other. South Korea is about 1 year ahead of the USA in terms of electronics. Does this mean that South Korea is a Tier above the USA? No. Both civs are in the same Tier (if South Korea has a space program). st

This is very true. I agree with umm... "st?" Teir 0 is a theoratical cieling, and Percursors, while more advanced than Forerunner are themselves a Teir 1 civilisation as well. It would be ridiculous to suggest that each civilisation has it's very own exclusive Teir. Therefore, Percursors being a Teir 1 civilisation is rather probable indeed. However, if one were to use this very article as a reliable source (which may not be wise since it's very reliability is what is being questioned), the following quote suggests that the Precursors may not have truly existed: "The Precursors were mentioned in the Bestiarum as the race preceding and mythologized by the Forerunner". Is it possible that the Precursors were simply a race the Forerunner 'imagined' to explain existance itself? The Precursors were not a physical race but rather one that the Forerunner worshipped as gods. My message is somewhat similar to that of Forerunner's just below, 'cept that I spell better. >_< --cv

The Tier 0 thing is designed to be similar to the Covenant belief.

The Covenant Believed that the Forerunners became trans-sendant or watever, and they worshipped them as if it were true. The Forerunners believed that the Precursors died out and became trans-sendant. Can you see it? The Precursor thing is the Forerunner religeon.Forerunner 12:49, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

All anyone can say is: They MIGHT have been either tier 0 or 1, the Bestiarum COULD have been misworded or not, no one knows except forgot the forecursors who were tier -1. lol.Papayaking 04:28, November 24, 2009 (UTC)


How do you spell "transsentient"

is it

  1. transsentient
  2. transentient
  3. trans-sentient

I've looked everywhere I can't find it. Make sure to change the name on Sentient Beings as well.LemonDragon 06:09, 17 October 2008 (UTC)

It is transsentient. One word. It uses the Latin root word trans and the word sentient, so there is an S for each word. Consider the word "transsexual", similar in that it uses two S letters next to each other and to take any away would ruin the meaning. --Dragonclaws(talk) 02:29, February 4, 2010 (UTC)


"The Precursors played the same part as the Forerunner after them, laying the seeds for another civilization to spring up and dominate the Galaxy."

Humanity dominates the Galaxy? I doubt it. This is evidenced by Humanity getting their arses kicked by the Covenant.--cv

Considering that the war is over, and they have the alliegance of the Sangheili, its possible; it would also take thousands and thousands of years for them to Dominate the galaxy. General ONI recon 111 - File:General.svg 15:31, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
There are simply at peace. If the Sanfheili were to attack, Humanity would likely lose. I believe 'dominate' is not the best choice of word to use. --cv

Maybe they meant technology-wise, like humans reach tier 1 and become the "dominant" species.Papayaking 07:32, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

And if Humans reach tier 1... the sangheili may be good warriors, but they would have there own arses kicked in tht case... They may become the dominant... in a few thousands/million years ;D --HGR

Even if humanity was losing the war, it was us versus 5+ races. Take WWII for example; Germany was probably the most powerful, mechanized, and technologically advanced country on Earth but they were fighting most of America, Britain, France, Polish freedom fighters, Canada and the massive country of Russia all at the same time on three fronts, not to mention nearly the rest of the world supplying the allies. If it had been them against any one of those countries alone, they probably would've won. The same goes for the Halo universe. It was the UNSC against grunts, elites, brutes, hunters, the prophets (panning and organizing) and (we now know) skirmishers. If we face any one of those races alone, we would have a pretty good shot.Halochondria 21:38, August 29, 2010 (UTC)The Flana-man


Hey guys, didn't the Didact want to follow in the footsteps of the Precursors? - Anonnomus 6:57, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

He heavily believed in the Mantle which was believed to have been passed down to them by the Precursors. Field Master Spartansniper450 00:04, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Ah. Thanks, by the way, I know this is probebly not true since "Naughy Dog" have never worked with neither "Microsoft" nore "Bungie", but the Jak series has an acieant race with the same name, Precursor. Conection, probebly not, ripoff, likely, cawinsidence, most likely, but what do you think? - Anonnomus 1:59, 20 June 2009 (UTC)

...No, 04:31, November 24, 2009 (UTC)

Precursor Concept Art

Hey, can any one provide a link to concept art or something of a precursor if such a thing exists? Jac0bBau3r1995 13:47, 17 November 2011 (EST)

There are (currently) no known images of the Precursors. We have a description from Halo Cryptum if anyone wants to try and interpret it, but as a fanon image it can't be used in the article. -- Specops306 Autocrat Qur'a 'Morhek 16:53, 17 November 2011 (EST)
This... thing appears at the end of the Halo 4 concept art teaser trailer. Presumably it represents the "ancient threat" that will be encountered in the game. My money's on this threat being the Precursors, but, like Specops306 said, we currently have no way of knowing if this is so.

