From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Formerly Specops306, an administrator at Halopedia during the Wikia years. I like to offer advice and help where able, and if you need to contact me you can reach me here. If you just want to talk, then my message board or talk page is a good place! I also have a skype accountif you want to contact me. I'm generally selective with contact requests though. I may not reply as soon as I'd like - timezone issues, work, uni, etc. - but I'll reply as soon as I can!
Before anyone asks, too, the Fidel Castro avatar is done in irony. I may be relatively liberal, but I'm not a communist or a totalitarian. Ah, but the look of sadness as he clutches his flag, the way atear almost seems to be trickling down his cheek as he thinks of the long gone glory days of the revolution...
Serenity The Dark Knight Star Trek II Ghostbusters Monty Python's The Holy Grail Monty Python's Life of Brian Doctor Who NCIS Top Gear Isolated songs. No theme - Jimmy Hendrix, Iron Maiden, David Bowie, Queen, all on my playlist. The Lord of The Rings trilogy All of the Halo books. All of them. Alastair Reynolds' Pushing Ice Orson Scott Card's Enders Game Anything by Terry Pratchett. Halo. Obviously. Batman: Arkham City and Arkham Asylum The Mass Effect series Ghostbusters: The Video Game New Scientist National Geographic
The temporary alliance of the Master Chief and Arbiter with the Flood on The Covenant was brilliantly done. The eerie surroundings of a darkened Forerunner building, the vain defence the Covenant tried to put up against the shambling monstrosities fighting alongside you, and the ultimate betrayal of the Flood (again) at the end of the level.
Jorge's death. Not worst as in terrible, worst as in "dear god, why did you have to do that to me, there's just something in my eye..."
- "There was honour in our Covenant once. But that honour withered a long time ago, as the Prophets turned from the path the Ancient Ones forged. For more than three thousand cycles, we have followed a Covenant of blood and shame, a dishonour to our fathers' fathers, an affront to the Gods, and a stain upon our honour that will never truly wash away. But no more. The blind followers have opened their eyes, and have glimpsed the true face of betrayal - and we have good memories. Our war of vengeance shall burn a path of glory through the stars, sweeping our foes aside like a sacred wind, and our names and deeds shall shall be sung for a thousand years!"
- — Supreme Commander Zuro Dun 'Xoram