ScaleMaster117's board-to-board with Tacitus
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Thanks. Also, as a follow-up question on the matter of the galaxy map in Warfleet, do you think the Halo locations shown on the map can be thought of as valid, at least in terms of which spiral arm each ring is located in?
Hey, Jugus here. I was wondering if you'd be able to shed any light into the issue I brought up a while back on the Preceptor talk page. Warfleet's info seems contradictory on whether they are supposed to be live Forerunners or Guardian-like robots.
A recent edit of the Unrelenting page reminded me of something I was going to ask you when I first reviewed your updated scale chart. I notice you've identified the example of the CRS-class as the Unrelenting, no doubt in reference to the ship's appearance in the Fall of Reach comic adaptation. Do you have insider info that the ship is canonically a CRS-class?
I'm asking this because of the discrepancy between the way the ship is shown in the comic and how it's described in the book (ovoid-shaped, single lateral line, etc. don't really match up with the cruiser shape). In other matters we've treated the comic adaptation as secondary to the novel wherever the two contradict, so I'm a little unsure whether we should call the Unrelenting a CRS-class on the basis of the comic alone, unless 343i has actually clarified that the ship is canonically a CRS.
Yes, I had one already drawn, but did not upload it to HBO in my signage article. Should do that...
I was going to attempt to put it in the article, but I'm still learning all this Wiki stuff so it's slow going. Not up to including images yet. :)
I figured out how to upload it to Halopedia though. It's here: File:UNSC-7thFleet.png
On a note related to our recent discussions, would you happen to have a graphic of the Seventh Fleet emblem handy we could use in our Seventh Fleet article?
Hey, I just added a comment to the Talk page for the FFG-127. I was wondering if you could maybe help me with how to properly cite the change I made. You've undoubtedly come across all kinds of ways and I'm still a little new here. I think I'm clear in my comment, but wanted to know if you object to my reason for changing it.
Thank you for clearing up that nagging little issue. Overall, remember, wherever you see something wrong, don't hesitate to correct us. Having been here for quite a while, I've come to see just how many mistakes have snuck in over the years. We're trying to correct these to our best ability, but with this kind of a page/editor ratio we can only do so much. That, and not everyone is a walking Halo encyclopedia so they usually won't spot the more technical details.
And feel absolutely free to add the heights to the ships. If the length and width are regarded as canon, it only stands to reason that the same applies to the height. As for the citation format, we list the game (or any other piece of media in question) in bold and then the more precise source in italics - for example: <ref>'''Halo 3''' ''game files''</ref>
. Hope that helps.
Thanks, Jugus. Nice to make your acquaintance. I hope I can be of help here. I'll do what I can to help make things more complete. I'm not savvy with wiki editing yet, but I can certainly lend a hand with some discussion.
Thanks for the invite to the discussion. I replied to two different topics in that discussion. One on the CMA logo issue and one on the hierarchy of FLEETCOM, CENTCOM, etc.
I would like to also know how to go about providing info on, say Halo objects. As you may know, I was responsible for either providing or double-checking 343 Industries' info on the sizes of objects in the Halo Essential Visual Guide. It was determined that items like vehicles and ships would only have a length and width (no height due to lack of page space) and that ships would be rounded to whole numbers. I was wondering what your opinion would be on how to annotate heights that I have for the actual Halo models used in game. In my own records, I would source it as "GameData" since the values derive from the 3D assets themselves, but I can imagine someone reverting that as a source of canon info. Would you want that info and how would you want to source it?
I see your a monster editor here...nice going! Quite the edit count!
First off, welcome to Halopedia. It's good to finally have you here.
I was wondering if you could offer your insight into an issue we've been having over a supposed Colonial Military Administration logo, originating from your HBO gallery page. Based on the filename ("CIV-CMA-logo1") some of our editors have added it to the article as the "CMA's official logo", but we've been having difficulty actually finding an official confirmation on this - no one even has any idea where the logo came from, in-universe. For more, see this talk page.
Your help would be greatly appreciated in finally making some sense out of this.