Repository (Halo Infinite level): Difference between revisions

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''The Chief enters the gravity lift and ascends.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"There will be no more sadness, no more anger, no more envy."''
''The Chief reaches the next level.''
*'''Weapon''': "There's another lift nearby. It'll take us close to the surface."
''The Chief fights through more enemies as he searches for the second gravity lift.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"You found me. But so much of me is wrong, out of place. You might be too late..."''
''The Chief locates the second gravity lift.''
*'''Weapon''': "There's the lift... and it's not powered up. The Banished are trying trap us down here. We're going to need to find a way to get it back online."
''The gravity lift is powered by two [[Crucible]]s, both of which require a [[power seed]]. The power seeds can be found in two separate rooms one level below. One of these rooms is guarded by two [[Jiralhanae Chieftain]], one wielding a [[Scrap Cannon]], and the other wielding a [[Type-58 plasma cannon]]. The other chamber is guarded by a Brute Chieftain wielding a  [[Type-2 gravity hammer|gravity hammer]], as well as a [[Jiralhanae Captain]] armed with a Hydra. In both rooms, Sentinels appear after the Brutes are killed.''
*'''Jiralhanae Captain''': "The Reformation has begun, brothers! Kill the Spartan, and the Ring is ours to wield!"
''After the Chief defeats the enemies in the first room, a side door opens up, revealing a small adjacent chamber that contains a power seed. At the same time, however, the corridor through which the Chief entered the room is now sealed shut.''
*'''Weapon''': "Looks like we're trapped in here."
''The Chief retrieves the power seed from the adjacent chamber.''
*'''Weapon''': ''(as he exits the adjacent chamber with the power seed)'' "Or maybe not."
''As she say this, a teleporter appears on the ground in front of him.''
*'''Weapon''': "A teleporter just powered up."
''The Chief steps onto the teleporter and is transported back to the upper level.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"You saved us. You saved me. Saved me from myself."''
''The Chief finds his way back to the gravity lift.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"Forgive me."''
''The Chief inserts the first power seed into a Crucible. It doesn't restore power to the gravity lift, but it triggers something else: A memory showing [[Earth]].''
*'''Weapon''': "Not enough power... Wait, is that... Earth?"
*'''John-117''': "Yes."
*'''Weapon''': "What's it doing here? It's beautiful."
*'''John-117''': "We need more power. Let's go."
''The Chief heads down to the other room, defeats the enemies guarding it, and retrieves the second power seed from the adjacent room. As before the corridor outside seals shut, and a teleporter appears on the floor which transports the Chief back to the upper level.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. Where the soul lies down in the grass, the world is too full to talk about."''
''The Chief returns to the gravity lift.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"Forgive me."''
''The Chief inserts the second power seed into the other Crucible. The memory of Earth now begins to play out in full, as Cortana appears in front of the planet.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"This is not a negotiation, [[Terrence Hood|Lord Hood]]. This is your surrender. My terms are clear. You are aware of my capabilities and... I am fully acquainted with yours. If [[Earth]]'s [[Unified Earth Government|government]] wants to fight, feel free. But hear this. It is a battle you will not win."''
''A [[Guardian Custode]] appears and begins firing on Earth with its energy beam. The memory then ends.''
''The gravity lift activates.''
*'''Weapon''': ''(stunned)'' "Wait... She... she ''threatened'' Earth?"
*'''John-117''': "[[The Created|Her forces]] led an assault on the UNSC in [[Sydney]]. Wiped it out."
*'''Weapon''': "Wiped out the headquarters?"
*'''John-117''': "All of it. We had to hide. Regroup. Come up with a plan."
*'''Weapon''': "To stop her?"
*'''John-117''': "To survive."
''The Chief rides the gravity lift to the next level.''
*'''Whispers''': ''"[[The Covenant (level)|It asked and I answered. For a moment of safety, I loosed damnation on the stars.]]"''
''The Chief locates a third gravity lift, which is locked down.''
*'''Weapon''': "That's not good. It's like someone doesn't want us to leave. Plug me in."
''The Chief approaches a terminal.''
*'''Weapon''': "This should be simple enough."
''The Chief deploys the Weapon onto the terminal.''
''Before the Weapon can start hacking the terminal, another memory begins to play.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"[[Atriox]]. [[Warmaster|Leader of the Banished]]. How do you stand?"''
''The image of Atriox appears, his arms folded across his chest in defiance.''
*'''Atriox (memory)''': ''"With the [[Banished]]. Always."''
''Cortana appears next to him. He glances down at her.''
*'''Atriox (memory)''': ''"Forever."''
''Cortana slowly paces around him.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"And you understand the consequences of defiance?"''
*'''Atriox (memory)''': ''"I do. ''(threateningly)'' Do you?"''
