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<span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">{{Era|Post}} {{New content|[[Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare]]}} {{References}} {{Flood Species Infobox |name=Abomination |image=[[File:HW2 Abomination clear.png|300px]] |height= |distinctions= |species=[[Flood]] |attacks= |notable= }} The '''Abomination''' is a large and powerful [[Flood]] [[key mind]] war-form.<ref name="hw2atn">''[[Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare]]''</ref><ref name="p log">''Halo Wars 2'', [[Phoenix Logs|Phoenix Log: Abomination]]</ref> ==Background== A mobile [[key mind]] form below the level of a [[Proto-Gravemind]], the Abomination is an evolution of the [[Flood Juggernaut|Juggernaut]] command form.</span> {{Era | Post}} {{Nouveau contenu | [[Halo Wars 2: réveiller le cauchemar]]]}} {{Références}} {{Infobox Espèces Flood | | = = Abomination | image = [[Fichier: HW2 Abomination clair. png | 300px]] | height = | distinctions = | espèces = [[Flood]] | attaques = | notable =}} Le '' 'Abomination' '' est un grand et puissant [[Flood]] [[esprit clé] ] forme de guerre. <ref name = "hw2atn"> '' [[Halo Wars 2: éveiller le cauchemar]] '' </ ref> <ref name = "p log"> '' Halo Wars 2 '', [ [Phoenix Logs | Phoenix Log: Abomination]] </ ref> == Background == Formulaire mobile [[key mind]] situé sous le niveau d'un [[Proto-Gravemind]], l'Abomination est une évolution du [[ Flood Juggernaut | Juggernaut]] formulaire de commande.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The Abomination's role is to direct lesser Flood in combat, greatly increasing their effectiveness with its coordinating intelligence.</span> Le rôle de l’Abomination est de diriger les Inondations mineures au combat, ce qui accroît considérablement leur efficacité grâce à la coordination de ses renseignements.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Abominations are created when normal [[Flood hive]]s cannot be formed and the Flood must remain mobile.</span> Des abominations sont créées lorsque les [[ruches inondées]] normales ne peuvent pas être formées et que le déluge doit rester mobile.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">As the Flood gathers strength, it will assemble attack waves of lesser Flood forms around Abominations for protection.<ref name="p log"/> ==Gameplay== The Abomination is the super unit for the Flood faction in ''Halo Wars 2''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s expansion ''[[Awakening the Nightmare]]''.</span> Au fur et à mesure que le déluge reprend ses forces, il forme une vague de protection autour des abominations pour la protéger. <Ref name = "p log" /> == Gameplay == L’abomination est la super unité de la faction Flood dans '' Halo Wars 2 '' <nowiki> '</ nowiki> s expansion' '[[Awakening the Nightmare]]' '.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The Abomination has the ability to strengthen the Flood's firepower and defenses, allowing the packs surrounding the Abominations to become more durable and lethal to the enemies.</span> L'Abomination a la capacité de renforcer la puissance de feu et les défenses du déluge, permettant ainsi aux packs entourant les Abominations de devenir plus durables et meurtriers pour leurs ennemis.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">It possess a powerful slam for attack, utilizing its tentacle arm to whip the ground, dealing considerate damage to infantry.</span> Il possède un puissant slam d'attaque, utilisant son bras tentaculaire pour fouetter le sol, infligeant des dégâts considérables à l'infanterie.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">It is best to eliminate Abominations quickly before the other Flood Forms rally around them.</span> Il est préférable d’éliminer rapidement les Abominations avant que les autres formes d’inondation ne se rassemblent autour d’elles.