Casualty classification: Difference between revisions

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The '''Casualty Classification''' is a way to determine the status of [[UNSC]] [[UNSC Army|Soldiers]], [[UNSC Navy|Sailors]], and [[UNSC Marine Corps|Marines]].
The '''Casualty Classification''' is a way to determine the status of [[UNSC]] [[UNSC Army|Army]], [[UNSC Navy|Navy]], and [[UNSC Marine Corps|Marine]] soldiers.

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*'''[[MIA]]'''- '''M'''issing '''I'''n '''A'''ction. This term is used when the status of a soldier is unknown, whether they're dead, wounded, or simply lost.
*'''[[MIA]]'''- '''M'''issing '''I'''n '''A'''ction. This term is used when the status of a soldier is unknown, whether they're dead, wounded, or simply lost.

*'''POW'''- '''P'''risoner '''O'''f '''W'''ar. This term is used for anybody, including soldiers who are captured as part of a war. A medal is awarded to any soldier who is captured for any length of time.
*'''[[POW]]'''- '''P'''risoner '''O'''f '''W'''ar. This term is used for anybody, including soldiers who are captured as part of a war. A medal is awarded to any soldier who is captured for any length of time and has either escaped or was rescued.

*'''[[WIA]]'''- '''W'''ounded '''I'''n '''A'''ction. This term is used when a soldier is wounded in battle.
*'''[[WIA]]'''- '''W'''ounded '''I'''n '''A'''ction. This term is used when a soldier is severely injured in battle, rendering them either temporarily or permenantly unable to continue active duty.

