Talk:List of Marathon References in Halo: Difference between revisions

That has nothing to do with the section.
(That has nothing to do with the section.)
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It seems somewhat ridiculous to me that the inclusion of "SSM" (Surface to Surface Missile) is used as a grounds for a marathon reference, an as such I have removed it.
It seems somewhat ridiculous to me that the inclusion of "SSM" (Surface to Surface Missile) is used as a grounds for a marathon reference, an as such I have removed it.

== Marathon BEFORE Halo? ==
== VR Battle of Marathon ==
Okay So day I beat halo 3 in a four player co-op on legendary I remember the date from the end of the game and as kind of thing I went back and played Durandal which is the second one and a true sequel unlike infinity and I noticed when I accessed the node at the top right corner it said a date almost 200 years before halo so either I'm tripping or there was a major error some where
It said
In Halo: The Flood, Lt. McKay once interrupted Wellsley from his virtual reality battle of Marathon. This is an obvious reference to Marathon, and creates the question that Marathon and Halo don't take place in the same universe...
It is highly unlikely that this is a reference to Marathon, more likely it is a reference to [ The Battle of Marathon] as such I have edited it.
== Connection ==
You guys say that the UNSC has alot of marathon symbols in it. Look at convenant history. The whole covenant war started because the marines had forerunner symbols on them. So what if the marathon logo is being used as a forerunner symbol in the halo series? What if the forerunners  were characters and/or units from the marathon series?
The war started becuase marines have forerunner symbols on their armour? Where did you get this? Anyway, i do see what you mean...OMGWTfspamBBQ! i got it! The humans in Marathon are actually forerunners, the
thing that make teh B.O.B.'s explode (sorry, haven't played the game)is an early evulotion of the Flood, and since marathon is two hundred years in the future...thats where my theory makes no
you have got me thinging! [[User:PsychoThunder|PsychoThunder]]
== Marathon= sequel ==
Look, the halo series was a prequel to Marathon. Yes, Marathon was in a different universe but watch the ending of halo 3. The warp gate send the other half of Master Chiefs ship into a different universe. He then comes upon what looks like one of the runner planets from Marathon. Plus all of the references might be trying to tell us that Master Chief is in Marathon or that he started the UEMC. who knows but thats just my conspiracy theory.
== Was this... ==
Ever mentioned?
"But what's all this got to do with Halo?" you ask. Well, you can't expect us to spell out everything for you. However, there are several curious connections to ponder.
I've looked through the linked page a bit. I noticed something here ( about the Cortana letters.  These were mentioned in the Wiki.  It mentioned something about 7x7=49.
Tru7h...  What significance does "7" have?
More reading found something else.  Cortana Letter 1 reprinted here for convienience:
From: "Cortana" <>
To: <>
Subject: Closure
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 10:50:20 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3
I have walked the edge of the Abyss.
I have governed the unwilling.
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.
I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear.
[I was there with the Angel at the tomb]
I have seen your future.
And I have learned.
There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy.
Oh, and your poet Eliot had it all wrong:
THIS is the way the world ends.
a friend of a friend
K, Eliot.  T.S. Eliot. The guy who said "I have defied gods and demons."
Where else have we heard that?  Maybe something to do with 3 Es and a Halo 3?
Oh yeah, then theres the line "THIS is the way the world ends."  Where else have we heard that?
Also, another thought:
If Halo and Marathon are truly connected, we may find out the "thru7h" in the next installment.
Marathon: Has 3 installments
Halo: Has 3 installments.
1 more installment makes 7.
== Fable II possibly references Marathon/Halo ==
In Fable II I noticed that a pause screen map looks like the Marathon symbol. Whether this is mere coincidence or intentional is unknown but I figured since Fable II has a Master Chief type armor plus a Halo assault riffle and energy sword it could be a reference. Also Fable II and Halo 3 have a limited edition where they are both in the same case and come with a bundle Xbox 360 Elite which I got ^_^ Anyway thought this might be worth mentioning. --[[User talk:Alpha Lycos|Alpha Lycos]] 14:08, November 7, 2009 (UTC)
==Halo Legends==
A Halo Legends section should be added because on [[The Babysitter]] a marathon symbol is seen. [[User:EchostreamFanJosh|EchostreamFanJosh]]
:To be honest, that's is more like an oval shape stone... and it is most likely unintentional.<b>[[User:-Ascension-|<font color="#5D8AA8">外<font color="#9BDDFF">国</font>人</font>]]<sup>([[User talk:-Ascension-|<font color="#5D8AA8">7alk</font>]])</sup></b> 04:44, December 18, 2009 (UTC)
Hm... you know that new "TOP SECRET GAME" our friends Bungie are working on... I wonder, if they are making another sequel to this.... but hey, that's just what i'm thinking. --[[User talk:Yugiohtipman34|Yugiohtipman34]] 19:54, December 23, 2009 (UTC)