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Abominations generally perform well against infantry, vehicles and structures, but cannot attack air units.</span> Les abominations fonctionnent généralement bien contre l'infanterie, les véhicules et les structures, mais ne peuvent pas attaquer les unités aériennes.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The best unit to deal with Abominations is long-range units like the Kodiak, Blisterback, or any unit that can to dodge its attack.</span> La meilleure unité pour faire face aux Abominations est une unité à longue portée comme le Kodiak, Blisterback, ou toute unité capable d’éviter son attaque.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Super Units, such as Retriever Sentinels, Condors, and Scarabs are recommended to take an Abomination head on.</span> Les super unités, telles que les sentinelles, les condors et les scarabées du Retriever, sont recommandées pour prendre une tête d'abomination.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">{{Expand-section}} ==Production notes== *The Abomination was introduced as the Flood super unit in ''Halo Wars 2''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s ''Awakening the Nightmare'' expansion.</span> {{Expand-section}} == Notes de production == * L'abomination a été introduite en tant que super unité Flood dans l'extension '' Halo Wars 2 '' <nowiki> '</ nowiki> s' 'Awakening the Nightmare' '.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Its design is derived from the [[Flood Juggernaut]], a Flood form that was originally created for ''[[Halo 2]]'' but was ultimately cut from the game, though the Abomination is significantly larger than its forebear in-game.</span> Son design est dérivé du [[Flood Juggernaut]], une forme Flood créée à l'origine pour '' [[Halo 2]] '' mais qui a finalement été retirée du jeu, bien que l'Abomination soit nettement plus volumineux que son prédécesseur. Jeu.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">*A form bearing heavy resemblance to the Abomination can be found in the cutscenes of ''Awakening the Nightmare'', though acts in a different way.</span> * Une forme ressemblant beaucoup à l’Abomination peut être trouvée dans les cinématiques de "Awakening the Nightmare", bien qu’elle agisse de manière différente.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Where the in-game unit is slow and tank-like, the form seen in the cutscene is much more agile, rolling around in a ball and using its tendrils to grapple the limbs of [[Jiralhanae]] warriors and pin them down, as opposed to using them in a manner seen in-game.</span> Là où l'unité dans le jeu est lente et en forme de tank, la forme vue dans la cinématique est beaucoup plus agile, roule en boule et utilise ses vrilles pour attraper les membres de [[Jiralhanae]] guerriers et les épingler, comme opposé à les utiliser d'une manière vue dans le jeu.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Renders of this unit from the cutscenes are referred to as the "Flood Commander" on Artstation, though it is unknown if this is intended to be a different Flood form entirely, or simply an internal codename for the model.<ref>[ '''Artstation''' - ''Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare Cutscenes'']</ref> ==Gallery== <gallery> File:HW2-flood abomination 01.png|Concept art of the Abomination for ''[[Halo Wars 2]]''.</span> Les rendus de cette unité à partir des cinématiques sont désignés sous le nom de "Flood Commander" sur Artstation, bien que l'on ignore s'il s'agit d'une forme Flood totalement différente ou simplement d'un nom de code interne pour le modèle. <Ref> [https: // '' 'Artstation' '' '' '' '' '' Halo Wars 2 réveillant les scènes de cauchemar ''] </ ref> == Galerie == <galerie> Fichier: HW2-flood abomination 01 .png | L'art conceptuel de l'abomination pour '' [[Halo Wars 2]]] ''.