ScaleMaster117's board-to-board with Shazamikaze
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Hi, Xamikaze. That's good news! Screenshots can be taken when reviewing a game you played in the Theater (one of the options like Campaign or Multiplayer in that menu) in Halo 3 campaign and multiplayer, ODST campaign, multiplayer and Firefight, Reach campaign, multiplayer, and firefight and Halo 4 multiplayer only. Any game you play becomes available in the Theater. If you don't save the Theater film to the Xbox hard drive and you shut the Xbox down or switch games, they may not be available. Be sure to save the games you know you want to keep for review. What Halo games do you have?
I'm now officially on Xbox LIVE! Come and find me! :-) My gamertag is my username! By the way, how exactly do I take screenshots? I've been looking through my game guides to try and find out, but I could use a little help.
I managed to get a render of the Forerunner Fusion Coil you were asking about. The reddish glow may not be correct but it's the only render I could obtain. The actual name is as I indicated it: Forerunner Fusion Coil. Hope this was what you were after.
Oh, I think I found out how they were able to mod the game to get those screenshots. Uh, do you have anything against modding? If you don't, I'd appreciate it if you could get me a screenshot of the Forerunner Power Core, as well as some of the other crossed-out items on my Wanted Images List, when you have the time to spare. If you don't like modding, then forget it.
I'll see if I can clarify with 343i. They may intend it to be the Halo 2 Scarab but Palace Hotel informed us it was a T-47 along with the Halo 3 variety. It may just be something we haven't seen yet like the D78 Pelican. Did the Super Scarab in Halo Wars on Arcadia get a designation? Perhaps that. I'll find out.
Hey, what is the Type-36? Is that something for the V1 model of the Scarab or something? What is it?
Not yet. Other than downloading the Champions bundle and playing with HBO guys for a couple of hours, I haven't touched Halo in weeks. Partly due to no time. Partly due to my wife using the TV the Xbox is hooked to.
Just uploaded 2 already-cut out shots of the Reach Seraph I was able to get. They're on my userpage.
I am, too. Very extremely obsessed. Haven't really decided if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Good thing, it isn't my idol, if you catch my drift. Doesn't really matter if you don't. But I'm sure you do. ;-)
Not in particular. I may check Destiny out when it's available. I don't involve myself in too many video games. I'm just a really huge Halo fan. :)
Just out of curiosity, are you looking forward to and interested in Destiny?
What I meant to say was, that is all good to know. I hadn't realized that before. As I said in my previous message, it doesn't really matter, we already have some pretty good images of some of those other things. Get what you can, and I greatly appreciate your help. And when you do get a copy of Halo: Reach, let me know. Thanks again. :-)
Oh, and sorry if it seems a bit much that I'm looking for. The Halo Waypoint images are good, but they lack in larger sizes, no offense. In-game images work well.
It's on my talk page, and it's also here on one of my special userpages. Sorry for repeat message. And yes, I meant in multiplayer.