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| | Anyone who has ever picked up an xbox controller during their life has had, in some way, a Halo experience. This is mine. |
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| '''{{quote|If there's "friendly fire", it means you suck and got in the way.|-Motto}}'''
| | Over the course of my youth, I had garnered many interests in a variety of games, especially those in the science-fiction genre. Games such as Star Wars or Mass Effect kept me entertained, while smaller, less-complicated games, like Battlefield or Call of Duty, kept the flow of action enjoyable. Halo however, has been the staple of those interests. Halo was the type of game that I always went back to, whether to replay my favorite moment in single-player mode or to play multiplayer with friends for hours on end. Halo was an epic arcade-shooter that captivated me from the start. As a kid, shooting aliens with a machine gun and laughing about it later was the stuff. It wasn't until much later that I realize that Halo had a story to tell. Master Chief was a soldier, a hero even, that fought to protect humanity from threats that emerged throughout the galaxy. My interest in the game expanded to the novels, which gave me a better understanding of what was going on. This eventually led me to buy an Xbox 360 console for myself, just in time for Halo 3. I remember playing Halo and Halo 2 the weeks prior to its release. |
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| <font size=3>'''[[Halopedia:News|<font color=#0099CC>Former Senior Editor of Halopedia News</font>]]'''</font>
| | I discovered Halopedia in late 2007. The details are a bit fuzzy, but I do remember reading an article on Coagulation, a map in Halo 2, that I found enjoyable. After a few months of reading, and noticing that there was a thriving community on the site, I joined under the username Spirit-of-HALO. In retrospect, that name was purely ridiculous. Nevertheless, it stuck for some time. I garnered some attention, made friends, and eventually became a contributing member of the site, even being considered for Admin. twice. After awhile I left, realizing that spending an absurd amount of time here was an absolute waste of my time. Like many others, however, I was only just a kid that fed his own curiosity, so I never really blamed myself for wasting so much time. Afterwards, I pursued my real interests in life, leaving Halo and gaming as a whole at the back-seat. I returned a couple years later, around the release of Halo 4, but many that I came to know where now gone. The site itself had changed, and I no longer knew wiki-coding as much as I did back then. It was then that I decided to change my name to what I have now. Before leaving a second time however, I did make some strides in a community project that I created in order to bring users together, a way to enjoy each others company and play Halo, but that died out quick. The place I knew before was simply nonexistent. |
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| <font size=2>'''[[Special:TopUsers|<font color=#0099CC>Veteran and Semi-Distinguished User</font>]]'''</font>
| | Things were different, and Halo was different. I had realized that it became something of a guilty pleasure of mine back then. Eventually, it became somewhat of a memory, quickly falling into the deep, dark crevices of my mind where it remained for some time. It was only after playing Halo 4 did I realize that Halo was evolving. Its story shifted, its theme had changed to a more personal tone. It reminded me of me. Not the Master Chief, or any other character, but the story did – the elements of it. The matter was thought provoking, especially the end when John had lost Cortana. It reminded me of my prior relationship, and not only that, but a few other things that had happened in my life. I was right in the middle of going through some difficult stuff, but seeing the very end with the Chief all stoic was oddly uplifting, if only a little. It wasn't anything drastic, but it was something. Like a simple, "Hmph, how about that" before setting the controller down. Things were no longer like it was for me, where living life fast and "laughing about it later" was the dream. Now its even better than ever, where I feel comfortable and even relaxed, but like the Chief, some wounds take time to heal. |
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| [[User talk:Spirit-of-HALO|Communications]] • [[Special:Contributions/Spirit-of-HALO|Achievements]] • [[Special:Editcount/Spirit-of-HALO|Debriefs and Logs]]<br>
| | With the release of the Mast Chief Collection, my interest in Halo revitalized. It was truly something, I admit. Halo 2 Anniversary was the tipping point for me, it was then that I knew Halo had made a far more greater impact then I had thought previously. This was something I grew up with, something that lived and evolved. Although just a character within a fictional universe, the Master Chief became somewhat of an icon to me. Like when you think of a real-world hero, you may think of a police officer or a soldier in the armed forces, but when I think of strength or endurance, I think of the Master Chief first. Its those kinds of imprints that last for a life-time. Something only you yourself can understand and take with you. |
| ==Past Wikis==
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| [[wikia:c:xenopedia:User:Spirit-of-HALO|Xenopedia]] • [[wikia:c:starwars:User:Spirit-of-HALO|Wookieepedia]] • [[wikia:c:callofduty:User:Spirit-of-HALO|Call of Duty Wiki]]
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| ==Current==
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| [[wikia:c:halofanon:User:Spirit-of-HALO|Halo Fanon]] • [[wikia:c:deadspace:User:WhiskeyDelta|Dead Space]]
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| | colspan="3" style="background: Black; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;" | <font color=Yellow>About<font color=yellow> Me</font></font>
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| {{User Infobox
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| |image=[[File:Lieutenant.jpg|300px]]
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| |name=<font color=Red><font size=2>Spirit-of-HALO</font></font>
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| |gender=Male
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| |age=18
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| |height=1.52m
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| |weight=70.0kg
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| |blood=A+
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| |dob=April 16
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| |zodiac= Unknown
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| |birthplace=United States
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| |religion=Christianity (its a relationship not a religion)
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| |favourite=Good Scifi/Military movies (such as Avatar), U.S. Military History, Video Games, etc.