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">File:HW2 TerminusFirefight_Concept.jpg|Concept art of an Abomination attacking a member of [[Red Team]].</span> Fichier: HW2 TerminusFirefight_Concept.jpg | Concept d'art d'une abomination attaquant un membre de [[Red Team]].</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">File:HW2-Abomination.png|The Abomination File:HW2 juggernaut.png|The Abomination in [[Terminus Firefight]].</span> Fichier: HW2-Abomination.png | L'abomination Fichier: HW2 juggernaut.png | L'abomination dans [[Terminus Firefight]].</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">File:HW2-Abomination Render.jpg|Render of an Abomination.</span> Fichier: HW2-Abomination Render.jpg | Rendu d'une abomination.</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">File:HW2-FloodCommander_Render.jpg|Render of an Abomination used in the Blur cutscenes, referred to as a "Commander".</span> Fichier: HW2-FloodCommander_Render.jpg | Rendu d'une abomination utilisée dans les cinématiques de flou, appelé "commandant".</span> <span class="notranslate" onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left"></gallery> ==List of appearances== *''[[Halo Wars 2]]'' {{1st}} ==Sources== <references/> {{Flood}}</span> </ gallery> == Liste des apparences == * '' [[Halo Wars 2]] '' {{1er}} == Sources == <références /> {{Flood}}</span>
{{Species infobox
|image=[[File:HW2 Abomination Crop.png|300px]]
|classification=[[Key mind]]{{Ref/Reuse|PL}}{{Ref/Reuse|Enc22}}
|distinctions=Massive with two immensely large tentacles for arms which can reach and attack low-altitude aircraft
{{Quote|This thing seems to be leading the others, enhancing their strength! Focus fire on it!|[[Pavium]], regarding Abominations during the [[Outbreak on Installation 00]].{{Ref/Level|HW2|Light the Fuse}}}}
The '''Abomination''' is a large and powerful [[Flood]] [[key mind]] war-form.{{Ref/Game|Id=PL|HW2|Phoenix Logs|Detail=Abomination}}{{Ref/Book|Id=Enc22|Enc22|Page=412}}
Abominations are mobile [[key mind]]s created as an evolution of the [[Flood Juggernaut|Juggernaut]] command form in scenarios in which a [[Flood hive]] cannot be established. Appropriately, they heavily resemble the Juggernaut, consisting of towering bipedal hulks with a central bulking mass and multiple arm tendrils which can be used as whips to attack enemies.{{Ref/Reuse|PL}} They also heavily resemble the much smaller [[Flood gaunt form|Gaunts]], though differ hugely in size and role; Abominations are mobile command forms, while Gaunts are agile ambush predators.{{Ref/Reuse|Enc22}}
The Abomination's role in combat is to direct lesser Flood, using its coordinating intelligence to increase the effectiveness of the nearby Flood as a whole. As the Flood gathers strength, small armies of Flood assemble around Abominations to protect it until such a time as a [[Proto-Gravemind]] can be established.{{Ref/Reuse|PL}}
Abominations are extraordinarily powerful beings, and can be used to assault enemy fortifications and mechanised defences. Should multiple Abominations focus on defeating an enemy stronghold, the odds of survival are extremely slim.{{Ref/Reuse|Enc22}}
==In-game information==
===''Halo Wars 2''===
The Abomination is the super unit for the Flood faction in the ''[[Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare|Awakening the Nightmare]]'' expansion for ''[[Halo Wars 2]]''. It appears in both the expansion's [[campaign]] and [[Terminus Firefight]] modes exclusively as an enemy unit that cannot be utilised by the player. The Abomination has the ability to strengthen the Flood's firepower and defenses, allowing the packs surrounding the Abominations to become more durable and lethal to their enemies. It possesses a powerful slam for the attack, utilizing its tentacle arm to whip the ground, dealing considerate damage to infantry, and in close range, it can whip air units with less effort.  
