Axon Clips Chapter 4: Difference between revisions

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[[Media:Dark genius.ogg|Dark genius]]  
[[Media:Dark genius.ogg|Dark genius]]  

Aiden: Well I'll be damned... Kamal! Just the guy I wanted to see.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Well, I'll be damned... Kamal! Just the guy I wanted to see.<BR>
Kamal: Oh no, Aiden. Hey. What are the odds?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Oh no, Aiden. Hey. What are the odds?<BR>
Aiden: Too late to get a beer?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Too late to get a beer?<BR>
Waitress: No, sugar, you got 15 minutes to spare.<BR>
'''Waitress:''' No, sugar, you got 15 minutes to spare.<BR>
Aiden: Ok one for me, one for him. Whatever's good.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Okay, one for me, one for him. Whatever's good.<BR>
Kamal: I don't want a beer.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I don't want a beer.<BR>
Aiden: Sure you do.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Sure you do.<BR>
Kamal: No I don't.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' No I don't.<BR>
Aiden: Kamal, come on! Hey, I like the way that sounds. Kamal, come on! Kamal, come on! Never mind. I hate drinking by myself. Have a beer with me. I'm buying. I'll buy you a burger too.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Kamal, come on! Hey, I like the way that sounds. Kamal, come on! Kamal, come on! Never mind. I hate drinking by myself. Have a beer with me. I'm buying. I'll buy you a burger too.<BR>
Kamal: Well...<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Well...<BR>
Aiden: That's my dark genius of the vid-stream(?).<BR>
'''Aiden:''' That's my dark genius of the vid-stream(?).<BR>
Waitress: Two beers, coming right up.<BR>
'''Waitress:''' Two beers, coming right up.<BR>

[[Media:Drink the beer.ogg|Drink the beer]]
[[Media:Drink the beer.ogg|Drink the beer]]

Aiden: So, I have a friend who has this problem.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' So, I have a friend who has this problem.<BR>
Kamal: No.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' No.<BR>
Aiden: Kamal. So how are your parents? I can help them, you know.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Kamal. So how are your parents? I can help them, you know.<BR>
Kamal: I know.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I know.<BR>
Aiden: Come on, Kamal, this friend of mine is totally on the up and up.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Come on, Kamal, this friend of mine is totally on the up and up.<BR>
Waitress: Your beers.<BR>
'''Waitress:''' Your beers.<BR>
Kamal: From where?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' From where?<BR>
Aiden: ...pays taxes even.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' ...pays taxes even.<BR>
Kamal: (drinks) You drink this stuff?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' ''(drinks)'' You drink this stuff?<BR>
Aiden: Legitimate businessman seeking dark handsome techno-guru for discreet assistance and long moonlight walk.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Legitimate businessman seeking dark handsome techno-guru for discreet assistance and long moonlight walk.<BR>
Kamal: I hate Earth beer.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I hate Earth beer.<BR>
Aiden: And like I said, this thing with your parents? That's where I come in.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' And like I said, this thing with your parents? That's where I come in.<BR>
Kamal: Look, the last time I tried to help you, I had half the--<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Look, the last time I tried to help you, I had half the--<BR>
Aiden: The beer gets better after a few sips, Kamal, I promise. And you know what, its all you've got.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' The beer gets better after a few sips, Kamal, I promise. And you know what, its all you've got.<BR>
Kamal: Why do you keep asking me? Does Sophia talk about my--<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Why do you keep asking me? Does Sophia talk about my--<BR>
Aiden: Drink the beer, Kamal.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' ''(forcefully)'' Drink the beer, Kamal.<BR>
Kamal: (drinks) What kind of business?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' ''(drinks)'' What kind of business?<BR>

[[Media:Knee caps.ogg|Knee caps]]  
[[Media:Knee caps.ogg|Knee caps]]  

Aiden: Welcome to the tastefully appointed security control room. The nerve center if you will, of the Apollonian Temple Casino. My name is Aiden Maki--<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Welcome to the tastefully appointed security control room. The nerve center if you will, of the Apollonian Temple Casino. My name is Aiden Maki--<BR>
Mr.F: --Cut the crap, Aiden.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' --Cut the crap, Aiden.<BR>
Aiden: ...And I'll be your in-flight host this evening.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' ...And I'll be your in-flight host this evening.<BR>
Mr.F: You can see the guys you want on monitors 3, 11 and 16. So remind me again, why can't we break these bastards' knees, and drop them in a canal where the freaking sewer crabs eat?<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' You can see the guys you want on monitors 3, 11 and 16. So remind me again, why can't we break these bastards' knees, and drop them in a canal where the freaking sewer crabs eat?<BR>
Aiden: Mr. F, it just makes your business... your ''totally legitimate tax-paying business''... look bad when college kids start turning up all dead and everything.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Mr. F, it just makes your business... your ''totally legitimate tax-paying business''... look bad when college kids start turning up all dead and everything.<BR>
Kamal: Aiden!<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Aiden!<BR>
Aiden: Kamal is going to take care of the situation.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Kamal is going to take care of the situation.<BR>
Kamal: Aiden?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Aiden?<BR>
Aiden: What?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' What?<BR>
Kamal: I'm not doing this.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I'm not doing this.<BR>
Aiden: Not doing what?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Not doing what?<BR>
Kamal: Not doing anything involving knee caps, or canals, or...<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Not doing anything involving knee caps, or canals, or...<BR>
Mr.F: Oh, this is touching<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Oh, this is touching<BR>
Kamal: ...decomposing bodies.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' ...decomposing bodies.<BR>

