User talk:Forerunner: Difference between revisions

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# They arn't the same templates.
# They arn't the same templates.
# I have Aspergers. And we are known 4 doing wat we r told by superiors, even if it doesnt seem right. and so we usually get told off 4 doin wat were supposed 2 do.
# I have Aspergers. And we are known 4 doing wat we r told by superiors, even if it doesnt seem right. and so we usually get told off 4 doin wat were supposed 2 do.
==Forerunner should be banned for CHEATING==
A quote from LotR: Return of the King. =D
Alrightie. As aforementioned, I know you don't really quite like me Esemono, so I'd like to take this opportunity to show that I ''do'' have morals and uphold my previous policies. Esemono? Remember how I thought that JS117 was unfairly winning in January 2007 and complained to you? Well, see how I cracked down on fake votes for HotM...and this time, in your favor. I have removed 6 scandalous vote counts that were for Forerunner, making the tally 10 to 4 you as of 11:00 pm EST February 26th. See my explainations below.
*'''[[user:OsirisV|OsirisV]]''' - Only has 2 edits. Both are for the HotM page. SCREAMS OF A FORERUNNER SOCKPUPPET!
*'''[[user:Death360|Death360]]''' - Goddamn it, he didn't even vote! did it for him. Falsified his signature, falsified his vote.
*'''[[user:EvilWays|EvilWays]]''' - voted for him. Falsified his signature, falsified his vote.
*'''[[user:BansheePilotExpert|BansheePilotExpert]]''' - voted for him. Falsified his signature, falsified his vote.
*'''[[user:Joshua 029|Joshua -29]]''' - voted for him. Falsified his signature, falsified his vote.
*'''[[user:Am41gama7er|Am41gama7er]]''' - voted for him. Falsified his signature, falsified his vote.
Strongly advise all aforementioned IP addresses be banned, and that Forerunner be banned for attempting to falsify ''6'' votes to contest your lead as HotM. May you win, Esemono.
Cheers,[[user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#D3D3D3">Gho</font><font color="#A9A9A9">st I</font><font color="#808080">nsi</font><font color="#000000">de the M</font><font color="#808080">ach</font><font color="#A9A9A9">ine</font>]] <font color="#808080"><sup>''([[user talk:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Whisper through the Storm</font>]]) ([[Special:Contributions/RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">My Journeys</font>]]) ([[w:c:gearsofwar:user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Omens</font>]])</sup></font> 03:59, 27 February
2007 (UTC)
:Whoa...err...Esemono...why'd you put back 4 forged votes? =S Cheers, [[user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#D3D3D3">Gho</font><font color="#A9A9A9">st I</font><font color="#808080">nsi</font><font color="#000000">de the M</font><font color="#808080">ach</font><font color="#A9A9A9">ine</font>]] <font color="#808080"><sup>''([[user talk:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Whisper through the Storm</font>]]) ([[Special:Contributions/RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">My Journeys</font>]]) ([[w:c:gearsofwar:user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Omens</font>]])</sup></font> 04:29, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
:*Some people don't sign in when the make edits and just type their sigs this may be a stupid thing to do but it's their choice.  As the rules say if you've been here for longer than a month OR have more than 50 edits you can vote.  So I'm putting back the votes you took out. -- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 04:29, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
::*Dear Esemono, Your call, but these look EXTREMELY suspicious. What person would make less than or 5 edits in August or September of last year, and THEN JUST HAPPEN to return and vote against you?Erhmm...yeah. =D Good luck. =D Cheers,[[user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#D3D3D3">Gho</font><font color="#A9A9A9">st I</font><font color="#808080">nsi</font><font color="#000000">de the M</font><font color="#808080">ach</font><font color="#A9A9A9">ine</font>]] <font color="#808080"><sup>''([[user talk:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Whisper through the Storm</font>]]) ([[Special:Contributions/RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">My Journeys</font>]]) ([[w:c:gearsofwar:user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Omens</font>]])</sup></font> 04:37, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
:::*Yeah some of them look suspicious but they're all different IPs and people do sometimes use thier IP instead of logging in prefering to remain anonymous.  Curious that you left the one calling for you to be voted to admin though. -- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 04:48, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
::::*Dear Esemono,The first time I saw it, I can promise you that I saw it was from an authentic account. The second time around, I realize my error: an IP. It should be struck and removed from the record.I don't want to get into an arguement over an administrator, but it's strange that when I help you, you accuse me over a fault in my aid. Is there something wrong with me, perhaps, that you'd like changed, because I don't fancy being at the wrong end of an administrator-user relation. Please lemme know how I can change so that we can have a good working relationship. Cheers,[[user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#D3D3D3">Gho</font><font color="#A9A9A9">st I</font><font color="#808080">nsi</font><font color="#000000">de the M</font><font color="#808080">ach</font><font color="#A9A9A9">ine</font>]] <font color="#808080"><sup>''([[user talk:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Whisper through the Storm</font>]]) ([[Special:Contributions/RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">My Journeys</font>]]) ([[w:c:gearsofwar:user:RelentlessRecusant|<font color="#808080">Omens</font>]])</sup></font> 04:56, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
:::::*Ahhh Kids with their over active imaginations.  RR you keep trying to create this imaginary antagonistic relationship with me.  Sorry to shatter your ego but I don't hate you, I don't have it out for you and I'm not out plotting your demise.  Calm down and just have fun on this site!-- [[User:Esemono|Esemono]] 11:35, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
Now I don't understand why my signature was fake, and if you want me banned how come im in your fanfic, which I'm glad I'm apart of, I clearly made a mistake about the signature, for whatever was wrong with it. I do not vandal at all, you have clearly taken this the wrong way in an extreme manner. I didn't do it on purpose, can you please remove me from the banning list? User:Joshua 029
::What do u mean! I was logged in. R u just tracing them? I tell u i was logged in. RR is it remotley possible that Esemono, got pi**ed off 4 not winning last month, that he decided to make any attempt to win this month??? -- [[user:Death360|screams of death]] 06:19
Anonymous user