Genesis (level): Difference between revisions

Wondering if we actually need the COM markers still.
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(Wondering if we actually need the COM markers still.)
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'''Genesis''' is the thirteenth campaign level of ''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''.  
'''Genesis''' is the thirteenth campaign level of ''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''.  

Completing the level grants the player the achievement "[[Reclamation]]". During the level, if the player keeps the Scorpion until the end of Genesis on [[Legendary]] difficulty grants the player the achievement "[[Tank Still Beats Everything]]". Fireteam Osiris operating four different vehicles at once on [[Heroic]] difficulty rewards the player with the achievement "[[Rolling Thunder]]".
Completing the level grants the player the achievement "[[Reclamation]]".
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''Several Phantoms arrive with the Guardian, which begin deploying troops. Prometheans phase in to attack them.''
''Several Phantoms arrive with the Guardian, which begin deploying troops. Prometheans phase in to attack them.''

*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "As you can see, Genesis's defenses are targeting the invaders. Unfortunately, the defenses will also consider you invaders as well."
*'''Locke''': "It's your installation, can't you tell them to let us through?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "No. Between [[Warden Eternal|Warden]] and Cortana, most of my administration privileges have been revoked. But worry not! I still have control over some aspects of this facility."
''The Spartans drive in, battling numerous hostiles.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Warden is going to notice this commotion. Be quick."
''If the tank is badly damaged.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Your vehicle is not coping well with the stress of combat."
''If the tank is close to destruction.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Please be more careful. That is the only one of those vehicles that exist on Genesis!"
''More Prometheans phase in, including high ranked Knights.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Oh my. I never was in combat before. This is rather distressing. And exciting."
''They clear out most of the enemies, though a few remain.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "You are performing admirably. I think. There's less of them now than there were, which I assume is your objective?"
''The Spartans reach a closed gate blocking the path.''
*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Looks like the road ends here."
*'''Locke''': "Exuberant."
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "One moment. I will open this."
''After a few seconds wait, the door opens up. A vacant Wraith Ultra is parked nearby, as is a crashed Pelican.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Follow me."
''The tank continues driving up the path.''
*''' (COM)''': "The Gateway is almost ready. Hurry!"
*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "What is the Gateway?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "It is a bridge between the [[Domain]] and Genesis. Within that building, Cortana will be reborn into the physical world."
''The path leads to a distant hill, atop which can be seen the now-activate Forerunner building, creating a portal into the sky.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "There! The Gateway."
''Several Wraiths and a Banshee guard the path.''
*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "More Covenant."
*'''Locke''': "And the Master Chief is there?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Cortana has had the other humans wandering in circles within the Gateway for some hours. She is preparing for something. But just what is unknown."
''More Prometheans defenses emerge to fight the Covenant. Locke and the Spartans battle them all.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Genesis is really a magnificent planet. It's usually less... busy. Quite lonely, actually. But magnificent!"
''The Scorpion blows up the many Covenant tanks blocking their way.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Yes, I can see now why the Warden is troubled by your presence. You are quite destructive."
''The tank continues to push through the enemies.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "I must admit, I do find this rather exhilarating, in spite of myself."
''The tank nears the end of the path, though enemies are still in the way.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "You may want to hurry. Cortana is attempting to activate several high-level communication systems."
''The tank continues blowing up its resistance.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Humanity has not changed much since [[Prehistoric human civilization|last your kind walked the stars]]. You are as deadly as ever."
''The path halts at the edge of a cliff, but the ends of an inactive [[light bridge]] can be seen.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "This way, straight ahead."
''The Gateway is on the other side of the chasm.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Oh. There's supposed to be a bridge here."
*'''Locke''': "Is there another way across?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "One moment."
''The light bridge activates, allowing them across.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "There you are. Oh! I can work bridges too, it seems. Most exciting. Come along."
''The Spartans pass over the chasm, reaching a rocky hill.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Hurry humans, the Gateway is almost-"
''Portals appear on the hill, bringing in the [[Warden Eternal]] and two [[Focus Turrets]]
*'''Warden (COM)''': "Monitor! Why do you aid these humans?!"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "I have bad news, humans. The Warden has found us."
*'''Buck (COM)''': "We've dealt with him before."
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "And you likely will again. He is rather... tenacious."
''The Warden leaps down to engage the Spartans.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Warden, why do you aid the ancilla? It is not protocol! It is not right!"
*'''Warden (COM)''': "This facility's need for you has passed, monitor."
''The Warden charges, but is easily defeated by a tank.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Fantastic. I am so happy you survived. But still, the Warden is victorious."
*'''Locke''': "How so?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "This late in her plans, every second Cortana gains is a gift."
''The hill is too rocky to let the vehicles easily proceed.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "I'm afraid your vehicle won't cross this terrain, humans."
''The Spartans proceed on foot.''
''If the player climbs up the right hill.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Interesting that humans can survive here where [[Covenant|the others]] find it so difficult. Your resilience was always so irritating to the Forerunners. Where they had to craft and plan, you simply... performed."
''The Spartans cross over the hill's boulders.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Quickly now! The Gateway is just behind that hill."
''The Spartans reach a crashed Pelican, and an enormous courtyard in front of the Gateway.''
*'''Locke''': "117, if you can hear me. We are approaching the Gateway. Hold your position."
''Locke only gets static as a response.''
*'''Locke''': "Chief?"
*'''Buck (COM)''': "Cortana's still blocking the comms?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Indeed. But I can assure you that the humans are still in the Gateway."
''As the Spartans walk up the courtyard, enemy portals open. The Warden returns, two of him.''
*'''Warden (COM)''': "I have misjudged you lot! I had mistaken your behavior as tenacity, when it's in fact suicidal ''foolishness''."
''Promethean Knights, Soldiers, and Crawlers arrive to support him.''
*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Watch for snipers in the back."
''Despite his attacks, the Spartans continue to move up.''
*'''Warden (COM)''': "Come. Let us battle our last!"
''As they destroy Prometheans, the Warden sends in more to replace them.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Humans, watch out. You are surrounded."
*'''Buck (COM)''': "What'd we do before we had her around to point things out to us?!"
''When one of the Wardens is badly weakened.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "You've injured him for certain. Keep it up."
''When one of the Wardens is destroyed.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "You are doing a fantastic job, humans. The Warden is furious."
*'''Locke''': "One down! Focus fire on the Warden!"
''The remaining Warden summons two Focus Turrets.''
''When the second Warden is midway damaged.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Your fighting skills are impressive. Warden will soon be defeated. At least, these bodies will be defeated. Warden himself... Oh, ignore me. You're doing wonderfully!"
''When the last Warden is almost dead.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "You've almost done it! Keep fighting!"
''The last Warden body is destroyed.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Perfect. The Warden is quite humiliated, I assure you."
*'''Tanaka (COM)''': "Yeah? A robot can feel humiliation?"
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Oh! Warden is not a robot. I thought you understood that."
''The door at the far end of the courtyard activates, allowing the Spartans to enter.''
*'''Exuberant (COM)''': "Follow me."
''The Spartans follow her to the Gateway's entrance. Fade to black.''
''Fade in to Fireteam Osiris, dashing into the Gateway at top speed. Exuberant floats by with them.''
*'''Exuberant''': "There! The others!"
''[[Blue Team]] is walking around in front of them at a balcony.''
*'''Locke''': "Chief!"
''The Spartan-IIs turn and points their guns at Osiris. Locke holsters his rifle and raises his hands.''
*'''Locke''': "Chief, please. Wait. Cortana-"
*'''John''': "She's dangerous. I know."
*'''Locke''': "You don't have to do this alone. We're here to help you."
''The two Spartans watch each other, but look up as a bright light appears above.''
*'''Cortana''': "You're too late to do anything."
''The Spartans look up warily as the light above glows brighter.''
*'''John''': "Cortana. No!"
''Blue Team suddenly vanishes.''
*'''Exuberant''': "Oh no. She should not have brought them so close to her. This will push the Warden past all restraint."
''Fade to black. Level ends.''