[[Media:Hard bargain.ogg|Hard bargain]]
[[Media:Hard bargain.ogg|Hard bargain]]

Aiden: Excuse us Mr.F. (to Kamal) All the man wants to find out is what they're doing.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Excuse us, Mr. F. ''(to Kamal)'' All the man wants to find out is what they're doing.<BR>
Kamal: So he can what, write his memories? You said this was all legal!<BR>
'''Kamal:''' So he can what, write his memoirs? You said this was all legal!<BR>
Aiden: I haven't asked you to do anything Illegal, have I?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' I haven't asked you to do anything illegal, have I?<BR>
Kamal: Didn't you hear what he said? He was--<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Didn't you hear what he said? He was--<BR>
Aiden: --But the whole killing thing will only happen if you don't help. And even that's worst case scenario.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' --But the whole killing thing will only happen if you don't help. And even that's worst case scenario.<BR>
Mr.F: Actually, that wouldn't be the worst case. The worst case would be if we went down to--<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Actually, that wouldn't be the worst case. The worst case would be if we went down to--<BR>
Aiden: No-no-no-no... Just hear me out, Kamal. Mr.F shows you what they're doing, and you tell him how they're doing it.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' No-no-no-no... Just hear me out, Kamal. Mr.F shows you what they're doing, and you tell him how they're doing it.<BR>
Kamal: Ok, but no kneecaps right? No canals... just, explanations.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Okay, but no kneecaps right? No canals... just, explanations.<BR>
Aiden: Mr.F?<BR>
Aiden: Mr.F?<BR>
Mr.F: Explanations are nice.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Explanations are nice.<BR>
Kamal: And if I do this I want Visas. No more happy talk, I want my family on their way here and I want it now!<BR>
'''Kamal:''' And if I do this I want visas. No more happy talk, I want my family on their way here and I want it now!<BR>
Aiden: Whew! You drive a hard bargain, my friend.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Whew! You drive a hard bargain, my friend.<BR>
Kamal/Mr.F: Cut the crap Aiden!<BR>
'''Kamal/Mr. F:''' Cut the crap, Aiden!<BR>

[ in_each_pit]  
[ in_each_pit]  

Aiden: Ok, from here we can monitor the whole casino floor.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Okay, from here we can monitor the whole casino floor.<BR>
Mr.F: See the blackjack tables here. There's 6 of them in each pit, and the managers rotate the dealers every 20 minutes.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' See the blackjack tables here. There's 6 of them in each pit, and the managers rotate the dealers every 20 minutes.<BR>
Aiden: The 5 people highlighted here are counting cards.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' The 5 people highlighted here are counting cards.<BR>
Kamal: How do you know they're counting cards?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' How do you know they're counting cards?<BR>
Mr.F: Because they win too much.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Because they win too much.<BR>
Aiden: The question is, how are they cheating?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' The question is, ''how'' are they cheating?<BR>
Mr.F: They don't stay at the same table. They don't move around in any predictable pattern. We could just take them off the tables and leave them in a ditch. Why did you say we shouldn't do that again?<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' They don't stay at the same table. They don't move around in any predictable pattern. We could just take them off the tables and leave them in a ditch. Why did you say we shouldn't do that again?<BR>
Aiden: But, it would really be better if they understood how they were uh...<BR>
'''Aiden:''' But, it would really be better if they understood how they were, uh...<BR>
Mr.F: ...screwing me.  
'''Mr. F:''' ...screwing me.  

