BaconShelf's board-to-board with Targa
Ok, even when I don't intend on adding this mentioned unit on the cut units list, I just wanted to ask you this question.
When I was messing around with the Trooper Hornet that someone managed to extract, what do you think that there's 3 separate file names for the textures: Hornet (Hornet), Evac (Trooper), and there's a variant mentioned for the Hornet textures and it was mentioned as "Blast". I thought that this was maybe just a typo or something but yet there's more textures that go with the "blast" variant and it even has it's own "EM" textures?
("Em" is just short of "emission' and it's responsible for making the texture glow)
By any chance, once the leader powers have their own articles can the Blitz exclusives leader powers be added and also add a "(Blitz)" next to them? Like there is some Blitz leader powers that have unique visual and gameplay effects, such as "Double Time" or the "Siphon" healing area.
Hay, so after I've been trying out Blitz (even tho it's a eternity of pain) for while, whenever I upload a photo of a HW2 screenshot containing a Blitz unit, I think I will try to put them as many articles as a I can, for example if I upload a screen of a Blitz unit either attacking a non-Blitz unit, I will also put the image on those units that aren't exclusive to Blitz. I just letting you know cause I'm worried that my edits may look a bit spammy or just sometimes low effort. Also, I thought about doing this as mainly cause majority of HW2 players aren't aware that there's Blitz exclusive units.
Hay so I discovered something in HW2, when I was playing with a random Johnson player in HW2 Blitz, he used mech overcharge to his Colossus, however, I also saw that my Reaver with a Skitterer guarding it was also effected by it. So I wonder, if Mech Overcharge ever had it's own article is it worth to mention that in Blitz, all ally mech units can get overcharge? So far these are all the mechs in Blitz (all variants of Cyclops, and Mantis, and Reavers, Kinsano, Johnson, Colossus, and Skitterers)
Hay, do you mind if you can delete the earliest upload to file "HW2 Hellbringers comparison.png"? Cause I don't want my gamertag placed in Screenshots on the modded game.
Since I saw the leader powers, did y'all also considered adding Blitz leader powers?
Example: Atriox - Shockwave & Spike Turret Decimus - Blast Hammer Shipmaster - Spirit Transport
Another thing, certain leader had the same leader powers example: Anders & Vordius (ATN) - Ark Defense Vordius & Decimus (Blitz) - Vortex
Also, Pavium had a EMP Disrupter in ATN for his leader power.
Question, since every unit is effected by passives and since every leader is different, do the passives deserve a mention in the wiki? For Example, if the Shipmaster builds Wraith their passive would be ranges, speed increased. Decimus' Wraith have damage boost & Speed with Siphon. And also is it an option to mention leader powers that only effect units? Like Atriox gives his unit temporary invincibility. Since Jerome plays mainly build mass Mastodon + Marines, is it an option to mention how many Mastodons can you have with certain units in them? Also, one modder found unused Blitz maps however, only the names are mentioned in the Blitz files and he said that these maps don't have any models nor any photos on how they look, where can they maps be mentioned?
Skull box, so one of the HW2 modders we're looking into the files and found one of the unused skulls and one of them deploys boxes around the map, these boxes would reward the player with a random unit. Do you know the bomb that the player had to get rid of in the first mission in Halo 2? Well, the same modder found an unused spike-bomb that almost resembles the same bomb.
Question: A Halo Wars 2 modder gave me info on more unused HW2 stuff, one of them were many unused skulls while other were unused Infected Vehicles & Aircrafts, they said that the models are not gonna load in the game so they used another program that can view the unused models, so I ask you this: Since there's a infected Grizzly, Vulture, Phantom, Hornet and Frostraven, do they get their own articles or just a mention in their trivia section? Also, is it okay to share the sceenshots of the models but was used in a separate 3d program? Also, there's an unused EMP Turret & Skull box (The box is active when one of the unused Skulls is activated.)