It is best to eliminate Abominations quickly before the other Flood Forms rally around them. The best unit to deal with Abominations is long-range units like the [[M400 Kodiak|Kodiak]], [[Gydrozka Workshop Blisterback|Blisterback]], [[Sniper]]s, or any unit that can dodge its attack. Super Units, such as [[Retriever Sentinel]]s, [[G81 Condor|Condor]]s, and [[Barukaza Workshop Scarab|Scarab]]s are recommended to take an Abomination head-on. UNSC Snipers are also effective in dealing with Abomination, especially when [[M99A2S3 Stanchion|Stanchion Sniper System]] upgrade is researched, allowing each shot to slow it down. Air units must stay away from Abomination as its attack can deal considerable damage, and it may kill tier three upgraded [['Ahtulai Workshop Banshee|Banshee]]s or [[AV-14 Hornet|Hornet]]s in one hit.
====Phoenix Log====
{| class="wikitable": style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; width: 45%"
|+ '''[[Phoenix Logs|Phoenix Log]] - Abomination'''
|{{:Phoenix Logs/Flood Units/Abomination}}
==Production notes==
The Abomination was introduced as the Flood super unit in ''Halo Wars 2''{{'}}s ''Awakening the Nightmare'' expansion. Its design is derived from the [[Flood Juggernaut]], a Flood form that was originally created for ''[[Halo 2]]'' but was ultimately cut from the game, though the Abomination is significantly larger than its forebear in-game. In the concept and modelling stages, the Abomination was referred to internally as the "Flood Commander", before being named the Abomination in the final game.{{Ref/Site|URL=|Site=ArtStation|Page=Halo Banished|Detail=Filename <code>theo-stylianides-chr-flood-commander.jpg</code>|D=07|M=05|Y=2022}}{{Ref/Site|Id=Blur|URL=|Site=ArtStation|Page=Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare Cutscenes|Quote=Blur did the cutscenes for Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare. I was in charge of modelling, texturing and shading of the Flood Commander and a few other assets that were used on other characters.|D=07|M=05|Y=2022}}
In ''Awakening the Nightmare'', a notable discrepancy is found with the depiction of what appear to be Abominations in the ending [[Blur Studio]] cutscene of the level [[What Could Go Wrong?]]. In the cutscene, the Banished are attacked by Flood forms resembling Abominations, except much smaller and more agile, appearing to roll and jump around the battlefield and use their tendrils to immobilise and ensnare enemies - a stark contrast from the lumbering behemoths found in gameplay. Renders of Blur's model posted to ArtStation retain the Flood Commander filename.{{Ref/Reuse|Blur}} In the ''[[Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition)]]'', this difference was formally canonised with the cutscene Flood described as [[Flood gaunt form|Gaunts]] while the in-game enemies are the Abominations. Despite this, the ''Encyclopedia'' appears to use the Abomination's original concept art to depict the Gaunt, while using the render of the Gaunt's cutscene model to represent the Abomination. Due to this error, this page uses of the in-game model of the Abomination.
{{Linkbox|gallery=yes|gallerypage=Images of Flood Abominations}}
File:HW2-flood abomination 01.png|Concept art of the Abomination for ''[[Halo Wars 2]]''.
File:HW2 TerminusFirefight Concept.jpg|Abominations in the concept art/loading screen for [[The Last Bastion]].
File:HW2-Abomination Render.jpg|Render of an Abomination.
File:HW2-FloodCommander_Render.jpg|Render of an Abomination used in the Blur cutscenes, referred to as a "Commander".
File:HW2 FloodAbomination Combat.png|An Abomination leading other Flood forms into battle.
File:HW2 FloodAbomination Profile.png|Profile view of the Abomination.
File:HW2-Terminus Firefight 03.jpg|The Abomination in [[Terminus Firefight]].
HW2 Abomination vs Condor.png|The Abomination striking a Condor.
==List of appearances==
*''[[Halo Wars 2]]''
**''[[Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare]]'' {{1st}}
[[Category:Flood forms]]

