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{{Multiplayer Map Infobox
#REDIRECT [[Orbital]]
|name=Space Camp
|game=''Halo 3''
|location= Luna or some moon probably
|vehicles=Present, but unknown
|equipment=present but not known
|playernumber=Unknown but maximum is 16
'''Space Camp''' is the nickname for a map that is announced in the [[Bungie]] Weekly Update: 10/12/07[]. It will be available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace in the future.
It is said it is best suited to objective games, like [[CTF]] and [[Assault]], but that it also has some natural deadlocks that makes "[[Slayer]] interesting and [[Infection]] terrifying".
== Trivia ==
*Moonbase Alpha is a reference to the TV show Space 1999
*Bungie has since updated the name to "Space Camp", mentioned by Frankie in one of the previous Weekly Updates.
[[Category:Multiplayer Maps]]