==Production notes==
==Production notes==
===Easter Eggs===
*Ten pieces of [[Mission Intel]] can be found on this level.
*Two [[M739 SAW#The Answer|The Answer]] SAWs can be found just before the dual Wardens fight. One is on the left of the entrance by a crashed Pelican, and the other is on the right.
*The [[Type-54 plasma pistol|Spitfire plasma pistol]] can be found on a ledge nearby a terminal with mission intel, after the vacant Wraith and the first crashed Pelican.
*The [[Type-58 fuel rod cannon#Light of Urs|Light of Urs]] fuel rod cannon can be found by a ledge after the first bridge and by a dead Grunt with mission intel.
*Keeping the Scorpion intact until the end of the level on [[Legendary]] difficulty grants the player the achievement "[[Tank Still Beats Everything]]".
*Fireteam Osiris operating four different vehicles at once on [[Heroic]] difficulty rewards the player with the achievement "[[Rolling Thunder]]".
*The [[Promethean Soldiers]] in the run down the Guardian are deliberately weakened to have shields that break from a single shot.
*It is possible, through careful maneuvering, to get vehicles into the second Warden boss fight, including the Wraith or Scorpion. Allies will also pilot them if brought to the encounter.
*If the player dashes to the spot where Exuberant teleports in the Scorpion, they will find the Scorpion is already there but is invisible.
*The Phantoms brought by incoming Guardians can be destroyed, possibly killing the enemies they carry early.
*Exuberant Witness is invincible and has no weapons, but can catch grenades thrown by enemies much like a [[Promethean Watcher|Watcher]].