Latest revision as of 16:15, October 25, 2024

A render of the Abomination model for Halo Wars 2. Cropped from the full render here.
Biological overview


Key mind[1][2]



Physical information


Massive with two immensely large tentacles for arms which can reach and attack low-altitude aircraft


"This thing seems to be leading the others, enhancing their strength! Focus fire on it!"
Pavium, regarding Abominations during the Outbreak on Installation 00.[3]

The Abomination is a large and powerful Flood key mind war-form.[1][2]


Abominations are mobile key minds created as an evolution of the Juggernaut command form in scenarios in which a Flood hive cannot be established. Appropriately, they heavily resemble the Juggernaut, consisting of towering bipedal hulks with a central bulking mass and multiple arm tendrils which can be used as whips to attack enemies.[1] They also heavily resemble the much smaller Gaunts, though differ hugely in size and role; Abominations are mobile command forms, while Gaunts are agile ambush predators.[2]

The Abomination's role in combat is to direct lesser Flood, using its coordinating intelligence to increase the effectiveness of the nearby Flood as a whole. As the Flood gathers strength, small armies of Flood assemble around Abominations to protect it until such a time as a Proto-Gravemind can be established.[1]

Abominations are extraordinarily powerful beings, and can be used to assault enemy fortifications and mechanised defences. Should multiple Abominations focus on defeating an enemy stronghold, the odds of survival are extremely slim.[2]

In-game information[edit]

Halo Wars 2[edit]

The Abomination is the super unit for the Flood faction in the Awakening the Nightmare expansion for Halo Wars 2. It appears in both the expansion's campaign and Terminus Firefight modes exclusively as an enemy unit that cannot be utilised by the player. The Abomination has the ability to strengthen the Flood's firepower and defenses, allowing the packs surrounding the Abominations to become more durable and lethal to their enemies. It possesses a powerful slam for the attack, utilizing its tentacle arm to whip the ground, dealing considerate damage to infantry, and in close range, it can whip air units with less effort.

It is best to eliminate Abominations quickly before the other Flood Forms rally around them. The best unit to deal with Abominations is long-range units like the Kodiak, Blisterback, Snipers, or any unit that can dodge its attack. Super Units, such as Retriever Sentinels, Condors, and Scarabs are recommended to take an Abomination head-on. UNSC Snipers are also effective in dealing with Abomination, especially when Stanchion Sniper System upgrade is researched, allowing each shot to slow it down. Air units must stay away from Abomination as its attack can deal considerable damage, and it may kill tier three upgraded Banshees or Hornets in one hit.

Phoenix Log[edit]

Phoenix Log - Abomination
Phoenix log artwork

Hive commanders.

A massive key mind war-form, the Abomination brings order and direction to the lesser Flood, turning feral parasites into a cunning and efficient collective. An evolved form of the Juggernaut command form, these towering nightmares are used when standard hives cannot be established and the Flood must stay mobile to avoid detection and destruction.

Abominations increase the speed and health of all nearby Flood units. As the parasite grows in strength, it will construct attack waves around these "generals". Blunting their onslaught requires making a difficult choice between attacking the Abomination or prioritizing the smaller, more immediate threats.

Production notes[edit]

The Abomination was introduced as the Flood super unit in Halo Wars 2's Awakening the Nightmare expansion. Its design is derived from the Flood Juggernaut, a Flood form that was originally created for Halo 2 but was ultimately cut from the game, though the Abomination is significantly larger than its forebear in-game. In the concept and modelling stages, the Abomination was referred to internally as the "Flood Commander", before being named the Abomination in the final game.[4][5]

In Awakening the Nightmare, a notable discrepancy is found with the depiction of what appear to be Abominations in the ending Blur Studio cutscene of the level What Could Go Wrong?. In the cutscene, the Banished are attacked by Flood forms resembling Abominations, except much smaller and more agile, appearing to roll and jump around the battlefield and use their tendrils to immobilise and ensnare enemies - a stark contrast from the lumbering behemoths found in gameplay. Renders of Blur's model posted to ArtStation retain the Flood Commander filename.[5] In the Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), this difference was formally canonised with the cutscene Flood described as Gaunts while the in-game enemies are the Abominations. Despite this, the Encyclopedia appears to use the Abomination's original concept art to depict the Gaunt, while using the render of the Gaunt's cutscene model to represent the Abomination. Due to this error, this page uses of the in-game model of the Abomination.


List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Halo Wars 2, Phoenix Logs: Abomination
  2. ^ a b c d Halo Encyclopedia (2022 edition), page 412
  3. ^ Halo Wars 2, campaign level Light the Fuse
  4. ^ ArtStation, Halo Banished: Filename theo-stylianides-chr-flood-commander.jpg (Retrieved on May 7, 2022) [archive]
  5. ^ a b ArtStation, Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare Cutscenes: "Blur did the cutscenes for Halo Wars 2 Awakening the Nightmare. I was in charge of modelling, texturing and shading of the Flood Commander and a few other assets that were used on other characters." (Retrieved on May 7, 2022) [archive]