[ twenty_percent]
[ twenty_percent]

MR.F We've got archives of all their plays in the last 10 days. Figure out how they're screwing me...<BR>
'''Mr. F''' We've got archives of all their plays in the last 10 days. Figure out how they're screwing me...<BR>
Aiden: Whaddya say?<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Whaddya say?<BR>
Mr.F: Figure it out, please...?<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Figure it out, please...?<BR>
Kamal: I think he was talking to me.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I think he was talking to me.<BR>
Aiden: See this number? That's how much we figure these kids have taken out of the casino.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' See this number? That's how much we figure these kids have taken out of the casino.<BR>
Mr.F: You get it back for me, 20% of it's yours.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' You get it back for me, 20% of it's yours.<BR>
Kamal: Oh, wow...<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Oh, wow...<BR>
Aiden: Trust me. If all these guys lose is their money, you'll be doing them a huge favor.<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Trust me. If all these guys lose is their money, you'll be doing them a huge favor.<BR>
Mr.F: Trust him.<BR>
'''Mr. F:''' Trust him.<BR>
Aiden: Oh, check out table 9. Camera's looking right down her dress!<BR>
'''Aiden:''' Oh, check out table 9. Camera's looking right down her dress!<BR>

[ uvular_implants]  
[ uvular_implants]  

Kamal: Thanks for the ride<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Thanks for the ride<BR>
Sofia: No problem, Aiden gets these business emergencies sometimes.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' No problem, Aiden gets these business emergencies sometimes.<BR>
Kamal: I'm exhausted...<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I'm exhausted...<BR>
Sofia: Did I see a new chatter tonight?<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Did I see a new chatter tonight?<BR>
Kamal: Yeah, won it in a raffle. It's fine too, makes my old one look like a payphone.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Yeah, won it in a raffle. It's fine too, makes my old one look like a payphone.<BR>
Sofia: A payphone?<BR>
'''Sophia:''' A payphone?<BR>
Kamal: Ancient piece of crappy hardware, half of them wouldn't even take incoming calls, no GPS... never mind.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Ancient piece of crappy hardware, half of them wouldn't even take incoming calls, no GPS... never mind.<BR>
Sofia: Aiden was getting a little worried. He promised Forihoff he would figure out what those guys were doing, but he was beginning to have doubts.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Aiden was getting a little worried. He promised Forihoff he would figure out what those guys were doing, but he was beginning to have doubts.<BR>
Kamal: Oh, the casino, yeah. This pack of grad students from Stanford is working on private CP channels, but vocalizing through KKI Uvular implants.<BR>
'''Kamal:'' Oh, the casino, yeah. This pack of grad students from Stanford is working on private CP channels, but vocalizing through KKI Uvular implants.<BR>
Sofia: Oooo, uvular implants...<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Oooo, uvular implants...<BR>

[ slingbacks]  
[ slingbacks]  

Kamal: He's not even counting the cards himself. He's got a tally running on a corneal... but... you really don't care do you...<BR>
'''Kamal:''' He's not even counting the cards himself. He's got a tally running on a corneal... but... you really don't care do you...<BR>
Sofia: Uh-uh. Which do you think looks better on me? Slingbacks or Turkish flats?
'''Sophia:''' Uh-uh. Which do you think looks better on me? Slingbacks or Turkish flats?
Kamal: What?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' What?<BR>
Sofia: I bet Aiden a new pair of shoes that you would figure the casino thing out.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' I bet Aiden a new pair of shoes that you would figure the casino thing out.<BR>
Kamal: You bet Aiden a new pair of shoes?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' You bet Aiden a new pair of shoes?<BR>
Sofia: Don't get indignant. I'm letting you pick the shoes.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Don't get indignant. I'm letting you pick the shoes.<BR>
Kamal: God, Aiden and his business. If I were him, I wouldn't give a damn about any business emergencies when I could be with you instead.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' God, Aiden and his business. If I were him, I wouldn't give a damn about any business emergencies when I could be with you instead.<BR>
Sofia: Kamal...<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Kamal...<BR>
Kamal: Slingbacks! Definitely slingbacks.  
'''Kamal:''' Slingbacks! Definitely slingbacks.  

[ so_dense]
[ so_dense]

Kamal: Those are the ones with buckles right?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Those are the ones with buckles right?<BR>
Sofia: There was no business emergency.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' There was no business emergency.<BR>
Kamal: What?<BR>
'''Kamal:''' What?<BR>
Sofia: God, you are so dense sometimes.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' God, you are so dense sometimes.<BR>
Kamal: I don't understand.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I don't understand.<BR>
Sofia: He had me drive you home because he knows you like that. Aiden likes to keep his people happy.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' He had me drive you home because he knows you like that. Aiden likes to keep his people happy.<BR>
Kamal: Do the shoes make you happy? The jewelry?
'''Kamal:''' Do the shoes make you happy? The jewelry?
Sofia: Mostly, Aiden makes me happy. As for the rest of it, I've been poor, you know. There's no glamor in waiting tables.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' Mostly, Aiden makes me happy. As for the rest of it, I've been poor, you know. There's no glamor in waiting tables.<BR>
Kamal: Ok<BR>
'''Kamal:''' Okay.<BR>
Sofia: What? All things being equal life is better when you're not broke.<BR>
'''Sophia:''' What? All things being equal, life is better when you're not broke.<BR>
Kamal: I was just figuring that out.<BR>
'''Kamal:''' I was just figuring that out.<BR>