''Cortana smirks slightly as opens the palm of her hand and a planet surrounded by three moons appears in it. Scene zooms in on the planet she's holding.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"The intricacies of any action are complex."''
''She turns around to show Atriox what she's holding. The planet grows in size for him to see clearly.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"The reactions numerous yet most predictable."''
''Seven Guardians appear around the planet. Scene rotates to show Atriox's reaction.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"Look upon [[Doisac]] one last time and remember: you chose this path."''
''There's a soft snap of a pair of fingers. The Guardians power up their weapons and fire in unison. Their energy beams tear into the planet, causing the surface to crack. Doisac shatters and explodes.''
''Zoom in on Atriox's expression of grief and rage.''
*'''Atriox (memory)''': ''"As did you, Cortana."''
''The memory ends.''
''Zoom in on the Chief and the Weapon as they react to what they've just witnessed.''
*'''Weapon''': ''(horrified)'' "She destroyed their home? Escharum's?... Atriox's? An entire planet? ''(lengthy pause)'' How could she do that?"
''The Chief stares down slightly.''
*'''John-117''': "It's my fault."
*'''Weapon''': ''(confused)'' "How?"
*'''John-117''': "I should have stopped it."
''The Weapon turns to face him.''
*'''John-117''': "I could have reasoned with her."
*'''Weapon''': "Could you? It was her choice. Her programming."
*'''John-117''': "Was it? I don't know anymore."
''The Weapon turns away and casually snaps her fingers.''
*'''Weapon''': "There's something you're not telling me."
''As she speaks, she continues absentmindedly snapping her fingers when a sudden realization comes across her.''
*'''Weapon''': "I'm..."
*'''John-117''': "The only way to access the Ring... To reach Cortana..."
''Zoom in on the Weapon as she stares at the fingers she's been snapping with.''
*'''Weapon''': ''(finishing his sentence)'' "Was to make a copy."
''She turns as another memory plays out - one of hers.''
*'''Weapon (memory)''': ''"I'll get this open."'' ''(snaps her fingers)''
''The memory of herself vanishes and the image of Cortana appears in its place.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"Reconsider."''
*'''[[Despondent Pyre]] (memory)''': ''"The consequences of your..."''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''(snapping her fingers)'' ''"Back to your Conservatory, Monitor."''
''The image of the Weapon replaces her.''
*'''Weapon (memory)''': ''(snapping her fingers)'' ''"There's your grav lift. Let's get this over with."''
''She's replaced by the image of Cortana again.''
*'''Cortana (memory)''': ''"And remember: you chose this path."'' ''(snaps her fingers)''
''The memories fade. The Weapon turns around, her mouth agape as she finally understands the truth.''
*'''Weapon''': ''"I'm her?"''
*'''John-117''': "Yes. An exact copy. It was the only option we had left."
*'''Weapon''': ''(horrified)'' "My routines... systems..."
*'''John-117''': "All copies. Halsey removed any information that could compromise you. You're her. If we'd never met."
*'''Weapon''': ''(voice trembling)'' "Will I d-do what she did?" ''(points to where Cortana was standing)'' "Become what she became? Am I that already?"
''Scene rotates around her so that the Chief is now seen staring down at her.''
*'''John-117''': "My mission was to ensure that doesn't happen. It still is."
*'''Weapon''': ''(mortified)'' "I'm sorry."
''She turns away and drops to her knees in despair.''
*'''Weapon''': "I'm so sorry. That can't be me! It can't be."
''She kneels there in silence as she contemplates her existence.''
*'''Weapon''': "I shouldn't be here. Your mission was to destroy me."
''She closes her eyes and a soft beeping sound is heard.''
*'''Weapon''': "I've restored the deletion protocols."
''Zoom in on the Weapon's face and she opens her eyes.''
*'''Weapon''': "I'm ready."
''She closes her eyes again.''
*'''Weapon''': "It has been an honor. Just promise me one thing..."
''She opens her eyes, emotion filling her face.''
*'''Weapon''': "Whatever happens: save [[Fernando Esparza|him]]. He needs you. You're all he has."
''She closes her eyes, ready to accept her fate.''
''Suddenly the scene zooms out, showing the Master Chief now holding her in the palm of his hand, staring down at her.''
*'''John-117''': "We do it together."
''The Weapon opens her eyes, shocked.''
*'''Weapon''': "How...?"
''She slowly stands back up and turns around to look up at him.''
*'''Weapon''': "How can you trust me?"
*'''John-117''': "I don't... but I want to."
''Scene shifts back to the Weapon as she gives him a look of understanding. Her avatar then vanishes into the Chief's hand.''
*'''Weapon''': "Okay, let's go save him."
''A door opens up and a Brute Chieftain armed with a plasma cannon storms into the room.''
*'''Jiralhanae Chieftain''': "[[Fernando Esparza|Your friend]] will die in agony, Spartan! Just like the rest of the humans on this Ring!"