Sorry to ruin this but the "Brute Tank" has almost no info about it, the Brute Tank is mentioned in the "Sway" (HW Alpha) and in the video "Full Analysis of the Halo Wars Alpha "Sway" Build" in "model viewer" (Timestamp: 4:14) the Brute Tank is one of the model to be viewed. Also in a article named "[OC] An album of cut Halo Wars 1 content" The Brute Tank has an actual rendered Icon that went unused (it also looks like it had it's own unused upgrade). Same goes with the Gargoyle as it has roughly any info. (Also since this one of the unused unit icons, can the UNSC "Tiger Tank" gets it own article?
Hay, so after learning some of the policy, I'll try to add more notability so I hope a page I created goes as you expected. If not, I'll try to take a longer break from creating new articles.
Hay, so do you mind sending me a link to the policies? (Also, I'm sorry if the articles that I create aren't well-written)
Ok since I'm been making new articles for each HW2 that were introduced (sorry if they're not well written), now I've found another weapon that's been nameless, so Voridus and Warlord (Blitz) have a brand new looking Gravity Hammer in HW2 and if you see the "in-game" image file (file HW2-Voridusg.png & HW2+Warlord Blitz.png) they wield a bigger and newer looking gravity hammer and just like the Bloodfuel rifle it has no name nor one mention from 343 nor the devs. So can "unidentified graivty hammer" be it's article name?
Also, just letting you know that I've created pages for almost every grunt (Bloodfuel, Mob and Prowling) in HW2 and I also create a separate pages for the Brutes (Bloodfuel and Suicide) and the Elite (Prowling).
Ok, I tried to search every HW2 weapons that hasn't had a article about them, and so here's what I thought Banished Weapons: Infused Hammer (Voridus), Banished Grenade Launcher (Grenadiers), Heavy Mortar System (Pavium), Pavium's Drone, Siphon Hammer (Warlord Blitz). Siphoning beam (Wraith Invader), Strapped Bombs (Suicide units in Blitz), Thrasher missile.
If these count Arbiter's Reprisal (And Blitz Bubble Shield), Pavium's Reflective Shield (And Blitz Bubble Shield), Scarab Shield, Missile launcher (Marauder),
UNSC Gauss Chaingun (Johnson), Mounted Flamer Thrower (Flamehog), Incendiary Grenade Launcher (Flamehog), SMG with laser sigh (ODST), SMG with Blue Laser sigh & red projectiles (Sunray), Gauss Overcharge (Forge's Warthog)
If these count Rocket Launcher with Laser sight (Hornet Wingman), Reflective Shield (Blitz Reactive units)
Also, when I said "Shock" for the Lockdown, I meant the orange skull that "Shock" units are combined with in Blitz.
Also, when I was thinking a name for the Bloodfuel Rifle (tho not official) I tried searching if there were any names the davs or 343 named in Halo Waypoint, artices or post but I didn't found anything, So now I've been thinking some names for the rifle and here's what I thought of:Bloodfuel Rifle (of course), Siphoning Rifle (Since the Wraith Invader has that name "Siphoning beam" in Halo Waypoint), Siphon Rifle, or maybe Unnamed Banished Rifle. So I wonder which of these 4 is best for use, and I will put the article name template.
Ok, I've gotten additional questions now! Since the mod doesn't alter or add any graphic at all, 1. in the retail game, the Terror Wraith cannot have Vehicle Symbiotes however in mod they can have it. So that's not ok for wiki use right? 2. I've uploaded a file titled "HW2 Lockdown Scorpion (Very close).png" is that ok for wiki use (even if they don't have the "Shock")? 3. Since I might create the Bloodfuel Grunt, I wanted to have a closer view of the gun itself. However, the Brutes and the Grunts give it a very hard time giving it a full view, so in the mod, the Elite Rangers can hold it (since the gun itself looks like a sniper rifle). I uploaded another file titled "HW2 BloodFuel Rifle.png" I tried to compare it to the Beam Rifle then I realized that it resembles a bit like the Type-52 Focus Rifle. However, if it's own weapon model, can it have it's own page?
Questions. 1. If I wanted to make and upload a gif about the various execution animating in HW2, what file type do I put in? 2. Halo wars 2 has infected vehicles, would they ever get their own page? 2.1 Also, How do I make pages and what type of category does the Infected Grizzly go? 3. Are mods okay? 4. Is it allowed to put how many Skitterers can each unit have? 5. Is it allowed to upload a file of our own spartan and place them in our profiles only?