Gravemind/Quotes: Difference between revisions

No change in size ,  10 months ago
Changed simpleton --> singleton: I'm 99% sure the phrase is 'singleton' instead of 'simpleton'. It fits better in context with the later sentences and DBB's voice acting sounds closer to singleton
m (Undo revision 1568869 by (talk) Um, no.)
Tag: Undo
(Changed simpleton --> singleton: I'm 99% sure the phrase is 'singleton' instead of 'simpleton'. It fits better in context with the later sentences and DBB's voice acting sounds closer to singleton)
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*"She baited me with lies, brought me here to seal my doom! ''(agonized roar)'' I have spent eons waiting, watching, planning... Will not again be torn asunder! Not now that I'm free, not now that I'm whole!"
*"She baited me with lies, brought me here to seal my doom! ''(agonized roar)'' I have spent eons waiting, watching, planning... Will not again be torn asunder! Not now that I'm free, not now that I'm whole!"
*"Listen, hypocrite who holds the key! Think on your past, and know."
*"Listen, hypocrite who holds the key! Think on your past, and know."
*"With me dies the potential of a thousand ''million'' souls. Can you appreciate the tragedy, simpleton that you are? Your life is but an instant, a lonely flash. A ruse. And your... 'victory'... ''(laughs)'' Another stone upon the monument to the sins of shortsighted fools."
*"With me dies the potential of a thousand ''million'' souls. Can you appreciate the tragedy, singleton that you are? Your life is but an instant, a lonely flash. A ruse. And your... 'victory'... ''(laughs)'' Another stone upon the monument to the sins of shortsighted fools."

''Source: [ Halo 3 Cut Mission Dialog Part (1/2)] and [ Halo 3 Cut Mission Dialog Part (2/2)]''
''Source: [ Halo 3 Cut Mission Dialog Part (1/2)] and [ Halo 3 Cut Mission Dialog Part (2/2)]''