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==Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Rally Point Alpha)==
==Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Rally Point Alpha)==
===A Whole New Kind of Ugly===
===A Whole New Kind of Ugly===
As you advance here you are going to see two very large creatures. These are [[Gúta]], and they are indigenous to Reach. They are assaulting a squad of Covenant, sit back and watch the carnage. Grunts and Jackals flying about like ragdolls is amusing, but once the Gúta are done with the Covies, they will turn their attention to you. Use your Plasma Battery and aim for the head. They should go down fairly quickly. Move forward again. You're going to be greeted by the sounds of gunfire. Civilians are under fire from Covenant forces. Move forward a little and drop the Plasma Battery. It will be useful later for now you need range and quick. Bring up the Sniper Rifle and start downing targets. Focus on the Elites, but take any targets of opportunity that come into view especially the [[Skirmishers]]. Once you've downed the Elites (There should be three or four Elite Majors no Ultras, yet) pick up the Plasma battery and run forward. Use the Plasma battery to finish off any of the remaining original enemies here.
As you advance here you are going to see two very large creatures. These are [[Gúta]], and they are indigenous to Reach. They are assaulting a squad of Covenant, sit back and watch the carnage. Grunts and Jackals flying about like ragdolls is amusing, but once the Gúta are done with the Covies, they will turn their attention to you. You can outrun them if you have Sprint, but if you don't (and you shouldn't, Active Camo is more useful on this level) they can catch you and smack you across the area with their very powerful melee attacks. Hop up onto the low rocks to your left where they can't get you and use your Plasma Cannon to take them down. If you have plasma grenades, sticking the Gúta will kill them instantly. Move forward again. You're going to be greeted by the sounds of gunfire. Civilians are under fire from Covenant forces, a mixed group of Grunts, Jackals, Skirmishers, and Elites. Find a high perch, bring up the Sniper Rifle and start downing targets. Focus on the Elites, but take any targets of opportunity that come into view especially the [[Skirmishers]]. Once you've downed the Elites, (there should be three or four Elite Majors, maybe an Ultra or two) finish off any remaining Covenant with the Magnum or Sniper Rifle.
===Man, And I Thought Things Just Couldn't Get Any Worse===
===Man, And I Thought Things Just Couldn't Get Any Worse===
Head to the center of the area. There will be ordnance here including [[M392 Designated Marksman Rifle|DMRs]], [[M41 SSR MAV/AW|Rocket Launcher]], sniper ammo and most importantly a [[Armor Abilities#Drop Shield|Drop Shield]]. Swap your now nearly empty pistol for the DMR, grab the Drop Shield and head up to a roof. If you have civilians left they will die here, though on lower difficulties you may be able to save them. The first [[Type-52 Troop Carrier|Phantom]] Dropship is going to let out a pair of Elite Majors and a bunch of Jackal Majors and Grunts. You are mostly going to play Hit-and-Fade here, moving into position killing a few enemies then moving to cover to recharge.  Use the DMR to pick off the Jackals and Grunts and Snipe one of the Elites if you get the Chance. The second dropship will come near the bridge and will Drop more Grunts and Jackals and a couple of Elite Ultras with [[Type-50 Directed Energy Rifle/Heavy|Concussion Rifles]]. Take out as many Jackals and Grunts as you can and if you get a clean shot at the Ultras take it. Eventually Jun is going to displace. You should too. Head towards the bridge as fast as possible, pick up some DMR ammo and pick a good place to Snipe. The third dropship is going to come in and drop a couple more Ultras and their entourage. Snipe the Ultras, the best method seems to be to pick one, kill it and displace, rinse, lather, repeat. Use the DMR to finish off any minor enemies that remain. Once you've pacified this area Jun is going to call you to the riverbed so you can follow up on [[Catherine-B320|Kat's]] theory. Before you go swap the Rocket Launcher for your Sniper Rifle and load your DMR with all the ammo you can find.
Head to the center of the area. There will be ordnance here including [[M392 Designated Marksman Rifle|DMRs]], [[M41 SSR MAV/AW|Rocket Launcher]], sniper ammo and most importantly a [[Armor Abilities#Drop Shield|Drop Shield]]. Swap your now nearly empty pistol for the DMR, grab the Drop Shield and head up to a roof. If you have civilians left they will die here, though on lower difficulties you may be able to save them. The first [[Type-52 Troop Carrier|Phantom]] Dropship is going to let out a pair of Elite Majors and a bunch of Jackal Majors and Grunts. You are mostly going to play Hit-and-Fade here, moving into position killing a few enemies then moving to cover to recharge.  Use the DMR to pick off the Jackals and Grunts and Snipe one of the Elites if you get the Chance. The second dropship will come near the bridge and will Drop more Grunts and Jackals and a couple of Elite Ultras with [[Type-50 Directed Energy Rifle/Heavy|Concussion Rifles]]. Take out as many Jackals and Grunts as you can and if you get a clean shot at the Ultras take it. Eventually Jun is going to displace. You should too. Head towards the bridge as fast as possible, pick up some DMR ammo and pick a good place to Snipe. The third dropship is going to come in and drop a couple more Ultras and their entourage. Snipe the Ultras, the best method seems to be to pick one, kill it and displace, rinse, lather, repeat. Use the DMR to finish off any minor enemies that remain. Once you've pacified this area Jun is going to call you to the riverbed so you can follow up on [[Catherine-B320|Kat's]] theory. Before you go swap the Rocket Launcher for your Sniper Rifle and load your DMR with all the ammo you can find.
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