I still want to know where in the trailer this thing comes up. I've watched the trailer many times and not once have I seen this. Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 08:03, 18 November 2011 (EST)!

It's at the veeery end, around the 1:30 mark. It's accompanied by some sort of snarl or growl and a dramatic string hit. --Courage never dies. 10:38, 18 November 2011 (EST)

It looks like the bottom half of somthing allright but the top part seems kind of mecahnical. Jac0bBau3r1995 03:37, 19 November 2011 (EST)


Not to be a nitpicker or an overly religiously zealot, but I noticed that the sentence is writtten as: "...A transsentient being may thus be considered beyond any recognized being and be on the level of godhood." Personally, if I may be so bold, as to suggest that the last part of it be rewritten as "...possibly be considered at the the level of godhood." This may reduce any religious outrage at this apparent attempt at blasphemy. I say this because I myself am a Christian, and as such according to the Scripture, "You shall have no other gods before me ([Jesus Christ])'' (Exodus 20:3). I say this because some people may take this the wrong way. I can change it if it is alright to do so, but I just wanted it to be noted and thus changed. For the sake of the wiki, to protect it. --Xamikaze330 11:21, 13 December 2011 (EST)Xamikaze330

No. This Wiki is from a Halo perspective. If this was a Jesuspedia then maybe you'd be right, but this is the way we do things here. Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 11:32, 13 December 2011 (EST)!

"Jesuspedia". Funny. You mock me. What I mean to say is that eventually humanity, if not necessarily the Sangheili, came to realize the truth about the Forerunners were not gods, because cannot die. It is the same with the Precursors. The Forerunners fought and killed off their Precursor makers, so therefore they cannot be called gods, but they certainly could be considered something close to a god, or gods. That's the impression I got after I read Halo Cryptum twice, specifically the part where the Didact remembers his last "conversation" with the last surviving Precursor. --Xamikaze330 11:43, 13 December 2011 (EST)Xamikaze330

If you wanted to add just one word, "possibly", then you could have just added it. It's pretty clear any way that a Tier 0 ascendance is not the same thing as godhood, since they are more "one-with-the-universe", while a god is outside and larger than the universe. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 11:51, 13 December 2011 (EST)

I did not mean to mock you. But note how it is not Godhood, but godhood. You have this pre-inscribed notion that gods are bigger and outside of the universe, but that's just your definition of god. What about the Roman gods? They were smaller than the universe, and could definitely be killed. I actually don't want it to be like that either, but I don't agree with YOUR reason for changing it. I think the best word to describe would be trans-sentiant. Whatevs. Also, Xamikaze, are you available right now to do something? Because I've been looking for a time to that and I could do it now. Minor disagreement aside, are you ok for doing it now? Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 11:58, 13 December 2011 (EST)!!

A, that's spelled "transsentient", and B, I'm kinda busy right now, and I'm still having a lot of trouble with Road Runner, the uh, Time-Warner Cable service thing. They were supposed to have fixed the problem, but they didn't. It really pisses me off like you wouldn't believe. But I'll certainly try, and if I succeed I'll let you know on my talk page. --Xamikaze330 12:05, 13 December 2011 (EST)Xamikaze330

Fine. I have no clue what you're talking about though. Could you at least go on AIM for a sec please, I need to ask you something? Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 12:08, 13 December 2011 (EST)!

Don't think there is any issue as Xamikaze pointed out. The word "may" is along the lines of "possibly", hinting a possibility. Don't understand why we need to stress it twice. — subtank 12:15, 13 December 2011 (EST)

To illustrate my point, take the following as an example: "It is possible that it could explode" and "It may explode". The same, no? — subtank 12:16, 13 December 2011 (EST)

Point taken. --Xamikaze330 12:25, 13 December 2011 (EST)Xamikaze330

Merge with Flood

As with the new information from Primordium. The phrase "Precursors and Flood are synonymous." sums that up pretty well. Vegerot goes RAWR! File:Icon-Vegito2.gif Vegerot (talk) 21:25, 14 January 2012 (EST)!