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| |specialty=Sarcasm, Annoyance, and downright stubbornness
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| |occupation=College Student and ROTC
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| |website= [http://mwteamhawx.webs.com/apps/blogs/ H.A.W.X Online Team] (Disbanded but used as an "inside joke" among my peer group)
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| |rank=[http://halopedian.com/User:Spirit-of-HALO <font color=white>Brigadier General (Halopedia)</font>]
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| |gamertag=[http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/profile.aspx?pp=0&GamerTag=Ki11jax <font color=white>Ki11jax on Xbox LIVE</font>]
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| |othername= Killjax
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| Do forgive me if this short little trip down memory lane puts you to sleep or forces you to hit the "back button" on your browser. I should also tell you that I'm writing this at 11:22 pm PST just after guzzling down a can of Pepsi and watching a digital "cat fight" ensue over facebook. That said, I have little concern over my grammar usage and other language arts crap I surprisingly remember during my elementary school days. That said... where to start... AH HA.
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| That was for drama, I actually have no clue where to start.
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| I suppose I could start on the date I joined. I believe I joined Halopedia back at September of 2007 just a couple weeks after Halo 3 was released. However many have said I joined 4 or more months later on. I truly don't know, its all a blur to me now. I do remember when the site was "ancient" (appropriate word for this site's day and age) and how you needed old fashion talk pages to communicate with one another and had to use the forums to get word around. For me, that did not last long as Halopedia was given a massive over-haul. Many of its "upgrades" were more focused at a more social aspect for its ever flourishing user membership at the time. However, out of all the plethora of new gadgets one profound upgrade (I prefer flaw) really... how do I put this rationally... screwed me over. It is the infamous "Point System" as everyone has come to call it.
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| When you join something you need a motivation, right? When I joined I had a decent goal ahead of me, to improve this site. In a nut-shell Halopedia's point system is a visual representation meant to display your editing history and activity, but '''not''' your performance. With this, many saw the difficulty in distinguishing between quality edits and "point whoring". In which you edited articles purely for the points and rank. This has digitally back-stabbed me on more than one occasion. As such many perceived me as a liability for the first few weeks. Long story short... I had to climb the "ladder of fame/popularity" (as I like to call it) for a couple of years only to literally claw my way through the most basic rights of any responsible user could obtain (i.e. Rollback, Operator status, and the then-active leadership positions of the Usergroups). I eventually failed a request for Adminiship, twice, because of it. Oh yes, I've broken the record and perhaps the only user to do so.
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| Moving on, I went from an article hopping/vandalism-hunting sub-user to a full on IRC junkie. The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) was the core of Halopedia and its users, so at this point you were a "full" Halopedian who did nothing more but talked smack about each other and pissed off the operators. Even that didn't last long. Overtime I really started thinking about my reasons why I was truly here, why I didn't already leave, and how I was able to keep up with the everyday bullcrap that would arise. I truly had no reason, but my goals were simple - to edit and to improve. I decided to observe peoples behavior here on this site, specifically those on the IRC, and to see their reasons of being here. I was not surprised. In numerable statistics, I'd say about 60% of users who signed on the IRC on a daily basis were merely the ones who wanted to make the position of Adminiship. Kids, really, who put nothing more than a fake virtual smile and does the common work around the area. Its sad, to say the least.
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| Your probably thinking that I really dislike the site and its members. Not at all, this site is great and those who really care have kept it in working order... to some extent that is.
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| Well, when Halopedia moved from the wikia database late last year, thats when I really stopped coming on. The newer generation of Halopedia's users were coming along steadily and Halo: Reach, Bungie's last Halo game, was released. According to some "Veteran" users and I myself, we were obsolete and our tasks were no longer needed. Many of my generation left while only a very few stayed behind.
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| Its about 1 o'clock now, so I'm going to wrap this up quickly. When I look back at my accomplishments and many other things, I finally see that I really wasted my time here and how a total nerd I was, but it brings back... great memories. Halopedia has stuck with me through High School, from Freshman to Senior. I had a.. rough run, but it smoothed itself out.
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