Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle: Difference between revisions

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File:H4-Concept-Dawn-SOEIV.jpg|A drop pod of the {{UNSCShip|Forward Unto Dawn}} in ''[[Halo 4]]''.
File:H4-Concept-Dawn-SOEIV.jpg|A drop pod of the {{UNSCShip|Forward Unto Dawn}} in ''[[Halo 4]]''.
File:InitiationDrop.jpg|Drop pods in ''Halo: Initiation''.
File:InitiationDrop.jpg|Drop pods in ''Halo: Initiation''.
File:Darren-bacon-darren-bacon-alex-cunningham-odst-droppod-highrespo-01a.jpg|Concept art for the Drop-pod in ''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''.
File:H5G_ODST_Drop_Pod_concept_1.jpg|Concept art of the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' drop pod.
File:H5G_ODST_Drop_Pod_concept_2.jpg|Concept art of the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' drop pod.
File:H5G_ODST_Drop_Pod_concept_3.jpg|Concept art of the ''Halo 5: Guardians'' drop pod.
File:H5G - Drop pod.jpg|A drop pod on [[Array]].
File:H5G - Canon Fodder drop pod.png|A drop pod on the "Ascendance" skybox of [[Parallax]].
File:HW2-Trailer-Ballistic SOEIV.png|SOEIVs being used to destroy Blisterbacks in ''[[Know Your Enemy]]''.
File:HW2-Trailer-Ballistic SOEIV.png|SOEIVs being used to destroy Blisterbacks in ''[[Know Your Enemy]]''.
File:HW2-Trailer-ODST deployed.png|An ODST exiting their drop pod.
File:HW2-Trailer-ODST deployed.png|An ODST exiting their drop pod.