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'''The Age of Discovery''' is a time period in [[Covenant]] history. This Age took place during the [[Prophet-Elite War]]. It is believed that during this Age, the [[Prophet]]'s (possibly with the help of the [[Engineers]]) discovered the remains of [[Forerunner]] [[technology]], probably giving birth to the Covenant religion with its central theme that the activation of the Halos would begin [[the Great Journey]] for the Covenant, leading them to salvation.
'''The Age of Discovery''' is a time period in [[Covenant]] history. This Age took place during the [[Prophet-Elite War]]. It is believed that during this Age, the [[Prophet]]'s (possibly with the help of the [[Engineers]]) discovered the remains of [[Forerunner]] [[technology]], probably giving birth to the Covenant religion with its central theme that the activation of the Halos would begin [[the Great Journey]] for the Covenant, leading them to salvation.
This ''"Great Journey"'' would lead to the total destruction of anything within three radii of the galactic center. It is unfortunate for the Covenant and all it's members that they are being led on a path to death by Prophets who did not understand the secrets or potential of Halo.

[[Category:The Covenant]]
[[Category:The Covenant]]
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